
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/28 04:07:21
*UNOEA; United Nations Office for Emergencies in Africa [formerly: OEOA]; 联合国非洲紧急事务处(非洲紧急事务处)
*UNOG; United Nations Office at Geneva; 联合国日内瓦办事处
*UNOGIL; United Nations Observation Group in Lebanon; 联合国黎巴嫩观察组
*UNOHAC; United Nations Office for Humanitarian Assistance Co-ordination; 联合国人道主义援助协调办事处
*UNOMIG; United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia; 联合国格鲁吉亚观察团(格鲁吉亚观察团)
*UNOMIL; United Nations Observer Mission in Liberia; 联合国利比里亚观察团(利比里亚观察团)
*UNOMO; United Nations Operation in Mozambique; Operation des Nations Unies au Mozambique (ONUMOZ); 联合国莫桑比克行动(莫桑比克行动)
*UNOMSA; United Nations Observer Mission in South Africa; 联合国南非观察团(南非观察团)
*UNOMUR; United Nations Observer Mission Uganda-Rwanda; 联合国乌干达和卢旺达观察团
*UNOPS; United Nations Office for Project Services; 联合国项目事务厅
*UNORCA; National Union of Regional Organizations of Autonomous Peasants; Union Nacional de Organizaciones Regionales Campesinas Autonomas; [Mexico]; 区域农民自治组织全国联合会
*UNOSOM; United Nations Operation in Somalia; 联合国索马里行动; United Nations Observer Mission in Somalia; 联合国索马里观察团
*UNOV; United Nations Office at Vienna; 联合国维也纳办事处
*UNOVER; United Nations Observer Mission to Verify the Referendum in Eritrea; 联合国厄立特里亚核查公民投票观察团
*UNPA; United Nations Postal Administration; 联合国邮政管理处(邮管处)
*UNPA; United Nations Protected Areas (UNPAs); 联合国保护区;联合国保护地区
*UN-PAAERD; United Nations Programme of Action for African Economic Recovery; and Development, 1986-1990 (PAAERD) [A/RES/S-13/2 Annex]; 1986—1990年联合国非洲经济复苏和发展行动纲领; (非洲行动纲领)
*UNPAAS; United Nations Postal Administration Automated System; 联合国邮政管理处自动化系统(邮管处自动化系统)
*UNPC; United Nations Palestine Commission; 联合国巴勒斯坦委员会(巴委会)
*UNPMME; Office of the Co-ordinator of the United Nations Peace-Keeping; Mission in the Middle East; 联合国维持中东和平特派团协调专员办公室
*UNPO; Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization; 无代表国家和人民组织
*UNPROFOR; United Nations Protection Force in Former Yugoslavia; 联合国驻前南斯拉夫保护部队(保护部队)
*UNREF; United Nations Refugee Fund; 联合国难民基金会(难民基金)[旧组织]
*UNREO; United Nations Rwanda Emergency Office; 联合国卢旺达紧急情况办事处
*UNRFNRE; United Nations Revolving Fund for Natural Resources Exploration; 联合国自然资源勘探循环基金(自然资源勘探循环基金)
*UNRIAA; United Nations Recueils of International Arbitral Awards; 联合国国际仲裁裁决书汇编
*UNRIP; United Nations Representative for India and Pakistan; 联合国驻印度巴基斯坦代表(联合国驻印巴代表)
*UNRISD; United Nations Research Institute for Social Development; 联合国社会发展研究所(社会发展研究所)
*UNROB; United Nations Special Relief Office in Bangladesh; 联合国驻孟加拉国特别救济事务处
*UNROD; United Nations Relief Operation in Dacca; 联合国达卡救济行动(达卡救济行动)
*UNRRA; United Nations Relief and Rehabilitations Administration; 联合国善后救济总署
*UNRWA; United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the; Near East; 联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处(近东救济工程处)
*UNSA; United Nations special account; 联合国特别帐户
*UNSAC; United Nations Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC); 联合国科学咨询委员会(科学咨委会)
*UNSC; United Nations Security Council (SC) [UN]; 联合国安全理事会;安全理事会(安理会)
