
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/03 09:05:31
“飞机上,你和一名相貌平平的陌生人相谈甚欢。出人意料的是,这个人给你一万美元,要和你一夜情。如果这没有任何危险,报酬也毫无问题,你会同意吗?” 问过不同的人。 一人说:“不会。”追问为什么。答曰:“受不了心里有鬼的感觉。不想藏这样的秘密。” 一人说:“这要考虑很多因素。比如结婚怎么样,没结婚怎么样,都要考虑;再比如,你对对方有没有感觉等等吧。” 没说“不会”。那就是有可能“会”啊。 2“如果你杀死一个无辜的人,就能够制止世界大饥荒,你愿不愿意这样做?” 问过不同的人。 一人沉吟:“愿意。”追问为什么。答曰:“那可是拯救全世界啊……”一人说:“我要反问上帝,我有这个责任吗?”意思是,不愿意啊。无论你回答了什么,无论你此刻迫切想说点什么。此中都没有是非,没有好坏,只有答案。和一个朋友对坐,对问。你会发现,原来我们是两种人,被同一种问题隔开。但这不是重点,重点是,我们知道自己是哪种人啦。因为有这些问题,你也许不肯对朋友讲实话,但对自己可以。答案在你心中。没错,这是一本特别适合“扪心自问”的小书。两百多个问题,就是两百多次直面自己、晾晒灵魂死角的机会。利刃逼颈,却使人欲罢不能。(注,下文带有*号的问题,在123页之后有进一步的扩展。这里就不许要了,我会加在上面不记总问题数。) ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 答案在你心中    1.为了心爱的人,你愿不愿意去一个谣言而陌生的地方,从此再也见不到朋友和家人?   For a person you loved deeply,would you be willing to move to a distant country knowing there would be little chance of seeing your friends or family again? 2.你相信世界上有鬼怪与恶魔吗?你敢不敢整晚一个人,待在一个传说中的鬼屋?   Do you believe in ghosts or evil spirits?Would you be willing to spend a night alone in a remote house that is supposedly haunted? 3.如果今晚你就要死了,再也没有机会与别人交流,你最后悔没告诉别人什么?你为什么一直不愿吐露心声?   If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone,what would you most regret not having told someone?Why have't you told them yet? 4.如果整整一年都过的幸福美满,此后就彻底失忆,你愿意吗?为什么不愿意?*If you could spend one year in perfect happiness but afterward would remember nothing of the experience would you do so?If not,why not? 4*实际经验重要呢?还是获取经验之后的回忆重要?    Which is more important:actual experiences,or the memories that remain when the experiences are over? 5.如果有种新药能治关节炎,但1%的服用者中会有严重的并发症,你会向公众推广吗?   If  a new medicine were developed that would cure arthritis but cause a fatal reaction in 1 percent of those who took it,would you want it to be released to the pubilc? 6.你发现由于医院的失误,你那一岁大的可爱宝宝不是你亲生的。你会把孩子换回来么?   You discover your wonderful one-year-old child is,because of a mixup at the hospital,not yours.would you want to exchange the child to try to correct the mistake? 7.你认为一百年后世界会比现在更好,还是更糟?   Do you think that the world will be a better or a worse place 100 years from now? 8.你愿意成为集体项目的世界冠军,还是个人项目的世界冠军?你会选择哪一种运动?   Would you rather be a member of a world championship sports team or be the champion of an individual sport?Which sport would you choose? 9.你愿不愿意接受一百万美元,从此离开祖国,再也不踏上故土一步?*   Would you accept $1,000,000 to leave the country and never set foot in it again? 9*如果你被驱逐出境,只有很少的钱,你会选择哪里开始新的生活?    If you were expelled from the country and had only limited financial resources,where would you try to rebuild your life?  10.你认为咱们文化中哪种性别更占优势?想过要变成另一种性别吗?    Which sex do you think has it easier in our culture?Have you ever wished you were of the opposite sex?