
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/22 23:05:46
答案在你心中(注:“*”号有扩展问题) 21.你喜欢男人多一些,还是女人多一些?你的知心好友是男性,还是女性?     Do you prefer being around men or women?Do your closest friends tend to be men of women? 22.如果你可以用伏都教蛊术任意伤害一个人,你会这样做吗?     If you could use a voodoo doll to hurt anyone you chose,would you? 23.一次旅行中,你的伴侣(情人)和陌生人发生了一夜情。如果他们从此不再重逢,也没有任何人知晓此事。你希望伴侣坦诚相告吗?如果换作是你,你会向对方坦白吗?*     While on a tirp to another city,your spouse(or lover) meets and spends a night with an exciting stranger.Given that they will never meet again,and that you will not otherwise learn of the incident,would you want your partner to tell you about it?If roles were reversed,would you reveal what you had done? 23*你认为自己期望的是什么样的情感关系?如果你听到许多人承认自己宁可被骗的事实,为什么会让你产生威胁和不安?城市会导致关系破裂,还是更加亲密与信任?你新任你的爱人吗?对方有多信任你?    How serious would an affair need to be before you would want and expect to be told about it?What makes hearing such a confession so threatening that most people would rather be deceived ?Is this kind of honesty more likely to be destructive or to lead to greater intimacy and trust?How much do you trust your lover?How much can you be trusted? 24.有没有人让你非常嫉妒,以至于你恨不得变成他?这个人是谁?     Are there people you envy enough to want to trade lives with them?Who are they?  25.如果你可以到世界任何地方免费旅行一周,你愿意为此扯掉一只美丽蝴蝶的翅膀吗?换做踩死一只蟑螂呢?*     For an all-expense-paid,one-week vacation anywhere in the word,would you be willing to kill a beautiful butterfly by pulling off its wings?What about stepping on a cockroach? 25*为什么外表好看的动物比丑陋的动物更适合当宠物呢?当我们破坏了某些美丽的事物时,我们会有心灵的创伤吗?      把昆虫的翅膀撕掉与把它活活踩死,有什么分别吗?与是否杀掉一只动物相比,杀掉的方式是否更微不足道呢?      Why does a beautiful creature merit more compassion than an ugly one?Does it damage us psychologically when we destroy something we find beautiful?      How meaningful is the diffence between pulling the wings off an insect and stepping on it?Is the decision of how to kill something a minor decision when balanced against the decision of whether or not to kill it at all? 26.(详见答案在你心中,这辈子该思考的问题1,序言第二问。)*      Would you be willing to murder an innocent person if it would end hunger in the world? 26*如果你的手上沾满无辜者的鲜血,或者你杀害了几百万人,你会饱受折磨吗?      许多人宁愿为他人奉献生命,而不愿夺取别人的性命。你认为你会为了什么而献出自己的灵魂?      Would it torment you more to have the blood of an innocent person on your hands or to know you let millions of people die?What do you think of people who achieve great things by compromising their principles?      Many are willing to give their own lives but not to take the life of another;is angthing so important you would sacrifice your very soul for it? 27.如果上帝突然出现,承诺实现你久已有之的梦想,但你必须到红海做一段时间的渔民,你愿意吗?如果牺牲你的孩子呢?     If God apperared to you in a series of vivid and moving dreams and told you to leave everything behind,travel alone to the Red Sea and become a fisherman,what would you do?What if you were told to sacrifice yourchild? 28.你最珍贵的回忆是什么?     What is your most treasured memory? 29.你憎恨过别人吗?     如果恨的话,为什么?     恨多久了?     Have you ever hated anyone?If so,why and for how long? 30.你愿意给自己留一万美元呢,还是将十万美元捐给陌生人?你愿意自己有一百万没有呢,还是捐两百万美元?     Would you rather be given $10.000 for your own use of $100.000 to give anonymously to strangers?What if you could keep $1.000.000 or give away $ 20.000.000?