*UNSC; United Nations Staff College; 联合国职员学院
*UNSCCUR; United Nations Scientific Conference for Conservation and Utilization; of Resources; 联合国资源养护及利用问题科学会议(资源会议)
*UNSCEAR; United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation; 联合国原子辐射影响问题科学委员会(辐射问题委员会)
*UNSCERO; United Nations Special Co-ordinator for Emergency Relief Operations; 联合国紧急救济行动特别协调员
*UNSCO; United Nations Special Co-ordinator for the Occupied Territories; 占领区联合国特别协调员
*UNSCOM; United Nations Special Commission on Iraq Disarmament; 联合国伊拉克裁军特别委员会
*UNSCOP; United Nations Special Committee on Palestine; 联合国巴勒斯坦特别委员会(巴勒斯坦特委会)
*UNSCR; United Nations Security Council Resolution; 联合国安全理事会决议
*UNSD; United Nations Supply Depot [Pisa, Itly]; 联合国供应站
*UNSDRI; United Nations Social Denfence Research Institute; 联合国社会防护研究所(社会防护研究所)
*UNSECOORD; Office of the United Nations Security Co-ordinator; 联合国安全事务协调员办事处(安协办)
*UNSF; United Nations Special Fund (Special Fund); 联合国特别基金(特别基金)
*UNSM; United Nations Standard Messages (UNSMs); 联合国标准电文
*UNSMA; United Nations Special Mission to Afghanistan; 联合国阿富汗特派团
*UNSO; United Nations Sahelian Office; 联合国萨赫勒办事处; United Nations Sudano-Sahelian Office; 联合国苏丹—萨赫勒办事处
*UNSO; United Nations Statistical Office (UNSTAT); 联合国统计处
*UNSP; United Nations Special Projects; 联合国特别项目
*UNSTAC; United Nations Science and Technology Advisory Committee for; Development; 联合国科学和技术促进发展咨询委员会(科技促进发展咨委会)
*UNSTAT; United Nations Statistical Office (UNSO); 联合国统计处
*UNTAA; United Nations Technical Assistance Administration (TAA); 联合国技术援助管理处(技援处)
*UNTAC; United Nations Transitionsal Authority in Cambodia; 柬埔寨过渡时期联合国权力机构(联柬机构)
*UNTACDA; Inter-Agency Co-ordinating Committee for the United Nations; Transport and Communications Decade in Africa; 联合国非洲运输和通讯十年机构间协调委员会; United Nations Transport and Communications Decade in Africa; (TCDA; UNTCDA); 联合国非洲运输和通讯十年; UNTACDA II; Second United Nations Transport and Communications Decade for; Africa; 第二个联合国非洲运输和通讯十年
*UNTAES; United Nations Transitional Administration for Eastern Slavonia, ; Baranja and Western Sirmium; 联合国东部斯拉沃尼亚、巴兰尼亚和西部锡尔缪姆过渡行政当局
*UNTAG; United Nations Transition Assistance Group; Groupe d'Assistance des Nations Unies pour la Periode de Transition; (GANUPT); 联合国过渡时期援助团
*UNTAO; United Nations Bureau of Technical Assistance Operations; (BTAO; TAO; UNBTAO); 联合国技术援助业务局(技援局)
*UNTC; United Nations Trusteeship Council (TC); 联合国托管理事会(托管理事会)
*UNTCD; United Nations Department of Technical Co-operation for Development; [UN Secretariat]; 联合国技术合作促进发展部
*UNTCDA; United Nations Transport and Communications Decade in Africa; (TCDA; UNTACDA); 联合国非洲运输和通讯十年
*UNTDED; United Nations Trade Data Elements Directory; 联合国贸易数据要素目录
*UNTDID; United Nations Trade Data Interchange Directory; 联合国贸易数据交换目录
*UNTEA; United Nations Temporary Executive Authority; 联合国临时执行局(临时执行局)
*UNTF; United Nations Trust Fund (Trust Fund); 联合国信托基金(信托基金)
*UNTFAD; United Nations Trust Fund for African Development; 联合国非洲发展信托基金
*UNTFADA; United Nations Trust Fund for African Development Activities; 联合国非洲发展活动信托基金
