
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/22 05:43:25
 【Weather May 17】
Wuhan: sunny 19~32℃
Yichang: sunny 19~33℃
Shiyan: sunny 17~36.5℃【BOC Exchange Rates】
100 USD = 650.89 CNY
100 GBP = 1053.3 CNY
100 EUR = 916.39 CNY
100 HKD = 83.74 CNY
100 JPY = 8.0496 CNY
Shanghai Stock
2849.07 -21.96 -0.76%
HangSeng Stock
22960.63 -315.64 -1.36% 【Highlights】
>Anti-subsidy taxes on EU
>Fire traps residents in ZJ
>NATO hits oil port
>IMF chief agrees medical check
>Taliban tweets in English
>Cruise liner breaks down
>The steepest roller coaster
日本建最陡过山车(图)【Cover Story】
>US carrier protested
Philippine President Benigno Aquino III led senior members of his Cabinet on a visit Saturday to the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier where former al Qaida leader Osama bin Laden's body was buried at sea, the Canadian press reported. The USS Carl Vinson is scheduled to dock in Manila Bay from May 15 to 18 for routine replenishment, maintenance of shipboard systems and crew liberty, according to an official from the Presidential Commission on the Visiting Forces Agreement. But Kabataan partylist Raymond "Mong" Palatino disagreed with the decision to allow the vessel to dock in Philippine territory. "Philippine officials should disallow this ship of death from visiting our shores," Palatino said, warning the visit "could attract terror groups and al Qaida cells seeking revenge and endanger the lives of Filipinos."
据加拿大通讯社报道,菲律宾总统阿基诺三世14日率内阁成员造访核动力航母"卡尔·文森",该航母曾为"基地"组织头目本·拉登举行海葬。军事访问协议总统特使团的一位官员表示,该航母于5月15-18日驻扎在马尼拉码头,其主要目的是进行"例行补给、舰船维护和人员休整"。来自菲律宾青年党的帕拉蒂诺认为,政府应拒绝这艘"死亡之船"在菲律宾海岸停靠,并警告称,美国此次访问或"招致恐怖组织和基地分子的报复,让菲律宾人民的生命陷入险境。" 【Top News】
>Anti-subsidy taxes on EU
China said Monday it would levy anti-subsidy duties on imports of European Union potato starch, xinhuanet.com reported. China's first anti-subsidy investigation against the EU found EU firms enjoyed stock starch subsidies of as much as 11.19%, singling out producers Roquette Freres at 7.7% and Avebe at 11.19%. "Starting from May 19, Chinese importers of EU potato starch must pay corresponding anti-subsidy duties at customs according to the subsidy rates for each company established in this decision," the Ministry of Commerce said in a statement. 
据新华网报道,中国商务部16日发布公告,初步裁定原产于欧盟的进口马铃薯淀粉存在补贴。其中,法国罗盖特公司的从价补贴率为7.7%,荷兰艾维贝公司的从价补贴率为11.19%,其它欧盟公司的从价补贴率最高为11.19%。公告称,我国决定,自2011年5月19日起,进口经营者在进口原产于欧盟的马铃薯淀粉时,将依据本案初裁确定的各公司从价补贴率向海关提供临时反补贴税保证金。该案是中国对欧盟进口产品的首起反补贴调查。>Fire traps residents in ZJ
A fire that broke out Monday morning trapped at least 3 or 4 people in an apartment building in Ningbo, Zhejiang, Xinhua reported. The fire started around 11 am Monday, filling the apartment's 5th floor hallways with thick smoke, said a firefighter. As of noon, firefighters have rescued several residents from the 15-floor building, according to witnesses. The condition of the trapped residents is currently unknown.
据新华社报道,16日上午11时许,浙江省宁波市一个15层的公寓楼发生火灾。消防员称,这栋楼的第5层楼道里浓烟密布。目击者称,截至中午,已有多人被救出,目前仍有三四个人被困,情况未知。 >NATO hits oil port
NATO aircrafts blasted an oil terminal in a key eastern city in a Sunday nightfall strike, Libyan TV reported. The strike occurred after Britain urged the alliance to widen its assault on areas controlled by Moammar Gadhafi. The Libya TV report said NATO bombs hit methanol tanks at the oil port of Ras Lanouf, causing leaks. NATO officials had no immediate comment.
