
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/15 09:09:00
 【Weather May 20】
Wuhan: cloudy 21~34℃
Yichang: cloudy 21~34℃
Shiyan: cloudy 16.7~31.4℃【BOC Exchange Rates】
100 USD = 650.48 CNY
100 GBP = 1051.7 CNY
100 EUR = 929.11 CNY
100 HKD = 83.67 CNY
100 JPY = 7.9672 CNY
Shanghai Stock
2859.57 -13.20 -0.46%
HangSeng Stock
23163.38 +152.24 +0.66%【Highlights】
>High-speed railway halted
>Sharing ID No is trouble
>Kahn resigns as IMF chief
>Iran nuke plant operational
>Top 10 graduate jobs in UK
>Schwarzenegger mistress known
>Kids 'abducted' by iPad
iPad'拐走'10个小朋友【Cover Story】
>Automakers making bikes
Cyclists can now have their pick of bikes branded by automakers as a long line of product tie-ins have emerged featuring luxury manufacturers' brands, said Wired magazine. After building the world's first automobile 125 years ago, Daimler has updated the line of bicycles sold under the Mercedes-Benz brand. Audi introduced a series of bikes earlier this year, while Ferrari, Jeep and Cadillac badges have been applied to bicycles in the recent past. There's even a BMW M-series bicycle. However, all of the bikes have one thing in common, said the magazine - they offer middling performance at a premium price tag.
自行车用户终于可以过一把"豪车"的瘾了。如今,顶级汽车制造商纷纷开始打造品牌自行车作为副业。据《连线》杂志报道,推出全球首辆汽车125年后,戴姆勒公司对梅赛德斯-奔驰这块金字招牌下的自行车进行了升级。奥迪则在年初推出了一系列自行车,而法拉利、吉普和凯迪拉克也在近期争相给自行车戴上了自家商标。宝马公司甚至还推出了M系的自行车。不过,报道称,所有这些自行车都有一个共同特点:价格令人咋舌,性能差强人意。 【Top News】
>High-speed railway halted
China's environment watchdog has ordered the operation of a high-speed railway to stop due to violations of environmental laws, according to a notice issued by the Ministry of Environmental Protection Wednesday. The construction of the line between Tianjin and Qinhuangdao was stopped because the project had not applied for an environmental re-evaluation after changing some locations. Before this, the ministry stopped the operation of the Jiaoji passenger railway between Qingdao and Jinan over environmental issues on April 25.
环保部18日发布《责令改正违法行为决定书》,责令天津至秦皇岛的高速铁路客运专线停止建设。决定书称,津秦高铁项目建设地点部分发生改变,而未重新报批环境影响评价文件。这是自4月25日环保部因环境审批问题督促胶济铁路客运专线停止使用后,再次叫停高铁建设。>Sharing ID No is trouble
Statistics show there are roughly 1.5m people who share their ID card number with another person in China, dahe.cn reported. Every Chinese citizen has a life-long exclusive ID card number that represents them. The ID card number is associated with many other personal documents such as residence certificate, passport, graduation certificate, driving license and property ownership certificate. If 2 people share a number, their life could be greatly affected. Changing the number could cost much time and money.
据大河网报道,据不完全统计,全国大约有150万人身份证重号,可能对持有人造成麻烦。公民身份证号码是国家为每个公民编制的唯一的、终身不变的法定身份代码,与持有人其它重要证件都有关联,如户籍、护照、毕业证、驾驶证、房产证等。如遇重号,可能影响持有人的生活和工作,到公安机关进行更改则是件耗时耗钱的事情。 >Kahn resigns as IMF chief
Dominique Strauss-Kahn resigned as head of the International Monetary Fund, Reuters reported. "I deny with the greatest possible firmness all of the allegations that have been made against me," Strauss-Kahn said in his letter of resignation. "I want to devote all my strength, all my time, and all my energy to proving my innocence." Later Thursday, Strauss-Kahn will make his 2nd request to be allowed out of jail on $1m cash bail, his lawyers said.
