诸葛亮的相关故事:北约就反卡联盟指挥权接近达成一致 - 双语阅读 - FT中文网

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/16 13:40:18
2011年03月23日 07:25 AM

北约就反卡联盟指挥权接近达成一致Allies edge to accord on plan for command

英国《金融时报》 詹姆斯•布利茨 伦敦, 丹尼尔•董贝 华盛顿报道 字号最大 较大 默认 较小 最小 背景                    收藏 电邮 打印 评论[10条] 中文  


Leading members of the Nato alliance edged towards agreement over who should command the military operation over Libya, with France and Britain floating a new plan to overcome coalition differences.


As Muammer Gaddafi’s forces pressed ahead with their attack on the rebel-held western town of Misurata, British officials indicated that diplomatic efforts were being made to structure the command and control of the coalition along the lines of the International Security Assistance Force that operates in Afghanistan.

在效忠穆阿迈尔•卡扎菲(Muammer Gaddafi)的部队继续进攻反对派控制的西部城市米苏拉塔之际,英国官员表示,在国际联军的指挥和控制结构方面,各方正付出外交努力,以将其设计成类似于在阿富汗行动的国际安全援助部队(ISAF)。

The Isaf mission is largely spearheaded ['spi?hed] by Nato and uses Nato’s planning and intervention capabilities. But Isaf also formally engages a range of countries outside the western alliance which are involved in the fight against the Taliban.


“People seem to be coalescing around the idea of an Isaf-like command and control structure for Libya,” said a senior British diplomat, after a meeting of Nato ambassadors at the alliance’s headquarters in Brussels.


In Paris, Alain Juppé, the French foreign minister, appeared to back an Isaf-like command structure.

在巴黎,法国外交部长阿兰•朱佩(Alain Juppé)似乎支持类似于ISAF的指挥结构。

“At the president’s behest, I’ve proposed the agreement of our British colleagues that we set up a political structure to guide operations, involving foreign ministers from countries that are taking part and from the Arab League,” Mr Juppé told the French parliament.

“我奉总统之命,提交我们与英国同事已经谈妥的提议,即我们建立一个政治结构来指导行动,让参加行动的国家、以及阿拉伯国家联盟(Arab League)国家的外长参与进来,”朱佩对法国议会表示。

Mr Juppé said that not all members of the military coalition were members of Nato and added that the Libya operation could therefore not be “a Nato operation”.


But he said the coalition would use Nato’s “planning and intervention capabilities”.


Mr Juppé said that he was proposing that a “political steering body” of foreign ministers of countries participating in the coalition and the Arab League should meet in the next few days in Brussels, London or Paris, and hold regular meetings.


Adm William Fallon, a former head of US central command, told the Financial Times that at present the problem was primarily a political rather than a military one, since the US and its allies had already shattered Mr Gaddafi’s air defences and helped protect the rebel city of Benghazi  [ben'ga:zi] .

美军前中央司令部司令、海军上将威廉•法伦(Adm William Fallon)对英国《金融时报》表示,目前问题主要是在政治层面,而非军事层面,因为美国及其盟国已经击溃了卡扎菲的空防体系,并帮助守住了反对派控制的班加西。

“Now that we’ve decided to sign up to this no-fly zone, we had better be prepared to do this because these zones have a tendency to keep on going,” he said. “I was party to setting the no-fly zone in Iraq (in 1991): who would have thought that thing would have been going a decade later, at staggering expense?”


The impasse has been of particular concern to the Obama administration, which some Congressional Republicans have accused of dragging the US into leading a war effort without a clear exit strategy or goals.


That in turn has made the handover even more of a political priority for the administration.


In fighting on Tuesday, Gaddafi’s tanks shelled the town of Misurata and casualties included four children who were killed when their car was hit, residents said, adding that the death toll for Monday alone had reached 40.


