
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/21 12:57:20
 【Weather May 22】
Wuhan: rainy 15~21℃
Yichang: rainy 15~19℃
Shiyan: rainy 11.5~15℃【Highlights】
>More funds for public housing
>Sanctions on Iranian firms
>IMF new chief by June 30
>'Europe stealing Iran's rain'
>Handbag dog craze criticized
>'Take the point'
点津:一马当先为众人出头【Cover Story】
>Wen visits Japan quake area
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao arrived in Sendai city Saturday, kicking off his 2-day visit to Japan for a trilateral summit of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea (ROK) in Tokyo, Xinhua reported. Shortly after his arrival, Wen headed for nearby Natori city and Fukushima prefecture, both hit hard by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, to convey Chinese people's sympathies for the local people and to demonstrate China's support for Japan's reconstruction efforts. During Wen's stay in Japan, he is scheduled to participate in the 4th trilateral summit of China, Japan and ROK in Tokyo on Sunday. He will also hold bilateral meetings with Japanese Primer Minister Naoto Kan and ROK President Lee Myung-bak.
据新华社报道,中国国务院总理温家宝21日抵达日本仙台,开始为期2天的访日行程。温总理抵日不久,便奔赴名取市、福岛县两个3·11地震海啸重灾区进行访问,表达中国人民对日本人民的同情,以及中方对日本灾后重建的支持。访日期间,温总理将参加22日在东京举行的第4次中日韩领导人会议,并与日本首相菅直人、韩国总统李明博分别举行双边会谈。 【Top News】
>More funds for public housing
China's Ministry of Finance (MOF) said Friday it has added an additional RMB18b in subsidies to fund public housing projects across the country, Xinhua reported. The central government's new subsidies raise the total funds earmarked to support construction of affordable housing projects to RMB61.7b, according to MOF. China's affordable housing plan aims to offer low-rent housing and public rental housing units to low- and middle-income groups. The funds will also be used to help local governments renovate run-down areas and build other related infrastructure facilities, MOF said Of the total, RMB11.7b will go to the low-rent housing program, RMB34b to public rental housing, and RMB16b for renovation projects, according to the statement.
据新华社报道,财政部20日表示,已于日前又下拨了一批180亿元的专项资金用于全国的安居工程,至此今年财政部已累计下拨中央补助保障性安居工程专项资金617亿元。财政部发表声明称,保障性安居工程以为中低收入家庭提供廉租和公租房为目标。该资金还将用于帮助地方政府对破落地区、建筑及其它相关基础设施进行改造。财政部指出,617亿元专项资金中,廉租住房补助资金为117亿元,公共租赁住房补助资金340亿元,城市棚户区改造补助资金160亿元。>Sanctions on Iranian firms
The European Union agreed to sanction more than 100 Iranian companies, sharply expanding existing measures against Iran over its disputed nuclear program, AFP reported. Diplomats said the "significant expansion" in EU sanctions was expected to be approved and announced Monday by the bloc's 27 foreign ministers. Among the firms blacklisted are a German-based Iranian-owned bank believed to be involved in the Islamic republic's secret nuclear weapons program, the European-Iranian Trade Bank. Last June, the UN Security Council slapped a 4th set of sanctions against Iran for refusing to halt its uranium enrichment work.
据法新社报道,欧盟日前已经就扩大对伊朗制裁范围达成一致,100多家伊朗公司因与该国颇具争议核计划有关,被列入制裁名单。外交官员表示,欧盟27国外长将于23日批准并公布这项大幅扩大制裁的决定。被列入黑名单的公司中包括总部位于德国的伊朗欧洲贸易银行,这家银行被指参与了伊朗的秘密核项目。2010年6月,联合国安理会对伊朗进行第4轮制裁,因为伊朗拒绝停止其铀浓缩活动。 >IMF new chief by June 30
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) said Friday it aims to complete the selection of a successor to Dominique Strauss-Kahn by June 30. Countries can nominate candidates for the managing director's position between May 23 and June 10. The procedure "allows the selection of the next managing director to take place in an open, merit-based, and transparent manner," said Shakour Shaalan, the senior member of the 24-person board.
The IMF approved a EUR26b loan Friday for Portugal to help the country recover from a debilitating sovereign debt crisis, saying it would immediately disburse EUR6.1b to ease investor concerns over the euro zone member's debts.
国际基金货币组织20日宣布,同意向葡萄牙提供260亿欧元贷款以缓解该国债务危机。其中61亿欧元将立即拨往葡萄牙,以缓解投资者对其债务的担忧。 【In Brief】
>The middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River saw significant declines in precipitation, hitting the lowest level in 60 years, according to the Chinese Office of State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters.
>China's State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA) issued a circular Friday banning the use of Nimesulide, an anti-inflammatory drug, for children under 12, citing potential side effects such as liver and kidney damage. Previously, the SFDA prevented the use of the drug for babies aged 1 and younger.
>Ai Weiwei, 22, an online model in Fuzhou, Fujian, died May 14 from overwork, fjsen.com reported.
>Italian fashion house Prada received regulatory approval Thursday for its plan to launch a Hong Kong initial public offering that could raise up to $2b, a person familiar with the situation said, the Wall Street Journal reported.
