陆家嘴 四季酒店 29秒:法句经·中英对照 11 -OldAge (Dh.146-156) 十一、老品

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11 -OldAge (Dh.146-156) 十一、老品
[法句经·中英对照]  加入时间:2010-10-8 9:08:04  点击:172

11 -OldAge (Dh.146-156)

146. When this world is ever ablaze, why thislaughter, why this jubilation? Shrouded in darkness, will you seekthelight? 147. Behold this body --a painted image, a mass of heaped upsores, infirm, full of hankering – of which nothing lasting or stable.reproach︰v. n.责备。 thoroughbred︰a.良种的 ,纯种的。 ablaze︰a. adv. 着火。jubilation︰n.欢庆。 shroud︰v. n.覆盖;掩蔽。 sore︰n.痛处。


146常在燃烧1中,何喜.何可笑?幽暗2之所蔽, 何不求光明?

147观此粉饰身:疮3伤.一堆骨,疾病 .多思惟4。绝非常存者。

148. Fully worn out is this body, a nest ofdisease, and fragile. This foul mass breaks up, for deathis the endoflife. 149. These dove-coloured bones are like gourds that liescattered about in autumn. Having seen them, how can oneseek delight?150. This city (body) is built of bones, plastered with flesh and讨生活啊!」这样自责之后,他的不满就消失了。其他比丘问他为什幺经 常到那棵树下?他告诉他们:「我去亲近我的老师 (acariya)。」后来,他观察旧衣服,清楚五蕴的真相,而证得阿拉汉果,之后,他就不再去那棵 树下了。其他比丘问他:「你现在怎幺不再去找你的老师了呢?」他回答说:「我以前去找老师,是因为有需要,但现在已经不需要了!」众比丘 就去问佛陀,佛陀告诉他们:「卑卢帝沙已经证得阿拉汉果了。」本则故 事跟379-380偈的犁家长老 (Navgalakulatthera)的故事雷同。

1燃烧︰世上有十一种火常在燃烧,贪 raga、瞋 dosa、痴 moha、病 vyadhi、 老 jara、死 marana、愁 soka、悲 parideva、苦 dukkha、忧 domanasa、恼 upayasa。

2幽暗:喻无知、无明。 3疮:指双眼、双耳、双鼻孔、口、大便口、小便口等九处。 4多思惟:bahusavkappam,比喻多欲望。

blood; within aredecayand death, pride and jealousy.

151. Even gorgeous royal chariots wear out, andindeed this body too wears out. But the Dhamma of the Good does not age;thus the Goodmake it known tothe good. 152. The man of little learninggrows old like a bull. He grows only in bulk, but his wisdom doesnotgrow. 153. Through many a birth in samsara have I wandered in vain,seeking the builder of this house (of life). Repeated birth is indeedsuffering! 154. O house-builder, you are seen! You will not build thishouse again. For your rafters are brokenand your ridgepole shattered. Mymind has reached the Unconditioned; I have attained thedestructionofcraving. plaster︰v.涂抹。 gorgeous︰a.灿烂的,华丽的。 rafter︰v.n.椽。ridgepole︰n.房屋的栋木。



1病薮:roganiddha(roga+niddha< ni+s ssssad adadadad坐),病巢。


151盛饰王车亦必朽,此身老迈当亦尔。唯善人法3不老朽, 善人传示于善人。


〈153~154〉 153经多生轮回,寻求造屋者4,但未得见之,痛苦再再生。 154已见造屋者!不再造于屋。椽桷5皆毁坏,栋梁6亦摧折。


155. Those who in youth have not led the holylife, or have failed to acquire wealth, languish like old cranes in apond without fish. 1虚伪:makkho,伪善(hypocrisy),或恶的覆藏。「覆藏」即属于「悭」(macchariya)心所。ThanissaroBhikkhu译作︰contempt(轻视)。2本偈是佛陀度化难陀的未婚妻嘉娜帕达卡娅妮公主(Janapadakalyani佛陀姨

母的女儿)的故事,公主后来出家成为色难陀长老尼(Rupanandatheri)。3善人法:satabca dhammo,指圣者的教法。 4造屋者︰gahakarakam,指渴爱;屋子指身体。5椽桷:ㄔㄨㄢˊㄐㄩㄝˊphasuka(肋骨(阴复主格)),支撑屋顶的木条。DhA:

S SSSSab ababababb bbbba aaaat tttte eeeep pppphhhhha aaaas ssssu uuuuk kkkka aaaab bbbbh hhhhagg aggaggaggagga aaaatitava sabba kilesaphasuka maya bhagga(你的一切剩余的‘污染肋’已被我破坏)。(avasesa)6栋梁:gahakutam,屋顶。DhA:G GGGGah ahahahahak akakakakZY ututututa aaaammmmmv vvvvi iiiis ssssa aaaav vvvvk kkkkh hhhhat atatatatan anananantiimassa taya katassa attabhavagehassa avijjasavkhatam kannikamandalampimaya viddhamsitam.(这个被你已做的自己的家 --所谓的无明 --屋顶的椽桷(kannika-mandala支撑屋顶的木条)已被我破坏)。 7无为︰即是涅槃;一切爱尽灭︰即已证得阿拉汉果。vv.153-154《善见律毘婆沙》译作:「流转非一生,走去无厌足,正觅屋住处,更生生辛 苦,今已见汝屋,不复更作屋,一切脊肋骨,碎折不复生,心已离烦恼,爱尽至涅槃。(T24.675)这两偈为佛陀成道时生起的心念。

156. Those who in youth have not led the holylife, or have failed to acquire wealth, lie sighing over the past, likeworn-out arrows (shotfrom) a bow.




2本偈说波罗奈 (Baranasi)大富长者子(Mahadhanasetthiputta)的故事。大富 不知理财,家财渐渐散尽,最后只好乞食为生。佛陀见到大富时,告诉阿难︰「如果他在人生的第一阶段,做事业不耗损的话,将成为本城首 富;出家的话,他将证得阿拉汉果,他的太太将证得阿那含果;如果他在人生的第二阶段,做事业不耗损的话,将成为本城第二富;出家的话, 他将证得阿那含果,他的太太将证得斯陀含果;如果他在人生的第三阶段,做事业不耗损的话,将成为本城第三富;出家的话,他将证得斯陀 含果,他的太太将证得须陀洹果;现在他的家财散尽,也空无沙门果。耗费殆尽之后,他现在就像苍鹭守枯池一样。」 (cf.《杂阿含 1162经》、 《别译杂阿含 85经》) 《大毘婆沙论》卷102(T27.660.2)作:「少不修梵行,丧失圣财宝,今 如二老鹤,共守一枯池。」


下一条:10 -Violence (Dh.129-145) 十、刀杖品