
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/28 03:22:00
1. These are miserable days when you feel lousy, grumpy, lonely, and utterly exhausted.那些日子真是惨透了,你觉得心里乱糟糟的、怨气丛生、寂寞、整个人彻底地精疲力竭。2. You feel small and insignificant.你感到自己很渺小和微不足道。3. Everything seems just out of reach.每件事情似乎都够不着边。4. You can"t rise to the occasion.你根本无法振作起来。5. Just getting started seems impossible.根本没有力气重新开始。6. On blue days you can become paranoid that everyone is out to get you.在忧郁的日子里,你可能变成偏执狂,觉得每个人都想要吃定你。7. On blue days you feel like you"re floating in an ocean of sadness.在忧郁的日子里,你会觉得自己在悲伤的海里沉沉浮浮。8. You"re about to burst into tears at any moment and you don"t even know why.不论在什么时候,你总有种想哭的冲动,却不知道为了什么。9. Ultimately, you feel like you"re wandering through life without purpose.最后,你觉得自己犹如行尸走肉,失去生活目标。10. You"re not sure how much longer you can hang on.你不知道自己还可以撑多久。