据路透社报道,国际货币基金组织总裁多米尼克·斯特劳斯-卡恩宣布辞职。卡恩在辞职信中说:"我坚决否认我受到的所有指控。我要用尽所有力气、时间和精力来证明我的清白。"他的律师称,19日晚些时候,卡恩要再次申请100万美元现金保释。>Iran nuke plant operational
Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said the country's first nuclear plant, Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant, is operational, Press TV reported Wednesday. After being started in the 1970s by a German consortium, construction of the plant was abandoned after Iran's 1979 Islamic Revolution. In 1995, Russia began work to complete it under a $1b deal with Tehran. The US and other Western nations urged Russia for years to abandon the project, fearing it would help Iran develop nuclear weapons.
据伊朗新闻电视台18日报道,伊朗外长萨利希宣布,伊朗首座核电站——布什尔核电站已投入运行。20世纪70年代,伊朗与德国签署合同建造布什尔核电站。1979年伊朗爆发伊斯兰革命后,德国终止了与伊朗的合作。1995年,伊朗与俄罗斯签署总额10亿美元的合同,继续建造该核电站。多年来,美国和其它西方国家要求俄罗斯放弃该项目,担忧核电站会帮助伊朗发展核武器。 >Top 10 graduate jobs in UK
UK students have sent a record number of applications for graduate jobs this year with almost 2/5 applying early to the rush. The Daily Telegraph of London has listed the top 10 jobs that college graduates want. Media tops the list as 14.1% of final-year university students are interested in the sector. It is followed by teaching at 13.9% of students and marketing at 13.6%. The rest of list includes investment, consulting, charity, research, accounting, engineering and law.
今年英国高校应届毕业生找工作的热潮提前到来,有2/5的毕业生提前开始求职之路,提交工作申请的数量也创下新高。在此背景下,《每日电讯报》排出了前10名最受大学毕业生热捧的工作。传媒业高居榜首,有14.1%即将毕业的大学生对这个行业感兴趣。紧随其后的是教育和市场营销,分别占13.9%和13.6%。榜单上的其它工作依次为:投资、咨询、公益、科研、会计、工程和法律。 【In Brief】
>China is expected to receive 60m foreign tourists annually by the year 2020, up from 26m in 2010, according to a forecast by tour service TUI China. Destinations less familiar to foreign tourists, such as Sichuan, Yunnan and Shandong, will be more popular.
>Sixty-six key hospitals and clinics in Beijing will start patient registration on a uniform platform starting July 1, the Beijing Times reported.
>A commercial airplane operated by Sol Airlines crashed Wednesday in Argentina's southern Patagonia region, killing all 22 passengers and crew on board, AP reported.
>Thousands of Spanish took to the streets Wednesday protesting against the government's inability to deal with the economic crisis and rising unemployment rate, CNN reported.
>China's Hong Kong, tying with the US, snatched the top spot for the 1st time in the 2011 World Competitiveness Yearbook which was released Wednesday by the International Institute for Management Development in Lausanne, Switzerland, the Wall Street Journal reported.
>Al Qaida has released a posthumous audio recording from Osama bin Laden in which the group's ex-leader praises revolutions sweeping the Arab world and speaks of a "rare historic opportunity" for Muslims to rise up, ABC Online reported.
据澳大利亚广播公司网站报道,"基地"组织发布前领导人本·拉登生前录音,拉登在录音中对阿拉伯世界爆发的系列革命大加赞扬,并称这是穆斯林崛起的"罕见历史性机遇"。 【Quotable Quote】
Yesterday morning, I left the house of detention for the first time. I sat on the floor of the prisoners van with my hands cuffed. People outside the van's window freely enjoyed the sunshine. I kept questioning myself. I used to believe alcohol sets one free. Now I lost my freedom because alcohol in my veins made me a perpetrator of great assault on others' freedom.
