药品追溯体系建设:各地动物趣图集锦 - 教育频道 - 国际在线

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/17 05:53:48





  1、May 29: Yang Yang, 3, swims with a beluga as part of the Polar Region Ocean World's publicity ahead of the International Children's Day in Qingdao, China on June




  2、May 28: Stan Luden releases homing pigeons during the annual Memorial Day Service at Elsinore Valley Cemetery in Lake Elsinore, Calif.  5月28日,美国迎来一年一度的阵亡将士纪念日,人们在加利福尼亚Elsinore谷公墓放飞信鸽。               




  3、May 23: Casper, a white peacock, undergoes the spring ritual of displaying his plumage in hopes of attracting a female in Graham, Wash.  5月23日,美国华盛顿州动物园的一只雄性白孔雀展开它美丽的翅膀吸引雌性的注意。  



  4、May 23: A 3-day-old African elephant stands next to an adult at the Tierpark Zoo in Berlin.  5月23日,柏林Tierpark动物园一只刚出生3天的小象站在一头成年大象旁。




  5、May 23: A giant African millipede perks up on the hand of an entomologist at the Houston Museum of Natural Science's Cockrell Butterfly Center in Texas.  5月23日,得克萨斯的一只巨大“千足虫”站在昆虫学家的手上。


  6、May 22: A baby Canada goose plays with a blade of grass under the watchful eye of its parent on the National Mall in Washington.  5月22日,华盛顿国家动物园的一只加拿大黑雁宝宝在妈妈的看护下高兴地在草地里玩耍。




  7、May 28: African ostriches eat straw in their enclosure at the Taronga Zoo in Sydney. The world's largest, heaviest and tallest bird is also the world's fastest land animal over long distances.  5月28日,悉尼Taronga动物园的非洲鸵鸟在吃干草。非洲鸵鸟不但是世界上最大、最重和最高的鸟,同时也是陆地远程奔跑速度最快的动物。 



  8、May 26: Emma, an English bulldog, checks out the view from a stroller while Dudley, left, and Millie walk during their daily four-mile walk in Daytona Beach, Fla.  5月26日,一只名叫爱玛德的英格兰牛头犬坐着主人推着的婴儿车里出来散步。走在它两旁的分别是主人的另外两只宠物狗——达德利(左)和米莉。爱玛、达德利和米莉每天跟随主人沿着佛罗里达州的代顿海滩漫步4英里。



  9、May 24: A panda cub plays on a slide at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in China. The giant panda is one of the world's most endangered species and is found only in China.  5月24日,一只熊猫幼崽在中国成都大熊猫饲养研究基地玩耍。大熊猫是世界一级濒危动物,目前野生大熊猫仅在中国还能找到。




  10、May 25: A bear rests after a swim at the Warsaw Zoo in Poland, as the temperature reached 86 degrees.




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