
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/07 02:40:54
 【Weather June 5】
Wuhan: rainy 20~24℃
Yichang: rainy 20~24℃
Shiyan: cloudy 21~32℃【Highlights】
>Toxic metal poses problem
>New food scare in Taiwan
>Say 88 to Internet
>DNA-based computer produced
>Penguin adopts 'glove mother'
>China Daily Radio
端午3天乐之招聘热词【Cover Story】
>Red costumes in high demand
Red song contests are being held across China, as the 90th anniversary of the Communist Party of China approaches. The demand for professional art counselors and proper costumes has climbed rapidly, the Qianjiang Evening News reported. The rental fee for military costumes hiked from RMB30-40 per suit to RMB60 per suit. For some rare costumes, the fee could be as high as RMB150 per suit. Renters formed long queues on the wait list. By late June, the shortage of resources for red song contests will become more severe, according to an insider.
据《钱江晚报》报道,随着建党90周年纪念日临近,各地红歌会也进入高潮,相应的专业艺术指导和红军装等演出服突然成了最大的缺口,演出军装租金猛涨且需排号租赁。据报道,原本30-40元一套的红军装租赁价格,现在涨至60元一套,有的冷门军装甚至达到150元一套。一位业内人士推断,到6月下旬,这种资源短缺现象还将集中爆发。 【Top News】
>Toxic metal poses problem
Heavy metal pollution has increased to an alarming level in China, warned Li Ganjie, vice-minister of environmental protection, Beijing News reported Saturday. In the first 5 months of 2011, 7 cases of lead poisoning occurred. That comes on the heels of 14 major toxic metal pollution cases in 2010, 9 of which involved high levels of lead in blood. Li said legislators are working to create a law to help the problem.
据《新京报》4日报道,环保部副部长李干杰日前坦言,现在中国的重金属污染形势比较严峻。去年发生了14起,其中9起是血铅事件;今年1-5月又发生了7起血铅问题事件。李干杰称相关立法正在积极推进中。>New food scare in Taiwan
Seven major manufacturers of jam, bread and pastry in Taiwan are reportedly big clients of a company selling the industrial chemical DEHP, which has caused a food safety scare across the island. The claim was made by the head of Taiwan's biggest food additive supplier while he was being interrogated Friday, the Taiwan-based United Daily News reported. Investigators said a large number of city dwellers are eating bread and pastry as part of their staple diet.
据台湾《联合报》报道,台湾塑化剂风波再起,最大起云剂供货商的负责人3日被提讯时向检察官供出,岛内有7家知名的果酱、面包及糕饼烘焙业者,是塑化剂的主要客户。办案人士指出,在台湾城市地区,面包糕点几乎已经成为许多人的主食。 >Say 88 to Internet
A survey showed that over half of students consider their roommates' Internet use at night affecting their sleep. It has become one of the factors causing dorm disharmony. So what's your plan this weekend? Mosh.cn suggests you get rid of the habit and embrace a healthy life. The website launched its NC63 program Friday aimed at encouraging office workers and college students to shut down their computers on weekends. The website has even blackened its homepage for 63 hours this weekend.
NC63 stands for "No Computer for 63 Hours." The 63 hours go from 6 pm Friday to 9 am Monday before work every weekend.
NC63是"No Computer 63 Hours(周末无电脑)"的缩写,"63小时"指的是从周五下午6点下班到周一上午9点上班之前的这段时光。 >DNA-based computer produced
US researchers have produced the most sophisticated DNA-based computer yet, the Los Angeles Times reported. The DNA-based computer is a chemistry system that can calculate the square roots of numbers up to 15. Seventy-four strands of DNA constitute a circuit, comparable to a silicon-based computer. But the system operates a little more slowly than a conventional computer. It takes up to 10 hours to obtain one result. Scientists are trying to develop computers that can interact directly with living cells. DNA-based computers may ultimately be used to fight disease.
据《洛杉矶时报》报道,美国研究人员日前造出了现今最复杂的DNA计算机。DNA计算机是一套用DNA分子取代硅作为集成电路的生化电脑系统,每条电路由74个不同的DNA链条组成,可以计算不超过15的整数的平方根。不过目前,DNA计算机比普通电脑慢得多,要10个小时才能得出一次计算结果。科学家正在研究能直接与活细胞互动的计算机,最终将可能用于对抗疾病。 【In Brief】
>Rain dumped by moving clouds has brought an aquifer recharge, if not drought relief, to the drought-stricken Yangtze River basin. The drought-breaking rain will fall in Hubei, Hunan and Jiangxi for a few more days, according to local reports.
