
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/28 15:18:07
*ROEA;Regional Office for Education in Asia; 亚洲区域教育办事处
*ROLAC; Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean [UNEP]; 拉丁美洲及加勒比区域办事处
*ROPME; Regional Organization for the Protection of the Marine Environment; 保护海洋环境区域组织(保护海洋环境区域组织)
*RO/RO; roll-on/roll-off (ro/ro); 滚装船
*ROSCA; rotating savings and credit association; 民间标会和信用合作社(标会信用社)
*ROSTA; Regional Office for Science and Technology in Africa; 非洲科学和技术区域办事处(非洲科技区域办事处)
*ROSTAS; Regional Office for Science and Technology in the Arab States; 阿拉伯国家科学和技术区域办事处(阿拉伯科技区域办事处)
*ROWA;Regional Office for West Asia [UNEP]; 西亚区域办事处
*RP; regional programme; 区域计划
*Rp; Indonesian rupiah [Monetary Unit of Indonesia]; 印度尼西亚卢比(或盾)
*RPC; refugee processing centre [Refugees]; 难民受理中心
*RPF; Rwandanese Patriotic Front; Front Patriotique du Rwanda (FPR); 卢旺达爱国阵线
*RPG; rocket-propelled grenade; 火箭推进榴弹
*RPM; resale price maintenance; 维持转售价格
*RPM; revolutions per minute (rpm); 每分钟转数
*RPMP;regional programme management plan; 区域性方案管理规划
*RPR; Rassemblement pour la Republique [France]; 保卫共和联盟
*RR; regional representative [UNDP]; 区域代表
*RRC; Relief and Rehabilitation Commission; 赈扶委员会
*RRI; Resource Renewal Institute [France]; 资源再生学会
*Rs; Indian rupee [Monetary Unit of India]; 印度卢比
*RSA; Regional Studies Association; 区域研究协会
*RSA; Republic of South Africa; 南非共和国
*RSFSR; Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic; 俄罗斯苏维埃社会主义联邦共和国
*RSK; Republic of Serb Krajina; Republic of Serbian Krajina; 塞尔维亚克拉伊纳共和国
*RSP; Refugee Services Philippines; 菲律宾难民事务处
*RSS; Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (National Volunteer Corps) [India]; 全国志愿团
*RSS; ribbed smoked sheet [Natural Rubber]; 皱纹烟胶片;RSS-1;一级皱纹烟胶片
*RSTDP; Regional Scientific and Technological Development Programme [OAS]; 区域科学和技术发展方案
*RT; round table; 圆桌
*RT; rye terms; 裸麦条件[伦敦市场谷物交易合同的一种条件]
*RTA; regional trading arrangement; 区域贸易安排(区贸安排)
*RTA; Resources and Transport Division (ESA/Res and Trans) [DIESA]; 资源和运输司
*RTA; retroactive terms adjustment; 追溯性的条件调整[援助]
*RTP; restrictive trade practices; 限制性贸易惯例
*RTZ; Rio Tinto Zinc Corporation [UK]; 里奥廷托锌公司;RTZ Scheme; 里奥廷托锌公司办法
*Rub; Russian ruble (R, Rbl) [Monetary Unit of Russia]; 卢布
*RUE; rational use of energy; 能源的合理利用
*RUF; Revolutionary United Front [Sierra Leone]; 革命联合战线
*RUF; revolving underwriting facilities; 循环承保融资办法
*RUTA;Regional Unit for Technical Assistance; 区域技术援助股
*RVS; Radio and Visual Services Division [DPI]; 无线电和视觉事务司
*RY; roll on/roll off yard [Cargo Handling]; 滚装堆场
*RYBEX; Foreign Trade Office of Central Board of Fisheries [Poland]; 中央渔业理事会对外贸易局
*S; Socialist Group [EC]; Groupe Socialiste; 社会党议员团[欧洲议会]
*S/; Peruvian sol [Monetary Unit of Peru]; 秘鲁索尔
*S/.; Ecuadorian sucre [Monetary Unit of Ecuador]; 厄瓜多尔苏克雷
*SA; Socialist Alliance [Bosnia-Herzegovina]; 社会主义联盟
*SA; societe anonyme [French]; sociedad anonima [Spanish]; 股份有限公司
*$A; Australian dollar [Monetary Unit of Australia]; 澳元
*$a; Argentine peso [Monetary Unit of Argentina]; 阿根廷比索
*SAA; senior agricultural adviser; 高级农业顾问; SAA/CR; Senior Agricultural Advisor/Country Representative; 高级农业顾问/驻国家代表