*UNTFDPP; United Nations Trust Fund for Development Planning and Projections; Fund for Planning and Projections (FUNDPAP); 联合国发展规划和预测信托基金(发展规划和预测基金)
*UNTFIRTIAW; United Nations Trust Fund for the International Research and Training; Institute for the Advancement of Women; 联合国提高妇女地位国际研究训练所信托基金
*UNTFSA; United Nations Trust Fund for South Africa; 联合国南非信托基金(南非信托基金)
*UNTFSD; United Nations Trust Fund for Social Development; 联合国社会发展信托基金
*UNTS; United Nations Treaty Series; 联合国条约汇编
*UNTSO; United Nations Truce Supervision Organization; 联合国停火监督组织(停火监督组织); United Nations Truce Supervision Organization in Palestine; 联合国驻巴勒斯坦停火监督组织
*UNU; United Nations University; 联合国大学
*UNUIIST; UNU International Institute for Software Technology (IIST); [Macao; UNU]; 联合国大学国际软件技术研究所
*UNV; United Nations Volunteers [UNDP]; 联合国志愿人员(志愿人员); United Nations Volunteers Programme (UNVP) [UNDP]; 联合国志愿人员方案(志愿人员方案)
*UNVFUT; United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture; 联合国援助酷刑受害者自愿基金
*UNVP; United Nations Volunteers Programme (UNV) [UNDP]; 联合国志愿人员方案(志愿人员方案)
*UNWCC; United Nations War Crimes Commission; 联合国战争罪行委员会
*UNWDC; United Nations World Disarmament Campaign; 联合国世界裁军运动
*UNY; United Nations of Yoga; 瑜伽联合国
*UNYOM; United Nations Yemen Observation Mission; 联合国也门问题观察团
*UNZAP; United Nations Zambia Assistance Programme; 联合国援助赞比亚方案
*UOC; National Confederation of United Agricultural and Non-Agricultural; Workers [Chile]; Confederacion Nacional Unidad Obrero Campesina; 全国农民工人统一联合会
*UOD; ultimate oxygen demand; 极限需氧量
*UP; Union Pacific Transportation Co. [USA]; 联合太平洋运输公司
*UP; Patriotic Union Party [Colombia]; Union Patriotica; 爱国联盟
*UP; Union Popular [Equatorial Guinea]; 人民联盟
*UPADI; Pan-American Federation of Engineering Societies [formal form]; Pan-American Union of Associations of Engineering; Union Panamericana de Asociaciones de Ingenieros; 泛美工程师协会联合会(泛美工程师联合会)
*UPE; European Political Union; Union Politique Europeenne; 欧洲政治联盟
*UPEB; Union de Paises Exportadores de Banana; 香蕉出口国联盟
*UPI; United Press International [news agency]; 合众国际社
*UPL; unit packing list [Container]; 成组(货物)装箱单
*UPNO; Union Pa-O National Organization [Myanmar]; 巴奥民族组织联合会
*UPOV; International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants; Union Internationale pour la Protection des Obtentions Vegetales; 国际保护植物新品种联合会
*UPP; User-Pays-Principle [principle that the user should bear the total cost of; use of a resource and associated services]; 用户偿付原则
*UPU; Universal Postal Union; Union Postale Universelle; 万国邮政联盟(邮联)
*UR; Uruguay Round [GATT]; 乌拉圭回合
*URD; Union Revoluncionaria Democratica; Revolutionary Democratic Union [Guatemala]; 革命民主联盟
*UREF; Universite des Reseaux d'Expression Francaise [AUPELF]; 法语教学大学联系网
*URNG; National Revolutionary Union of Guatemala; Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional Guatemalteca; 危地马拉全国革命联盟
*Ur$; Uruguayan peso [Monetary Unit of Uruguay]; 乌拉圭比索
*URUPABOL; Uruguay, Paraguay y Bolivia; 乌巴玻区域组织(乌拉圭、巴拉圭和玻利维亚三国区域组织);; 乌巴玻三国条约
*US; United States of America (USA); 美利坚合众国(美国)
*USA; United States of America (US); 美利坚合众国(美国)
