
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/18 15:06:22
 【Weather May 29】
Wuhan: cloudy 22~33℃
Yichang: cloudy 19~32℃
Shiyan: cloudy 19~30℃【Highlights】
>Watermelon farmers affected
>Blast in Chengdu kills 1
>Defense contractors breached
>Turning Moon into mirror
>NASA reveals spaceship for Mars
>Dog goes home on broken legs
>Tips: 'Try to find my feet'
'找自己的脚'为何意?【Cover Story】
>A new bumper sticker culture
As more car owners choose funny stickers to show their personality, bumper stickers are becoming a new culture in cities, China News Service reported. The most popular stickers are those with humor, such as "Don't chase me, I'm not a beauty" and "Old, dazzled and slow to react". The funny words can also calm people's road rage. A cab driver said: "Once I was waiting at a red light. The car in front of mine was extremely slow and failed to pass the crossing after several green lights. I was about to lose my temper when I saw the bumper car: 'Don't hate me, hate the driving school'. I laughed out loud and forgot about my anger."
据中新社报道,越来越多的车主选择各种有趣的车贴来彰显个性,个性车贴正在成为中国都市的新文化。其中,最受欢迎的是调侃型车贴,如"别追我,我不是美女"、"人老眼花,反应不快",轻松搞笑的同时也能让人释怀。一位出租车司机说:"有次等红灯,前方的车速度超慢,几次绿灯也没走过去,刚想发怒,看见车尾处贴着'别恨我,恨驾校',让我哈哈一笑,怒气全消。" 【Top News】
>Watermelon farmers affected
The watermelon industry and farmers are greatly affected after reports that the use of growth-accelerating chemicals had caused watermelons to burst in Jiangsu, Xinhua reported. In Wenchang, Hainan, nearly 20,000 mu of watermelon rotted in the field, but farmers can only stand by and watch. An official with Wenchang's agriculture bureau said farmers don't need the chemical to grow watermelon as Hainan island has the right climate and plenty of sunshine. "We feel wronged as we didn't use the chemical at all." In Panzhihua, Sichuan, a farmer used a micro blog to seek help, saying the popular watermelons here are sweet and tasty, but watermelons weighing tens of thousands of kilograms are rotting due to the watermelon explosion report.
据新华社报道,江苏日前曝出膨大剂致西瓜爆炸的消息殃及西瓜产业,害苦了瓜农。在海南文昌市,近2万亩西瓜滞销田中,农民只能眼睁睁地看着西瓜熟透腐烂。文昌市农业局官员表示,海南岛气温适宜、光照充足,根本不需要使用膨大剂来增加营养。"我们很冤,因为我们根本就没有使用膨大剂。"在四川攀枝花市,一位瓜农发微博求助,称当地西瓜味道甜口感好,往年畅销,但今年受膨大剂传闻影响,几万斤西瓜都烂在地里。>Defense contractors breached
Unknown hackers have broken into the security networks of Lockheed Martin Corp and several other US military contractors, a source with direct knowledge of the attacks told Reuters Saturday. They breached security systems designed to keep out intruders by creating duplicates to "SecurID" electronic keys from EMC Corp's RSA security division. It was not immediately clear what kind of data, if any, was stolen by the hackers. But Lockheed's and other military contractor networks house sensitive data on future weapons systems as well as military technology currently used in battles in Iraq and Afghanistan.
据路透社报道,包括洛克希德·马丁公司在内的数家美国军事承包商的安全网络遭到未知黑客破坏。据掌握一手消息的内部人士28日称,黑客从EMC公司RSA安全目录下复制电子钥匙SecurID破坏了防止入侵的防御系统。目前尚不清楚这些公司是否被盗,以及何种数据被盗。洛克希德等数家承包商存有美军方敏感数据,包括未来武器系统及目前在伊拉克和阿富汗使用的军事技术。 >Turning Moon into mirror
It sounds like something out of science fiction - a huge swath of the moon covered with solar panels to beam captured energy back to Earth. But plans to turn the moon into a gigantic mirror ball manned by robots to provide all the Earth's energy came a step closer to reality today, when they were unveiled by Japanese construction giant Shimizu Corp's research division. The plan would result in 13,000 terawatts of continuous solar energy being transmitted back to receiving stations on Earth, either by laser or microwave. The quest for finding alternate energy sources has been hastened in Japan in the wake of the Fukushima nuclear power station crisis sparked by the tsunami in March. Shimizu said on its website: "A shift from economical use of limited resources to the unlimited use of clean energy is the ultimate dream of all mankind. Our lunar solar power generation concept translates this dream into reality."
用巨大的太阳能电池板将月球包裹,再将收集的能量反射回地球,这也许听起来像科幻电影的情节。但日本建筑业巨头清水建设株式会社研究部日前公布计划,将通过遥控机器人把月球变成巨大"镜球"反射太阳能,而反射来的能量将解决地球上所有用电需求。按照计划,月球反射太阳能将以激光或微波的方式传送给地球上的接收站,可持续供应能量1.3万太瓦。自从3月日本海啸引发福岛核危机以来,日本就加快了寻找替代核能能源的步伐。清水公司在其网站上写道:"从节约使用有限资源到无限使用清洁能源的转变是人类的终极梦想,我们的月球太阳能传输计划将把此梦想变为现实。">Prisoners wrongly released
Computer errors resulted in some 450 inmates with "a high risk for violence" being wrongly released from California prisons, the Los Angeles Times reported. More than 1,000 prisoners, deemed to be at high risk of committing drug and property crimes, were also released into the community. All the offenders were placed on "non-revocable parole" - a program that does not require them to report to parole officers. The revelations come 2 days after the US Supreme Court ruled that California's prisons are dangerously overcrowded and upheld an earlier order that state officials find a way to reduce the 143,335-inmate population by roughly 33,000.