据利比亚国家电视台报道,英国要求联军对卡扎菲控制地区扩大袭击范围后,北约战机15日傍晚轰炸了东部城市拉斯拉努夫的一个石油港口,炸弹击中了港口的甲醇罐,造成甲醇泄漏。北约官员对此尚未置评。>IMF chief agrees medical check
IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn was charged Sunday with trying to rape a New York hotel maid, Reuters reported. Strauss-Kahn's first court appearance before a state judge had been expected Sunday night but was delayed after investigators asked a judge for a warrant to search his body for scratches, a police spokesman said. The defendant agreed to a medical examination voluntarily, one of his defense lawyers said.
据路透社报道,当地时间15日,国际货币基金组织总裁多米尼克·斯特劳斯-卡恩因性侵纽约宾馆服务员被正式起诉。警方发言人表示,法庭原定于15日晚对其进行提审,但由于调查人员要求法官授权检查斯特劳斯-卡恩的身体是否有抓伤,庭审被推迟。斯特劳斯-卡恩的辩护律师表示,斯特劳斯-卡恩同意自愿进行身体检查。 [老婆发声力挺]
The IMF chief's wife, well-known French television personality Anne Sinclair, jumped to her husband's defense. "I do not believe for a single second the accusations leveled against my husband," she said in a statement.
He had not yet declared his candidacy, but Strauss-Kahn was expected to run for the Socialist Party and early opinion polls showed him with a big lead over the incumbent, Nicolas Sarkozy, who is seeking a 2nd term at the election next April.
France's government as well as Strauss-Kahn's political allies and rivals called for caution and respect for the presumption of innocence, but his presidential ambitions appeared to be dead unless the case against him quickly unravels and he is shown to be innocent.
法国政府以及斯特劳斯-卡恩的政治同盟和对手都呼吁谨慎并尊重无罪假设,但除非此事很快水落石出,表明他的清白,否则他的总统梦破灭无疑。 >Taliban tweets in English
The Taliban once banned all television, music and cinema in Afghanistan, but now they are fighting their war via Twitter, the online messaging network, AFP reported Sunday. The Islamist extremists sent out their first tweet in English on May 12 claiming, "enemy attacked in Khak-e-Safid", along with a link to their website for more details about rebel fighters killing "at least 6 puppet police". "We did it because we know Twitter is a popular social network in the West and we want to make our voice heard," Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said. An official Taliban page on Facebook had been shut down by the company earlier this year.
据法新社15日报道,阿富汗塔利班曾禁止当地人看电视电影和听音乐,现在时移世易,他们竟开始尝试用微博Twitter进行宣传。12日,塔利班首次用英语在Twitter上发布消息称,"敌人在哈克萨菲德遭到攻击",并附上网站链接提供详情称,"至少6名傀儡警察死亡"。塔利班发言人穆扎希表示:"我们知道,在西方,Twitter是个受欢迎的社交网站。我们希望人们听到我们的声音。"塔利班曾在社交网站Facebook上建立公共主页,但在今年初被该公司关闭。>Cruise liner breaks down
A cruise ship carrying about 2,000 passengers and crew spent much of Sunday adrift in the Baltic Sea after an electrical failure, the Swedish sea rescue said, AFP reported. The liner operated by the Swiss-Italian company MSC Cruises broke down off the Swedish island of Gotland. The MSC Opera left Southampton on May 7 for a 10-night trip to Stockholm, Helsinki, St Petersburg and Copenhagen, and was due to return to Southampton Tuesday. In a statement Sunday evening, the cruise firm said the boat would be towed to the port of Nynashamn near Stockholm overnight where it would organize the repatriation of its 1,800 passengers.