*USAID; United States Agency for International Development (AID); 美国国际开发署
*USASI; United States of America Standard Institute; 美国标准协会
*USBM; United States Bureau of Mines; 美国矿务局
*USC; United Somali Congress; 联合索马里大会
*USCC; United States Catholic Conference; 美国天主教会议
*USD; United States dollar [Monetary Unit of United States]; 美元
*USDA; United States Department of Agriculture; 美国农业部
*USG; Under-Secretary-General [UN Secretariat]; 副秘书长
*USG/AFM; Under-Secretary-General for Administration, Finance and Management; [UN Secretariat]; 主管行政、财政和管理事务部副秘书长
*USG/AM; Under-Secretary-General for Administration and Management; [UN Secretariat]; 主管行政和管理事务部副秘书长
*USGS; United States Geological Survey; 美国地质勘探局
*Ush; Ugandan shilling [Monetary Unit of Uganda]; 乌干达先令
*USI; United Schools International; 学联国际
*Usinor; Union Siderurgique du Nord de la France; 法国北方钢铁联合公司(犹齐诺公司)
*USINS; United States Immigration and Naturalization Service [USA]; 美国移民和归化局
*USITC; United States International Trade Commission (ITC); 美国国际贸易委员会
*USITRAS; Workers' Trade Union of Santander [Colombia]; 桑坦德工人工会
*USNH; United States, North of Cape Hatteras [Chartering and Shipping]; 美国海特拉斯角以北
*USNO; United Sabah National Organization [Malaysia]; 沙巴民族统一机构
*USO; Union Sindical Obrera [Colombia, member of CUT]; 工人工会联盟
*US$; United States dollar [Monetary Unit of United States]; 美元
*USSR; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; 苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟(苏联)
*USTA; United States Trademark Association; 美国商标协会(商标协会)
*USTS; United States Travel Service; 美国旅行社
*USUSA; Unenfranchised Students Union of South Africa; 南非无公民权学生联盟
*UTC; universal time co-ordinated; 协调世界时
*UTO; United Towns Organization; 世界联谊城联盟(联谊城联盟)
*UUMP; Unification of Units of Measurement Panel; 统一计量单位专家小组(统一计量小组)
*UV; ultraviolet; 紫外;紫外线
*UVA; ultraviolet A radiation; 紫外线A波段;长波紫外线[波长大于320毫微米]
*UVB; ultraviolet B radiation; 紫外线B波段;中波紫外线[波长在280—320毫微米之间]
*UVC; ultraviolet C radiation; 紫外线C波段;短波紫外线[波长在200—280毫微米之间]
*UWC; United World Colleges; 世界学院联合会
*V; Green Group in the European Parliament [EC]; Groupe des Verts au Parlement Europeen; 欧洲议会绿党议员团
*v; versus [Latin]; __诉__[诉讼]; __对__[比赛]
*VALOREN; Exploiting Indigenous Energy Potential [EC Programme]; Valorisation du Potentiel Energetique Endogene; 开发本地能源潜力方案
*value; Specific Programme for the Dissemination and Utilization of Scientific; and Technological Research Results [EC]; 传播和利用科技研究成果特别计划
*VAP; Voluntary Assistance Programme [WMO]; 志愿援助方案; Voluntary Assistance Programme Fund [WMO]; 志愿援助方案基金
*VARI; voluntary absence for the release of isolation [UNHCR]; 消除孤独感自愿假
*VAT; value added tax; 增值税; VAT return [EC]; 增值税税单
*VC; variable component [EEC tariff]; 可变成分
*VC; variable cost; 可变成本
*VCP; Voluntary Co-operation Programme; 志愿合作方案
*VDPA; Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action; 维也纳宣言和行动纲领[关于人权]
*VDU; visual display units (VDUs); 直观显示装置
*VEE; Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis; 委内瑞拉马脑脊髓炎
*VER; voluntary export restrictions (VERs); 自愿出口限制(自愿限制)