*SAAPIC; OAPEC Special Account to ease the financial burdens of Arab; Petroleum-Importing Countries (OAPEC-SAAPIC); 阿拉伯石油输出国组织为减轻阿拉伯石油输入国财政负担的特别; 帐户
*SAARC; South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation; 南亚区域合作联盟(南亚区合联)
*SAATA; Structural Adjustment Advisory Teams for Africa; 非洲结构调整咨询组
*SAAWU; South African Allied Workers Union [South Africa]; 南非工人联合工会
*SABA; South African Black Alliance [South Africa]; 南非黑人同盟
*SAC; Scientific Advisory Committee [IAEA]; 科学咨询委员会(科学咨委会)
*SAC; Statistical Advisory Committee [FAO]; 统计咨询委员会(统计咨委会)
*SAC; United Nations Scientific Advisory Committee (UNSAC); 联合国科学咨询委员会(科学咨委会)
*SACAR; European Secretariat of the United Agricultural Trade Associations; Secretariat Europeen d'Association du Commerce Agricole Reunies; 农产品贸易公会联合会欧洲秘书处
*SACBC; South African Catholic Bishops' Conference [South Africa]; 南非天主教主教会议
*SACC; South African Council of Churches [South Africa]; 南非教会理事会
*SACCS; South Asian Coalition on Child Servitude; 南亚童奴问题联盟
*SACEP; South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme; 南亚环境合作方案
*SACL; South African Confederation of Labour (SACLA) [South Africa]; 南非劳工联合会
*SACP; South African Communist Party; 南非**党
*SACTU; South African Clothing and Textiles Workers Unions [South Africa]; 南非衣服纺织品工会
*SACU; Southern African Customs Union; 南部非洲关税同盟; Southern African Customs Union Agreement; 南部非洲关税同盟协定
*SAD; Andean Development Corporation (ADC); Societe Andine de Developpement; Corporacion Andina de Fomento (CAF); 安第斯开发公司(安开公司)
*SAD; single administrative document [EC]; 统一的行政文件[指共同体内部货物过境需要填写的统一表格]
*SADC; Southern African Development Community; 南部非洲发展共同体(南非洲发共体)
*SADCC; Southern African Development Co-ordination Committee; 南部非洲发展协调委员会(南非洲协委会); Southern African Development Co-ordination Conference; 南部非洲发展协调会议(南非洲协调会)
*SADF; South African Defense Force [South Africa]; 南非国防军
*SAE; Society of Automotive Engineers [USA]; 汽车工程师协会
*SAF; Structural Adjustment Facility; 结构调整贷款办法(结调贷款)
*SAFA; Special Arab Fund for Africa; 阿拉伯援助非洲特别基金
*SAFDI; Samar Assistance for Farmers Development, Inc. [Philippines]; 萨马农民发展援助组织
*SAFI; Service d'Achats et de Commandes des Fonctionnaires Internationaux; [UNOG]; 国际公务员福利社
*SAFICO; Andean Trade Financing System; 安第斯贸易融资系统(安融系统)
*SAFISY; Space Agency Forum International Space Year; 世界空间年活动组织
*SAFLAC; Special Adjustment Fund for Latin America and the Caribbean; 拉丁美洲和加勒比结构调整基金
*SAFPACD;Special Account for Financing the Plan of Action to Combat;Desertification (ref: PACD); 资助《防沙治沙行动计划》特别帐户
*SAGE;Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment [USA]; 平流层溶胶和气体实验
*SAGSI; IAEA Standing Advisory Group on Safeguards Implementation; 原子能机构保障制度执行问题常设咨询组
*SAGSTRAM IAEA Standing Advisory Group on the Safe Transport of Radioactive;Material; 原子能机构放射性材料运输安全问题常设咨询组
*SAIIC; South American Indian Information Centre [USA]; 南美印第安资料中心
*Saiqa; Vanguard of the Palestine Popular Liberation War (Al Saiqa); 闪电先锋队(巴勒斯坦人民解放战争先锋队)
*SAL; standard assignment length; 标准任命期
*SAL; structural adjustment loan; 结构调整贷款(结调贷款)
*SALDRU; South African Labour and Development Research Unit; 南非劳工与发展研究机构
