
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/09 16:20:22

著名的俄罗斯铝业有限公司(RUSAL)所拥有的世界上最大的炼铝厂 - 萨亚诺戈尔斯克电解铝厂。由于附近就是著名的俄罗斯最大的萨扬舒申斯克水坝,该水坝建在叶尼塞河的上游,其水电站的装机容量高达640万KW。为电解铝工业提供了廉价、充足的电力。



Русский алюминий

Russian Aluminum,俄罗斯铝业有限公司







Sir Humphery Davy)                             (Alessandro Volta )





4 ALCl3 + 3 K = Al + 3 KAlCl4 


德维尔(Henri Etienne Sainte-Claire Deville)在1846年纯化了维勒过程,并发表在1859年的一本书上。由此十年内铝的价格降低了90%。


1886年查尔斯·马丁·霍尔(Charles Martin Hall)和保罗·埃鲁(Paul Héroult)各自独立发现了以霍尔-埃鲁法命名的电解制铝法。在1889年卡尔·约瑟夫·拜尔(Carl Josef Bayer)继续优化了此过程。迄今仍以这种方法为大规模工业制铝的主要手段。现代制铝工艺也许是十九世纪末最重要的工业发明之一,为金属铝在二十世纪,乃至今后得到广泛应用打下了坚实的基础。

进入二十世纪以来,科学家致力于发现铝的新性质和新用途。其中影响最大的是铝合金的发明。1903年德国冶金学家阿尔弗雷德·维尔姆经过多年的实验发明了含铜、镁和锰的铝合金(Al-3.5–5.5%Cu-Mg-Mn)。他称这种合金为“Duralumin”,源出于拉丁词“Durus"”- “坚硬”。随后这种硬质的铝合金成为现代飞机制造业的支柱材料。1920年苏联也制造出了这种铝合金,称之为“кольчугалюминием”,并用于制造著名的ANT-2型全铝飞机,这是由安德烈·图波列夫设计的。


俄罗斯成了世界上第三个进行工业化生产铝的国家。第一家铝厂是由俄罗斯工业家安东尼·诺奥维杰斯基(A. Nowowiejski)于1885年建成的,位于莫斯科北71公里的谢尔吉耶夫镇的谢尔盖圣三一修道院。1916年在季赫温(英文:Tikhvin,俄文:Ти?хвин,俄罗斯列宁格勒州东部的一个城市)周围发现铝矾土沉积矿。1929年在“Red Vyborzhets”建了六台炉子,5月27日用所建的设备产出了苏联第一炉铝,一共只有八公斤。该厂采用奥尔霍夫水电站产生的电能和完全国产化的原材料进行生产。该厂用制得的铝开始生产铝锅及铝制餐具。苏联电解铝的原型电解槽来自于法国。到1930年位于列宁格勒的炼铝实验工厂已经能生产九十吨铝。第二家铝熔炼厂建在第聂伯罗水坝附近这个总厂包括用年处理三万吨铝矾土生产电解铝所用的氧化铝提炼厂,15000吨/年生产能力的铝熔炼厂,具有自己生产电解所用的碳阳极的能力。




In the postwar years were built Kandalaksha, Nadvoitsky and Volgograd refineries. In 60-70 years, when the Soviet Union began to build a large hydroelectric power stations on the Siberian rivers, there Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk and Bratsk smelters. There remained the problem of raw material - alumina had to buy abroad - in Guinea, Africa. The first plant for the processing of imported material was Nikolayev Alumina Plant (1980).
It was designed to process high-quality African bauxite.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union the aluminum industry in Russia was in a difficult situation - the state stopped investing, broke relations with suppliers of raw materials in the former Soviet republics. The British Trans World Group, has received control over a large part of the Russian aluminum smelters in Russia has introduced a certain system of tolling, where imports of raw materials and export products made duty free, which brought huge profits to the owners, but the plants deprived of funds for production development. After the start of privatization in 1993, the industry began to receive criminal structures, hoping for a quick profit. Placed under the control of sea ports and factories were forced to pay for the shipment of goods thugs abroad. In the struggle for control over the industry criminal gangs tried to intimidate the leaders of those plants, which refused to cooperate with them.
Those who refused to work on the gangsters brutally massacred.

