飞蝗芜湖什么意思:基于Geomedia Professional平台的GIS开发(三)

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/21 20:31:12
基于Geomedia Professional平台的GIS开发(三) ......................................................................................................................... 发布时间:2006-1-20 16:05:39     c)       GetLegendEntry函数

Public Function GetLegendEntry(objRS As GRecordset) As RecordLegendEntry
        'objRs:Grecordset 类型
    On Error GoTo errorhandler
Set GetLegendEntry = CreateObject("GeoMedia.RecordLegendEntry")
    Dim objExt As Object
Set objExt = objRS.GetExtension("ExtendedPropertySet")
    If GetLegendEntry.GeometryFieldName = "" Then
        Dim objField As GField
        For Each objField In objRS.GFields
            If objField.Type = gdbSpatial Or objField.Type = gdbGraphic Then               GetLegendEntry.GeometryFieldName = objField.Name
                Exit For
            End If
        Next objField
        Set objField = Nothing
End If
GetLegendEntry.Title = objExt.GetValue("Name")
Dim objStyle As Object
Set objStyle = CreateObject("GeoMedia.AreaStyle")
objStyle.BoundaryOn = True
With objStyle.Boundary
    .StyleUnits = gmsStyleUnitsPaper
    .Mode = gmsLinearModeShowBackground
    .Color = RGB(0, 0, 0)
    .Width = 10
    .BackStyle = 0
End With
    Dim objCSSPipe As New CSSTransformPipe
    Set objCSSPipe.InputRecordset = objRS
    Set objCSSPipe.CoordSystemsMgr = frmMap.ocxMapView.CoordSystemsMgr
    objCSSPipe.InputGeometryFieldName = GetLegendEntry.GeometryFieldName
    objCSSPipe.OutputCSGUID= _
Set GetLegendEntry.Recordset = objCSSPipe.OutputRecordset
    Set objExt = Nothing
    Set objCSSPipe = Nothing
    Exit Function
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "GetLegendEntry Error"
    On Error Resume Next
    Set objExt = Nothing
    Set objCSSPipe = Nothing
End Function

d)       DisplayTheLegendEntry过程
Public Sub DisplayTheLegendEntry(objLE As RecordLegendEntry)
On Error GoTo errorhandler
    If Not (objLE Is Nothing) Then
        Dim objLegend As Legend
        Set objLegend = ocxMapView.Legend
        If objLE.ValidateSource Then
            ' ---------------------------------------------
            If objLegend.LegendEntries.Count = 0 Then
objLegend.LegendEntries.Append objLE
                objLegend.LegendEntries.Append objLE, 1
            End If
frmMap.ocxMapView.Refresh True
        End If
        Set objLegend = Nothing
    End If
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "DisplayTheLegendEntry Error"
    On Error Resume Next
    Set objLegend = Nothing
End Sub



1)       在VB的Project->Components里选择如下的控件:

Intergraph Geomedia Event Control 5.0(事件响应控件)


2)       将EventServer(作用是监听发生在MapView的鼠标和键盘操作,并且用事件控件来处理它们)和显示地图的MapView控件联系起来。为此你需要声明一个EventServer类型的对象,该对象的有效范围是整个frmMap窗体。


a)       在VB的General添加如下代码:

Dim objEventServer As New EventServer

b)       在frmMap窗体的Form_Load事件(必须先于鼠标事件发生前)添加如下代码:

ocxEventControl.AddMapView ocxMapView.Dispatch, objEventServer

3)       现在你就可以在ocxEventControl的鼠标和键盘事件中添加代码来响应在MapView上执行的相应操作了。


    Geomedia Professional这个GIS系统的二次开发平台代表着GIS技术的发展方向。其先进的数据库管理方式——图形和属性数据统一存储,先进的开发方式——组件式开发,使开发变得更加容易。它提供了大量的对象,灵活运用这些对象可以解决许多比较复杂的问题,开发出非常专业的GIS系统来。