
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/14 16:57:30
 【Weather May 11】
Wuhan: rainy 16~21℃
Yichang: rainy 18~24℃
Shiyan: cloudy 15~28℃【BOC Exchange Rates】
100 USD = 649.5 CNY  
100 GBP = 1064.73 CNY 
100 EUR = 931.12 CNY  
100 HKD = 83.56 CNY  
100 JPY = 8.0919 CNY  
Shanghai Stock
2890.63 +18.17 +0.63%
HangSeng Stock
23336.00 +176.86 +0.76%【Highlights】
>ZJ down payment raised
>Cuba allows foreign travel
>New spy plane revealed
>Quake forecast in Rome
>Cat ears know feelings
日本'猫耳朵'随喜怒而动 【Cover Story】
>Lifting export controls urged
The 3rd round of China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogues started in Washington D.C. Monday. Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan urged the US to lift export and investment controls directed against Beijing, chinanews.com reported. Wang pressed Washington to "take credible steps to relax high-tech export controls vis-à-vis China, recognize China's market economy status, accord fair treatment to Chinese companies investing in the US and refrain from politicizing economic and trade issues."
第三轮中美战略与经济对话9日在美国华盛顿开幕。据中新网报道,中国国务院副总理王岐山呼吁美方切实放宽对华高技术产品出口管制,承认中国市场经济地位。王岐山还呼吁美方公平对待中国企业赴美投资,避免经贸问题政治化。【Top News】
>ZJ down payment raised
The required down payment in some bank branches in Zhejiang for 1st home buyers has been raised to 40%, and the mortgage rate has been hiked up to 1.05-1.1 times the benchmark interest rate, the Beijing News reported. 3 of the 4 biggest national banks, China Construction Bank, Bank of China and the Agricultural Bank of China are involved in the rise, with only the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China unchanged. The minimum down payment for 1st home buyers in Beijing reportedly remains at 30%.
据《新京报》报道,四大行中除工行之外,建行、中行、农行浙江省分行日前将首套房贷首付上调至4成,利率为基准利率上浮5%-10%。北京目前贷款购买首套房仍执行不低于3成的首付款比例标准。 >Tainted liangpi seized
Watchdogs in Tianjin have closed down 3 illegal workshops which produce tainted liangpi (translucent noodles made from the wheat starch left over from producing gluten), local media reported. Illegal cooking oil, illegal additives such as alum, and artificial colorings were found in the workshops. As much as 1.7 tons of tainted liangpi were seized – although the amount accounts for only a day's output in the 3 workshops. These poisonous food products are sold to nearby wholesale markets and restaurants.
据天津媒体报道,天津市执法机关日前查封了3家凉皮黑作坊。执法人员在这些黑作坊中发现了地沟油以及明矾等非法添加剂,还有多种色素。多达1.7吨的"毒凉皮"被查获,而这些只是3家黑作坊一天的产量。这些"毒凉皮"不仅送往附近的批发市场,还会送到一些餐厅。>Cuba allows foreign travel
Cubans will be allowed to travel abroad as tourists for the 1st time in 52 years, according to a reform plan released Monday by the Communist Party, AFP reported. The document gave no further detail on the travel policy or a date on which it would be implemented. Currently, Cubans are not officially prohibited from traveling abroad, but a series of requirements prevent them from simply buying a plane ticket and leaving.
据法新社报道,古巴共产党9日发布改革方案,政府将允许古巴公民出国旅游,这在52年来尚属首次。但这份文件对古巴公民出国旅游政策没有制订具体细节,也没有规定何时生效。此前,古巴官方也并未明确限制公民出国旅游,但实际上古巴人想出国必须通过层层关卡,远不止买上机票就走人那么简单。 >Top school misleads students
More than 800 students studying for a training program offered by the School of Economics at the Central University of Finance and Economics face a dilemma over whether to postpone graduation or quit studying, the Beijing News reported. Most of the students paid extra fees to be enrolled in this program after failing their college entrance examination. The school promised to grant a bachelor's degree after 4 years, however the length of schooling has now been changed to at least 5 years. Some students have already chosen to quit school.