*VEREX; Ad Hoc Group of Governmental Experts to Identify and Examine; Potential Verification Measures from a Scientific and Technical; Standpoint [BWC]; 从科技角度查明和研究可能的核查措施特设政府专家小组; (核查措施专家小组)
*VERTIC; Verification Technology Information Centre (Vertic) [UK]; 核查技术资料中心
*VFDW; Voluntary Fund for the United Nations Decade for Women ; (VFUNDW); 联合国妇女十年志愿基金
*VFUNDW; Voluntary Fund for the United Nations Decade for Women (VFDW); 联合国妇女十年志愿基金
*VHP; Vishwa Hindu Parishad (World Hindu Council) [India]; 世界印度教理事会
*VHRR; very high resolution radiometer; 高分辨率辐射仪
*VIB; Visual Information Board; 影视资料委员会(影视资料会)
*VIC; Vienna International Centre; 维也纳国际中心
*VID; Vienna Institute for Development; 维也纳发展研究所(发展研究所)
*VIF; Venezuelan Investment Fund; 委内瑞拉投资基金
*Vision International; International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB); 国际防治失明机构(防治失明机构)
*ViSP; Visual Settlement Planning; 可视安顿规划(安顿规划)
*VISTA; Volunteers in Service to America; 为美国服务志愿队
*VIV; Food Import Bureau [Netherlands]; 粮食进口局
*viz; videlicet [Latin]; 即;就是说
*VL; viceral leishmaniasis; 黑热病
*VLA; value Line Average [USA]; [value Line: Private company which issues a periodic advisory; service paper ranking hundreds of stocks for timeliness and; safety. The company uses a computerized model for judging; the value of the stocks. Each stock is assigned a risk rating.; value Line Index: Index of over seventeen hundred stocks; computed by value Line. These include not only stocks listed; on the New York Stock Exchange but also securities traded; on AMEX and over-the-counter stocks.]
*VLA; vertical line array; 垂直线阵列[测向与测距水声天线阵列]
*VLCC; very large crude carrier; 巨型原油船
*VMM ; Virtual Microfinance Market; 虚拟微型金融市场 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*VMP; value of marginal product; 边际产品价值
*VMRO; International Macedonian Revolutionary Organization [Macedonia]; 马其顿革命国际组织
*VNG; Vermont-Nations Geneva [UNHCR Headquarters Annex]; 日内瓦弗尔蒙街联合国办公楼
*VOC; volatile organic compounds; 挥发性有机化合物
*VO-MTO; vessel-operating multimodal transport operators; 有船多式联运人
*vop; valued as in original policy; 价值按原保险单
*VPA; Vienna Programme of Action on Science and Technology for; Development (Vienna Programme of Action) [A/CONF.81/16]; 科学和技术促进发展维也纳行动纲领(维也纳行动纲领)
*VSAT ; very small aperture terminal [Telecommunications]; 极小孔径终端
*VTPR; vertical temperature profile radiometer; 温度垂直廓线辐射仪
*vv; vice versa [Latin]; 反之亦然;反过来;反过来也是一样
*VVAO; Nederlandse Vereniging van Vrouwen met Academische Opleiding; 荷兰大学妇女协会
*W3; World Wide Web (WWW); 万维网;万维天罗地网[计算机网络]
*WA; West Africa; 西非; WA pound (£WA) [Monetary Unit of Gambia and Sierra Leone]; 西非镑
*WA; with average (wa) [Chartering and Shipping]; 水渍险;基本险;单独海损
*WABA; West African Bankers Association; 西非银行家协会(西非银协)
*WAC; War Amputations of Canada; 加拿大战争截肢人协会(战争截肢人协会)
*WACC; World Africa Chamber of Commerce; 世界非洲商会(非洲商会)
*WACC; World Association for Christian Communication; 世界基督教通信协会(基督教通信协会)
*WACH; West African Clearing House; 西非票据交换所(西非票交所)
*WAEC; West African Economic Community; Communaute Economique de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (CEAO); 西非经济共同体(西非经共体)
