
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/25 21:47:49
*APEF; Association of Iron Ore Exporting Countries (AIEC); Association des Pays Exportateurs de Mineral de Fer; 铁矿石出口国协会
*APELL; Awareness and Preparedness gor Emergencies at Local Level [UNEP Programme]; 当地一级警惕并预防紧急事件方案; Awareness and Preparedness for Industrial Accidents at Local Level; 在当地一级宣传和预防工业事故
*APEX; advance purchase tickets; 预购机票; APEX mid-week or excursion fares; 周中票或旅游票预购票价
*APG; Association of Journalists of Guatemala; 危地马拉新闻记者协会
*API; American Petroleum Institute; 美国石油学会; API baume;美国石油学会比重标(表示石油比重度数)
*APIC; Arab Petroleum Investment Company; 阿拉伯石油投资公司
*APIMONDIA; International Federation of Beekeepers' Associations; Federation Internationale des Associations d'Apiculture; 国际养蜂业协会联合会(养蜂业协会联合会)
*APL; American President Lines; 美国总统轮船公司
*APL; anti-personnel landmine (APLs); 杀伤人员地雷
*APLDC; the Asian and the Pacific Least Developed Countries (APLDCs); 亚洲及太平洋最不发达国家;亚太最不发达国家
*APLIC; Association for Population / Familily Planning Libraries and Information Centres / International; 人口协会/计划生育图书馆及资料中心/国际
*APM; Society for Threatened Peoples; Association Peuples Menaces; Gesellschaft fur Bedrohte Volker; 保护受威胁人民协会
*APMP; Asia-Pacific Metrology Programme; 亚洲及太平洋计量规划组织
*APO; Andean Pact Organization; 安第斯条约组织
*APO; Asian Productivity Organization; 亚洲生产力组织
*APO; associate professional officer; 协理专业人员
*APPA; African Petroleum Producers' Association; 非洲石油生产国协会
*APPB; Appointments, Promotions and Postings Board (APPC); 任命、升迁和派任委员会
*APPC; Appointments, Promotions and Postings Committee (APPB); 任命、升迁和派任委员会
*APPER; Africa's Priority Programme for Economic Recovery 1986-1990; 1986-1990非洲经济复苏优先方案
*APPI; International Association for the Promotion and Protection of Private Foreign Investments Association; Internationale d'Etudes pour la Promotion et la Protection; des Investissements Prives en Territoires Etrangers; 国际促进及保护私人国外投资协会(私资协会)
*APPROTECH ASIA; Asian Alliance of Appropriate Technology Practitioners; 亚洲适当技术使用者联盟
*APPS; automated purchase and payment system; 自动化购置和付款系统
*APPU; Asian-Pacific Postal Union; 亚洲及太平洋邮政联盟
*APR; annual percentage rate; 年率
*APR; annual post review; 年度职位审查
*APR; APR Form; Form APR; Form A of Postal Regulation; 表格 APR; 格式 APR[用于邮寄小额商品的普惠制产地证书]
*APRODEH; Pro-Human Rights Association [Peru]; 促进人权协会
*APS; American selling price; 美国销售价格
*APSO; Agency for Personal Services Overseas [Ireland]; 爱尔兰海外私人服务机构
*APT; ammonium paratungstate; 仲钨酸铵
*APT; Asia-Pacific Telecommunity; 亚洲及太平洋电信共同体
* APTLD; Asia Pacific Top Level Domain Forum; 亚洲太平洋顶级域论坛 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*APWA; All Pakistan Women's Association; 全巴基斯坦妇女协会(全巴妇女协会)
*APYF; Asian Pacific Youth Forum, The; 亚洲太平洋青年论坛(青年论坛)
*AQOCI; Association Quebecoise des Organismes de Cooperation Internationale; 魁北克国际合作组织协会
*A/R; all risks (AR); 综合险;一切险
*ARB; African Research Bulletin; 非洲研究公报
*ARC; American Refugee Committee; 美国难民委员会
*ARC; Argotechnology Resource Centre; 农业技术资源中心(农技资源中心)
*ARC; Rainbow Group in the European Parliament [EC]; Groupe Arc-en-Ciel au Parlement Europeen; 欧洲议会“彩虹”议员团[由议员中的生态学家和一些左翼小党派组成]
*ARCC; African Regional Co-ordinating Committee for the Integration of Women in Development; 妇女参与发展非洲区域协调委员会
*ARCO; Atlantic Richfield Corporation [USA]; 大西洋里奇菲尔德公司
*ARCT; African Regional Centre for Technology; 非洲区域技术中心
*ARCTIS; Multidisciplinary Bibliographic Data Base [ARCT]; 多学科文献目录数据库
*ARCUK; Architects' Registration Council of the United Kingdom; 联合王国建筑师注册委员会
