
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/29 09:22:53
With China in mind, Agni-V test scheduled for December
NEW DELHIIndia finally plans to test its most ambitious strategic missile Agni-V, with near ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile) capabilities, this December after some delay. 


Veeru fromITJungle (Mumbai) 
1 hr ago (03:33 PM)This foolish article must be recalled asap. If this was in China, the newspaper editor would have lost his job by this time.!!! In India any media can write any crap.还是尽早收回此文为妙。要是在中国的话,报社编辑早就被炒鱿鱼了。在印度任何媒体都可以胡扯蛋。
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jay (Bangalore) 
1 hr ago (03:04 PM)Hi, Whatever be the news or whatever be the intention, it is truly immature to post a headline of this sort. It shows the reporters immaturiy and irresponibility. Whether true or not, such headings can sure hurt ones feelings and raise unnecessary questions. Please note that, considering the present situations, China is well ahead of India in ALL fields and these types of comments will only create misunderstanding. Please stay away from such senseless news articles and fancy titles in future for the good of all.大家好,无论新闻好坏,无论其用意是什么,发这种头条新闻也太不成熟了吧。这说明记者的不成熟和不负责。无论消息真假,这样的题目一定伤害了人们的感情而且会引起不必要的问题。考虑到现在的形势,请大家注意:如今中国在各个领域都遥遥领先于印度。这样的报道及评论只会加深误解。希望以后不要再出现这样无意义的文章和这样充满“想象力”的标题了。 
karavadiraghavarao (Vijayawada-) replies to Jay 
37 mins ago (04:24 PM)Dear Jay, India has to develop its defense Potential in all spheres.China is a dangerous neighbour.India should always be in full alert.Really this is a good news.Jay, 对各种潜在的威胁,印度需要发展自己的国防事业。印度需要时刻警惕中国这一危险的邻国。这无疑是个好消息。 
Veeru fromITJungle (Mumbai) replies toJay 
1 hr ago (03:31 PM)100% agree with Jay. Media should not make stupid assumptions to sell their news. Freedom of speech does not mean that any sensitive comment flashed in the public domain.完全同意Jay的说法。媒体不因该通过一些愚蠢的臆想来炒作新闻。言论自由并不意味着所有敏感问题都需公诸于众。
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sid (Sydney) 
2 hrs ago (03:00 PM)China is going to use its Proxy - Pak militants to do its dirty work against India! So more appropriate Defensive Capability for India would be to go for Multiple Naval bases (in the West & East coast) with fast Moving Hovercraft. DRDO should also Secure all our Security related information against potential attacks from Chinese hackers, who are none other than well trained People's Liberation Army soldiers!中国会借好战的巴基斯坦之手来对付印度。所以本人认为印度加强国防实力更实际的方案因该是在东部及西部沿海增设海军基地,并同时增配高速气垫军事船只。国防研发部要对涉及国家安全的信息进行保密以防像训练有素的中国人民解放军窃取有价值的情报。
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Arjun (Hyderabad) 
2 hrs ago (03:00 PM)TOI, all you need is sensation ! Why do we need to say it is intended for China? Paper statements like these would make you look stupid. If America builds a new missile, they wont in all their sense and mind would publish that it is intended for Russia or North Korea etc etc. faalthu articleTOI, 你所需要的是理智。我们为什么说烈火五意在对付中国?报纸报道把你弄傻了!如果美国造了种新导弹,他们是不会公开大肆宣扬这是针对俄罗斯或北韩的。
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Awadhesh kumar (Agra) 
3 hrs ago (01:20 PM)AGNI V is first in the ICBM ,after this we have to quickly move to submarine launched ICBM of 5000 km and finally a 15000 km ICBM for deterrence against all including those who have been meddling in our area.烈火五型是印度研制的首枚固体洲际弹道导弹。在这成功后,我们尽快先后开发能装载在潜水艇射程在5000km和15000公里的固体洲际弹道导弹以威慑那些企图干涉印度内政的国家。
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------tarun (india) 
4 hrs ago (12:31 PM)lets pray that no one will use but lets be prepare as china is the one we are unsure and untrustworthy about...让我们祈祷吧!由于中国的不确定性及不可靠性,希望这只是备用的,不会真正被使用。
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------subir (Bengal) 
4 hrs ago (12:27 PM)No country will drop automic bomb to others country as everybody have the automic power. So, India should not waste money for such test. India should think for devolopment & to reduce the price of commodities. Am i wrong?即使所有国家都拥有核武器,我想没有国家会去其他国家投放原子弹???所以印度不该在这上面浪费钱,而是要多考虑发展和降低商品价格的事。我错了吗?chinmoy (Bengal) replies to subir 
2 hrs ago (02:26 PM)Friend, why china wasted public money to develop neuclear arsenal and ICBMs and MIRVs? Arn't they still wasting billions of dollars in defence? Why dont you advise china?朋友,那中国为什么投入大量公众的钱来研发核弹头及固体洲际导弹及分导弹头呢?他们不也是在国防上浪费了大把大把的钱?你为什么不这样建议中国呢?