*SALT;Interim Agreement on Certain Measures with respect to the;Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms; ; Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty [26 May 1972]; (美苏)关于限制战略性进攻武器的某些措施的临时协定;; (美苏)限制战略武器条约; (国际关系史资料选编(下册),p.542)
*SAM; Mexican Food System; Systema Alimentario Mexicano; 墨西哥粮食制度
*Samarco;Saudi Arabian Maritime Company; 沙特阿拉伯海运公司
*SAMC;South African Medical Council [South Africa]; 南非医学理事会
*SAMDC; South African Medical and Dental Council [South Africa]; 南非医学与牙医理事会
*SAMED; Palestine Martyrs' Works Society; 巴勒斯坦烈属工厂协会
*SAMSA; South African Medical Students Association [South Africa]; 南非医科学生协会
*S and D;special and differential; 特殊和差别[优惠]; special and differential treatment; 特殊和差别待遇(特别待遇)
*SANGEC; Scottish Academic Network on Global Environmental Change; 苏格兰全球环境变化学术网络
*SAN-ROC;South African Non-Racial Olympic Committee [South Africa]; 南非非种族奥林匹克委员会
*SAP; Socialist Autonomous Province [Yugoslavia]; 社会主义自治省
*SAP; South African Police [South Africa]; 南非警察
*SAP; structural adjustment programmes (SAPs); 结构调整方案(结调方案)
*SAPA;South African Press Association [South Africa]; 南非新闻工作者协会
*SAPOHR; South African Prisoners Organization for Human Rights; 南非囚犯争取人权组织
*SAPTA; SAARC Preferential Trade Agreement;;South Asian Preferential Trade Agreement; 南亚优惠贸易协定
*SAR; International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue, 1979;(SAR 1979) [27 April 1979]; 1979年国际海上搜寻救助公约(79年搜救公约)
*SAR; Serbian Autonomous Regions (SARs) [Croatia; Bosnia-Herzegovina]; 塞尔维亚自治区
*SAR; synthetic aperture radar; 合成孔径雷达
*SARC; South Asian Regional Co-operation; 南亚区域合作组织
*SARCCUS;Southern African Regional Commission for the Conservation and;Utilization of the Soil; 南部非洲土壤保持和利用区域委员会
*SARDC; Southern African Research and documentation Centre; 南部非洲研究与文献中心
*SAREC; Swedish Agency for Research Co-operation with Developing;Countries; Swedish Agency for Research Co-operation; 瑞典与发展中国家研究合作局(瑞典研究合作局)
*SARHWU; South African Railways and Habour Workers' Union [South Africa]; 南非铁路及港口工人工会
*SARL;societe a responsabilite limitee [France]; 有限责任公司
*SARRED; International Conference on the Plight og Refugees, Returnees and;Displaced Persons in Southern Africa; 关于南部非洲难民、返回者和失所者困境的国际会议
*SARYCO; South African Revolutionary Youth Council [South Africa]; 南非革命青年理事会
*SASA;South African Students Association [South Africa]; 南非学生协会
*SASM;South African Students Movement [South Africa]; 南非学生运动
*SASO;South African Students Organization [South Africa]; 南非学生组织
*SASOL; South African Coal, Oil and Gas Corporation [South Africa]; 南非煤炭、石油和天然气公司
*SASPU; South African Students Press Union [South Africa; NUSAS]; 南非学生新闻联盟
*SASRDF; South African Social Science Research and Development Forum; 南非社会科学研究和发展论坛
*SASREG; Southern African Sub-Regional Environment Group; 南部非洲分区域环境组
*SAST;Senior Advisers to ECE Governments on Science and Technology; 欧洲经委会各国政府科学和技术高级顾问
*SASS; Staff Administrative Support Section [UNHCR]; 工作人员行政支助科
*SAT; State Administration of Taxation; 国家税务总局 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*SATCC; Southern African Transport and Communications Commission; 南部非洲运输和通讯委员会(南非洲运委会)
*SATEP; Southern African Team for Employment Promotion [ILO]; 南部非洲促进就业小组
*SATS;South African Transport Services; 南非交通局
