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http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年03月27日 15:03   中国日报网-英语点津


  《爱丽丝梦游仙境》(Alice inWonderland)3月26日在中国上映,该片是蒂姆?波顿和老搭档约翰尼?德普的第7次合作。这对黄金搭档之前的合作,可谓是硕果累累——波顿的电影使得德普蜚声影坛;而德普的演技也使得波顿商业艺术双丰收。这对拍档又将给观众带来一次怎样的仙境之旅?想必爱丽丝会给你答案。

  蒂姆?波顿和约翰尼?德普看上去很相像。他们有着同样古怪夸张的发型,都戴着一副彩色眼镜,交谈时也都喜欢捋着自己那颇具艺术家气息的山羊胡。二人在艺术方面都有着举足轻重的影响力;彼此间有着深厚的友谊(德普是波顿第一个孩子的教父);他们甚至会心有灵犀地说完彼此半截句子。 TimBurton and Johnny Depp look alike. They sport equally wacky hair andtinted glasses, and stroke their artsy goatees as they talk. They citesimilar artistic influences, mention their deep friendship (Depp isgodfather to Burton’s first son) and even finish each other’s sentences。

  毋庸置疑,这个“演员加导演”的组合已成为好莱坞最多产的拍档。本周《爱丽丝梦游仙境》将在中国上映,片中德普饰演“疯帽子”一角,这也是他与波顿的第七次合作。 It’s no wonder the two have turned into Hollywood’s mostprolific director-actor partnership. The release of Alice in Wonderlandin China this week, where Depp plays the crazy Mad Hatter, marks theirseventh collaboration。

  在好莱坞,导演与演员的组合似乎也不是什么新鲜的事了。有时演员会给予导演灵感(如昆丁?塔伦蒂诺和乌玛?瑟曼)。还有一些时候演员百分百地信任导演(如莱昂纳多?迪卡普里奥和马丁?斯科塞斯)。 Director-actor partnerships seem to be as oldas Hollywood. Sometimes directors are inspired by actors (QuentinTarantino and Uma Thurman). Other times actors place complete trust indirectors (Leo Di Caprio and Martin Scorsese)。

  而对于如此相似的波顿和德普来说,他们极富创造性的合作源自荒谬,信任以及对黑暗扭曲的叙事方式的共同喜爱。 But in the caseof look-a-likes Burton and Depp, their creative partnership is based onabsurdity, trust, and a common love of dark, twisted storytelling。

  他们初次见面时,德普正在逐渐成长为一名青年偶像。波顿给了德普一次挑战,在《剪刀手爱德华》(1990年)中出演爱德华一角:这部离奇古怪的童话讲述了有一双剪刀手的男孩不顾一切追寻真爱的故事。 When they first met, Depp was on his way tobecoming a teen idol. Burton challenged Depp, casting him as Edward inEdward Scissorhands (1990): a twisted fairytale about a boy with handsmade out of scissors who yearns to find love。

  片中德普饰演了一个生活在郊外的怪人,他精湛的演技也使得该片成为经典。这次合作也创立“波顿加德普”这对金牌搭档。在接受《Esquire》杂志专访时,德普说: “第一次见面时,我们就在这些极其荒谬的层面上达成共识。” Depp’s faultless performance as afreak in suburbia made the film a modern classic. It also created thebonds of the Burton-Depp team. “When we first met, we connected on allthese super absurd levels,” says Depp in Esquire。

  现在有了可以信任的合作伙伴后,波顿一如既往地邀请德普出演自己的影片,德普也再次塑造了6个不同的古怪角色。在1994年的《艾德伍德》中,德普饰演了一位具有传奇色彩的,拍尽烂片的电影导演;1999年的《断头谷》一片中,他是调查断头凶杀案的探员;2005年的《僵尸新娘》中他扮演一位意外娶了僵尸的男子;2005年《查理与巧克力工厂》中他是古怪的巧克力工厂老板;2007年的《理发师陶德》中他饰演一名凶残的理发师。 Nowwith a trusted partner, Burton went on to cast Depp in six more absurdroles. He played a legendary bad film director (Ed Wood, 1994), aninvestigator of decapitations (Sleepy Hollow, 1999), a man whoaccidentally marries a corpse (Corpse Bride, 2005), a crackpot chocolatemaker (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, 2005) and a murderoushairdresser (Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, 2007)。

  所以当波顿签约拍摄《爱丽丝梦游仙境》时,毫无疑问德普依旧会出现在片中,出现在兔子洞下面的世界中。 So, when Burtonsigned on to make Alice in Wonderland, there was little doubt he wouldtake Depp down the rabbit hole。

  波顿和德普凭借他们独特的方式,将仙境重新塑造成一个怪异,多彩的地下世界,那是片充满惊奇的丛林。他们将传奇的“疯帽子”变成了一个身材瘦长的,如同马戏团小丑一样的男子;他因中毒而发狂,说话总是夹杂着谜语和嗤嗤傻笑,就像一个女学生一样。 Burton and Depp, intheir unique style, re-imagined Wonderland as Underland–a creepy,colorful, jungle of wonder. They transformed the legendary Hatter into agangly, circus clown, a man driven crazy by poison, who speaks inriddles and giggles like a school girl。

  德普的演技加上波顿的童话,这次强强联手再获巨大的成功。在连坐三周票房冠军宝座后,《爱丽丝梦游仙境》终于来到了中国。 Again theBurton-Depp combo–Depp’s performance in Burton’s fairytale–has proved ahuge success. Alice in Wonderland arrives in China after topping globalbox offices three weeks in a row。

  如果他们的搭档可以算作一个屡试不爽的黄金定律,想必有更多的导演愿意去遵循它。 If their partnership isanything to go by, more directors should stick with a formula onceperfected。