昨天早晨我第一次离开看守所,戴着手铐脚镣坐在囚车的地板上,看着车窗外面自由的阳光和人,我就在问自己,我以前一直以为喝酒能给人自由,现在因为喝酒失去了自由,就是我的喝酒行为严重地侵害了别人的自由。 【Newsmakers】
>Schwarzenegger mistress known
As more details emerge about Arnold Schwarzenegger's secret love child and mistress, it seems that she and the former governor's wife were pregnant at the same time, Fox News reported Thursday. The family's housekeeper, identified by celebrity website TMZ.com and other media outlets as Mildred Patricia Baena, was pregnant with Schwarzenegger's son while his wife was pregnant with the couple's 4th child. The children were born one week apart. The 50-year-old Baena worked as the Schwarzeneggers' housekeeper for nearly 2 decades until leaving earlier this year. Now, Baena lives in a middle-class neighborhood outside Bakersfield, California. It seems Schwarzenegger had been giving money to his son's mother and supporting him secretly.(See photo)
据美国福克斯新闻19日报道,施瓦辛格情妇及私生子事件又爆出更多猛料:当年,他的正房妻子和小三同时怀孕。美国娱乐网站TMZ.com和其它媒体把施瓦辛格的情妇锁定为50岁的女管家米尔德里德·帕特丽夏·贝娜。她怀孕时,施瓦辛格的妻子正怀有夫妻二人的第4个孩子。两个孩子出生时间仅相差一周。贝娜在施瓦辛格家工作近20年,直到今年初才离开。现在,她带着孩子住在加州贝克尔斯菲市郊的一个中产阶级社区,据猜测施瓦辛格一直付钱供养母子二人。(见图)  【Kaleidoscope】
>Kids 'abducted' by iPad
A kidnap-prevention course was held for a kindergarten class Wednesday afternoon in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, and the result came as a surprise. Toddlers seemed indifferent to toys and snacks, but 10 out of 36 kids were "abducted" by an iPad, local media reported. After being rejected by 6 kids when trying to use snacks, the "abductor" took out an iPad and soon attracted a group of kids. Ten kids followed the "abductor" when he said, "It's hot here. Let's go to that shady and cool place."
据当地媒体报道,18日下午,浙江省杭州市一幼儿园举行了一场防拐骗演练,结果出乎意料:面对玩具和零食的诱惑,全班36名小朋友大都表现得很不屑,但一台iPad竟成功"拐走"了10名小朋友。"人贩"试图用零食诱惑小朋友,但试了6次都没有成功。不料拿出iPad后,竟吸引了一群小朋友的目光。"人贩"说:"这里太热了,我们去前面阴凉的地方玩吧。"于是10个小朋友跟了上来。 【China Daily Radio】
用心来看电影今天来带大家欣赏的电影是《魂断蓝桥》精选片段,不过我们首先来回答用户提问:1582***8569陕西西安读者:Farmer和peasant都有农民的意思,两者究竟有什么区别啊? 另外,中国的农民应该用哪个?
答: A farmer is someone who raises crops or livestock. Many have advanced university degrees, and make a very good living. Peasant is a word that is not used in the US, because it means someone who is very poor, under the control of a king or rich landowner and without an education. It's a huge insult, and it also is considered the worst kind of discrimination.
答:头疼: I am not feeling very well(当然看医生时可以直接说headache)。头晕: I feel dizzy right now。想吐: I feel like vomiting。 继续提问吧! 相信大家对这个电影已经很熟悉了,不过之前我们还是来看一些重点单词:
take something for granted:对某事物得来不以为然,体会不到重要性。
好了,我们开始听这段! The wonderful about living is that this sort of thing can happen.
In a shadow of a death raid, I can meet you and feel more intensely alive than walking around in peacetime and taking my life for granted.
It's a high price to pay for it.
I don't think so.
I do. Do people have to kill each other to give them a heightened sense of life?
我就是这样想的,难道人类必须要相互残杀才能强烈感受到生活么? 【Word Power】
self-discipline pact
Representatives from 140 portals and other websites signed a self-discipline pact Monday in Beijing, which vows to protest against illegal public relations on the Internet.
energy crunch
Power shortages that gripped many parts of China in recent months could herald the worst energy crunch in years amid growing concerns that economic growth may suffer.
近几个月来国内许多地区出现的电力短缺预示着将可能出现数年来最严重的能源危机,有关经济增长会因此受阻的担忧也在加剧。(本期英文内容由美籍编辑Clark Cahill润色。) 【TOEIC Test Daily】
Customers at Willington Appliances may request that _____ merchandise be delivered free of charge.
(A) they
(B) them
(C) their
(D) themselves