*SATSI; Section des Achats, des Transports et des Services Interieurs; Purchase, Transportation and Internal Services Section [UNOG]; 采购、交通和内部事务科
*SAWP;Socialist Alliance of the Working People [Serbia]; 劳动人民社会主义联盟
*$b; Bolivian peso [Monetary Unit of Bolivia]; 玻利维亚比索
*SBC; Secretariat of the Basel Convention; 巴塞尔公约秘书处
*SBEM; Softbank Emerging Markets; 软库新兴市场 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*SBI; Societe Belge d'Investissement International; 比利时国际投资公司
*SBI; subsidiary body for implementation; 附属履行机构(履行机构)
*SBR; styrene butadiene rubber; 丁苯橡胶
*SBS; Special Broadcasting Service [Australia]; 特别广播电台
*SBSG;Service du Budget et des Systemes de Gestion [UNOG]; Budget and Management Systems Service; 预算和管理系统处
*SBSTA; Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice; 附属科技咨询机构(科技咨询机构)
*SBSTTA; Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice; 科学、技术和工艺咨询附属机构(科技咨询机构)
*SC; salvage charge (sc) [Chartering and Shipping]; 救助费用
*SC; United Nations Security Council (UNSC) [UN]; 联合国安全理事会;安全理事会(安理会); Security Council and Political Committees Division [DPSCA]; 安全理事会和政治委员会司
*SCA ; Special Committee on Agriculture [EC]; 农业问题特别委员会(农业特委会)
*SCA-2; Second Special Contingent Account [IMF]; 第二特别应急帐户
*SCAF; Sub-Committee on Administrative and Financial Matters [UNHCR]; 行政和财务事项小组委员会(行财小委会)
*SCAP;Special Climate Application Programme [WMO]; 气候应用特别方案
*SCAR;Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research; 南极研究科学委员会
*SCARO; South and Central Asia Regional Office; 中南亚区域办事处
*SCCS;Special Consultative Committee on Security [OAS]; 安全问题特别协商委员会
*SCEP;Study of Critical Environmental Problems; 重要环境问题研究
*SCF;Save the Children Fund;拯救儿童基金
*SCF; supply call forwards (SCFs); 供应提支; supply call-forwards (SCFs); 供应品提单
*SCF-UK; Save the Children Fund United Kingdom; 联合王国拯救儿童基金
*Sch; Austrian schilling [Monetary Unit of Austria]; 奥地利先令
*SCHR; Steering Committee for Humanitarian Response; 人道主义反应指导委员会
*SCI; Service Civil International [Bangladesh]; 国际志愿服务社
*SCI; Society of Chemical Industry; 化学工业协会(化工协会)
*SCLAC; Special Committee on Latin American Co-ordination; 拉丁美洲协调特别委员会(拉美协调特委会)
*SCMSA; Sub-Committee on the Marine Science and Its Application [ACC]; 海洋科学及其应用小组委员会
*SCN; Sub-Committee on Nutrition [ACC]; 营养问题小组委员会
*SCOPE; Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment; 环境问题科学委员会(环境问题科委会)
*SCOPE; Society for Conservation and Protection of Environment; 环境保养学会
*SCOR;Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research; 海洋研究科学委员会(海洋科委会)
*SCOSTEP;Special Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics; 日地物理学特别委员会
*SCP; Special Committee on Preferences [UNCTAD]; 优惠问题特别委员会
*SCRES; State Commission for Restructuring Economic Systems [China]; 国家经济体制改革委员会[隶属国务院]
*SCSD;Satellite Communications System Division [IAEA]; 卫星通信系统司(卫星通信司)
*SD; domestic saving; 国内储蓄
*SD; sea damage [Chartering and Shipping]; 海上损害;海损
*Sd; short delivery [Chartering and Shipping]; 交货不足
*SDA; General Conference of the Seventh-Day Adventists; (基督复临)安息日会教友大会
*SDA; Party of Democratic Action (PDA) [Bosnia-Herzegovina]; Stranka Demokratske Akcije; 民主行动党
*SDB; Somali Development Bank; 索马里开发银行