In 1994, Oleg Deripaska, was elected Director General of the Sayanogorsk smelter. By this time he was its majority owner, together with the TWG (black brothers - well-known names). Three years after its establishment, headed by Oleg Deripaska, a group of "Siberian Aluminum" is among the ten leading manufacturers of aluminum products and Deripaska broke off relations with Trans World Group, finding additional funds for the development of additional shares of the plant. In 2007, the merger of aluminum and alumina assets of RUSAL, the third largest in the world aluminum producer, SUAL Group, part of the world's top ten producers of aluminum and alumina assets of Swiss company Glencore was created combined company "Russian Aluminium" - the largest in
world producer of aluminum and alumina.

On Sayanogorsk aluminum smelter, which started the story of RUSAL, I went in the first place.

01. From Abakan, the capital of Khakassia, to Sayanogorsk - hour drive away. Along this road I've traveled two years ago, when the power plant accident occurred. The city is located in the very place where it ends and begins Khakasskaya steppe Sayan Mountains. Plant (and they are there three, actually) - ten miles from the city.

02. So Sayanogorsk aluminum looks out the window of the plant.
I arrived on Sunday, people in almost was not, but the factory work - Aluminium production technology and continuous in all the shops work was, as usual.

03. It all starts here - in the electrolysis plant. It produces aluminum for the very technology developed by another Frenchman and an American Era Hall, about which I wrote above. True, it looks now is not the case, as in the XIX century. In Sayanogrske make aluminum in baths with so-called prebaked anodes. That brought them to a transport truck. These anodes are lowered into the electrolysis bath, to sleep and where alumina is converted to metal.

04. And here's what a burnt exhaust its anode. This is a consumable material, which the plant also produces its own. This technology allows the production on the stage of getting rid of many harmful substances. Anode with a coal cube already created more harmless, since the resinous substances are removed from the process of manufacture. Modern factories are being built with the expectation of just such anodes.
There is a Norwegian technology Soderbergh, on which work, for example, the Krasnoyarsk aluminum plant, but on it I'll explain later.

05. Rows of pots go, it seems beyond the horizon. This new two shops in Sayanogorsk, built in 2004-2006 and dedicated to a single plant, called Khakassky - for the construction of a new plant because it was easier to find investors. In this shop quite sparsely populated, I met only one person.
The production process is almost completely automated - from the top is filled alumina, after the end of the cycle comes off valve and a vacuum pump evacuates a large aluminum bucket.

06. Here is the design of the crane is pumping out three-ton aluminum reduction cells, and then poured into the bucket, which then be taken to the foundry. In order to produce a tonne of aluminum to nearly two tons of alumina, a half-ton of carbon (for the anode) and about 15 000 kWh of electricity.
All equipment in the shop Russia, made in engineering and technology center of RUSAL, but the raw materials brought in imported - from Guinea, Jamaica.

07. Electrolysis plant - is not only harmful to human production, but also for photography. Each ton of aluminum - it is 280 000 cubic meters of gas emitted.
And, if emissions have learned to fight through a filter system, here's a photo and video equipment, as I said, guides, better to close the electrolyzer not fit - there is a strong magnetic field.

08. What's next? Next to aluminum bucket placed on a cart and carry it to the foundry.
There he was waiting for the furnace, which is made from a simple aluminum alloy required for the customer.

Photos foundry - from Sayanogorsk, which was built in Soviet times. Workshop of the two plants are near and look different only in color. By the way, two new shops Khakassia smelter (HAZ) - the first company to produce aluminum, built in Russia over the past 20 years.
Well, most modern, of course.

09、在铸造厂里有许多熔炼炉,由于里面是温度高达700 °C的熔融铝因此无法对着炉内拍照在这些熔炼炉里根据用户对材料的要求配置不同组成的铝合金。



12. Here the master monitors the additives in the smelting of metal.
After the furnace laid the components of the future of the alloy, the master takes a sample, makes it a little, the size of a hockey puck, bar and sends it in a chemical laboratory to check their work.


















