艾多娜:辛普森一家笔记 season 5 episode 16 S5E17 Bart Gets a...

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/30 05:00:42

辛普森一家笔记 season 5 episode 16 S5E17 Bart Gets an Elephant

When Bart wins a radio contest, he forgoes the cash prize and opts for the gag prize, an elephant. Unable to persuade him to take the money, the radio DJs get him an elephant. Bart names it Stampy and ties it to a post in the back yard.
However, the elephant costs too much, and after a failed money-making scheme, Homer wants to get rid of it. He sells it to an ivory dealer, but Bart escapes with Stampy before the dealer can take him. Stampy leads Bart to the tar pits, where he realizes Stampy wants to be with other elephants.
Homer arrives, but sinks into the tar pit. Stampy pulls him out, and a grateful Homer gives the elephant to the animal refuge.
Work to the music.听着音乐工作
You never know when an old calendar might come in handy.派上用场
Are we so vain?我们这么空虚么?
Shove it,buddy.闭嘴,不要再提。大概是这个意思,好像是某个名人最先说过,我也确定。
Fry piggie这个应该就是传说中的烤乳猪了吧
Hippo河马,名字听上去还很可爱giant sloth巨型树懒,估计是一个品种,这东西比较懒,长的太大肯定得饿死。记得七宗罪里有一条就是sloth懒惰
I think you’re taking unfair advantage of my generous offer.呵呵.Moe酒馆提供免费的花生,Homer很会占便宜,把大象带去吃花生,Moe被吃掉了好多花生,对Homer抱怨。
Hey,any more arboretums around here?植物园,大象光吃花生很是虚弱,于是Homer带大象去了植物园,吃光了临走还问管理员别处还有没有了。
He’s grooming him.小鸟落在象背给大象清洁,鲨鱼也有这种小跟班。
Yeah,well,you’d be grumpy too if you were taken out of your nature habitat and gawked at by a bunch of slack-jawed yokels.
We’re a pair of jokers,and both of us are wild.joker这里我觉得就是玩世不恭的人,扑克牌大王下王就是这个词,来历应该有些讲究吧,我文化不高,不很清楚,哪位给讲讲?
Price structure翻译成收费标准比较好
Our wildlife refuge is the ideal environment for your elephant.Thousands of acres of stimulated African savannah.我们的野生动物救护所是你的大象的理想归宿。上千英亩的仿非洲大草原
I’ve lots of jobs in my day whale hunter,seal clubber,president of the Fox network我有很多种工作,捕鲸,猎杀海豹,还有Fox的头儿。呵呵,这部动画就是Fox出的,恶搞老板一回。
I feel it all the way up my skirt.it这里表示风,我感觉风贯到我的裙子里了。总想起梦露的境地那造型。也没去过美国,好奇ventilation怎么会通道马路的地面上?在美国的给个解释。
Repulican Demoratic美国的两党,我发现此处一个细节,当大象闯进共和党会场时是欢呼声,闯进民主党会场时是嘘声,这个地方应该暗含了美国的驴象之争,呵呵 共和党的象征就是象,民主党就是驴,起源忘了。
Attaboy!加油的意思,也可以说go XX go! ,Come on!千万别说fighting,只有韩国人这么说,韩国人的英语也是很糟糕的说。亚洲区最好的也就是印度和东南亚一带,中国人的英语中等吧。 收藏 分享0