
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/09/21 08:52:53
*TLV; threshold limit value; (可允许的)最高限值;阈限值
*TMB; Textiles Monitoring Body [GATT]; 纺织品监督局
*TMETN; trimethylolethane trinitrate; 三羟甲基乙烷三硝酸酯
*tmv; tobacco mosaic virus; 烟草花叶病毒
*TNC; transnational corporations (TNCs); 跨国公司;多国企业
*TNEC; Temporary National Economic Committee; 全国经济临时委员会
*TNMC; transnational marketing or trading corporations (TNMCs); 跨国销售或贸易公司
*TNO; Nederlandse Centrale Organisatie voor; Togepast-Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek; 荷兰中央应用与自然科学研究组织
*TNS; total national strategy [South Africa]; 国家总战略
*TOCOM; Tokyo Commodity Exchange [Japan]; 东京商品交易所
*TOFC; trailer on flat car; 平板车式集装箱拖车
*TOGA; Tropical Oceans and Global Atmosphere Programme [WCRP]; 热带海洋与全球大气实验方案
*TOM; overseas territories [EC]; territoires d'outre-mer; 海外领地
*TOMS; Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer; 臭氧总量绘图系统
*TONNAG; International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969; (TONNAG 1969) [23 June 1969]; 1969年国际船舶吨位丈量公约
*TOT; training of trainers; 培训者的培训
*TOT; transfer of technology; 技术转让
*tpa; ton per annum; 每年吨数
*TPC; Trade Promotion Centre [ESCAP]; 贸易促进中心
*TPFCJ; Trans-Pacific Freight Conference of Japan; 日本横渡太平洋航运公会
*TPI; Tropical Products Institute [UK]; 热带产品协会
*TPL; tricalcium phosphate lime; bone phosphate of lime; 骨质磷酸钙;磷酸三钙
*TPND; risk of theft, pilferage and non-delivery [Insurance]; 盗窃和提货不着险;偷窃及提货不着
*TPO; trade promotion organizations; 促进贸易组织
*TPR; Tripartite Review Meeting (TRI); 三方审查会议
*TPRM; trade policy review mechanism; 贸易政策审查机制(贸审机制)
*tpy; ton per year; 每年吨数
*TQ; tale quale; tel quel (tq); 现状条款
*TQC; total quality control; 全面质量管理
*TQM; total quality management; 全面质量管理(全质管)
*TR; transferable roubles; 可转让卢布;可转换卢布;转帐卢布
*T/R; trust receipt; 信托收据
*TRAFFIC; Trade Records Analysis of Fauna and Flora in Commerce; 商业动植物贸易记录分析; TRAFFIC International; 商业动植物贸易记录分析国际社
*TRAINAIR; Training Development in the Field of Civil Aviation [IACO]; 民航领域的培训方案(民航培训方案)
*TRAINFORTRADE; Training Development in the Field of Foreign Trade [UNCTAD]; 外贸领域的培训方案(外贸培训方案)
*TRAINMAR; Training Development in the Field of Maritime Transport [UNCTAD]; 海运领域的培训方案(海运培训方案)
*TRAINS; Trade Analysis and Information System; 贸易分析和信息系统
*TRAN; Transport Division [ECE]; 运输司
*TRD; Trade Division [ECE]; 贸易司
*TRDB; Tanzanian Rural Development Bank; 坦桑尼亚农村开发银行
*TRENCOP; Tree and Energy Conservation Programmes [Uganda]; 护林和节能方案
*TRI; toxic release inventory [USA]; 有毒物质排放记录
*TRI; Tripartite Review Meeting (TPR); 三方审查会议
*TRIE; Transport Routier Inter-Etats Convention (TRIE Convention); 国际间公路货运公约
*TRIM; trade-related investment measures (TRIMs); 与贸易有关的投资措施(涉贸投资措施)
*TRIP; trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights (TRIPs); 与贸易有关的知识产权问题(涉贸知识产权问题)
*TRPE; trade-related public enterprises (TRPEs); 与贸易有关的公营企业
*TRT; Trademark Registration Treaty [12 June 1973]; 商标注册条约 [国际私法参考资料(四),p.197]
*TRW; [A US-based provider of credit information on individuals and business; entities; translator note - not an acronym]
*T$; Tongan pa'anga [Monetary Unit of Tonga]; 汤加潘加
*TSAG; Telecommunications Standardization Advisory Group [ITU]; 电信标准化咨询组
*TSB; Textiles Surveillance Body [MFA]; 纺织品监督机构
*TSCS; Trans-Siberia Container Service; 横贯西伯利亚集装箱转运
*Tsh; Tanzanian shilling [Monetary UNit of Tanzania]; 坦桑尼亚先令
*TSO; Technical Standards Orders [US FAA]; 技术标准指令
*TSR; technically specified rubber; 工艺分类橡胶; TSR-20; 二十号标准胶[代表团的意见]
