
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/16 10:50:06
 【Weather Sept 16】
Wuhan: cloudy 22~32℃
Yichang: cloudy 22~28℃
Shiyan: cloudy 18~25℃【BOC Exchange Rates】
100 USD = 638.78 CNY
100 GBP = 1006.75 CNY
100 EUR = 877.65 CNY
100 HKD = 81.93 CNY
100 JPY = 8.3245 CNY
Shanghai Stock
2479.06 -5.77 -0.23%
HangSeng Stock
19181.50 +136.06 +0.71% 【Highlights】
>Battery leads pollution
>Sarkozy, Cameron visit Libya
>UK Unions plan mass strikes
>Human Mars landing in 2030s
>Sex mogul exposes corruption
>Pay deposit in gold
(详见尾页) 【Cover Story】
>Swimming pools substandard
Swimming pools at some fitness clubs in Shanghai are revealed to have water quality problems, the Legal Daily reported. The water is cloudy, is overdosed with chlorine, and harbors a range of infectious bacteria, according to the local health authority's inspection. Fitness clubs have their water changed once every one or 2 years, and chemicals are used to keep the water clean, industry insiders said. Regulations which include fines (RMB800 for unlicensed staff, and RMB200 each for staff without health certificates) are said not to be a big enough deterrent.
据《法制日报》报道,卫生部门检测发现,上海一些健身会所的泳池存在水质浑浊、对传染病菌把关不严、余氯超标等诸多问题。业内人士透露,游泳场馆一般都是一到两年换一次水,通常会选择加药剂的方式来维持水质。此外,现行处罚标准过低,如没有卫生许可证仅罚款800元,工作人员没有健康证罚200元,难以起到足够的震慑作用。 【Top News】
>Battery leads pollution
The world's largest lead-acid accumulator maker Johnson Controls' Shanghai subsidiary stopped production Wednesday due to possible lead contamination, Shanghai Securities News reported. The Kangqiao-based Johnson Controls Accumulator Factory was suspected after local residents found their children's preschool physical examination results showed a high level of lead in their blood. Authorities have launched an investigation. Most cases of high lead levels in blood are related to local lead-acid accumulator plants. 
据《上海证券报》报道,因涉嫌铅污染,全球最大的铅酸蓄电池生产商江森自控有限公司上海全资子公司14日起被停产待查。近期,上海康桥部分居民在为子女进行学前体检时发现有血铅超标现象。由于血铅超标案件大部分均和所在地存在铅酸蓄电池厂有关,坐落在该区域的上海江森自控蓄电池厂首当其冲受到质疑。>Sarkozy, Cameron visit Libya
French President Nicolas Sarkozy and British Prime Minister David Cameron were planning to visit Libya Thursday, AFP said. The Elysée Palace hasn't confirmed the news. But if true, this would be the first visit of foreign leaders to Libya after the rebels ousted Muammar Gadhafi from power. The visits would have stops in both Tripoli and Benghazi, both now under the control of the Libya's National Transitional Council, said Le Figaro.
据法新社报道,法国总统萨科齐和英国首相卡梅伦计划于15日访问利比亚。虽然爱丽舍宫方面尚未确认该消息,但若成行,这将是自卡扎菲政权被反对派推翻后,首次有外国领导人到访利比亚。另据《费加罗报》消息,此次两位政要的行程将包括首都的黎波里和班加西,这两座城市目前都在利比亚全国过渡委员会控制下。 >UK Unions plan mass strikes
UK public sector unions will hold the largest industrial action in a generation over pension reforms on Nov 30, The Daily Telegraph of London reported. Unison, GMB and Unite unions said they were balloting nearly 2m public sector workers including nurses, teachers and civil servants to take part in the action. The industrial action could cripple the country from November to the summer of 2012. "There are lists being drawn up of target areas. In some areas there may be 2 or 3 days. In other areas it will be continuous. In yet other areas it will be a rolling program," a senior union leader said.
据英国《每日电讯报》报道,英国公共部门工会正酝酿在11月30日发起几十年来最大的一场罢工,以抗议政府的退休金改革。GMB、Unite及Unison等几大工会称,他们将鼓动近200万名护士、教师及公务员等参加此次罢工。本次劳工行动由11月绵延至明年夏天,将导致全国瘫痪。一名工会领导称,工会已确定一系列罢工地点,有些地方将持续2至3天,有些地方会长期"作战",有些地方则会采取"车轮战"的形式。>Human Mars landing in 2030s
NASA announced Wednesday the design of a Space Launch System, or SLS, a rocket that will carry humans to destinations that include asteroids and Mars, AP reported. The idea is first to launch an unmanned test flight in 2017 with the first crew flying in 2021 and astronauts heading to a nearby asteroid in 2025. From there, NASA hopes to send the rocket and astronauts to Mars – at first just to circle, but then later landing on the Red Planet – in the 2030s. The rocket will cost around $18b over the next 5 years.
据美联社报道,美国宇航局14日宣布"太空发射系统"(SLS)的设计方案,这个新型火箭系统将带人类前往小行星及火星。美国宇航局将于2017年进行无人试飞,2021年进行首次载人飞行,到2025年宇航员将向火星附近小行星进军。根据构想,宇航员将从小行星前往火星,首先绕火星飞行,再于2030年后登陆火星。该计划将在未来5年内花费180亿美元。 【In Brief】
>The death toll after a bus overturned Wednesday night in Shanghai has risen to 11 after another injured passenger died in hospital Thursday, Xinhua reported.
>Pirates hijacked a Cyprus-flagged fuel tanker with 23 crew off the coast of West Africa Wednesday, Reuters reported.
>Intel Corp announced a partnership with Google Inc that will put the company's chips in Android phones, US media reported.