*AREA; Alliance for Reponsible Environmental Alternatives; 促进可靠环境不同途径联盟
*ARF; Alliance of Reform Forces [Bosnia-Herzegovina]; 革新力量联盟
*ARF; ASEAN Regional Forum; 东盟区域论坛
*ARI; Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute; 空调和冷冻研究所
*ARIP; Alliance for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; 土著人民争取权利联盟
*ARIG; Arab Insurance Group; 阿拉伯保险集团
*ARION; Programme for Study Visits for Education Specialists [EC]; 教育专家考察计划;“阿里翁”计划
*ARIS; Anti-Racism Information Service; 反种族主义信息服务社
*ARKISYST; Architectural Information System [UNESCO]; 建筑学资料系统
*ARL; advances recoverable locally; 可在当地收回的垫款
*ARL; Australian Radiation Laboratory; 澳大利亚辐射实验室
*ARMSCOR; Armaments Development and Production Corporation [South Africa]; 武器发展与生产公司
*ARO; Asian Regional, Area and Country Offices [UNICEF]; 亚洲区域、地区及国家办事处(亚洲办事处)
*ARPANET; Advanced Research Projects Agency Network [USA]; 高级研究计划署计算机网络 (阿帕网)
*ARPEL; Association Mutual Assistance of the Latin American Government Oil Companies; Asociacion de Asistencia Reciproca Petrolera Estatal Latinoamericana; 拉丁美洲国家石油公司互助协会(拉美国家石油互助协会)
*ARR; assistant resident representatives; 助理驻地代表
ARR(A); assistant resident representative (administrative officer); 助理驻地代表(行政干事)
ARR(P); assistant resident representative (programme officer) 助理驻地代表(方案干事)
*ARSO; African Regional Organization for Standardization; 非洲区域标准化组织
ARSO-DISNET; ARSO Network of documentation and Information System; 非洲区域标准化组织文献和资料系统网络
*ARTDO; Asian Regional Training and Development Organization; 亚洲区域培训合发展组织(亚洲培发组织)
*ARTEP; Asian Regional Team for Employment Promotion [ILO]; 亚洲区域促进就业小组(亚洲就业小组)
*AS; administrative support; 行政支助
*A/S; alongside [Trade]; 船边
*A/S; at sight; 即期;凭票付现;见票即付[汇票]
*ASA; American Standards Association; 美国标准协会
*ASA; Asian Students Association; 亚洲学生协会
*AsA; Associate Administrator [UNDP]; 协理署长
*ASAFED; African Association of Education for Development (AFASED); Association Africaine d'Education pour le Developpement; 非洲教育促进发展协会(教育促进发展协会)
*ASALM; advanced strategic air-launched missile; 先进空中发射战略导弹
*ASAP; Automated Shipboard Aerological Programme; 自动化船载高空探测系统
*ASAT; anti-satellite; 反卫星
*ASATRADE; Association of African Trading Enterprises; 非洲贸易企业协会
*ASBM; air-to-surface ballistic missile; 空对地弹道导弹
*ASC; N-acetylsulfanilyl chloride; N-乙酰磺胺酰氯
*ASCA; Arab Society of Certified Accountants; 阿拉伯执业会计师学会
*ASCE; American Society of Civil Engineers; 美国土木工程师学会
*ASCEND 21; Agenda of Science for Environment and Development into the 21st; Century; 科学促进环境和发展进入21世纪议程; (科学促进环发进入21世纪议程)
*ASCOBIPS; Association of Shippers' Councils of Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and; Sri Lanka; 孟加拉国、印度、巴基斯坦和斯里兰卡四国托运人理事会协会
*AsDB; Asian Development Bank (ADB; BAsD); 亚洲开发银行(亚行)
*AsDF; Asian Development Fund (ADF) [AsDB]; 亚洲开发基金
*ASEA; African Stock Exchanges Association; 非洲证券交易所协会(非洲证交协)
*ASEA; United Swedish Electrical Corp.; Allmanna Svenska Electriska AB; 瑞典联合电机公司
*ASEE; American Society for Engineering Education; 美国工程教育学会(工程教育学会)
*ASEAN; Association of South-East Asian Nations; 东南亚国家联盟(东盟); ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF); 东盟区域论坛
*ASECNA; Agence pour Securite de la Navigation Aerienne en Afrique et a; Madagascar; 非洲及马达加斯加航空安全局
*ASED; Association pour la Sauvegarde de l'Environnement et le Developpement [Benin]; 保护自然和发展协会
*ASF; Aviation sans Frontieres; 飞行无国界协会
*ASFA; Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts; 水生生物科学和渔业摘要
