
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/18 13:08:16
 《世界是平的》中译本的若干疏漏  作者:严善明  美国专栏作家Thomas L. Friedman所著《The World Is Flat>>一书,台湾和大陆均有译本。大陆还有一个“精华版”,大量删削原著,有违翻译必须忠于原文的宗旨。还美其名曰 “精华”。我这里不讨论它。我看的是何帆,肖莹莹,郝正非三人的译本。湖南科技出版。  我读了原书的绝大部份,也对照了译文。未发现译文在重要的论述上对原著有严重的歪曲(例如把意思完全搞反了)。从这个角度看,质量还算好的。但仔细对照之后,也发现了漏译和不确切的地方,究竟有多少还很难说,我还没有精力从头到尾逐字逐句推敲。希望读过这书的朋友也提出意见,共同努力,促使译者加以校对,改正。  原著有575页(不含索引)第12章 The Unflat World, P457--505,被完全删除未译,将下一章改为第12章。其实这一章谈了不少问题,也不好说不重要,如回教对某作家的追杀令,辛普生的谋杀案等。既为全译本,这样几十页的删算甚麽?  原书P.44-45,说到作者知道有一位年轻的新闻工作者,名叫Ardolino, 他采访了CBS的Mr Schieffer,用的器材简单,发布方式也特别,作者对他很有兴趣,于是采访了他,以下是Ardolino说的话,请对照中英文看:  `I used a minuscule MP3 player/digital recorder(three and a half inches by two inches)to get the recording, and a separate small digital camera phone to snap his picture" said Ardolino. Not quite as sexy as an all-in-one phone/camera/ recorder, but a statement on the ubiquity and miniaturization of technology nonetheless. I carry this equipment around D,C. all times because,hey, you never know. What is perhaps more startling is how well Mr Schieffer thought on his feet, after being jumped on by some stranger with interview questions, He blew me away.'  Ardolino said the MP3 player cost hin about $125,It is ~primarily designed to play music.’…….  “我用一个很小的MP3 播放器兼数字录音笔(长3.5 英寸,宽2 英寸,1 英寸=2.54厘米)进行录音,用一个单独的小数码相机拍照,这些当然比不上融数码相机和录音笔于一体的手机方便。我一直随身携带这些设备,因为你随时都会遇到新闻。”  阿尔多利诺说,这个MP3 播放器花了他125 美元,主要功能是播放音乐,也可以当作录音设备,将声音存成WAV 格式,然后可以在电脑上播放。。。。。   很显然,around D.C.(在华府地区) 没有了, 从statement 起 的一句 和从 What is perhaps more startling…起的一句都未译出。  接下去读到P46:  I started taking pictures and doing interviews of the antiwar rallies in D.C.,because the media was grossly misrepresenting the nature of the groups that were organizing the gatherings---unrepentent Marxists,explicit and implicit supporters of terror, etc. I originally chose humor as a device, but I have since branched out. Do I have more power, power to get my message out,yes.The Schieffer interview actually brought in about twenty five thousand visits in twenty-four hours.…..  相对应的译文是:  · 我最早的独立采访对象是华盛顿特区的反战团体,事实上很多媒体都没有正确地反映这些社会团体的性质。我采编的新闻由于观点新颖、视角独特而得到迅速传播。对希弗的采访在24小时内点击次数达5.5 万次。。。。。’,  对照一下就发现了:·怎么样`媒体都没有正确地反映这些社会团体的性质’呢? 就是:把他们描述为:`顽固的马克思主义者, 或明或暗的恐怖支持者 等等‘。这就漏译了,接下去的也没有译:·我原先采用幽默作为手段, 后来摒弃了。我是不是有较大的力量传播信息?是有的·  至于译文:·我采编的新闻由于观点新颖、视角独特而得到迅速传播。· 却找不到相应的原文, 是译者自己写出来的。  原著P。46:  I am a twenty-nine-year-old marketing manager who  always wanted to write for a living but hated the AP style book.As uberblogger Glenn Reynolds  likes to say,blogs have given the people a chance to stop yelling at their TV and have a say in the process.I think that they serve as sort of `fifth estate' that works in conjunction with the mainstream media(often by keeping an eye on them or feeding them raw info) and potentially function as a journalism amd commentary farm system that provides a new means to establish success.  `Like many facets of the topic that you are talking about in your book,there are good and bad aspects of the development. The splintering of media makes for a lot of incoherence or selective cognition(look at our country's polarization),but it also decentralizes power and provides a better guarantee that the complete truth is out there...somewhere... in pieces.'  译文是:·我总是想以写作为生,但很讨厌美联社的那种写作风格。博客的存在让人们不必对着电视大叫大嚷,让他们有了畅所欲言的机会。我觉得博客实际在充当新闻采编和评论的供给系统,他们一方面在密切关心主流媒体的动态,另一方面也在给后者提供基本信息。就像你在本书中谈到的很多情况一样,事情都有好坏两面。多家媒体的存在可能会导致新闻报道不一致的情况,但它也打破了垄断,更好地确保了公众获得信息的真实性。’  译文开始就删掉了“29岁”,“博客的存在。。。”是引语,是Glenn Reynolds 说的。原著有名有姓,不该删除。最后:作者又刻意用了‘fifth estate'(第五产业)一词,该词有多种含义,在这里是指‘博客’,译者对此没有理睬。最后一句:“The splintering of media makes...”完全未译,意思是:“媒体的多样化(直译是‘分裂’)会产生很多片段而不连贯的东西,导致片面的认知(就象我国的极化),但这也把权力的集中破坏了。为全面真实的呈现提供了较好的保证,真实有时也就在某处,以片段的形式呈现。”原文complete 和 is都是斜体字,译文应作相应的处置。  原著PP.362 "I call my own version of this approach 'compassionate flatism'" 译成了“我呼唤我想象中的这个世界的到来。”作者有自己的观点,有自创的名词,compassionate flatism 就是一个,这个词中译待斟酌。但全句很明确,意即:我想叫我描述的这个发展途径为compassionate flatism.毫无呼唤什麽到来之意。  原著P365 “The Chinese have risk taking down, hard work down, education." 译为:”中国人愿意承担艰苦的劳动,愿意接受教育。”我拟译为:“中国人在教育上承担了风险,下了工夫。”(XYS20110209)