*TSUS; Tariff Schedule of the United States (TSUSA); 美国海关税则
*TT; telegraphic transfer (T/T); 电汇
*TT; terminal transit; 区内调运
*TT; through transport; 直达运输; TT Club; Through Transport Mutual Association Ltd.; 直达运输互助协会
*TT; transfer of technology; 技术转让
*TTAP; Trust for Transitional Action to Progress [Tamil Nadu, India]; 行动求进步信托组织
*TTBT; Threshold Test Ban Treaty; 临界禁试条约
*TTCA; Transit Transportation Co-ordination Authority [Africa]; 过境运输协调局
*TTD; Trade and Technology Division [ECE]; 贸易和技术司
*TTI; Trade, Transport and Industry; 贸易、运输和工业; APEC/TTI; the Trade, Transport and Industry Sector of the Action Programme; for Economic Co-operation; 经济合作行动纲领的贸易、运输和工业部门
*TTP; Panel of Teletypewriter Specialists; 电传打字机专家小组
*TTP; trainer's training programme; 训练人员培训方案
*TT$; Trinidad and Tobago dollar [Monetary Unit of Trinidad and Tobago]; 特立尼达和多巴哥元
*TTT; Transamerican Trailer Transport; 美国拖车运输公司
*TUAC; Trade Union Advisory Committee to OECD; 经合组织工会咨询委员会
*TUCSA; Trade Union Council of South Africa; 南非工会理事会
*Tug; Mongolian tuglik [Monetary Unit of Mongolia]; 蒙古图格里克
*TUIAFPW; Trade Unions International of Agricultural, Forestry and Plantation; Workers; 农业、林业和种植园工人国际工会(农林业和种植园工人工会)
*TUP; Trickle Up Program; 涓流方案
*Tupamaros; Tupamaros National Liberation Movement [Uruguay]; Movimiento de Liberacion Nacional (MLN; MLN-T); 图帕马罗斯民族解放运动
*TV; television; 电视
*TVA; Tennessee Valley Authority [USA]; 田纳西流域管理局
*TVE; Television Trust for the Environment; 环境电视信托基金
*TWAS; Third World Academy of Sciences; 第三世界科学院
*TWF; Third World Foundation (for Social and Economic Studies); 第三世界(社会与经济研究)基金会
*TWH; terawatt hour; 万亿瓦小时;十亿千瓦小时
*TW MAE W; Third World Movement against Exploitation of Women; 第三世界反对剥削妇女运动
*TWN; Third World Network; 第三世界网络
*UA; unit of account; 记帐单位; European Unit of Account (EUA); 欧洲记帐单位; Unit of Account of the PTA (UAPTA); 东部和南部非洲优惠贸易区记帐单位
*U/A; underwriting account (U/a; ua); 承保帐户
*UAA; Arab Lawyers Union; Union des Avocats Arabes; 阿拉伯律师联合会(律师联合会)
*UAB; Union of Arab Banks; 阿拉伯银行联合会
*UAD; United Action for Democracy [Nigeria]; 联合行动争取民主协会
*UAE; United Arab Emirates; 阿拉伯联合酋长国
*UAET; United Arab Emirates Tanker Company; 阿拉伯联合酋长国油船公司
*UAI; Union of International Associations; Union des Associations Internationale ; 国际协会联合会(协联)
*UAJ; Union of Arab Jurists; 阿拉伯法学家联合会
*UAM; African and Malagasy Union; Union Africaine et Malgache; 非洲马达加斯加联盟
*UAP; Universal Availability of Publications; 世界出版物供应来源(方案)
*UAPTA; Unit of Account of the PTA; 东部和南部非洲优惠贸易区记帐单位
*UAR; Union of African Railways; 非洲铁路联盟
*UATI; Union des Associations Techniques Internationales; Union of International Technical Associations (UITA); 国际技术协会联合会(技术协会联合会)
*UBC; Universal Bibliographic Control; 世界书目管理(方案)
*UBDP; Union Belge pour la Defense de la Paix; 比利时保卫和平联盟
*UCC; ultimate container carrier (a kind of new container carrier); 终极集装箱船
*UCEDS; UNCTAD Central Economic Data System; 贸发会议中央经济数据系统
*UCITS; undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities; 有价证券集体投资机构
*UCIZONIO; Union of Indigenous Communities of the Mixed Zone of the Isthmus; [Mexico]
*UCL; University College London [UK]; 伦敦大学学院
*UCMJ; Uniform Code of Military Justice [USA]; 统一军法典
*UCN; National Centre Union Party [Guatemala]; 全国中间联盟党
*UCP/ICC; Uniform Customs and Practices of documentary Credits of the; International Chamber of Commerce; [ICC Publication 290; 1 Oct. 1975]; 国际商会的跟单信用证统一惯例; [国际贸易惯例与规则汇编,p.323]