*ASFIS; Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information Service; 水生生物科学和渔业资料服务处; Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System; 水生生物科学和渔业资料系统(水生生物资料系统)
*ASG; assistant secretary-general [UN Secretariat]; 助理秘书长
*ASG/OGS; Assistant Secretary-General for General Services [UN Secretariat]; 主管总务厅助理秘书长
*ASGSPQ; Office of Assistant Secretary-General for Special Political Questions; [UN Secretariat]; 主管特别政治问题助理秘书长办公室
*ASHAE; American Society of Heating and Air-Conditioning Engineers; 美国暖气及空调工程师协会
*ASHI; after-service health insurance; 离职后健康保险
*ASHRAE; American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning; Engineers; 美国暖气、制冷及空调工程师协会
*ASHVE; American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers; 美国暖气及通风工程师协会
*ASI; Agenzia Spaziale Italiana; 意大利特勤处
*ASIL; American Society of International Law [USA]; 美国国际法学会
*ASIT; Advisory Services on Investment and Technology [UNCTAD]; 投资和技术服务处
*ASM; air-to-surface missile; 空对地导弹
*ASME; American Society of Mechanical Engineers; 美国机械工程师协会
ASME PTC; ASME Power Test Codes; 美国机械工程师协会动力试验规程
*ASMO; Arab Organization for Standardization and Metrology; 阿拉伯标准化和度量衡组织
*ASNT; American Society for Nondestructive Testing; 美国无损检验学会
*ASO; AIDS service organization; 艾滋病服务组织
*ASOINCA; Asociacion de Institutores del Cauca; Teachers' Association of Cauca [Colombia, member of CUT]; 考卡教师协会
*ASP; American selling price; 美国销售价格
*ASP; application "sur place" [Refugees]; “就地”申请者
*ASP-B; Administration of Bolivian Port Services; 玻利维亚港务局
*ASPEI; Association of South Pacific Environmental Institutions; 南太平洋环境机构协会
*ASPIP; Arab Society for the Protection of Industrial Property; 阿拉伯保护工业产权学会(保护工业产权学会)
*ASQC; American Society for Quality Control; 美国质量检验学会
*ASSEFA; Association for Sarva Seva Farms [India]; 全民合作农场协会
*ASSET; Abstracts of Selected Solar Energy Technology; 太阳能技术选萃 [联合国大学期刊]
*ASSOANE; Association des Amis de la Nature et de l'Environnement [Guinea]; 自然与环境之友协会
*ASSOCOM; Association of Chambers of Commerce of South Africa; 南非商会协会
*ASTC; Administrative Section for Technical Co-operation [UNDP]; 技术合作行政科
*ASTM; American Society for Testing Materials; 美国试验材料学会
*ASTRAP; Panel on Application of Space Techniques relating to Aviation [ICAO]; 空间技术应用于航空问题研究小组
*ASTRO; International Association of State Trading Organizations of Developing Countries; 发展中国家国营贸易组织国际协会(国营贸易组织协会)[旧名]
ASTRO; International Association of Trading Organizations for a Developing World; 发展中世界贸易组织国际协会(贸易组织协会)[新名]
*ASTT; Advisory Service on Transfer of Technology [UNCTAD]; 技术转让咨询服务处
*ASYCUDA; Automated System of Customs Data Entry, Control and Management; (Automated System for Customs Data); Systeme Douanier Automatise pour la Saisie, le Controle et la Gestion (SYDONIA) [UNCTAD Software]; 海关数据存入、控制和管理自动化系统(海关数据自动化系统)
*ATA; (AT: admission temporaire; TA: temporary admission) ATA carnets; 临时入境证[海关]
ATA Convention, 1961; 1961年货物临时入境公约
International Customs Convention on the ATA Carnet for the Temporary Admission of Goods (ATA Convention); 关于货物临时入境的临时入境证国际海关公约(货物临时入境公约)(1961年货物临时入境证公约)
*ATA; African Technical Association; 非洲技术协会(技协)
*ATA; Agence Telegraphique Albanaise [news agency] [Albania]; 阿尔巴尼亚通讯社
*ATA; agency technical advisors; 机构技术顾问
*ATA; Air Transport Association of America [US]; 美国空运协会
*ATAS; Advanced Technology Assessment System; 先进技术评估系统; Advanced Technology Assessment System Bulletin; 先进技术评估系统通报[年刊]
*ATC; average total cost; 平均总成本
