
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/12 16:01:31
 【Weather Sept 3】
Wuhan: cloudy 24~33℃
Yichang: cloudy 24~32℃
Shiyan: cloudy 23~30℃【BOC Exchange Rates】
100 USD = 638.96 CNY
100 GBP = 1034.7 CNY
100 EUR = 912.31 CNY
100 HKD = 82.07 CNY
100 JPY = 8.3025 CNY
Shanghai Stock
2528.28 -27.76 -1.09%
HangSeng Stock
20212.91 -372.42 -1.81%【Highlights】
>Home prices start to fall
>Dragon Rolls-Royce coming
>Gadhafi vows to fight on
>Rick Perry leading Obama
>Peacekeepers: food for sex
>Tired teams do better
>BBC's new home voted ugliest
BBC大楼成英国'最丑建筑' 【Cover Story】
>JP PM unveils cabinet
Japan's new leader has named a youthful cabinet lacking the usual political heavyweights, Yomiuri Shimbun reported. Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda gave the key posts of Foreign and Finance Ministers to lawmakers in their 40s. The position of Finance Minister went to relative unknown Jun Azumi, 49, against expectations that Noda would pick a veteran from his ruling Democratic Party of Japan. Koichiro Gemba, 47, becomes Foreign Minister. The cabinet features 2 women - Government Revitalization minister Renho, 43 and Health Minister Yoko Komiyama, a 62-year-old former NHK anchorwoman.
据《读卖新闻》报道,日本首相野田佳彦的内阁成员名单出炉,名单"青春味"十足,但缺乏政治大腕压阵。野田任命的财务大臣和外务大臣均仅四十多岁,前者是49岁的安住淳,后者为47岁的玄叶光一郎。此前,外界一直猜测野田将从民主党内挑选一名老臣掌管财政要务,不想名不见经传的安住淳最后脱颖而出。新内阁还有两名女性成员,分别是43岁的莲舫和62岁小宫山洋子,前者是行政改革大臣,后者曾是日本NHK电视台的主持人,目前任厚生劳动大臣。 【Top News】
>Home prices start to fall
Property prices in China's 1st-tier cities declined for the first time in August since September 2010, statistics released Thursday by the China Index Academy show. The average property price in China's 10 major cities stood at RMB15,773 per sq m last month, down 0.41% from July. Though prices continue to rise in 3 of the 10 cities - Guangzhou, Wuhan and Beijing - the rate of increase is less than 0.6%. The price decline, industry analysts said, came about from the rigorous real estate policies.
中国指数研究院9月1日发布最新报告显示,8月份一线城市房价出现自去年9月以来首次下跌。上月全国10个主要城市住宅平均价格为15773元/平方米,环比下降0.41%。其中,广州、武汉和北京3个城市房价环比7月上涨,但涨幅皆在0.6%以内。业内人士分析称,房价的下跌是限购政策的调控结果。>Dragon Rolls-Royce coming
Rolls-Royce says it's producing a line of limited-edition cars celebrating the upcoming Chinese year of the dragon, the Wall Street Journal reported. The cars will feature a hand-painted golden dragon on the side panels, hand-embroidered dragons on the leather headrests and illuminated tread plates along the door sills with "Year of the Dragon 2012" highlighted in LED lighting. The dragon edition will be available in both the regular Phantom model and the extended wheelbase Phantom model. The latter was created to meet Chinese demand for roomier, chauffeur-driven cars.
据《华尔街日报》报道,劳斯莱斯日前宣布,正在生产一批限量版汽车以庆祝即将到来的中国龙年。这款汽车将以手工绘制的金龙装饰侧板,以手工刺绣的龙形图案点缀皮质头枕,并在每个车门槛板处都有"Year of the Dragon 2012"的字样,采用LED灯高亮显示。常规的幻影车型及幻影加长车型都会推出龙年限量版,其中幻影加长车是针对中国人的需要而特别设计的由专职司机驾驶的一款大空间车。 >Gadhafi vows to fight on
A defiant Muammar Gadhafi vowed to fight to the end against Libya's new government, warning that his forces would turn the country "into a hell" rather than surrender like "women", the BBC reported Friday. The former leader's audio message on Syrian TV came as the country's new leaders presented themselves to a global summit in Paris, promising a swift transition to democracy and asking for immediate UN help in organizing elections.
Mustafa Abdul Jalil, the head of the National Transitional Council made clear his dissatisfaction with the Algerian President, Abdelaziz Bouteflika, for his decision earlier this week to offer safe haven to Muammar Gadhafi's  2nd wife, daughter and 2 of his sons. The Algerian newspaper, El Watan, reported Friday that Bouteflika had refused to take a telephone call from the ousted Libyan leader himself, but it was unclear whether that call was intended to seek asylum for him too.
本周早些时候,阿尔及利亚总统布特弗利卡决定为卡扎菲的第二任妻子、一个女儿以及两个儿子提供避难所。对此,利比亚反对派"全国过渡委员会"主席贾利勒表示了强烈不满。但据阿尔及利亚《国家报》2日报道,布特弗利卡日前拒接了卡扎菲打来的电话,目前尚不清楚卡扎菲此番来电是否是为自己申请避难。 【In Brief】
>A US national poll by Rasmussen Reports out Thursday shows Republican candidate, Texas Governor Rick Perry leading President Obama for the first time.