*UDAO; West African Customs Union; Union Douaniere de l'Afrique de l'Ouest; 西非关税同盟
*UDEAC; Central African Customs and Economic Union (CACEU); Union Douaniere et Economique de l'Afrique Centrale; 中部非洲关税和经济联盟(中非关经联)
*UDEAO; Customs and Economic Union of West African States; Union Douaniere et Economique des Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest; 西非国家关税和经济同盟
*UDF; Union of Democratic Forces [Bulgaria]; 民主力量联盟
*UDF; Union pour la Democratie Francaise [France]; 法国民主联盟
*UDF; United Democratic Front [South Africa; Malawi]; 联合民主阵线
*UDHR; Universal Declaration of Human Rights [A/RES/217 A(III)]; 世界人权宣言
*UDI; Unilateral Declaration of Independence [Zimbabwe]; 单方面宣布独立[指津巴布韦独立前罗得西亚白人政权]
*UDP; People's Democratic Union [Bolivia]; Union Democratica Popular; 人民民主联盟
*UDPS; Union for Democracy and Social Progress [Zaire]; 民主与社会进步联盟
*UDRP; Uniform Domain Name dispute Resolution Policy; 《统一域名争议解决政策》(UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*UDS; Union Democrata Social [Equatorial Guinea]; 社会民主联盟
*UDT; Uniao Democratica Timorense [East Timor]; 帝汶民主联盟
*UE; European Union (EU); Union Europeenne; 欧洲联盟(欧盟)
*UEA; Universal Esperanto Association; Universala Esperanto-Asocio; 国际世界语协会(世界语协会)
*UEAC; Union of Central African States; Union des Etats de l'Afrique Centrale; 中非国家联盟
*UEMOA; Union des Exposants de Machines et Outillage Agricoles; 农业机械及工具展览商联合会
*UEMOA; West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU); Union Economique et Monetaire Ouest Africaine; 西非经济和货币联盟(西非经货联)
*UEPIP; Union of European Practitioners in Industrial Property; 欧洲工业产权代理人联合会
*UES; Union of Secondary-School Pupils [Argentina]; Union de Estudiantes Secundarios; 中学生联合会
*UFCDKF; United Front for the Construction and Defence of the Kampuchean; Fatherland [formerly: KUFNCD]; 柬埔寨祖国建国卫国统一阵线[越南扶植政党]
*UFER; International Movement for Fraternal Union among Races and Peoples; Mouvement International pour l'Union Fraternelle entre les Races et les; Peuples; 国际种族和民族博爱团结运动
*UFI; Union of International Fairs (UIF); Union des Foires Internationales; 国际博览会联合会(博览会联合会)
*UFTAA; Universal Federation of Travel Agents' Associations; 世界旅行社协会联合会(旅行社联合会)
*UGB; Union Guerra Blanca [El Salvador]; 白色战争联盟
*UHF; ultra high frequency; 超高频[300-3000兆赫]
*UI; Uranium Institute [UK]; 铀学会
*UIA; International Union of Lawyers; Union Internationale des Avocats; 国际律师联合会
*UIC; International Union of Railways (IUR); Union Internationale des Chemins de Fer; 国际铁路联盟(铁路联盟)
*UIF; Unemployment Insurance Fund [South Africa]; 失业保险基金
*UIF; Union of International Fairs; Union des Foires Internationales (UFI); 国际博览会联合会(博览会联合会)
*UILI; International Union of Independent Laboratories; Union Internationale des Laboratoires Independants; 国际独立实验室联合会
*UIM; International Association of Judges (new name); International Union of Judges (old name); Association Internationale des Magistrats (new name); Union Internationale des Magistrats (old name); 国际法官协会[新名];国际法官联合会[旧名]
*UINF; International Union for Inland Navigation; Union Internationale de la Navigation Fluviale; 国际内河航行联盟(内河航行联盟)
*UINL; International Union of Latin Notariat; Union Internationale du Notariat Latin; 国际拉丁语公证人联合会
*UISP; International Union of Police Federations; Union Internationale des Syndicats de Police; 国际警察联合会联盟(警察联盟)
*UITA; Union des Associations Techniques Internationales (UATI); Union of International Technical Associations; 国际技术协会联合会(技术协会联合会)