据《洛杉矶时报》报道,由于电脑程序出错,美国加利福尼亚州监狱错放了约450名"高危险暴力"罪犯。此外,还有1000多名极可能从事毒品犯罪、财产盗窃罪的犯人也获释。所有这些罪犯还获得"不可撤销假释"或无监管假释,即假释期间可不用向假释官汇报。此事是在美国最高法院判定加州监狱犯人过多两天后曝光的。高院维持初步裁定,让该州政府想办法将犯人数量从目前的143335人中减少约3.3万人。 【In Brief】
>A severe drought starting in April has affected some 34.83m people in 5 provinces along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, according to the Ministry of Civil Affairs.
>One person died and 2 others injured after an explosion hit a building of the branch office of Chengdu City Bus Group in Sichuan, Xinhua reported. The blast occurred about 10:35 am Saturday and the cause of the explosion remains under investigation.
>Chinese tourists will be able to visit Japan's southernmost prefecture of Okinawa on multiple-entry visas starting July 1, Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said Friday, Kyodo News reported.
>NASA revealed a new spaceship called the Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle. It can take 4 astronauts to Mars.(See photo)
美国国家宇航局近日公布了一款最新研制的多用途载人飞船,可携载4位宇航员飞往火星。(见图)  【Newsmaker】
>Dog goes home on broken legs
Almost 3 weeks after deadly tornadoes ripped through Alabama, US, a dog named Mason crawled back home with 2 broken legs, the Huffington Post reported. Mason was blown away during the storms. He had been hiding in a garage when the storm picked him up and blew him away on April 27. The owners had all but given up on finding the dog when they returned home, and there he was, sitting on the front porch.
据美国《赫芬顿邮报》报道,美国阿拉巴马州日前遭遇强大龙卷风,一只名叫梅森的小狗4月27日在车库内躲避龙卷风时被卷走。梅森的主人几乎放弃了寻找的努力。三周以后,当他们回到被摧毁的房子时,发现梅森就在门口坐着等他们。这只小狗两条腿都折断了,可它愣是爬回了家。 【Language Tips】
'Try to find my feet'
如果有人对你说他正在"try to find my feet"(试着找到自己的脚),别惊慌,他不是什么无脚怪。Try to find my feet是个习惯用语,可理解为给自己找个落脚处,表示"我正在努力适应新环境"。
I'm a little bit worried about my new job. I'm trying to find my feet.
我有点担心新工作,正努力适应新环境。 【China Daily Radio】
CD第一届翻译大赛日前,清华大学第四教学楼被命名为"真维斯楼",引起极大争议,很多人认为这样的冠名商业气味太浓。清华大学称,为校园建筑物命名是国内外学校筹集资金的通行做法。不过有报道称清华大学已摘下"真维斯楼"标牌。日前引发极大争议的真维斯楼"冠名"英文说法就是take on the name of或者name something after。例如:to name university buildings after prominent figures who have given large donations(以捐资者的名字为学校建筑冠名)。清华大学将classroom building(教学楼)以大众服装品牌命名后,一时间舆论哗然。清华大学回应说,这是高等院校raise funds(筹资)的一种common practice(通行做法)。教学楼挂牌真维斯的行为属于product placement(植入式广告),可以起到良好的宣传效果,但是有人认为把真维斯作为教学楼名和清华大学作为elite institution in China(国内顶尖学府)的地位不相符。我们来看这段新闻是怎么说的: 请看《中国日报》的报道:A building on the campus of Tsinghua University, one of China's elite colleges, took on the name of a popular clothing company on Monday, giving rise to much debate among students.本周一,国内名校之一的清华大学将校园内的一栋楼用一家大众服装的品牌命名,在学生当中引发了极大争议。CD第一届翻译大赛隆重登场,阅读下面一段文字,并将其翻译成汉语,编辑短信"CD翻译+翻译内容"于5月29日24点前发送至106580007835。中国日报定制礼品等你来拿,特设一等奖一名,二等奖两名,三等奖三名。发短信吧!中国社科院日前发布了我国首部有关社会心态研究的年度报告。报告显示,对子女发展期望排在中国人生活动力的首位。中国人历来将子女看成自我乃至家族的延伸、扩展,正如"望子成龙"所反映的那样,中国文化中的这种内在生活动力至今几乎未曾改变。建议:翻译之前做好功课,固定名词的说法,比如"中科院"等标准化翻译是评判标准之一。不要上网搜,网上很多答案是编造的,并无依据。不要逐字逐句翻译,有时候根据意思翻译可能是不错的选择。不要直接在手机上翻译,最好整理好之后再发短信,不然你会失去耐心。加油吧!(本期英文内容由美籍编辑Nelly Min润色。) 【Weekly Topic】
This week, the renaming of No 4 Building at Tsinghua University as Jeanswest Building has triggered a hot debate among netizens. What's your opinion?
作为我国最好的大学之一,清华大学的做法让人一时难以接受。一个是因为学校应该是一个很纯粹的学术之地,不应该参与这样的商业活动。二是因为,"真维斯"做教学楼名字本来就不太得体。 上海1376***9249
真维斯楼为什么会引起关注?因为它选在了百年清华。人们看待清华的眼光落后了,大家还是以为学校只能搞学术,都忽略了时代发展下学校也在一点点变化着。一个国外非常普遍的现象拿到中国被炒得沸沸扬扬,也该反思了。 广东广州1357***5707 