*WAEMU; West African Economic and monetary Union; Union Economique et Monetaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA); 西非经济和货币联盟(西非经货联)
*WAEP; World Association for Element Building and Prefabrication; 世界构件和预制构件协会
*WAER; World Association for Educational Research; 世界教育研究协会(教育研究协会)
*WAF; with all faults; 一经出售概不退换;不保证商品无瑕疵
*WAFA; Wikalat Anbaa' Filastiniya; Palestine News Agency; 巴勒斯坦新闻社
*WAFR; World Appraisal of Fishery Resources Programme [FAO]; 世界渔业资源评价计划
*WAFUNIF; World Association of Former United Nations Internes and Fellows; 联合国退职实习人员和研究员世界协会; (联合国退职实习人员和研究员协会)
*WAGGGS; World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts; 世界女童子军协会(女童军协会)
*WAICA; West African Insurance Consultative Association; 西非保险咨询协会
*WAIOP; with average irrespective of percentage (waiop); 单独海损不计免赔率
*WAIPA; World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies; 世界投资促进机构协会
*WAITRO; World Association of Industrial and Technological Research; Organizations; 世界工业与技术研究组织协会(工业与技术研究协会)
*WAMA; West African Monetary Agency; 西非货币管理局
*WAMU; West African Monetary Union; Union Monetaire Ouest Africaine; 西非货币联盟(西非货联)
*WAN; wide area network [Computer]; 广域网络;广域计算机网络
*WAPA; weighted average of post adjustments; 工作地点差价调整数加权平均数; movement of WAPA; 工作地点差价调整数加权平均数的变动; WAPA index; 工作地点差价调整数加权平均数指数
*WAPR; World Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation; 社会心理康复世界协会(社会心理康复协会)
*WARC; World Alliance of Reformed Churches; 世界归正会联谊会(归正会联谊会)
*WARDA; West African Rice Development Association; 西非稻米发展协会(西非稻米协会)
*WARO; West Asia Regional Office [UNICEF]; 西亚区域办事处
*WASME; World Assembly of Small and Medium Enterprises; 世界中小企业会议(中小企业会议)
*WASP; white Anglo-Saxon Protestant; 信奉新教的白种盎格鲁撒克逊人百分制
*WASP; World Association of Societies of Pathology; 世界病理学会协会(病理学会协会)
*WATA; World Association of Travel Agencies; 世界旅行社协会
*WAUA; West African Unit of Account; 西非计帐单位
*WAWF; World Association for World Federation (new name); World Association of World Federalists (old name); 世界联邦世界协会[新名];; 世界联邦主义者世界协会(世界联邦主义者协会)[旧名]
*WAY; World Assembly of Youth; 世界青年大会(青年大会)
*WBC; well blowout control; 井喷控制; WBC Claim; 井喷控制索赔[向伊拉克索赔问题]
*WBCSD; World Business Council for Sustainable Development; 世界促进可持续发展商业理事会
*WB/EI; West Britain / East Ireland [Chartering and Shipping]; 英国西岸/爱尔兰东岸
*WBMS; World Bureau of Metal Statistics; 世界金属统计局
*WBS; without benefit of salvage (Wbs; wbs) [Chartering and Shipping]; 不享有获救财产的权利;无救助利益
*WCAFC; Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission; 中大西洋西部渔业委员会
*WCAP; World Climate Application Programme [WMO/WCP]; 世界气候应用方案
*WCARRD; World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development; 世界土地改革和和农村发展会议
*WCC; World Council of Churches; 世界基督教协进会; CCIA/WCC; Commission of Churches on International Affairs of the WCC; 世界基督教协进会教会国际事务委员会; (教会国际事务委员会)
*WCC; World Crafts Council; 世界手工艺理事会(手工艺理事会)
*WCCD; World Commission on Culture and Development; 世界文化与发展委员会
*WCDP; World Climate Data Programme [WMO/WCP]; 世界气候数据方案
*WCDW; World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women; 联合国妇女十年世界会议