*UITP; International Union of Public Transport; Union Internationale des Transports Publics; 国际公共运输联合会(公共运输联合会)
*UK; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; (United Kingdom); 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(联合王国;英国)
*UKAEA; United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (AEA; BAEA); 英国原子能管理局
*UKCIS; United Kingdom Chemical Information Service; 联合王国化学资料服务处
*UK/Cont (BH); United Kingdom or Coninent (Bordeaux-Hamburg range); 联合王国或大陆(波尔多—汉堡线)
*UK/Cont (GH); United Kingdom or Continent (Gibraltar-Hamburg range); 联合王国或大陆(直布罗陀汉—堡线)
*UK/Cont (HH); United Kingdom or Continent (Le Havre-Hamburg range); 联合王国或大陆(勒阿弗尔—汉堡线)
*Ukfo; United Kingdom, for order [Chartering and Shipping]; 联合王国方向,等待指示
*UKIAS; United Kingdom Immigrants Advisory Service; 联合王国移民咨询服务处
*UKO; UKO International; United Kingdom Optical International; 联合王国光学国际公司
*UKWAL; United Kingdom/West Africa Lines Joint Service; 联合王国/西非航运公司联合服务社
*UL; Latin Union; Union Latina; 拉丁联合会
*ULCC; ultra large crude carrier; 超巨型原油船
*ULD; unit load devices; 成组器;成组货载设备[集装箱]; A/C ULD; aircraft unit load devic; 航空用成组器; non-A/C ULD; non-aircraft unit load device; 非航空用成组器
*ULIS; Uniform Laws of International Sale of Goods [UNCITRAL; A/9617]; 国际货物销售统一法
*UM; Mauritania ouguiya [Monetary Unit of Mauritania]; 毛里塔尼亚乌吉亚
*UMA; Arab Maghreb Union (AMU); Union du Maghreb Arabe; 阿拉伯马格里布联盟(阿马联)
*UMC; United Methodist Church; 联合卫理公会
*UMDC; Christian Democratic World Union (CDWU) [now: CDI]; Union Mondiale Democrate Chretienne; 世界基督教民主党联盟(基督教民主党联盟)
*UMNO; United Malays National Organization [Malaysia]; 马来民族统一机构(巫统)
*UMOA; West African Monetary Union (WAMU); Union Monetaire Ouest Africaine; 西非货币联盟(西非货联)
*UMOSEA; World Union for the Safeguard of Youth; Union Mondiale pour la Sauvegarde de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence; 世界保护青年联合会(保青联)
*UMPL; World Union of Professions; Union Mondiale des Professions Liberales; 世界自由职业联合会
*UmverkehR; Swiss Traffic Alternative; 瑞士非传统交通协会
*UMWA; United Mine Workers of America; 美国矿工联合会
*UN; United Nations; 联合国
*UNAFEI; United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crome; and the Treatment of Offenders; 联合国亚洲和远东预防犯罪和罪犯待遇研究所; (亚远预防犯罪研究所)
*UNAFRI; United Nations African Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the; Treatment of Offenders; 联合国非洲预防犯罪和罪犯待遇研究所
*UNAIDS; Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS; 联合国艾滋病毒/艾滋病联合方案(艾滋病方案)
*UNAMIC; United Nations Advance Mission in Cambodia; 联合国驻柬埔寨先遣团
*UNAMIR; United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda; Mission des Nations Unies d'Assistance au Rwanda (MINUAR); 联合国卢旺达援助团
*UNAPDI; Asian and Pacific Development Institute (APDI); 亚洲及太平洋发展研究所
*UNAPEC; United Nations Action Programme for Economic Co-operations among; Developing Countries (APEC); 联合国发展中国家间经济合作行动纲领
*UNARDOL; United Nations Agency for Reconstruction and Development of ; Lebanon; 联合国黎巴嫩重建发展机构; United Nations Assistance for the Reconstruction and Development of; Lebanon; 联合国援助黎巴嫩重建和发展(方案)
*UNASYLVA; Yearbook of Forest Products; 森林产品年鉴
*UNAT; Administrative Tribunal of the United Nations; United Nations Administrative Tribunal (SG/LEG/Admin Trib); 联合国行政法庭
*UNATAC; Union of Technical Assistance for Motor Vehicle and Road Traffic; Union d'Assistance Technique pour l'Automobile et la Circulation; Routiere; 汽车和公路交通技术援助联盟