*SDD; Services Development Division [UNCTAD]; 服务发展司
*SDF; Saudi Development Fund; 沙特开发基金
*SDF; Social Development Fund; 社会发展基金
*SDH; United Nations Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian;Affairs (CSDHA; UNCSDHA) [DIESA; UNOV]; 联合国社会发展和人道主义事务中心(社会发展和人道主义中心); [国际经济和社会事务部]
*SDI; Strategic Defence Initiative [USA]; 战略防御计划
*SDIA;Susila Dharma International; Susila Dharma International Association; 苏西拉•达尔马国际协会
*SDNY;South District of New York; 纽约南区
*SDP; Serb Democratic Party [Bosnia-Herzegovina]; Srpska Demokratska Stranka (SDS); 塞尔维亚民主党
*SDP; Social Democratic Party of Germany [Germany]; Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD); 德国社会民主党
*SDP-PDRC Social Democratic Party - Party of Democratic Reform of Croatia; Socijaldemokratska Partija Hrvatske - Stranka Demokratiskih;Promjena [Croatia]; 克罗地亚社会民主党--民主革新党
*SDR; special drawing rights (SDRs) [IMF]; 特别提款权(提款权)
*SDS; Serb Democratic Party (SDP) [Bosnia-Herzegovina]; Srpska Demokratska Stranka; 塞尔维亚民主党
*SDS; Staff Development Section [UNHCR]; 工作人员培养科
*SEA; Single European Act [EC]; 欧洲一体化文件;单一欧洲文件
*SEAFDEC;South-East Asian Fisheries Development Centre; 东南亚渔业发展中心
*SEAISI; South-East Asia Iron and Steel Institute; 东南亚钢铁学会
*SEAL; Secure Electronic Authenticated Link [Internet]; 电子安全认证链环
*SEALPA; South-East Asia Lumber Producers Association; 东南亚木材生产者协会
*SEAMEO; South-East Asian Ministers of Education Organization; 东南亚教育部长组织
*SEAMHO; South-East Asian Medical and Health Organization; 东南亚医药卫生组织
*SEAQ;SEAQ International [London]; Stock Exchange Automated Quotations International; 国际证券交易自动化报价系统
*SEARCA; South-East Asian Regional Centre for Graduate Study and Research;in Agriculture [SEAMEO];[formal name: SEAMEO Regional Centre for Graduate Study and; Research in Agriculture]; 东南亚区域农业高级研究中心
*SEARCH-NEPAL; Service Extension and Action Research for Communities in the Hills;[Nepal]; 山地社区服务扩大和行动研究会
*SEAS;State Secretariat for Social Affairs; 负责社会事务的国务秘书处
*SEASCO; Science Co-operation Office for South-East Asia [UNESCO]; 东南亚科学合作处
*SEATAC; South-East Asian Agency for Regional Transport and Communications;Development; 东南亚区域运输和通信发展机构
*SEATO; South-East Asia Treaty Organization; 东南亚条约组织(东约组织)
*SEATRDC; South-East Asia Tin Research and Development Centre; 东南亚锡研究和发展中心
*SEC; Securities and Exchange Commission [USA]; 证券交易委员会
*SEC; Security and Safety Service [OGS]; 警卫和安全事务处
*SECADEV; Secours Catholique pour le Developpement; 天主教促进发展援助会
*SECAL; sectorial adjustment loan [World Bank]; 部门调整贷款(部调贷款)
*SECO-ONG/MALI; Secretariat de Concertation des ONG Maliennes [Mali]; 马里非政府组织协调秘书处
*SECORVE; Secretariado Conjunto de Religiosos y Religiosas de Venezuela; 委内瑞拉男女教徒联合秘书处
*SECS;Sudanese Environment Conservation Society; 苏丹环境保护学会
*SEDA;Ministry of the Environment of Honduras; 洪都拉斯环境部
*SEDES; Societe d'Etudes pour le Developpement Economique et Social [Togo]; 经济及社会发展研究协会
*SEED;Solidarity for Equality, Ecology and Development; 促进平等、生态和发展团结运动
*SEFA;European Syndicate on Steel Drums; Syndicat Europeen des Futs d'Acier; 欧洲钢桶辛迪加
*SEFEL; European Secretariat of Manufacturers of Light Metal Packages; Secretariat Europeen des Fabricants d'Emballages Metalliques;Legers; 欧洲轻金属容器制造商秘书处
