
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/06 04:01:54
 【Weather Sept 20】
Wuhan: cloudy 14~20℃
Yichang: cloudy 14~18.5℃
Shiyan: cloudy 9~15.6℃【BOC Exchange Rates】
100 USD = 638.48 CNY
100 GBP = 1003.18 CNY
100 EUR = 873.95 CNY
100 HKD = 81.92 CNY
100 JPY = 8.2968 CNY
Shanghai Stock
2437.80 -44.55 -1.79%
HangSeng Stock
18917.95 -537.36 -2.76%【Highlights】
>India quake affects Tibet
>Central banks return to gold
>Chaos of hairy crabs
>Tony Blair met Gaddafi twice
>Got married after 65 yrs
>Twins joined head separated
罕见连体女婴成功分离 【Cover Story】
第63届艾美奖特别报道"Mad Men" and "Modern Family" won television's top drama and comedy prizes again Monday morning (Beijing time) but elsewhere it was out with the old and in with the new at the 63rd Primetime Emmy Awards.
On a night of surprises that brought a slew of newcomers to the Emmy podium, "Mad Men" won best drama series for a fourth straight year but the waiting got tense as the show lost out in all the acting, writing and directing races - even though it came into the awards show with 19 nominations.
本届艾美因众新剧加入角逐而惊喜连连。老牌剧《广告狂人》此前一口气拿下19项提名,虽与最佳演员编剧导演等奖项失之交臂,但在焦急等待之后,还是连续第四年捧走最佳剧集奖。"We were shut out, but then we also won this (best drama) award so it balances out. To me this is the prize that says people love what we are doing," creator Matthew Weiner said.
该剧制作人马修·维纳说: "其它的奖都没我们的份儿,还好拿了最佳剧集奖,心里稍微平衡一下,这说明观众还是喜欢我们的东西的"。Primetime: 黄金时间
a slew of: 许多,大量。
nomination: 提名 摩登家庭大获全胜
The story was different for "Modern Family." Along with its best comedy win, the ABC mockumentary about three assorted couples and their children brought first-time wins for Julie Bowen and her screen husband Ty Burrell in the supporting acting slots, and Emmys for directing and writing.
《摩登家庭》表现出人意料,一举夺走喜剧类最佳剧集,最佳导演和最佳编剧三个奖项。该剧银幕情侣朱丽·鲍温和泰·布利尔更是双双夺走最佳男女配角奖项。该剧由美国广播公司打造,采用"伪纪录片"形式来讲述三个不同家庭和孩子们的故事。 "Welcome back to the 'Modern Family' awards!" Emmy ceremony host Jane Lynch quipped early in the evening.
因为获奖太多,就连本次艾美奖主持人简·林奇也调侃说: "欢迎回到摩登家庭颁奖典礼!"铁达尼女郎获艾美
Oscar-winning actress Kate Winslet won her first Emmy for her lead role in the HBO miniseries "Mildred Pierce."
还记得电影《泰坦尼克号》? 奥斯卡美女凯特·温斯莱特首次凭借其在HBO迷你短剧《欲海情魔》中的精彩表现获得该类别最佳女主角。mockumentary: (由mock和documentary拼缀而成) 仿制记录片, 模拟记录片 (一种电视或电台节目,以记录片形式制作,意在显得真实,但含有虚构成分)
quip: 即兴发挥的妙语,调侃。 艾美红毯心计重The Emmy Awards red carpet, though not so glitzy as Oscar's, was awash with bold colors. Two words to sum it up: red hot! Many of the leading ladies land spots on the best-dressed list by sporting red glamour.
虽然艾美奖的红毯暗战跟奥斯卡完全不可同年而语,但还是颇有看点。艳色当道是本次红毯的绝对主题。一言以蔽之:红色妖姬,惊鸿一瞥。Lea Michele, Kate Winslet, Nina Dobrev and Kerry Washington all opt for the scarlet hue. Bright blues and aquas are also a trend, echoing New York fashion week and showcasing how to wear bold colors destined to sweep next spring.
莉亚·米歇尔、凯特·温斯莱特、妮娜·杜波夫和凯莉·华盛顿等几位红毯常客不约而同地选择了这款饱满的颜色,凭借高贵而性感的神秘魅力稳居最佳着装榜。上周的纽约时装周刚刚落幕,女星们就迫不及待地在红毯上亲身示范2012春季的流行色,亮蓝色和海蓝色毫无争议地为红毯增添一抹清新优雅。However, there's no much excitement here because stars play it safe, sticking to goddess image and simple silhouette.
