龙腾国际花园怎么样:在世界上最危险的通道上徒步--El camino del Rey

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/29 15:53:50
在世界上最危险的行人通道徒步--El camino del Rey
el camino del rey 是西班牙安达卢西亚和马拉加之间山区的一条离地100多米的小道。
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你是一个喜欢把自己的极限发挥到了极致的冒险家吗?如果是这样,我有东西给你?你会怎么想?走在西班牙的峡谷内只有1米宽,而且没有栏杆,在100米以上的悬崖上吗 ?。那就是险恶的camino del rey,不是疯了吗?然后想象一下这条小径是建于1905年,现在它已经是年久失修正在崩溃点上,这种致命的路线是被称为世界上最危险的走道。这是就是著名的国王小道-----El camino del Rey。


Gaitanes峡谷和Camino del Rey的大桥的背景下,goesberlin,Flickr的照片由埃尔乔罗的壮丽景色
el camino del rey互动式地图(谷歌地图提供):
http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年10月15日 08:55  新浪科技微博
几名勇敢的登山者在西班牙的步道El Caminito Del Rey上行进。这条步道蛇一样穿过崖面,很多路段已经彻底毁坏一幅特写照片,展现了令人毛骨悚然的穿越。随着YouTube上展现徒步者在使用最低限度安全装置情况下在这条登山步道上行进的视频像病毒一样快速传播之后,越来越多的游客涌到这里,体验肾上腺素激增的感觉。这条步道也被称之为“国王的小道”,建于1905年,用于工人往返于两座水力发电厂之间。2000年,两名步行者不慎坠崖身亡,“国王的小道”随后关闭“国王的小道”最后路段早已经坠落悬崖,登山者只能利用绳索下降大约100 米,完成这段旅途。
新浪科技讯 北京时间10月15日消息,西班牙南部的步道El Caminito Del Rey拥有110年历史,距地面100多米,号称世界上最危险的登山步道。为了寻求刺激,越来越多的登山爱好者到这里冒险,体验肾上腺素激增的感觉。2011年末,这条登山步道将进行整修。
El Camino del Rey [High Quality]
danielahnen 24 个视频 订阅
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El Caminito Del Rey - 15
Shumen93 108 个视频 订阅
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Caminito Del Rey
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Caminito del Rey
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ground-level view
El Caminito del Rey (English: The King's little pathway) is a walkway, now fallen into disrepair, pinned along the steep walls of a narrow gorge in El Chorro, near álora in the province of Málaga, Spain. The name is often shortened to Camino del Rey (English: King's pathway).
(英语:国王的小通路)是一条在埃尔乔罗附近,年久失修,沿着狭窄陡峭的墙壁的峡谷的通道,位置在西班牙马拉加省 álora附近。Camino del Rey是它的简称(英文:国王的途径)
In 1901 it became apparent that workers at the hydroelectric power plants at Chorro Falls andGaitanejo Falls needed a walkway to cross between the falls, to provide for transport of materials, and for the inspection and maintenance of the channel. Construction of the walkway took four years and it was finished in 1905.
In 1921 King Alfonso XIII crossed the walkway for the inauguration of the dam Conde del Guadalhorceand it became known by its present name.[1]

In some places the walkway has collapsed.
The walkway is one meter (3 feet and 3 inches) in width, and rises over 100 meters (350 feet) above the river below. Constructed of concrete resting on steel rails supported by stanchions at around 45 degrees into the rock face, it is currently in a highly deteriorated state and there are numerous sections where part or all of the concrete top has collapsed. The result is large open air gaps that are bridged only by narrow steel beams or other support fixtures. Very few of the original handrails exist but a safety-wire runs the length of the path. Several people have lost their lives on the walkway in recent years and after two fatal accidents in 1999 and 2000,[2] the local government closed both entrances.
In June 2011, the regional government of Andalusia and the local government of Málaga agreed to share costs of restoration (including car parking and a museum) of €9 million. The project will take approximately three years to complete.[3]
Many of the original features will remain in place and the new materials that are used will be in keeping with the old design.
#在2011年6月,安达卢西亚地区政府和马拉加当地政府同意分享修复费用(包括停车场和博物馆)9百万€。该项目将需要约三年才能完成。[ 3 ]
[ 4 ],许多原有的功能,将留在原地,所用的新材料将保持旧设计风格


Wikimedia共同性有相关的媒体:del Rey的卡米尼托
穿越传说中的Camino del Rey的
步行的Camino del Rey的2011年。高清晰度视频
座标:36 ° 54'57“N 4 ° 46'22“W