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Girl's Sleeveless Gloves

棒针 2010-01-26 11:38:09 阅读411 评论5   字号: 订阅

 The heart cable is from a sock pattern called "Hearts Afire" (Ravelry), and if you buy it in January, the proceeds go to Help for Haiti!So here's the basic pattern -- if you want the heart cable, buy the sock pattern!


Size: Child - ribbing is VERY stretchy, so they should fit a wide age range! BG is 8 and I think they should fit her just fine.
Yarn: Rowan RYC Extra Fine Merino DK (50 g, 137 yd) - about 1/2 a skein

Needles: US 5/3.75 mm 40" circ for Magic Loop, or dpn's - whatever is your preferred method for small circumference knitting

Gauge: about 5.25/in in st st. 


Note: I like to over-explain and over complicate things. Here are some mods to make this pattern easier:

~Use a regular stretchy cast on and just rib the first 2 rnds before Set-Up Round

~Skip the thumb cable and just do whatever you'd like for the gusset

~Skip the heart entirely and just keep ribbing

Cables: They are all pretty easy to do without a cable needle, as well!

C2B = slip first 2 stitches to cn and hold in back, k2, k2 from cn. 

C2F =slip first 2 stitches to cn and hold in front k2, k2 from cn.


CO 32 sts using the tubular cast-on and set up for 2x2 rib in the round. Ysolda has a great video for this!

Mark beginning before a k2.

Set-up round 1: *k2, M1L, [p2, k2] 3 times, p2* twice (34 sts)

Set-up round 2: *k2, M1L, k1,  [p2, k2] 3 times, p2* twice (36 sts)

Work 4 rnds in patt (knit the knits and purl the purls)

Cross round: *C2B, [p2,k2] 3 times, p2* twice

Work 5 rnds in pattern

Rep these 6 rnds twice more, then Cross Round again. Your glove should be approx 3.25" at this point.

Now we begin the thumb gusset and heart cable - the palm remains in plain rib the whole rest of the glove. Just to make it easy to keep track, the next set of directions are like this:

first cable, (back of hand heart cable)(thumb)(palm - rib to end)

The heart cable is done over 14 sts, as is the palm ribbing.

k4, (heart cable) (k1, kfb, m1p, k2), rib to end (I know this is a weird increase but it's the only time, I promise. You're splitting the cable on the thumb side and adding purls in between)

k4, (heart cable) (k2, p2, k2), rib to end

k4, (heart cable)(k1, kfb, p2, m1p, k2), rib to end

k4, (heart cable)(k2, p4, k2), rib to end

k4, (heart cable)(k2, M1L, p4, M1R, k2), rib to end

C2B, (heart cable){k2, M1L, k1, p4, k1, M1R, k2}, rib to end

k4, {heart cable}{k4, p4, k4}, rib to end - basically just working in patt

Rep this round once more, then back of hand portion again, Slip 12 thumb stitches to waste yarn, cast on 4 sts, and rib to end.

k4, {heart cable} {k4, rib to end}

k4, {heart cable} {k4, rib to end}

C2B, {heart cable} {C2B, rib to end}

k4, {heart cable}{k4, rib to end}

k4, {p14} {k4, rib to end}

Rep this rnd once more - now back to ribbing!

Rib Round: {k4, *p2,k2* 3 times, p2} twice

Rep this round again

Cross Round as above

Rib Round 6 more times or desired length

BO in picot - *co 2 sts using knit on, then bo 4* rep to end - I used a smaller needle for this because the BO is VERY stretchy.


Place thumb stitches back on needle and pick up 4 along hand to close the gap. 

1: k4, p4, k4, p4

2: k4, p4, k4, p4

3: C2B, p4, C2F, p4

4: k4, p4, k4, p4

5: k4, p4, k4, p4

6: k4, p4, k4, p4

BO loosely


Make the second glove exactly the same but opposite, so the thumb is on the left rather than the right - make it from the beginning of the round instead of the middle. In other words, just swap the directions for hand portion and thumb portion, leaving the palm the same.

Weave in ends and please, for the love of Bob, BLOCK!

ETA: I did modify the heart cable slightly - I did one extra row of twists to widen the heart, then crossed 2 over 1 in the last row to close up the heart tops. If you have the chart you should know what I'm talking about, but I'm happy to explain further if you leave a comment!

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