School authorities say the students are not quick learners and need more time to study before they can qualify to receive bachelor degrees. Government officials say the school is at fault for making such promises.
校方称,这些学生学习能力不强,必须花更多时间才能达到本科水平,方可毕业。政府工作人员表示,校方当初宣传、承诺存在问题。>New spy plane revealed
Aerospace giant Northrop Grumman has developed a new spy plane that can listen in on phone conversations, use high-powered radar and shoot live video footage as it flies at 30,000 feet above the Earth, the Los Angeles Times reported. And the spy plane, which has been named Firebird, can operate with or without a pilot sitting in the cockpit. The Firebird will compete for Pentagon contracts with the Predator and Reaper drones at the Empire Challenge exercise later this month. Predators and Reapers have become ubiquitous in skies over Iraq and Afghanistan.
据《洛杉矶时报》报道,美国航空业巨头诺斯洛普格鲁曼公司已研制出新型间谍机"火鸟"。该间谍机可在3万英尺的高空监听电话对话,还可使用高功率雷达和拍摄实况转播画面,可由飞行员在座舱操作,也可变身无人机。据悉,在本月底举行的五角大楼"帝国挑战"军事演习中,"火鸟"间谍机将与"掠夺者"和"死神"无人机一起竞争国防部的合约。目前在伊拉克和阿富汗的天空,到处可见到"掠夺者"和"死神"的踪影。 >Quake forecast in Rome
For months Italian Internet blogs and social networks have been debating the work of meteorologist Raffaele Bendandi, who has predicted a big earthquake in Rome on May 11, Reuters reported. The national television network RAI has run programs aimed at calming rising panic among Romans. The civil protection agency has issued statements reiterating the official scientific view that earthquakes can't be predicted. Yet many residents of the Eternal City aren't listening. "I'm going to tell the boss I've got a medical appointment and take the day off," barman Fabio Mengarelli told Reuters. "If I have to die I want to die with my wife and kids."
据路透社报道,意大利气象学家法恩莎预测本月11日罗马将会发生大地震,引起了当地居民的恐慌。近几个月来,网民通过博客、社交网站等对此预言展开了热议。虽然意大利广播电视公司已播出一些节目来安抚民众,意民防部门也一再重申,从官方科学的角度来讲,地震不可预测,但很多居民对这些说辞都不予理会。酒吧招待员法比奥说:"我会跟老板说,因为和医生有预约,将在这天(5月11日)请假。如果我要死,也希望和妻子及孩子死在一起。" 【In Brief】
>Microsoft Corp is close to buying web video conferencing service Skype Technologies for $8.5b, a source said, in a deal which would rank as the biggest for the software company, Reuters reported Tuesday.
>Ten people were killed and 12 others were still missing after a quarry landslide in Quanzhou County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Xinhua reported.
>Famous musician and producer Gao Xiaosong Monday evening had a traffic accident in Beijing. Gao Xiaosong was drunk driving as a test showed the musician's blood alcohol level was 243.04mg/100ml, xinhuanet.com reported.
>Hong Kong households and businesses pay as little as 1/10 of the telecom charges in 6 other cities, including Shanghai, Singapore, Tokyo, Copenhagen, London and New York, a study shows, the Beijing News reported.
据《新京报》报道,一项针对香港、上海、新加坡、东京、哥本哈根、伦敦和纽约等全球7大城市的研究表明,香港居民和企业所缴付的电讯服务方面的费用只相当于其它6个城市的10%。 【Quotable Quote】
嘉比瑞拉·雷丁(Gabriella Redding)7年前在南加州开设了一家公司Hoopnotica,售卖两磅重的健身呼啦圈。去年,呼啦圈热潮席卷健身界,该公司的销售额达到100万美元!但谈到呼啦圈运动有一个大问题,即当新鲜劲过去之后,它是否还能作为健身爱好者的一项可持续的日常健身活动而存在时,雷丁表示:
"It's a challenge, but we're going to continue to come up with new products, and new ways to stay fit using the hoop. I think that's what I love most about this business, and the possibilities seem endless."