*WCED; World Commission on Environment and Development; (Brundtland Commission); 世界环境与发展委员会(布伦特兰委员会;环发委员会)
*WCEFA; World Conference on Education for All; 世界全民教育会议
*WCI; World Coal Institute; 世界煤炭学会
*WCIP; World Climate Impact Study Programme [UNEP/WCP]; 世界气候影响研究方案
*WCIP; World Council of Indigenous Peoples; 世界土著人理事会(土著人理事会)
*WCL; World Confederation of Labour [formerly: IFCTU]; Confederation Mondiale du Travail (CMT); 世界劳工联合会(世界劳联)
*WCLC; World Christian Life Community; 世界基督教徒生活社团
*WCMC; World Conservation Monitoring Centre; 世界养护监测中心
*WCO; World Customs Organization [formerly: CCC]; 世界海关组织(海关组织)
*WCOTP; World Confederation of Organizations of the Teaching Profession; 世界教育工作者组织联合会(教育工作者联合会)
*WCP; World Climate Programme [WMO/UNEP/ICSU/UNESCO; 1979]; 世界气候方案
*WCPT; World Confederation for Physical Therapy; 世界理疗联合会(理疗联合会); World Congress of Physical Therapy; 世界理疗大会
*WCRP; World Climate Research Programme [ICSU/WMO/UNESCO/WCP]; 世界气候研究方案
*WCRP; World Conference on Religion and Peace; 世界宗教与和平会议(宗教与和平会议)
*WCS; World Conservation Strategy [WCP]; [Published by IUCN, UNEP and WWF in 1980]; 世界养护战略(养护战略);世界保护战略
*WCSA; west coast of South Africa [Chartering and Shipping]; 南非西岸
*WCT; World Confederation of Teachers; 世界教师联合会(教师联合会)
*WCT; WIPO Coopeatation Treaty; ; 世界知识产权组织版权条约 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*WCWB; World Council for the Welfare of the Blind; 世界盲人福利理事会(盲人福利理事会)
*WDC; World Data Centres (WDCs); 世界数据中心(数据中心); WDC on Micro-Organisms; 世界微生物数据中心; WDCs for Meteorology; 世界气象数据中心
*WDC; World Disarmament Conference; 世界裁军会议
*WDM; World Development Movement; 世界发展运动(发展运动)
*WE; World Education; 世界教育协会(教育协会)
*WEC; World Energy Conference; 世界能源会议(能源会议)
*WEDO; Women's Environment and Development Organization; 环境与发展妇女组织
*WEEB; Western European EDIFACT Board; 管理、商务和运输电子数据交换系统西欧委员会; WEEB-MD4; WEEB-Message Development Group 4; 管理、商务和运输电子数据交换系统西欧委员会电文开发第; 四小组
*WEF; World Education Fellowship, The; 世界教育联谊会(教育联谊会)
*wef; with effect from; 自__起生效;自__起实施
*WEI; World Environment Institute; 世界环境研究所(环境研究所)
*WEM; Workshop for Emergency Managers [UNHCR]; 应急管理人员讲习班
*WEOG; Western Europe and Other States Group; 西欧及其他国家集团
*WERC; World Environment and Resources Council; 世界环境与资源理事会(环境与资源理事会)
*WEU; Western European Union; 西欧联盟
*WFAFW; World Federation of Agriculture and Food Workers; 世界农业和粮食工人联合会 (农粮工联)
*WFAW; World Federation of Agricultural Workers (WFAW-CMT) ; [WCL/CMT]; 世界农业工人联合会(农业工人联合会)
*WFB; World Fellowship of Buddhists; 世界佛教徒联谊会
*WFC; World Food Congress; 世界粮食大会
*WFC; World Food Council; 世界粮食理事会(粮食理事会)
*WFCC; World Federation of Cultural Collections; 世界培植品采集联合会
*WFCLC; World Federation of Christian Life Communities; 世界基督教生活团体联合会(基督教生活团体联合会)
*WFCY; World Federation of Catholic Youth; 世界天主教青年联合会(天主教青年联合会)
*WFD; World Federation of the Deaf; 世界聋人联合会(聋联)
*WFDFI; World Federation of Development Financing Institutions; 世界发展筹资机构联合会(筹资联)
*WFDY; World Federation of Democratic Youth; 世界民主青年联合会(民主青联)
*WFEO; World Federation of Engineering Organizations; 世界工程组织联合会(工组联)
*WFFS; World Fleet Forcasting Service; 世界船队预报服务社