*UNAVEM; United Nations Angola Verification Mission; 联合国安哥拉核查团; UNAVEM II; 联合国安哥拉第二期核查团
*UNBA; United Nations Board of Auditors; 联合国审计委员会
*UNBIS; United Nations Bibliographic Information System; 联合国书目资料系统(书目资料系统); UNBIS Thesaurus; 书目资料系统术语词库
*UNBRO; United Nations Border Relief Operation [Cambodia]; 联合国边境救济行动
*UNBSA; United Nations Bureau of Social Affairs; 联合国社会事务局
*UNBTAO; United Nations Bureau of Technical Assistance Operations; (BTAO; TAO; UNTAO); 联合国技术援助业务局(技援局)
*UNC; United Nations Command; 联合国指挥部
*UN/CAA; United Nations Centre against Apartheid (CAA); 联合国反对种族隔离中心(反对种族隔离中心)
*UNCC; United Nations Chief Co-ordinator; 联合国首席协调员(首席协调员)
*UNCC; United Nations Compensation Commission; 联合国赔偿委员会
*UNCCP; United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine (CCP); 联合国巴勒斯坦和解委员会(和解委员会)
*UNCD; United Nations Centre for Disarmament [DPSCA]; 联合国裁军中心
*UNCDF; United Nations Capital Development Fund (CDF) [UNDP]; 联合国资本发展基金(资本发展基金); UNCDF-funded project; 资本发展基金资助项目; UNCDF operational reserve; 资本发展基金业务储备金
*UNCDPPP; United Nations Centre for Development Planning, Projections and; Policies (CDPPP) [ESA]; 联合国发展规划、预测和政策中心
*UNCED; United Nations Conference on Environment and Development; Earth Summit; 联合国环境与发展会议(环发会议;地球问题首脑会议)
*UN/CEFACT; Centre for the Facilitation of Procedures and Practices for; Administration, Commerce and Transport of the United ; Nations Economic Commission; ; 联合国欧洲经济委员会简化行政、商业、运输手续; 及惯例中心 简化手续中心 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*UNCESI; Centre for Economic and Social Information (CESI); 经济及社会新闻中心(经社新闻中心)
*UNCHBP; United Nations Centre for Housing, Building and Planning (CHBP); [ESA]; 联合国住房、建房和规划中心
*UNCHS; United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat) (CHS); 联合国人类住区(生境)中心(生境中心); United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat); 联合国人类住区(生境)会议(生境会议); UNCHS(HABITAT); 生境中心
*UNCID; Uniform Rules of Conduct for Interchange of Trade Data by; Teletransmission; 贸易数据交换电信传输统一行为规则
*UNCIP; United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan; 联合国印度巴基斯坦委员会(印巴委员会)
*UNCITRAL; United Nations Commission on International Trade Law; 联合国国际贸易法委员会(贸易法委员会)
*UNCIVPOL; United Nations Civilian Police Force (CIVPOL); 联合国民警部队; UNCIVPOL Missing Persons Bureau; 联合国民警部队失踪人士事务局
*UNCLDC; United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries; 联合国最不发达国家问题会议; UNCLDC II; Second United Nations Conference on the Least Developed; Countries; 第二次联合国最不发达国家问题会议
*UNCLOS; United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea; 联合国海洋法会议
*UNCN; United Nations Council for Namibia; 联合国纳米比亚理事会
*UNCNRSE; United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy; (UNERG); 联合国新能源和可再生能源会议(能源会议)
*UNCOD; United Nations Conference on Desertification; 联合国沙漠化问题会议
*UNCPICPUNE; United Nations Conference for the Promotion of International; Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy; 联合国促进核能和平利用国际合作会议; (核能和平利用国际合作会议)
*UNCRD; United Nations Centre for Regional Development; 联合国区域发展中心
*UNCSD; United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD); 联合国可持续发展委员会
*UNCSDHA; United Nations Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian; Affairs (CSDHA; SDH) [DIESA; UNOV]; 联合国社会发展和人道主义事务中心; (社会发展和人道主义中心)[国际经济和社会事务部]
*UNCSTD; United Nations Centre for Science and Technology for Development; (CSTD) [UN Secretariat] [now: Science and Technology Branch]; 联合国科学和技术促进发展中心(科技促发中心); United Nations Commission on Science and Technology for; Development; 联合国科学和技术促进发展委员会(科技促委会); United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for; Development; 联合国科学和技术促进发展会议(科技促进发展会议)