"这是一个挑战,但是我们仍将继续推出用呼啦圈健身的新产品和新方式。这便是我最喜欢这个生意的地方,它似乎有无穷无尽的可能。" 【Kaleidoscope】
>Cat ears know your feelings
Japanese electronics firm Neurowear has created a set of ears that apparently respond to the wearer's emotions via a sensor on the forehead, the Daily Mail of London reported. When the user is sad the ears flop down, if they are concentrating they stand up, they wiggle around if the wearer is amused and go flat if they are tired. The Neocomimi works with a headband that goes round the user's forehead and monitors brain waves. A small computer then supposedly works out what kind of mood the person is in and changes the angle of the ears.
据英国《每日邮报》报道,日本电子公司Neurowear最近发明了一副"猫耳朵",可以通过佩戴者前额的传感器对不同情绪做出反应。佩戴者心情悲伤时,"猫耳朵"会耷拉下来;集中精力时,"猫耳朵"会竖起来;心情愉快时,"猫耳朵"会来回摆动;身心疲倦时,"猫耳朵"会平躺着。"猫耳朵"的工作原理是:戴在额头上的头箍可监测脑电波,与之相连接的小型计算机会分析脑电波表达了何种情绪,"猫耳朵"随之做出相应动作。 【China Daily Radio】
目标:学习地道美式日常对话超人气栏目"韩美美和李雷NOW!"终于回归啦! 新一季更为大家带来潮到爆的地道美语! 英语学了这么多年,还是听不懂? 张不开嘴? 没关系,中国日报外籍专家教给大家正宗美式俚语! 课本上学不到啊,赶快买个小本做笔记!在听之前,最好先熟悉一些关键词!Boss: Cool,有范儿的。
NorCal: Northern California,加利福尼亚北部。
SoCal: Southern California,加利福尼亚南部。
Kahuna: Very, very cool,非常酷,非常棒,霸气外露。
Bad: Good,真不赖,非常棒。
Last century: old-fashioned,老气,过时的。
Flyover states: US states that do not border a foreign country or an ocean,中部地区,不跟任何国家或海洋临界。准备好了么? 韩美美和李雷NOW!之那台车这么拉风?!  A: That car is really boss.
B: Dude! Boss? That's so NorCal!
你说什么? 有范儿? 我去! 你这货,果然是来自加利福尼亚北部的潮人啊!
A: Well, I am from San Francisco. What do you say in SoCal, besides dude?
错了吧! 我家乡在旧金山,说说吧,你们加利福尼亚南部方言都流行说什么? 除了你这货之外。
B: Dude! In San Diego, we would say that car is Kahuna.
我去! 你这货! 在圣地亚哥,我们土话说,那车简直霸气外露。
A: You wouldn't say that's bad? Meaning good?
你们有没有这种说法? 那车真不赖。
B: Bad? That's so last century. You must be from one of the flyover states.
真不赖? 你说话也太土了吧! 你是不是美国中部大农村来的啊!话说昨天话题互动,大家积极踊跃参与,小编感动得内牛满面。恭喜这位读者获得我们的10元移动充值卡!
手机报新开的这个板块不禁让我眼前大亮! 而且第一期就介绍浙菜,让我这个在远方求学的馋虫又开始思念家乡美食了! 作为地道宁波人,家乡美食自然是举不胜举! 但我最近想的最厉害的是烤菜年糕!! 宁波年糕非常有名,水磨年糕透白细腻,与大头菜一起烤,香味四溢! 软软的大头菜,糯糯的年糕,鲜香的汤汁! 咸甜鲜香兼具! 不要觉得这道菜登不上大雅之堂哦! 每个宁波人肯定都会对烤菜年糕有着深厚感情!猜猜明天是哪个栏目回归呢? 对啦! 就是我们的"今晚哪里有问题?"。中国日报外籍专家为大家解答英语学习和文化知识,学英语有问题? 短信至106580007835, 提出有代表性问题的读者将获得10元移动充值卡薄礼一份,还等什么? 短信飞起来!(本期英文内容由英籍编辑Alice Philipson润色。) 【TOEIC Test Daily】
Before ______ at Lohrens Hospital, Dr. Dupré led clinical trial studies for the Graham Medical Group.
(A) works
(B) worker
(C) worked
(D) working