*ATD; aide a toutes detresses; International Movement ATD Fourth World; Mouvement International ATD Quart Monde; 第四世界扶贫国际运动
*ATFP; Arab Trade Financing Programme; 阿拉伯贸易筹资方案
*ATIS; Automatic Terminal Information Service [ICAO]; 自动终端资料服务处
*ATLAS; Association Tunisienne pour l'Auto-Developpement et la Solidarite; 突尼斯自力发展和团结协会
*ATM; air traffic management; 空中交通管理
*ATM; automatic teller machines; 自动付款机
*ATP; Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and; on the Special Equipment to be Used for Such Carriage; [Geneva, 1 September 1970]; 国际易腐食品运输及其所用特别设备协定(易腐食品运输协定)
*ATPNE; Association Tunisienne pour la Protection de Nature et de; l'Environnement; 突尼斯自然与环境保护协会
*ATPS; Agricultural Trade Policy Simulation; 农业农业政策模拟; [TD/B/CN.1/30]
*ATRCW; African Training and Research Centre for Women; 非洲妇女训练和研究中心(非洲妇女训研中心)
*ATRR; Anti-Trust and Trade Regulation Report [USA]; 反托拉斯和贸易管理报告
*ATS; air traffic service; 空运服务; ATS personnel; 空运服务人员
*ATSH; Albanian News Agency; Agjensia Telegrafike Shqiptare; 阿尔巴尼亚通讯社
*ATSIC; Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission [Australia]; 土著居民和托雷斯海峡岛民委员会
*ATT; American Telegraphone and Telegraph Co. (AT & T) [USA]; 美国电话电报公司
*ATTR; anti-trust and trade regulation; 反托拉斯和贸易管理
*ATUC; African Trade Union Confederation [now: OATUU]; 非洲工会联合会
*AUI; International Emergency Action (IEA); Action d'Urgence Internationale; 国际紧急行动协会
*AUPELF; Association of Partially or Wholly French-Language Universities; Association des Universites Partiellement ou Entierement de Langue; Francaise; 全部或部分以法语教学大学协会(法语大学协会)
*AustCare; Australians Care for Refugees; 澳大利亚关心难民会
*AUSTREC; Australian Science, Technology and Research Co-operation [ADAB]; 澳大利亚科学、技术和研究合作计划
*Austwheat; Australian Grain Charter Party [Chartering and Shipping]; 澳大利亚谷物租船合同
*AVANSCO; Institute for the Advancement of Social Sciences [Guatemala]; 促进社会科学协会
*AVC; average variable cost; 平均可变成本
*AVF; Afrikaner People's Front [South Africa]; Afrikaner Volkfront; 阿非里卡人人民阵线
*AVHRR; advanced very-high-resolution radiometer; 先进高分辨率辐射仪
*AVID; Audio Visual Instructional Division [SAC]; 视听教学司
*AVRDC; Asian Vegetable Research and Development Centre; 亚洲蔬菜研究开发中心
*AVS; Swiss Federal Social Security System; 瑞士联邦社会保险制度
*AWB; Afrikaner Resistance Movement [South Africa]; Afrikaner Weerstands Beweging; 阿非里卡人抵抗运动[极右组织]
*AWE; Association for World Education; 世界教育协会(教育协会)
*AWEPAA; Association of West European Parliamentarians for Action against; Apartheid; 西欧议员反对种族隔离行动协会
*AWES; Association of West European Shipbuilders; 西欧造船者协会(造船者协会)[旧名]; Association of West European Shipbuilders and Shiprepairers; 西欧造船者和修船者协会[新名]
*AWG; ad hoc working group; 特设工作组
*AWHRC; Asian Women Human Rights Council; 亚洲妇女人权理事会
*AWIDE; Association of Women in Development Experts [Ghana]; 妇女参与发展专家协会
*AWLF; African Wildlife Leadship Foundation; 非洲野生生物领导基金会(野生生物领导基金)
*AWR; Association for the Study of the World Refugee Problem; 世界难民问题研究会( 难民问题研究会)
*AWRIS; Arab War Risk Insurance Syndicate; 阿拉伯战争险保险财团
*AXCAP; Access to Export Capital Programme; [A financing referral service operated by the BAFT]; 获得出口资金方案
*AYC; Asian Youth Council; 亚洲青年理事会
*AYU; Arab Youth Union; 阿拉伯青年联合会
*AZACTU; Azania Confederation of Trade Unions [South Africa]; 阿扎尼亚工会联合会
*AZAPO; Azania People's Organization [South Africa]; 阿扎尼亚人民组织
*AZASO; Azania Students Organization [South Africa]; 阿扎尼亚学生组织
*AZOLCA; Association of Free Trade Zones of Latin America and the Caribbean; Asociacion de Zonas Francas de Latinoamerica y ei Caribe; 拉丁美洲和加勒比自由贸易区协会