*SEI; Socialist Educational International; International Falcon Movement - Socialist Educational Movement (IFM-SEI); 国际猎鹰运动(社会党教育国际);
*SEI; Stockholm Environment Institute; 斯德哥尔摩环境研究所
*SEISMED;Co-operative Project for Seismic Risks Reduction in the;Mediterranean Region; 减少地中海区域地震风险合作项目
*SEITA; Societe d'Exploration Industrielle des Tabacs et des Allumettes;[France]; 烟草火柴工业公司
*SELA;Latin American Economic System; Sistema Economico Latinoamericano; 拉丁美洲经济体系(拉美经济体系)
*SEM; Single European Market; 欧洲统一大市场
*SEMI;Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International [USA]; 半导体设备及材料国际 [一同业公会性质组织]
*SENDET; National (Executive) Secretariat for Detainees [Chile]; Secretaria (Ejecutiva) Nacional de Detenidos; 全国援助被拘留者(执行)秘书处
*SEPHA; Special Emergency Programme for the Horn of Africa; 非洲之角特别紧急方案;Consolidated Inter-Agency Appeal for the SEPHA;非洲之角特别紧急方案的机构间联合呼吁
*SEPLIS; European Secretariat for the Liberal Professions; Secretariat Europeen des Professions Liberales; 欧洲自由职业秘书处
*SERPAJ; Latin American Peace and Justice Service;; Service of Peace and Justice in Latin America; Servicio Paz y Justicia en America Latina (SERPAJ-AL); 拉丁美洲和平与正义促进会
*SERVAS; SERVAS International; 塞尔瓦斯国际
*SES; United States Senior Executive Service [USA]; 美国高级行政人员制度(高级人员制度)
*SES; Studies and Expansion Society; 研究与推广学会
*SES; Teachers' Trade Union of Santander [Colombia]; 桑坦德教师工会
*$Eth;Ethiopian dollar [Monetary Unit of Ethiopia]; 埃塞俄比亚元
*SEU; Special Economic Unit (Palestinian Unit); 特别经济股
*SEZ; special economic zone; 经济特区
*SF; special fund; 特别基金
*SF; Swiss franc [Monetary Unit of Switzerland]; 瑞士法郎
*SFA; Special Facility for Sub-Saharan Africa; 撒哈拉以南非洲特别贷款办法
*SFD; Saudi Fund for Development [Saudi Arabia]; 沙特发展基金
*SFIT;Swiss Federal Institute of Technology; 瑞士联邦理工学院
*SFM; sustainable forest management; 可持续的森林管理
*SFOR; Multinational Military Stabilization Force [Former Yugoslavia]; 多国军事稳定部队
*SFRY; Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia; 南斯拉夫社会主义联邦共和国
*SFV; International Convention for the Safety of Fishing Vessels, 1977; 1977年国际渔船安全公约
*SG; Secretary-General [UN Secretariat]; 秘书长
*SG; ship and goods;Lloyd's SG Form; 劳合社海上保险单格式;Lloyd's SG Policy;劳合社海上保险单
*SGB; Secretary-General's Bulletin [UN Secretariat]; 秘书长公报;(SGB 168: 秘书长第168号公报)
*SG/Com/Int Audit; Internal Audit Service [UN Secretariat]; 内部审计处
*SG/DP; Office for Development Research and Policy Analysis;[UN Secretariat]; 发展研究和政策分析厅
*SG/Exec Off; Executive Office of the Secretary-General (EOSG) [UN Secretariat]; 秘书长办公厅
*SG/Exec Off/GA; General Assembly Affairs Office [UN Secretariat]; 大会事务组
*SG/Exec Off/Prot; Protocol and Liaison Section [UN Secretariat]; 礼宾联络组
*SG/LEG; Office of Legal Affairs (LEG; OLA) [UN Secretariat]; 法律事务厅
*SG/LEG/Admin Trib; Administrative Tribunal of the United Nations;;United Nations Administrative Tribunal (UNAT) [UN Secretariat]; 联合国行政法庭
*SG/LEG/Gen Leg; General Legal Division [UN Secretariat]; 一般法律事务司
*SG/LEG/Leg Coun; Office of the Legal Counsel [UN Secretariat]; 法律顾问办公室
*SG/PL; Office for Programme Planning and Co-ordination; (PPC; PPCO);Programme Planning and Co-ordination Office [UN Secretariat]; 方案规划和协调厅