不过话又说回来,本次红毯多少给人那么一点味同嚼蜡的感觉。女星们本着"不出错"的原则,人人只知道简约风最安全,扮女神是真理。glitzy: 耀眼的,眩目的
aqua: 浅绿色
silhouette: 轮廓 谢耳朵意外蝉联!Jim Parsons was a rare repeat winner for comedy "The Big Bang Theory" in a category that most pundits had thought would finally go to departing "The Office" star Steve Carell.
喜剧《生活大爆炸》主演吉姆·帕森斯意外再次获得喜剧类最佳男主角。即将离开《办公室》的著名喜剧演员史蒂夫·卡瑞尔一度被认为是这个奖项的热门候选。"I am really flabbergasted. I am more shocked this year," Parsons said.
帕森斯说: "(听到结果后)我真的是目瞪口呆,简直不敢相信"。pundit: 业内人士,专家
flabbergasted: 非常震惊,目瞪口呆既然大家喜爱的"谢耳朵"如此激动,想知道他在获奖感言中说了些什么吗? 请关注本期音频节目"China Daily Radio"! 【Top News】
>India quake affects Tibet
At least 7 people died and 22 others were injured in China's Tibet autonomous region after a 6.8 magnitude earthquake jolted the Himalayan region Sunday evening, Xinhua reported. At least 18 people died in the Indian state of Sikkim, the epicenter of the quake, while 2 others were killed in Bihar state and 6 in West Bengal. Six were reported dead in Nepal. Sikkim, India's most sparsely populated state located in the Himalayas surrounded by Nepal, Bhutan and China, is prone to landslides. Authorities in India say the death toll could rise as rain and landslides were blocking rescue efforts.
据新华社报道,18日晚,喜玛拉雅山一带发生6.8级地震,造成西藏7人死亡,22人受伤。此次地震震中位于印度境内的锡金邦,锡金邦内有至少18人死亡;此外,印度的比哈尔邦和西孟加拉邦分别有2人和6人死亡。尼泊尔则有6人遇难。锡金是印度人口最稀少的邦,地处喜马拉雅山脉,与尼泊尔、不丹和中国毗邻,滑坡事故频发。印度政府表示,受降雨和滑坡影响,救援工作开展困难,死亡人数可能继续上升。>Central banks return to gold
European central banks have become net buyers of gold for the first time in more than 2 decades, the latest sign of how the turbulence in the currency and debt markets has revolutionized the bullion market, ft.com reported Monday. Globally, central banks are set to buy more gold this year than at any time since the collapse of the Bretton Woods system 40 years ago. European central banks have added about 25,000 ounces, or 0.8 tonnes, of gold to their reserves in the year to date, according to data from the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
据英国《金融时报》网站19日报道,欧洲各国央行20多年来首次成为黄金市场净买家(买入比卖出多的买家),这是外汇和债务市场波动引发黄金市场剧变的最新迹象。预计全球各大央行今年购入的黄金量,比布雷顿森林体系瓦解40年来的任何1年都要多。欧洲央行和国际货币基金组织数据显示,目前为止,欧洲各国央行的黄金储备已增加约2.5万盎司(约合0.8吨)。 >Chaos of hairy crabs
Even before Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs were available for sale this year, chaos hit the hairy crab market, yzdsb.com.cn reported. Due to a spring drought and excessive rains in the summer, the debut of the famous hairy crabs didn't start this year until Sept 17.
Though all the hairy crabs are allegedly fished from the Yangcheng Lake, their prices may vary by as much as twice the price from different stores and channels. For instance, a pair of crabs with a male of 0.2kg and a female of 0.15kg can be priced RMB75 at the lowest end and at the highest over RMB240.
It's hard for customers to identify whether those crabs are from Yangcheng Lake or from Taihu Lake and other places. Insiders said some merchants cleaned the belly shell of the crabs fished from other places and illegally sold them as Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs.
Most popular online, the price of Crab Coupons can vary enormously. A basket of crabs originally priced at RMB330 could be transformed into a coupon with a value of RMB888.
目前网上销售很火的"纸螃蟹"券大多可以随意定价。本来330元一筐的螃蟹,在螃蟹券上却设计成888元。 【In Brief】
>Unprecedented flooding in Sichuan province has forced more than 300,000 people to evacuate, Xinhua reported the local government saying Monday.
>The national financial revenue in the first 8 months of 2011 has reached RMB7.4 trillion, an increase of 30.9% year-on-year, according to data released by the Ministry of Finance. This year's financial revenue is expected to pass RMB10 trillion based on the data.