*UNCTAD; United Nations Conference on Trade and Development; 联合国贸易和发展会议(贸发会议); UNCTAD VIII; Eighth Session of the UNCTAD; Eighth United Nations Conference on Trade and Development; 联合国贸易和发展会议第八届大会(第八届贸发大会); UNCTAD Liaison Office at Headquarters; 贸发会议驻总部联络处
*UNCTC; United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations (CTC; CTNC); 联合国跨国公司中心(跨国公司中心)
*UNCURK; United Nations Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of ; Korea; 联合国韩国统一复兴委员会(韩委会)
*UNDA; International Catholic Association for Radio, Television and; Audio-Visuals; Association Catholique Internationale pour la Radio, la Television et; l'Audiovisuel; 国际天主教无线电广播、电视和视听协会; (天主教无线电广播、电视和视听协会)
*UNDA; United Nations Development Authority; 联合国发展管理局
*UNDAC; United Nations Disaster Assessment and Co-ordination; 联合国灾害评价和救灾协调
*UNDAF; United Nations Development Assistance Framework; 联合国发展援助框架
*UNDARP; United Socio-Economic Development and Research Programme [India]; 联合社会经济发展研究方案
*UNDAT; United Nations Development Advisory Teams; 联合国发展咨询工作队(发展咨询队)
*UNDAW; United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women (DAW); [UN Secretariat]; 联合国提高妇女地位司
*UNDC; United Nations Development Corporation; 联合国开发公司(开发公司)
*UNDC; United Nations Disarmament Commission; 联合国裁军审议委员会
*UNDCC; United Nations Development Co-operation Cycle; 联合国发展合作周期(发展合作周期)
*UNDCP; United Nations International Drug Control Programme; 联合国国际药物管制规划署;联合国国际药物管制方案
*UNDDA; United Nations Department for Disarmament Affairs (DDA); [UN Secretariat]; 联合国裁军事务部(裁军部)
*UNDDSMS; United Nations Department for Development Support and Management; Services (DDSMS) [UN Secretariat]; 联合国发展支助和管理事务部(发展部)
*UNDESD; United Nations Department of Economic and Social Development; (DESD) [UN Secretariat]; 联合国经济和社会发展部
*UNDEX; United Nations Index for documentation; 联合国文件索引; UNDEX country index; 联合国文件国别索引; UNDEX subject index; 联合国文件主题索引
*UNDHA; United Nations Department of Humanitarian Affairs (DHA); [UN Secretariat]; 联合国人道主义事务部(人道部)
*UNDIS; United Nations documentation Information System; 联合国文件资料系统
*UNDND; United Nations Division of Narcotic Drugs; 联合国麻醉药品司
*UNDOF; United Nations Disengagement Observers Force; 联合国脱离接触观察员部队(观察员部队)
*UNDP; Union National Democracy Party [Myanmar]; 联邦民族民主党
*UNDP; United Nations Development Programme (DP); Programme des Nations Unies pour le Developpement (PNUD); 联合国开发计划署(开发署);联合国发展方案(发展方案)
*UNDPA; United Nations Department of Political Affairs (DPA) [UN Secretariat]; 联合国政治事务部(政治部)
*UNDPCSD; United Nations Department of Policy Co-ordination and Sustainable; Development (DPCSD) [UN Secretariat]; 联合国政策协调和可持续发展部
*UNDPI; United Nations Department of Public Information (DPI); [UN Secretariat]; 联合国新闻部(新闻部)
*UNDPKO; United Nations Department of Peace-Keeping Operations (DPKO); [UN Secretariat]; 联合国维持和平行动部(维和部)
*UNDRO; Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Co-ordinator; 联合国救灾协调专员办事处(救灾专员办事处)
*UNDTCD; United Nations Department of Technical Co-operation for Development; (DTCD; TCD) [UN Secretariat; Old Name]; 联合国技术合作促进发展部; United Nations Division for Technical Co-operation for Development; (DTCD; TCD) [UN Secretariat; New Name]; 联合国技术合作促进发展司
*UNECE; United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) [ESC]; Commission Economique des Nations Unies pour l'Europe (CEE); 联合国欧洲经济委员会(欧洲经委会)