>Shaanxi province on Friday initiated the archaeological and excavation work for the 2nd time at the K9901 burial pit of the Qin Shihuang tomb, China Daily reported.
>Chinese tennis player Li Na will take on Italy's defending champion Francesca Schiavone in the French Open final tonight at 9:00 pm Beijing time. The 30-year-old Italian and the 29-year-old Chinese are the last women standing on the court.
北京时间今晚21:00,法国网球公开赛将进行女单决赛的"争锋之战"。29岁的中国选手李娜将迎战意大利卫冕冠军、30岁老将斯齐亚沃尼。 【Kaleidoscope】
>Penguin adopts 'glove mother'
Zoo keepers in the UK fooled an abandoned penguin chick into thinking that a black glove is its parent, the Daily Telegraph of London reported. In order to hand-rear the chick, keepers used a homemade glove puppet to mimic an adult macaroni penguin. The black rubber glove is decorated with red eyes and yellow plumes. The penguin glove puppet is employed during the chick's feeding, and it stops the chick from getting used to humans. Staff also played the chick a record of the sounds made by a group of macaroni penguins.(See photo)
据英国《每日电讯报》报道,英国一家动物园的工作人员用黑手套装成企鹅妈妈,亲"手"饲养一只遭父母遗弃的小企鹅。饲养员自制了一只手套玩偶,装作成年长冠企鹅的模样。这只装饰了红色眼睛和黄色羽毛的橡胶黑手套,主要在给小企鹅喂食的时候使用,让它不至于太依赖人类。工作人员还给小企鹅播放录音,让它熟悉长冠企鹅种群的叫声。(见图)  【Language Tips】
'Vacation amnesia'
夏季似乎是度假的高峰期,人们纷纷朝着凉快的景区奔去。不过,很多人度完假回来后都发现,原来正在进行的工作、需要完成的论文、甚至度假时谁接手了项目都不记得了,需要一两天才能回忆起来。这其实是个普遍现象,叫做vacation amnesia(假期健忘症)。它指的是这样一种情形:度完假回到学校或单位后发现已经完全不记得度假之前在做的事情。
Andy suffered from a bad case of vacation amnesia when he went back to school and couldn't remember what he had been learning before.
安迪得了严重的"假期健忘症",他回到学校后根本不记得之前都学过些什么。 【China Daily Radio】
端午节三天乐根据一项新调查,现在很多大学毕业生都不再选择留在北京这样的大城市,约有一半的大学毕业生更愿意到小城市去工作,原因是大城市工作压力大,生活成本高。在上面的报道中,on-campus job fair就是"校园招聘会",招聘会也可以用recruitment fair来表示。On-campus指的是"校园内的",相对地,off-campus指的是"校园外的"。校园招聘经常采用on-site recruiting(现场招聘)的形式。在英国,也经常有人用milk round来表示"校园招聘"。请看《中国日报》的报道: He said that during a recent on-campus job fair he talked with a company in Handan, Hebei, that offers employees free housing.他说,在最近的一次校园招聘会上,他和河北邯郸一家进行了接洽,这家公司为员工提供免费住房。大学毕业生不愿留京的主要原因是heavy work pressure(工作压力大)和high living costs(生活成本高)。调查显示,现在北京房子的average monthly rental price(平均月租价格)已经超过了大学本科毕业生的平均月薪。这些因素让北京这些first-tier cities(一线城市)对大学生吸引力大大降低。我们的CD第一届英文朗读大赛和英文微小说大赛正在进行中。本期投稿截至端午节6月6号0点。参加朗读大赛的读者请把音频文件配文字(微小说大赛只需发送文字)发送到radio@chinadaily.com.cn即可。(本期英文内容由美籍编辑Nelly Min润色。) 【Weekly Topic】
Han Qunfeng, a former white-collar worker in Dongguan, pled guilty to drowning her twin sons suffering from cerebral palsy in the bathtub at home. The murder confession came this week at a public trial in Dongguan No 1 People's Court. "If I had the chance to choose once more, I would not do it," the 37-year-old said. "But I worried about their life once I got too old to look after them." Hundreds of people have signed a letter and submitted it to the court calling for a lenient sentence for Han. What's your opinion on this case?