>China and Tanzania are expected to sign a $1.06b loan deal to build a natural gas pipeline from the southern part to its commercial capital, Dar es Salaam, a Tanzanian newspaper quoted its energy minister as saying, Reuters reported Sunday.
>Swiss bank UBS increased the amount it said it had lost on rogue equity trades to $2.3b Sunday, Reuters reported.
据路透社报道,瑞士银行18日将被称为"魔鬼交易"的违规交易损失金额调高至23亿美元。 【Quotable Quote】
"The worst things happen to the best strikers in the world and today it happened to both of them."
>Tony Blair met Gaddafi twice
UK ex-PM Tony Blair visited Libya for talks with Col Muammar Gaddafi in 2008 and 2009, his spokesman has confirmed, according to the BBC. Papers in Tripoli found by The Sunday Telegraph show the ex-PM used the ousted leader's private jet to attend the meetings. Blair's visits came ahead of the release from Scottish prison of Abdel Basset al-Megrahi, a Libyan who was convicted of the 1988 bombing of a US-bound airliner over Lockerbie, Scotland, killing 270 people. At the time of Blair's visits, Tripoli was threatening to cut business links with Britain if Megrahi, a former Libyan agent, was not released, the Telegraph added.
据英国广播公司报道,英国前首相布莱尔的发言人日前证实,布莱尔曾于2008年和2009年两次访问利比亚,密会卡扎菲。英国《星期日电讯报》近日在利首都的黎波里发现的文件揭示,布莱尔当时乘坐卡扎菲的私人飞机出席了会谈。布莱尔与卡扎菲会晤后,洛克比空难主谋、利比亚人迈格拉希从苏格兰监狱获释。该报还披露,布莱尔拜访卡扎菲时,利方威胁称,如不释放利比亚前特工迈格拉希,将切断与英国的商业往来。1988年,一架飞往美国的客机在苏格兰洛克比上空爆炸,造成270人死亡。 >Got married after 65 yrs
A pair of English childhood sweethearts who were apart for 65 years have finally married after they found each other on the Internet,the Daily Mail reported. Mary Lyness, 81, received an email from her first love John Akings, also 81. It was the first time the couple had heard from each other since they were 15 year-olds. They rekindled their relationship and the couple celebrated their reunion with a big wedding attended by 200 friends and family Saturday.
>Twins joined head separated
Twin girls joined at the head at birth have been successfully separated by British doctors, the Daily Mail of London reported Monday. Rital and Ritag Gaboura, who were born in Sudan and are 11 months old, survived at odds of one in 10m. The girls were separated over 4 stages. Two initial operations took place in May, before tissue expanders were inserted in July and the final separation was attempted on August 15. Rital and Ritag were born with one of the most serious forms of the condition as they shared blood vessels and there was significant blood flow between their brains.
据英国《每日邮报》19日报道,英国医生近日成功分离了一对头部相连的双胞胎女婴。加贝拉姐妹瑞塔尔和瑞塔格生于苏丹,现在已11个月大,她们的存活概率只有千万分之一。医生对她们实施了4个阶段的手术,5月完成前两个阶段,7月植入组织扩张器,8月15日进行最后一步分离手术。加贝拉姐妹出生时的情况极为严重,因为姐妹俩共享血管,脑中有血流交换。 【China Daily Radio】
I was assured by many people in my life that this was not happening, and I...it doesn't mean I don't though... I am not very grateful that it is happening, and thank you!
(谢耳朵非常激动啊,说话都语无伦次了)I have been so proud to be nominated with my fellow nominees, all, so wonderful, very specially to me that somebody that I work with everyday, Johnny Galecki, it's been a real pleasure to taking ride with you, (there you are, hi!)
(台下掌声响起,感谢可爱的同事Leonard)I've been so proud from episode one to be a part of BIG BANG and I am so proud to get to do that show, and I just thank you for recognizing me, and thank you for...with me recognizing the show too, thank you, thank you.
从拍第一集《生活大爆炸》开始,我就一直为自己感到骄傲,能参与这个剧的拍摄是我的荣幸。感谢你们对我的认可,对这个剧的认可,谢谢你们! 【Word Power】
Buffett Tax
US President Barack Obama will propose a "Buffett Tax" on people making more than $1m a year as part of his deficit recommendations to Congress.
作为减少财政赤字的提议之一,美国总统奥巴马将向美国国会提议开征富豪税,征收的对象是年收入超过百万美元的人群。(本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。)【Word Prize】
None the worse for wear意思是?