*UNEDA; United Nations Economic Development Administration; 联合国经济发展管理局
*UNEDBAS; UNESCO Regional Office for Education in the Arab States; 教科文组织阿拉伯国家教育区域办事处
*UNEF; United Nations Emergency Force; 联合国紧急部队(紧急部队)
*UNEF; United Nations Environment Fund; 联合国环境基金(环境基金)
*UNEO; United Nations Emergency Operation; 联合国紧急行动(紧急行动)
*UNEOTF; United Nations Emergency Operation Trust Fund; 联合国紧急行动信托基金
*UNEP; United Nations Environment Programme; 联合国环境规划署(环境署);联合国环境方案(环境方案)
*UNEPCOM; USSR Commission for UNEP; 苏联—环境署委员会
*UNERG; United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy; (UNCNRSE); 联合国新能源和可再生能源会议(能源会议)
*UNESCO; United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization; 联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)
*UNESOB; United Nations Economic and Social Offece in Beirut; 联合国驻贝鲁特经济社会办事处(贝鲁特经社处)
*UNETPSA; United Nations Educational and Training Programme for Southern; Africa; 联合国南部非洲教育和训练方案(南部非洲教育方案)
*UNFCCC; United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC); 联合国气候变化问题框架公约(气候公约)
*UNFDAC; United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control; 联合国管制药物滥用基金(禁毒基金)
*UNFICYP; United Nations Peace-Keeping Force in Cyprus; 联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队(联合国驻塞浦路斯部队)
*UNIFEM; United Nations Development Fund for Women; 联合国妇女发展基金
*UNFPA; United Nations Fund for Population Activities; 联合国人口活动基金(人口活动基金)[旧名]; United Nations Population Fund; 联合国人口基金(人口基金)[新名]; United Nations Trust Fund for Population Activities; 联合国人口活动信托基金(人口活动基金)[旧名]
*UNFSSTD; United Nations Financing System for Science and Technology for; Development; 联合国科学和技术促进发展筹资系统(科技促进发展筹资系统)
*UNFSTD; United Nations Fund for Science and Technology for Development; 联合国科学和技术促进发展基金(科技促发基金)
*UNGA; United Nations General Assembly (GA) [UN]; 联合国大会(大会)
*UNGEGN; United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names; 联合国地名专家组
*UNGOMAP; United Nations Good Office Missions in Afghanistan and Pakistan; 联合国阿富汗及巴基斯坦斡旋团
*UNHCHR; the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights; (HCHR); 联合国人权事务高级专员(人权高专); United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (HCHR); 联合国人权事务高级专员
*UNHCR; Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (HCR); 联合国难民事务高级专员办事处(难民署)
*UNHDR; United Nations Human Development Report (HDR) [UNDP]; 联合国人的发展报告
*UNHHSF; United Nations Habitat and Human Settlement Foundation; 联合国生境和人类住区基金会(生境基金会)
*UNI; Union de Naciones Indigenas [Brazil]; Uniao das Nacoes Indigenas; 土著民族联合会
*UNIAPAC; International Christian Union of Business Executives; Union Internationale Chretienne des Dirigeants d'Entreprise; 国际基督教企业管理人员联合会(基督教企业管理人员联合会)
*UNIC; United Nations information centres (UNICs); 联合国新闻中心(新闻中心)
*UNICE; Union of Industrial and Employers' Confederations of Europe; Union des Confederations de l'Industrie et des Employeurs d'Europe; 欧洲工业和雇主联合会同盟[新名]; Union of Industries of the European Community; Union des Industries de la Communaute Europeenne; 欧洲共同体产业联盟[旧名]
*UNICEF; United Nations Children's Fund; 联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金)
*Unicentre; 成组货运中心 [Rotterdam]
*UNICRI; United Nations Inter-Regional Crime and Justice Research Institute; 联合国区域间犯罪和司法研究所
*Unicube; [A concept of interrelating and combining three dimensional cargo units; from normal pallet (about 1 cubic meter) to the largest intermodal; van container size.]