*SG/PL/Pol Co-ord; Office for Policy Co-ordination [UN Secretariat]; 政策协调室
*SGS; Societe Generale de Surveillance; 商品检验总公司
*SGTE;Societe Generale de Technique et d'Etude [French]; 技术及研究总公司
*SHIP;Shipping Division [UNCTAD]; 航运司
*SHIPASSIST; Information Service for Technical Assistance in Shipping and Ports;to Developing Countries; 发展中国家航运和港口技术援助资料服务处(航运和港口技术援助服务处);SHIPASSIST Directory;Directory of Services for Technical Assistance in Shipping; and Ports;航运和港口技术援助服务指南;SHIPASSIST Programme;Technical Assistance Services in Shipping and Ports;航运和港口技术援助服务方案
*SHLC;special high-level council; 特别高级理事会
*SHP; shaft horse power; 轴马力
*ShSo;Somali shilling [Monetary Unit of Somalia]; 索马里先令
*sh wgt; shipper's weight (SW; S/W) [Chartering and Shipping]; 托运人重量;发货人报出的重量
*SI; Socialist International; 社会党国际
*SI; Survival International; 国际生存权利组织[国际上维护土著生存权利组织]
*SIA; Soroptimist International Association; 职业妇女福利互助会国际协会(职业妇女互助协会)
*SIA; United Nations System-Wide Special Initiative on Africa; 联合国全系统非洲特别计划
*SIAP;Inter-American Planning Society; Sociedad Interamericana de Planificacion; 美洲规划协会
*SIB; Securities and Investment Board [UK]; 证券及投资委员会
*SIBOR; Singapore Inter-Bank Offered Rate (Sibor) (ref: HIBOR, LIBOR); 新加坡银行同业拆放利率(新加坡银行间利率)
*SIC; International Society for Criminology; Societe Internationale de Criminologie; 国际犯罪学学会(犯罪学学会)
*SICA;Central American Integration System; Sistema de Integracion Centroamericana; 中美洲一体化体系
*SICAR; Carabineros Intelligence Service [Chile]; Servicio de Inteligencia (Investigaciones) de Carabineros; 国家警察情报局
*SICB;Standing Intergovernment Copper Body; 政府间铜常设机构
*SID; Selective Dissemination of Information Programme; 资料选择传播方案
*SID; Society for International Development; 国际发展学会(发展学会)
*SIDA; Swedish International Development Authority; 瑞典国际开发署
*SIDFA; senior industrial development field adviser; 工业发展高级现场顾问
*SIECA; Permanent Secretariat of the General Treaty on Central American; Economic Integration; Secretaria Permanente del Tratado General de Integracion Economica; Centroamericana; 中美洲经济一体化总条约常设秘书处; (中美洲经济一体化秘书处)
*SIFAR; Air Force Intelligence Service [Chile]; Servicio de Inteligencia de la Fuerza Aerea; 空军情报局
*SIFIDA; Societe Internationale Financiere pour les Investissements et le;Developpement en Afrique; 国际非洲投资开发金融公司
*SIFT;Service on Financial and Technological Information concerning;Projects and Investments [ALIDE]; 关于项目和投资的金融和技术资料服务处
*SIGMA; System for Inter-Linked Global Modelling and Analysis; 相互关联的全球模拟和分析系统
*SIH; International Society of Haematology; Societe Internationale d'Hematologie; 国际血液学会
*SIIAEC; International Secretariat of Catholic Technologists,;Agriculturists and Economists; Secretariat International des Ingenieurs, des Agronomes et des;Cadres Economiques Catholiques; 国际天主教技术专家、农学家和经济学家秘书处
*SIL; International Society of Limnology; 国际湖沼学会
*SILIC; severely indebted low-income countries; 严重负债低收入国家
*SIM; Military Intelligence Service [Chile]; Servicio de Inteligencia Militar; 军事情报局
*SIMC;International Society of Disaster Medicine (ISDM); Societe Internationale de Medecine de Catastrophe; 国际灾害医学学会
*SIMEX; Singapore International Monetary Exchange; 新加坡国际货币交易所