*WFFTH; World Federation of Workers in Food, Tobacco and Hotel Industries; (WFFTH-WCL) [WCL/CMT]; 世界食品工业、烟草业和旅馆业工人联合会; (食品、烟草和旅馆业工人联合会)
*WFHA-AVSC; World Federation of Health Agencies for the Advancement of ; Voluntary Surgical Contraception; 促进自愿绝育外科手术世界保健机构联合会; (促进自愿绝育外科手术保健机构联合会)
*WFM; World Federalist Movement; 世界联邦主义者运动
*WFMH; World Federation for Mental Health; 世界心理卫生联合会(心卫联)
*WFMW; World Federation of Methodist Women; 世界卫理公会女教友联合会(卫理公会女教友联合会)
*WFNMB; World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology; 世界核医学和生物学联合会(核医学和生物学联合会)
*WFOT; World Federation of Occupational Therapists; 世界职业病治疗人员联合会(职业病治疗人员联合会)
*WFP; World Federation of Public Health Associations; 世界公共卫生协会联合会(公卫协联)
*WFP; World Food Programme [ESC; FAO]; Programme Alimentaire Mondial (PAM); 世界粮食计划署(粮食署);世界粮食方案(粮食方案)
*WFSA; World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists; 世界麻醉师学会联合会(麻醉师联合会)
*WFSF; World Future Studies Federation; 世界未来研究联合会(未来研究联合会)
*WFSW; World Federation of Scientific Workers; 世界科学工作者联合会(科工联)
*WFTC; World Federation of Therapeutic Communities, Inc.; 世界治疗机构联合会(治疗机构联合会)
*WFTU; World Federation of Trade Unions; 世界工会联合会(世界工联)
*WFUNA; World Federation of United Nations Associations; 联合国协会世界联合会(联合国协联)
*WG; weight guaranteed (wg) [Chartering ang Shipping]; 担保重量;保证重量
*WG; working group ; 工作组
WG 4 - "Future Containers" [ISO]; 第四工作组—“未来的集装箱”
*WGAFM; Working Group on Administrative and Financial Matters [UNDP]; 行政和财务事项工作小组(行政财务小组)
*WGC; World Gold Council; 世界黄金理事会
*WGE; Working Group on Evaluation [GSE]; 评价工作组
*WGET; United Nations Working Group on Emergency Telecommunications; 联合国紧急情况电信工作组(紧急电信工作组)
*WGISL; Working Group on International Shipping Legislation [UNCTAD]; 国际航运立法工作组
*WGO; Working Group on Operations [GSE]; 运行工作组
*WGP; Working Group on Planning [GSE]; 规划工作组
*WHA; World Health Assembly; 世界卫生大会(卫生大会)
*WHF; World Hindu Federation; 世界印度教联合会
*WHL; World Hypertension League; 世界高血压病联盟(高血压病联盟)
*WHO; World Health Organization; 世界卫生组织(卫生组织)
WHO/AFRO (Regional Office for Africa); 非洲区域办事处
WHO/EMRO (Regional Office for Eastern Mediterranean); 东地中海区域办事处
WHO/EURO (Regional Office for Europe); 欧洲区域办事处
*WIC; West Indian Commission [CARICOM]; 西印度群岛委员会
*WICE; World Industry Council for the Environment [ICC]; 环境问题世界工业理事会
*WICEM; World Industry Conference on Environmental Management; 关于环境管理的世界工业大会
*WID; women in development; 发展中妇女
*WIDE; Women in Development Europe; 欧洲发展中妇女组织
*WIDER; World Institute for Development Economics Research [Helsinki; UNU]; 世界发展经济学研究所
*WIDF; Womwn's International Democratic Federation; 国际民主妇女联合会(民主妇联)
*WIF; Worldview International Foundation - Kenya; 肯尼亚世界观点国际基金会
*WILPF; Women's International League for Peace and Freedom; 国际妇女争取和平与自由联盟(妇女和平自由联盟)
*WINGS; Warrant into Governmental Securities [USA]; [Warrant which allows the purchaser to acquire, within a specified; period of time, at a fixed price, a US Treasury bill of specified coupon rate and maturity.]; 购买政府债券许可
*WIP; Workgroup on Indigenous Peoples; Werkgroep Inheemse Volken; 土著人民工作组
*WIPO; World Intellectual Property Organization; 世界知识产权组织(产权组织)
*WIR; World Investment Report; 世界投资报告[年刊]