>English champions Manchester United posted record operating profits of £110.9m for the past financial year, figures released Friday showed. The club also enjoyed a record revenue of £334.1m, passing £300m for the first time.
英超卫冕冠军曼联2日公布的报表显示,俱乐部在上一财年的运营利润高达1.109亿英镑,而其在过去一年的收入达到了创纪录的3.341亿英镑,这也是曼联首次年收入超过3亿英镑。 【Quotable Quote】
姚明退役后的第一时间,"能否入选名人堂"就是中国媒体热议的话题。奈史密斯名人堂(Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame) CEO多勒万(John Doleva)日前证实,姚明表示不希望在2012年加入名人堂,觉得为时过早。多勒万评价姚明这一决定称:
"I appreciated the fact that he referenced his respect for the institution, especially for those who've been elected."
"我很感激他对我们这个机构和其规则的尊重,尤其是对于那些已经入选的人。" 【Newsmaker】
>Peacekeepers: food for sex
UN peacekeepers enticed underage girls to exchange sex for food, according to a US Embassy cable released by WikiLeaks. The Huffington Post reported Thursday the cable written in January 2010 focuses on the behavior of Beninese peacekeepers stationed in the western town of Toulepleu in Ivory Coast. A random poll of 10 underage girls in Toulepleu by aid group Save The Children UK in 2009 found that 8 performed sexual acts for Benin peacekeepers on a regular basis in order to secure their most basic needs. Parents were encouraging their daughters to sleep with the peacekeepers so they would provide for them, according to the cable.
据美国《赫芬顿邮报》9月1日报道,维基解密网站截获美国大使馆电报,爆料联合国维和人员曾以食物引诱未成年少女提供性服务。这份电报写于2010年1月,传出丑闻的是驻科特迪瓦西部透乐普乐镇的贝宁维和人员。英国"救救儿童会"援助机构2009年的随机调查显示,10名未成年少女中,有8名定期为贝宁维和人员提供性服务换取生活必需品。电报指出,当地父母鼓励女儿与维和人员的性交易,以维持生活。 【Kaleidoscope】
>Tired teams do better
Fatigued individuals who work together as a team display better problem-solving skills than those who face their fatigue alone, according to new research. The fatigue study by Daniel Frings, senior social psychology lecturer at London's South Bank University, examined the problem-solving skills of 171 volunteers. Results showed that individuals who were tired performed significantly worse on the tests than alert individuals. Teams, though, performed just as well tired as when alert.
最新研究表明,人在疲劳时更要学会"抱团",团队合作的力量不仅能帮你赶走疲劳,还能提高解决问题的能力,远比"孤军奋战"要好。英国伦敦南岸大学社会心理学家丹尼尔·弗林斯对171名志愿者解决问题的能力进行研究。发现疲劳时人在测试中的表现远不如精力充沛时好,但如果是在一个团队里,即便疲劳,大家的表现也和精力充沛时一样出色。>BBC's new home voted ugliest
MediaCityUK in Salford has been voted as winner of Building Design magazine's Carbuncle Cup - the prize for the UK's ugliest new building of the past 12 months - by a panel of architecture critics, The Daily Telegraph of London reported. The controversial building, which will be the new Northern home of the BBC, was designed by Wilkinson Eyre, Chapman Taylor, and Fairhursts.(See photo)
据英国《每日电讯报》报道,由建筑批评人士组成的委员会日前对英国过去一年中的新建筑进行票选,将《建筑设计》杂志的"最煞风景杯"颁给了索尔福德的英国媒体城。这栋备受争议的建筑由威尔金森·艾尔建筑事务所、查普曼·泰勒建筑事务所及菲赫斯特设计集团共同设计,即将成为BBC的北方总部大楼。(见图)  【China Daily Radio】
"Mooncake tax" became a buzz phrase on the Internet after the Beijing newspaper reported on the ramifications of the tax changes on Friday.
自从上周五北京报纸报道这项税收政策新变化后,"月饼税"立即成了网上热议的一个词。所谓的mooncake tax(月饼税)其实不是新鲜事,早在2009年9月,南京地税部门就表示,单位发放月饼等in-kind benefits(实物福利)都应计入工资薪金所得,扣缴individual income tax(个人所得税)。这次月饼税饱受争议,主要有两点,第一,涉嫌double taxation(重复征税),当单位购买月饼时,已经被扣除了consumption tax(消费税),发放给员工后就不该再征税。第二,很多人认为月饼税缺乏人情味,在union of family(家庭团圆)之际,收到作为福利的月饼却被征税,这让很多人无法接受,且加重了公众的tax burden(税负)。(本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。) 【Weekly Topic】
A survey shows that 82.7% of respondents believe we have stepped into an era of disguise. Excessive embellished photos exist everywhere and many would "decorate" their manners and conceal their true colors. What's your opinion about this? Do you think it is necessary for people in society to keep a little bit disguised?