>Facebook will delay its initial public offering until the end of 2012, the Financial Times reported Wednesday.
据《金融时报》14日报道,Facebook计划将首次公开募股的时间推迟至2012年年底。 【Quotable Quote】
"We all get antsy. We all want to play. We all want to get into our daily routine. But it's not got to the point where guys are being rebels and just will do anything to play."
"大家都十分焦虑。所有球员都想打比赛,都想开始每天的常规训练。但这并不说明他们都要做叛逆者,并愿意为了打比赛而做任何事。" 【Newsmaker】
>Pay deposit in gold
The newest tenant in Donald Trump's 40 Wall Street, a 70-storey skyscraper in Manhattan's Financial District, will hand Trump a security deposit worth about $176,000 Thursday, in the form of three 32-ounce bars of gold. The occasion will mark the first time the US property magnate has accepted pure gold bullion, rather than cash, as a deposit on a commercial lease, the Wall Street Journal reported. Trump sees the deal as a repudiation of the Obama administration's economic policies. "It's a sad day when a large property owner starts accepting gold instead of the dollar. The economy is bad, and Obama's not protecting the dollar at all," he said.
据《华尔街日报》报道,美国"地产之王"唐纳德·特朗普将首次接受纯金条而非现金作为商业租房的保证金。曼哈顿华尔街40号的70层摩天大楼的新租户将在15日以3块32盎司的金条形式向特朗普支付价值约17.6万美元的保证金。特普朗将此次交易视为对奥巴马政府经济政策的否定。他表示:"大型房产商开始接受黄金而非美元,这将是令人伤感的一天。美国经济不景气,奥巴马却完全没有保护美元。">Sex mogul exposes corruption
Former Thai massage parlor tycoon Chuvit Kamolvisit (See photo) is using his status as a lawmaker to fight the same kind of crime he used to promote, Thailand Business News reported. He has openly admitted bribing police officers when he owned several huge Bangkok massage parlors packed with prostitutes. After winning a July election, he stunned parliament by displaying an elaborate video sting operation he arranged to show that Thailand's biggest illegal casino appeared to be protected by police. As a result of Chuvit's videos, National Police Chief General Wichean Potephosree was forced to resign last week.
据《泰国商业新闻》报道,泰国前色情业大亨朱威特·卡莫尔威斯特(见图)从政后,揭露出泰国非法赌场内警匪勾结的黑幕。他过去在曼谷经营数家提供色情服务的大型按摩院,曾公开承认贿赂过警察。今年7月当选议员后,卡莫尔威斯特安排卧底,拍下警察庇护泰国最大非法赌场的视频证据。此事被曝光后,泰国警察局总长韦齐恩·颇特弗西里上将于上周被迫辞职。  【Kaleidoscope】
>Dark chocolate fitness boost
Eating dark chocolate improves athletic performance just as much as exercise, a US study has revealed. The Daily Mail of London reported when small doses of dark chocolate were eaten in combination with regular exercise, performance was boosted by 50%. Dark chocolate contains the plant compound epicatechin, which appears to stimulate muscle growth in a similar way to vigorous activity such as jogging.
据英国《每日邮报》报道,一项美国研究表明,吃黑巧克力能够帮助人们在运动中获得更好的表现,这和锻炼的效果不相上下。食用少量的黑巧,再结合正常的锻炼,运动成绩能提高50%。原因是黑巧克力中含有植物化合物表儿茶酸,该成分能够激发肌肉增长,效果相当于慢跑等运动。 【China Daily Radio】
音频即将开始! "This is truly a lost decade," an economics professor at Harvard said. "We think of America as a place where every generation is doing better, but we're looking at a period when the median family is in worse shape than it was in the late 1990s."
哈佛大学一位经济学教授说:"这真是失落的十年。我们以为美国的每一代人都会越过越好,但你看现在,中等家庭的日子比上世纪90年代晚期还要惨。"文中的lost decade就是"失落的十年",指一个国家或地区陷入长期的经济不景气的状况持续达10年左右才逐渐转好的情况。最初指1991年到2000年间,Japanese asset price bubble's collapse(日本资产价格泡沫破灭)后,经济陷入一个长期滞涨甚至倒退的时期。受lost decade困扰的不仅仅是贫困人群,美国的middle class(中产阶级)也自身难保。据统计,美国的median household incomes(中等家庭收入)长年徘徊不前,自上世纪the Great Depression(经济大萧条)之后,美国还没出现过这种情况。为了帮助贫困人群,美国政府实施了住房补贴和earned income tax credit(所得税减免)等措施。报告显示,2010年health insurance(健康保险)覆盖的人数小幅增加,私人保险覆盖人数所占比例下降,享受政府提供的Medicare(医疗保险)和Medicaid(医疗补助)等项目的人群所占比例上升。 【Word Power】
Green pork
Wal-Mart's outlets in Chongqing were found to sell ordinary pork as green pork, which is manufactured in line with rigorous production standards and sold at a higher price.
重庆沃尔玛日前被曝将普通猪肉冒充"绿色猪肉"出售,而后者有着更为严格的生产标准和更高的价格。(本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。)【Word Prize】  
Close to the bone意思是?
C.如刮骨般刺痛的请于今晚24点前,通过短信发送正确答案字母到106580007835(免信息费)。幸运答对者将获赠10元话费。本期答案见明日早报。 【Notice】
中国日报社"21世纪杯"全国英语演讲比赛火热报名中!告别纸质讲稿,鼠标一点,即可成为低碳环保参赛达人,更有机会直达伦敦!详情请登陆:"21世纪杯"全国英语演讲比赛官方网站。Cultural diversity vs. cultural integration(文化发展之路:多元与趋同之争)