*SIMIC; severely indebted middle-income countries; 严重负债中等收入国家
*SIMS; Supply Information Management System; 供应信息管理系统
*SIN; National Intelligence Service [Peru]; 国家情报局
*SIN; Naval Intelligence Service [Chile]; Servicio de Inteligencia Naval; 海军情报局
*SINOTRANS; China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corporation; 中国对外贸易运输总公司
*SINPASA;Rubbertappers, Smallholders and Rural Workers' Union [Brazil]; 橡胶采集工人、小经营者及乡村工人工会
*SINTRACANASUCOL; San Carlos Mill Trade Union [Colombia]
*SINTRAEMCALI; Sindicato de Trabajadores de las Empresas Publicas de Cali; Union of Public Sector Workers of Cali [Colombia, member of CUT]; 卡利公共部门工人工会
*SINTRAINAGRO; National Union of Farmworkers [Colombia]; 全国农场工人工会
*SIO; Scripps Institution of Oceanography [USA]; 斯克里普斯海洋研究所
*SIP; Inter-American Press Association (IAPA); Sociedad Interamericana de la Prensa; 美洲报业协会(报业协会)
*SIPRI; Stockholm International Peace Research Institute [Sweden]; 斯德哥尔摩国际和平研究所
*SIRDO; Independent Romanian Society for Human Rights; 罗马尼亚独立人权学会
*SIRPA; service d'Information et de Relation Publique des Armees; 三军情报及公共关系处
*SIRS;satellite infrared spectrometer; 卫星红外线分光仪
*SIS; Special Industrial Services [UNIDO]; 特别工业事务; SIS Programme [UNIDO]; 特别工业事务方案
*SITA; Airlines' Worldwide Telecommunications and Information Services; Societe Internationale de Telecommunications Aeronautiques; 国际航空电信资讯公司(航电公司)
*SITC; Standard International Trade Classification; 国际贸易标准分类(贸易分类); SITC-Rev.2; 国际贸易标准分类第二次修订本
*SITE; Satellite Instructional Television Experiment; 卫星教育电视实验
*SITE; Strategic Information for Trade Efficiency [name of software]; 贸易效率战略性资料
*SITPRO; UK Committee for the Simplification of International Trade Procedures; 英国简化国际贸易手续委员会
*SITRAIHSS; Worker's Union of the Honduran Institute of Social Security; 洪都拉斯社会安全研究所工会
*SITRAM; Societe Ivoirienne de Transport Maritime; 象牙海岸海运公司
*SITRPT; situation report; 情况报告
*SIUSA; Survival International USA; 国际生存权利协会美国分会[维护土著生存权利]
*SIW; Socialist International Women; 社会主义国际妇女组织
*SIYOTANKA; 西约坦卡组织[维护美洲印第安人权利组织][France]
*SJIA; Saint Joan's International Alliance; 圣女贞德国际同盟(圣女贞德同盟)
*SK-PJ; League of Communists - Movement for Yugoslavia (LC-MY) [Serbia]; Savez Komunista - Pokret za Jugoslaviju; 共产主义者联盟—南斯拉夫运动
*Skr; Swedish Krona [Monetary Unit of Sweden]; 瑞典克朗
*SL; salvage loss (sl) [Chartering and Shipping]; 救助损失
*Sl; Peruvian sol [Monetary Unit of Peru]; 秘鲁索尔
*SLA; South Lebanon Army; 南黎巴嫩部队
*slan; sine loco, anno vel nomine [Latin]; (出版)地点、日期及作者姓名不详
*SLB; Siberian landbridge; 西伯利亚陆桥
*S/LC; sue and labour clause [Chatering and Shipping]; 损害防止条款
*SLD; Second-Level Domain; ; 二级域名 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*SLM; strict low middling [USA cotton]; 次中级[美国棉花分级标准中的第六级]
*SLORC; State Law and Order Restoration Council [Myanmar]; 国家恢复法律和秩序委员会(恢委会)
*SM; Siemens-Martin; 西门子—马丁; SM steel; 平炉钢
*SMAC; salaire minimum agricole de croissance [French]; 农业最低增长工资
*SMAG; salaire minimum agricole garanti [French]; 农业最低保证工资
*SMART; Software for Market Access and Restrictions on Trade; 市场准入和贸易限制软件系统; [TD/B/COM.3/34]; Software for Market Analysis and Restrictions on Trade; 市场分析和贸易限制软件系统
*SMB; state marketing board; 国家推销委员会;国家市场管理局