
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/18 18:24:03

A growing body of research suggests nature walks may be more restorative than traditional stimulants like caffeine. David Biello reports


Stressed out by the 10th anniversary of 9/11, the double-dip recession or just the day to day grind of modern life? Need a break? Don't turn to alcohol or caffeine, try a nature walk instead.


That's according to a growing body of research from psychologists that examines what really produces mental refreshment in humans. For example, a study from 2008 showed that walking through an arboretum boosted people's performance on memory tests. And a 2005 study showed that even just looking at a picture of nature had a similar, though more muted effect.


Journalist Richard Louv has proposed that depriving kids of nature has produced a cohort of children with attention problems, obesity and the like. He dubbed it "nature deficit disorder." And a 2009 study in the Journal of Attention Disorders found that children with attention problems concentrate better after a walk in the park.


Of course, there are a wide range of reasons why some kids today have attention issues, including stress. That goes double for adults. But if you're in need of some tranquility, a walk in the woods may beat a cup of coffee.

—David Biello





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狗儿们的交流不用语言,它们用尾巴、耳朵、胡须、嘴和身体姿态来告诉我们它们在想些什么, 并且有时,一旦你想找什么东西,它们会给你出乎意料的默契。你可以从狗的站姿以及背部形状得到很多基础信息,明白它们想要表达什么。


tches everybody’s attention in any photography. It may be natural or manmade, but it’s awesome either way. I’ve done my research and found some cool symmetrical images.


Let’s take a look of these 30 stunning Examples of symmetrical Pictures.



01. Symmetrical Aberration

01. 对称性像差

02. Symmetrical Stairs

02. 对称的楼梯

03. Symmetrical

03. 对称的房子

04. Symetrique

04. 对称性

05. BIg Ben symmetrical

05. 对称的大本钟

06. Symmetrical Harmony

06. 和谐的对称

07. Symmetrical Stairs

07. 对称的楼梯

08. symmetrical tower

08. 对称的塔楼

09. The Symmetrical Soldiers

09. 对称的战士们

10. symmetrical-sunset

10. 对称的日落

11. Symmetrical

11. 对称

12. symetrique

12. 对称性

13. Symmetrical design

13. 对称的设计

14. Symmetrical architecture

14. 对称的建筑结构

15. Double Helix Symmetry

15. 双螺旋对称

16. symmetrical cherries

16. 对称的樱花树

17. corner view

17. 角度对称

18. symmetrical

18. 对称

19. Flexion symétrique

19. 宝宝的曲体对称

20. sieste symétrique

20. 午后打盹的对称

21. Par(v)is Symétrique

21. 对称的广场

22. Baha’i Garden

22. 巴哈伊花园

23. The Doldrums: Symmetrical

23. 赤道的无风海域:幽静的对称

24. Dare Photography: paths

24. 戴尔的摄影:对称的石头小径

25. Eileen Kathryn Boyd

25. 艾琳.凯瑟琳.博德:对称的房间

26. by LooknFeel

26. LooknFeel拍摄:对称古树

27. Putrajaya from PICC

27. 布城国际会展中心

28. Positive & Negative Side

28. 正面与负面

29. Garden of Bahji, Akka , Palestine

29. 巴勒斯坦,阿卡的巴哈伊公园

30. Jardine du Palais Royal

30. 巴黎的皇宫花园

About the Author


BBL is the creator and editor of BestFreeWebResources . He is also a Computer Engineer that strongly believes in sharing exciting information with the community. If you’d like to connect with him, head on over to the contact page and follow him on Twitter: @bestfreewebres


在这里输入译文BBL是“最好的免费网页资源”站点的创始人和编辑。他也是一名电脑工程师,非常喜欢与众人一起分享让人兴奋的信息。如果你想联系他,直接到联系页面,在“推特”上关注他: @bestfreewebres.


ckens have a remarkable ability to choose the father of their eggs.Wily hens have evolved the ability to eject the sperm of unsuitable mates say researchers working with Swedish birds.




Promiscuous roosters try to ensure that their genes are passed on by mating with as many females as possible.


But by removing the genetic material of males they consider socially inferior, the hens have managed to retain control of paternity.


Many species ranging from zebras to insects use the strategy of sperm ejection - but the evolutionary ideas behind it are often uncertain.


Among birds, male Dunnocks force females to eject the sperm of other suitors in order to protect their own genes.


But this research indicates that among chickens, the battle of the sexes seems to be all about female empowerment.


Working with feral fowl in Sweden, the scientists found that many matings were forced, as the roosters are twice the size of the hens.


To cope with the unwanted attention, females have evolved the ability to remove the ejaculate of those males they consider undesirable.


Dr Rebecca Dean from Oxford University carried out the study. She said: "It's really important for females to have the best male sperm to fertilise her eggs, so if she can't choose before copulation, then having a mechanism to choose after copulation could really increase her evolutionary fitness."


Even when unforced, the females still exercised their right to choose by opting to eject the sperm of males they considered to be at the bottom of the pecking order.


With the reproductive odds stacked against them, these low-status roosters have fought back by developing larger ejaculates in the hope of increasing their chances of passing on their genes.


Hens eject more sperm from socially subordinate males


But according to Dr Dean, the shrewd females have worked out a way of dealing with this tactic as well.但根据Dean博士所说,精明的雌性可以应对这种把戏。


"We found that hens will eject a greater proportion of the ejaculate from socially subordinate males, so she is in this way favouring the dominant males both before and after ejaculation," she said.


The scientists explain that domestic fowl would certainly use a similar tactic, but normally they have fewer mating choices than their wild Swedish cousins.


The research has been published in the journal American Naturalist.



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