据《华尔街日报》报道,知情人士透露,意大利奢侈品公司普拉达的香港首次公开募股(IPO)计划已于19日获得监管机构批准。通过此次IPO该公司可能会筹得多达20亿美元资金。 【Celebrity】
>Europe stealing Iran's rain
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has accused Western countries of plotting to "cause drought" in Iran by using high-tech equipment to drain the clouds of raindrops, the Daily Telegraph of London reported Saturday. "According to reports on climate, whose accuracy has been verified, European countries are using special equipment to force clouds to dump their water on their continent," he said. By doing so, "they prevent rain clouds from reaching regional countries, including Iran," Ahmadinejad said. Moments after the Iranian president made the startling claim at the inauguration of a dam in a central province, it started to rain.
据英国《每日电讯报》21日报道,伊朗总统内贾德指责西方国家使用高科技设备吸干云层里的雨水,在伊朗制造干旱。内贾德在伊朗中部一大坝落成仪式上说:"根据准确的气候报告,欧洲国家正使用特种设备迫使云层在欧洲大陆降雨,以阻止云层前往包括伊朗在内的一些国家。"不过,就在他发表了这一"雷人"言论片刻后,当地开始下雨。 >Handbag dog craze criticized
They became a must-have fashion accessory for those wanting to ape socialites such as Paris Hilton. The popularity of Chihuahuas was boosted by the fact they could be carried around in handbags. But vets have warned pet owners that they need to look after the dogs properly - or they could end up losing their hair. A 3-year-old dog developed a severe skin disorder after a lifetime as a fashion accessory, the Daily Mail of London reported. Manager Nail Martin of the Bleakholt Animal Sanctuary in Greater Manchester lashed out at the cruel handbag craze and said, "She has been treated like a fashion accessory then dumped because her owners couldn't be bothered to help her."(See photo)
想模仿帕丽斯·希尔顿等社会名媛,宠物狗吉娃娃是不可或缺的"时尚配饰"。吉娃娃因其小巧的体型可被装在手包携带,大受欢迎。但兽医警告说,宠物主人必须善待它们,否则它们有掉光毛的危险。据英国《每日邮报》报道,一只3岁的吉娃娃自出生就被当成"时尚配饰",现在得了严重的皮肤病。英国大曼彻斯特郡布力克豪特动物救助中心经理内尔·马丁猛烈抨击了这一"手包携狗"潮流,说:"她被当成'时尚配饰',生病后惨遭抛弃,因为主人不愿为她治病。"(见图)  【Language Tips】
'Take the point'
Take the point也可以说成walk the point。这个短语本来是军事用语,意思是"担任前哨或尖兵"。每当巡逻队出动执行任务的时候,总会有一名士兵远远走在前面。这名士兵就是在take the point或者walk the point。不管是谁担任前哨或尖兵,这个人都得有勇气和胆量,如果前面有埋伏的敌人,子弹肯定会首先射向他。但是这样就等于是给后面的战友发出了警报,让他们知道前面有敌军埋伏。如今,take the point已作为习惯用语被政界和商界借用,引申为"敢于一马当先为众人出面"。
Everybody was afraid to bring the subject up. But Betty volunteered to take the point and talk to the boss for us all. I'm afraid she has more courage than the rest of us combined.
大家都不敢开口提这事,但是贝蒂却自告奋勇,要为我们出面跟老板谈谈。贝蒂比我们所有人加起来都勇敢。【China Daily Radio】
China Daily Radio
新闻英语听力训练据中央电视台报道,备受各方关注的英菲尼迪车主肇事案17日上午在北京市第二中级人民法院公开审理。被告人陈家因酒驾致两人死亡、一人重伤,被控以危险方法危害公共安全罪。常见汽车类型你知道有多少?一般汽车类型有sports car(跑车)、sedan(轿车)、off-road vehicle(越野车)、SUV(Sport Utility Vehicle,运动型多功能车)等各种车型。被告司机涉嫌四项交通违法行为,一是driving while intoxicated(酒驾),二是running red lights(闯红灯)、三是hit-and-run(肇事逃逸),四是driving above the speed limit(超速行驶)。受害家属要求其支付600多万元的civil compensation(民事赔偿)。准备好了么?我们来听这一段。 请看《中国日报》的报道:Chen Jia was allegedly driving his black Infiniti when he collided with a white Fiat and then a bus at 5:35 am on May 9, 2010, at an intersection near Silk Street in Beijing's Chaoyang district. He is accused of fleeing the scene but was taken into custody 10 hours later.据称,2010年5月9日上午5时35分,在北京朝阳区秀水街附近的十字路口,陈家开着自己的黑色英菲尼迪车先后和一辆白色菲亚特车和一辆公共汽车相撞。陈家被控逃离事故现场,并在10小时后被拘押。(本期英文内容由美籍编辑Nelly Min润色。) 【Weekly Topic】
May 20 is dubbed "Web Valentine's Day" in China's cyberspace, because the number "520" shares a similar pronunciation with "I love you" in Chinese. As many choose to confess their love this weekend, ChinaDaily Mobile News invites you to share your vows with our readership nationwide. Spread the love by sending us a text message for free!