
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/28 06:00:23






北京XXX总厂, 一家国企,其注册地址为中华人民共和国北京朝阳区    路    号, 其授权代表人为       先生(以下简称为“XXX总厂”);



意大利YYY股份有限公司, 一家在意大利设立的公司,其注册地址为     , Suzzara, Mantova, Italy, 其授权签字人为         先生 (以下简称为“YYY公司”)。






-          YYY公司表示有兴趣与XXX总厂进行磋商,  直接或者通过其任一关联公司购买北京XXX总厂进出口公司 (XXX总厂的一家公司) 位于北京市朝阳区   路    号北京ZZZ厂的资产;


-          YYY公司要求XXX总厂提供位于北京市朝阳区     路    号北京ZZZ厂的业务的成本结构相关信息, 且XXX总厂同意向YYY公司提供该信息并同意YYY公司得到商业纪录、文件和与其职员进行沟通;


-          需公开的信息由XXX总厂认定为保密性质,因其涉及,如,与客户订单细则有关的分析;










1.1   本协议中,下列表述除本文有其他规定外应解释如下:


协议: 是指本协议及其未来修改,如有。


生效日:是指     年   月   日。


双方: 是指YYY公司和XXX总厂的合称 (且“一方” 应据此解释)。


信息: 是指YYY公司或其顾问从XXX总厂和北京XXX总厂进出口公司的职员、雇员、代理和专业人员及其他顾问、合作者以口头、亲手、电子邮件、电话或传真的方式收到的正式或非正式的任何信息。  







2.2 XXX总厂应对向YYY公司提供虚假、欺诈或使人误解的信息和不能提供可影响所售资产价值的信息承担责任。





3.1. YYY公司应根据最优的专业标准与XXX总厂进行谈判,且不应向直接参与与XXX总厂谈判的其职员、雇员、代理和顾问除外的其他人员散布其收到的保密信息。尤其是,YYY公司不得以任何理由向第三方披露有关XXX总厂客户的信息。





4.1. 以下没有列出的所有信息应被认为是保密信息:

(a) 任何在公共领域给予一方的信息;

(b) 除违反本条款披露外,在给予一方之后,成为公共领域一部分的任何信息;

(c) 在给予一方时,此方拥有的且此方并未从任何其他方直接或者间接获得的任何信息;

(d) 任何从其他不需要保密拥有无限制法律权利来披露本信息的任何人处合法获得的信息;

(e) 任何被行政管理机关或被法院或仲裁庭执行其任务而要求的有关信息。





5.1 如果本协议任何一方违反合同造成本协议不履行或者不能完全履行,由违反本协议引起的责任和损失由违约方承担。









年   月   日签订于北京。








北京XXX总厂 (厂长)                                              





























Confidentiality Agreement 



The present agreement is entered into by and between:


Beijing XXX Works, a State Owned Enterprise with offices at No.  Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, PRC, whose authorized representative is Mr. …. (hereinafter referred to as “XXX Works”);




YYY S.p.A., a company established in Italy, whose registered address is at via …., Suzzara, Mantova, Italy, and whose authorized signatory is Mr. ……(hereinafter referred to as “YYY ”).






-          YYY has expressed its interest in entering into a negotiation with XXX Works, a State Owned Enterprise, in order to purchase, either directly or through one of its affiliates, the assets of Beijing XXX Works Import & Export Corporation (a company of XXX Works) located at No.  ,    Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing;


-          YYY requested XXX Works to provide information concerning the cost structure of the business conducted at No.   ,     Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, and XXX Works has agreed to provide YYY with such information and to grant YYY access to business records, documents, and to interviews with its officers;


-          Information to be disclosed is considered by XXX Works of confidential nature, since it involves, i.a., analysis of specifications relating to client orders;




The Parties have agreed to enter into this Confidentiality Agreement in order to protect confidentiality of XXX Works and of XXX Works clients’ data.



Article 1



1.1 In this Agreement, the following expressions shall have the following meanings, except where the context requires otherwise:


Agreement: means the present agreement with its future addenda, if any;


Effective Date: means MM/DD, YY;


Parties: means YYY and XXX Works, when considered together (and “Party” shall be construed accordingly);


Information: means any information, either received by YYY or by its consultants orally, by hand, via email, phone or fax, either formally or informally, either from officers, employees, agents and professional and other advisers, co-operators of XXX Works and Beijing XXX Works Import & Export Corporation.


Article 2


Responsibilities of Beijing XXX Works


2.1 XXX Works shall provide YYY with the Information requested in order to estimate the value of the assets of Beijing XXX Works Import and Export Corporation to be purchased by YYY, and to conduct relevant due diligence work.


2.2 XXX Works shall bear responsibility for the supply of false, deceitful or misleading information to YYY, as well as for failure to disclose information that may significantly impact on the value of the assets to be sold. 


Article 3

Responsibilities of YYY


3.1. YYY shall carry out the negotiation with XXX Works according to the best professional standard, and shall not disseminate the confidential Information received other than to its own officers, employees, agents and advisers directly involved in the negotiation with XXX Works. In particular, YYY shall not disclose to third partis, for any reason whatsoever, the confidential Information concerning XXX Works’ clients. 


Article 4



4.1. All information not included in the following list shall be considered as Confidential Information:

(f) any information that was in the public domain when it was given to a Party;

(g) any information that, after being given to a Party, becomes part of the public domain, except through disclosure contrary to this clause;

(h) any information that was in a Party's possession when it was given to that Party and was not otherwise acquired from any of the other Parties directly or indirectly;

(i) any information that was lawfully received from another person having the unrestricted legal right to disclose that information without requiring the maintenance of confidentiality.

(e) any information related to the matter requested by an Administrative Authority or by a Court or by an Arbitration Panel in the fulfillment of its task.


Article 5

Breach of Contract


5.1 In the event that a breach of contract committed by any of the Parties to the Agreement results in the nonperformance of or inability to fully perform the Agreement, the liabilities and losses arising from the breach of the Agreement shall be borne by the party in breach.


Article 6

Settlement of Disputes


6.1 Disputes arising in connection with this agreement shall be referred to and finally settled by arbitration under and in accordance with the Rules of Arbitration of the China International Trade and Economic Arbitration Commission. The arbitration shall be held in Beijing. The arbitration award shall be final and binding for the Parties.


Executed in Beijing on MM/DD, YY.




Mr. ……                                  

Beijing XXX Work (Director)                                  




Mr. ……

YYY S.p.A.



Acknowledged by:




Mr. ……

Beijing XXX Works

Import & Export Co. (Manager)