据法新社报道,瑞典海上救援队表示,一艘载有约2000名游客和船员的游轮因断电而漂泊在波罗的海海面上等待援救。这艘游轮属于一家瑞士、意大利籍游轮公司MSC。该游轮于5月7日从英国南安普顿启航,开始为期10天的航程,途经斯德哥尔摩、赫尔辛基、圣彼得堡和哥本哈根等地,本应于17日早返回南安普顿,不想15日在哥特兰岛附近海域发生故障,之后一直处于漂流状态。游轮公司于15日当晚发表声明称,游轮将被牵引至斯德哥尔摩附近的尼奈斯港过夜,并将为船上1800名游客做返程安排。 【In Brief】
>China's trade surplus may drop to around $100b in 2011, the China Securities Journal quoted a central bank advisor as saying in a Monday report.
>Two people were killed and 12 others injured after a gas explosion occurred Monday morning in an apartment building in Dalian, Liaoning, Xinhua reported.
>RIM is recalling about 1,000 faulty BlackBerry PlayBooks which feature an operating system that prevents users from performing the initial set up of the device. RIM said the recall only applies to the 16 GB versions of the device.
黑莓制造商RIM宣布召回近1000部有问题的PlayBook平板电脑,原因是用户无法对问题平板电脑进行初始化操作。RIM表示,召回只涉及16G版本的平板电脑。 【Quotable Quote】
Cultural fit is incredibly important on a candidate's abilities to use his skills, you have a positive effect through skills, but culture completely cancels that out.
求职者要想充分发挥自己的才能,文化契合度至关重要。你的技能会给企业带来好处,但是如果存在文化方面的冲突,这一好处将完全被抵消。 【Kaleidoscope】
>The steepest roller coaster
A roller coaster with a maximum descent angle of 121 degrees is applying for the Guinness world record. It will open to the public on July 16 at Japan's Fuji-Q Highland, Kyodo News Agency reported Sunday. The track is 1 km long and riders are accelerated to 100 km/h. The cost of the coaster is about 3b yen (RMB240m).(See photo)
据日本共同社15日报道,日本建成一最大角度达121度的过山车,正在申请吉尼斯世界纪录。这一过山车将于7月16日在日本富士急游乐园投入使用。该过山车的轨道长约1公里,时速100公里,建设费用约30亿日元(约合人民币2.4亿元)。(见图)  【China Daily Radio】
目标:用基本英文描述身边事物又到了无聊周一! 又要上学上班了!
amino acid:氨基酸
spleen:脾脏,坏脾气的。准备好了吗?西湖牛肉羹开喝! West Lake Beef Broth is a traditional dish in Hangzhou. It is often used to moisturize the throat and the appetizing broth is known for its rich fragrance, smoothness, freshness and tastiness. Beef contains amino acid, which is a necessary element for the human body, and it can nourish the spleen and stomach, as well as strengthen the bones and muscles.
西湖牛肉羹是浙江杭州传统名菜,由于它香醇润滑,鲜美爽口,因此常常作为润喉开胃的羹汤。牛肉含有人体必需的氨基酸,且能健脾开胃,强筋壮骨。大小姐实在觉得这道菜已经不算是浙菜了,北方餐厅里是不是随处可见? 可见美食是不分地域的,只要好吃大家都会埋单是不是? 好了,今天节目结束之前,大小姐给大家出任务啦! 每天只是看新闻学英语,是不是有时候也蠢蠢欲动? 那么就来练笔吧! 感兴趣的同学,请将以下文字翻译成英文,答案发送至106580007835。编辑部将选出优秀作品予以刊登并有薄礼相送,还等什么?宋嫂鱼羹是南宋时期流传下来的菜肴。因其汤味鲜美,宋高宗对鱼羹赞赏有加,并赏赐文银百两给宋嫂。从此,宋嫂鱼羹就传开了。(本期英文内容由美籍编辑Clark Cahill润色。) 【TOEIC Test Daily】
TOEIC test + TOEIC score = Get ahead of the competition![样题]
Mariko Sato was concerned that problems with paperwork might _______ a postponement of her hiring date.
(A) necessitate
(B) desire
(C) constrain
(D) expect