*UNIDAC; United Nations Advisory Committee on Co-ordination in the Field of; Industrial Development; 联合国工业发展领域协调事务咨询委员会(工发协调咨委会)
*UNIDEP; (United Nations) African Institute for Economic Development and; Planning (AIEDP); Institut Africain de Developpement Economique et de Planification (des; Nations Unies) (IADEP; IDEP); (联合国)非洲经济发展和规划研究所
*UNIDF; United Nations Industrial Development Fund; 联合国工业发展基金(工发基金)
*UNIDIR; United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research; 联合国裁军研究所
*UNIDO; United Nations Industrial Development Organization; 联合国工业发展组织(工发组织)
*UNIDROIT; International Institute for the Unification of Private Law; 国际统一私法学社
*UNIENET; United Nations International Emergency Network; 联合国国际紧急网络
*UNIFEM; United Nations Development Fund for Women; 联合国妇女发展基金(妇发基金)
*UNIFIL; United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon; Force Interimaire des Nations Unies au Liban (FINUL); 联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队(驻黎临时部队)
*UNIFSTD; United Nations Interim Fund for Science and Technology for; Development; 联合国科学和技术促进发展临时基金(科技促进发展临时基金)
*UNIIMOG; United Nations Iran-Iraq Military Observer Group; 联合国伊朗和伊拉克军事观察团
*UNIKOM; United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission; 联合国伊拉克和科威特观察团
*UNILOG; United Nations Logistic Unit; 联合国后勤单位
*UNIN; United Nations Institute for Namibia; 联合国纳米比亚研究所
*UNIP; United National Independent Party [Zambia]; 联合民族独立党
*UNIPAC; UNICEF Packing and Assembly Centre at Copenhagen; 儿童基金哥本哈根包装和装配中心
*UNIPEDE; International Union of Producers and Distributers of Electrical Energy; Union Internationale des Producteurs et Distributeurs d'Energie; Electrique; 国际电能生产者与配电者联合会(电能生产者与配电者联合会)
*UNIPOM; United Nations India-Pakistan Observation Mission; 联合国印度巴基斯坦观察团
*UNIS; United Nations International School; 联合国国际学校(国际学校)
*UNISIST; World Information System for Science and Technology [UNESCO]; 世界科学和技术资料系统(科技资料系统)
*UNISPACE; United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of ; Outer Space; 联合国探索及和平利用外层空间会议(外空会议); UNISPACE - 82 or UNISPACE II; 1982年第二次联合国探索及和平利用外层空间会议; (1982年外空会议;第二次外空会议)
*UNISTAR; United Nations International Short-Term Advisory Resources; 联合国国际短期咨询资源
*UNISTE; United Nations International Symposium on Trade Efficiency; [UNCTAD]; 联合国贸易效率问题国际讨论会
*UNITA; National Union for the Total Independence of Angola; Uniao Nacional para a Independencia Total de Angola; 争取安哥拉彻底独立全国联盟
*UNITAF; Unified Task Force [US/UN military operation in Somalia]; 联合特遣部队
*UNITAP; United Nations Inter-Municipal Technical Assistance Programme; 联合国市际技术援助方案(市际技援方案)
*UNITAR; United Nations Institute for Training and Research; 联合国训练研究所(训研所)
*UNITED; United for Inter-Cultural Action - European Network against; Nationalism, Racism, Fascism and in Support of Migrants and; Refugees; 团结不同文化间行动—欧洲反对民族主义、种族主义、法西斯主; 义和支持移民及难民联络网
*UNITERRA; 大地[环境署出版物]
*UNJSPB; United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board (JSPB); 联合国工作人员养恤金联合委员会(养恤金联委会)
*UNJSPF; United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund (JSPF); 联合国合办工作人员养恤基金(养恤基金)
*UNKRA; United Nations Korean Reconstruction Agency; 联合国韩国重建局(韩国重建局)
*UNLAI; United Nations Latin American Institute for the Prevention of Crime; and the Treatment of Offenders; Instituto Latinoamericano de las Naciones Unidas para la Prevencion; del Delito y Tratamiento del Delincuente (ILANUD); 联合国拉丁美洲预防犯罪和罪犯待遇研究所; (拉美预防犯罪和罪犯待遇研究所)
*UNMA; United Nations Malaysia Association; 联合国马来西亚协会
*UNMAC; United Nations Mine Action Centre (MAC); 联合国地雷行动中心
*UNMAS; United Nations Mine Action Service (MAS); 联合国排雷行动处
*UNMCK; United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Korea; 韩国联合国军纪念公墓
*UNMEM; United Nations Middle East Mission; 联合国中东特派团
*UNMIBH; United Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina; 联合国波斯尼亚—黑塞哥维那特派团
*UNMIH; United Nations Mission in Haiti; 联合国海地特派团
*UNMO; United Nations military observers (UNMOs); 联合国军事观察员(军事观察员)
*UNMOGIP; United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan; 联合国驻印度巴基斯坦军事观察小组(印巴观察小组); UNMOGIP Post Exchange; 印巴观察小组消费合作社
*UNMOT; United Nations Mission of Observers to Tajikistan; 联合国塔吉克斯坦观察团(塔吉克观察团)
*UNMSC; United Nations Military Staff Committee (MSC); 联合国军事参谋团(军参团)
*UN-NADAF; United Nations New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990; 1990年代联合国非洲发展新议程
*UNO; United Nations Organization; 联合国组织
*UNOCA; Office of the Co-ordinator for United Nations Humanitarian and; Economic Assistance Programmes relating to Afghanistan; 联合国阿富汗人道主义及经济援助方案协调专员办事处
*UNOCHA; United Nations Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs; (OCHA); 联合国人道主义事务协调厅
*UNOCHA; United Nations Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Assistance; to Afghanistan; 联合国阿富汗人道主义援助协调办事处