雷主四代水门搭配:经典歌曲:挪威空灵女声Sissel—Should it matter

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挪威空灵女声Sissel—Should it matter


Artist: Sissel Kyrkjebo
Song: Should it matter

I look at you
Please don’t walk away
I see you’re about to
There is just something I’d really like to say
So please don’t walk away

I know that you’re there
Still you pretend you’re not
Yes I know it hurts
I have also felt the pain

So should it matter
What I do or what I’ve done
As long as in my heart
You’re still the only one
I hear you say it
But I don’t think you understand
I can be trusted now, I swear to you I can

It’s been a year
a memory from my past
I know what I did wrong
I wish to change
Just to make it last
But I guess it’s been too long

Easy to move on
To forget to about it all
Is that what you do, hoping I will be gone

So should it matter
What I do or what I’ve done
As long as in my heart
You’re still the only one
I hear you say it
But I don’t think you understand
I can be trusted now, I swear to you I can

If you got to know me again
Maybe then -- maybe then
We could see what what we should do
But that’s all up to you
I’ll be waiting for you

So should it matter
What I do or what I’ve done
As long as in my heart
You’re still the only one
I hear you say it
But I don’t think you understand
I can be trusted now, I swear to you I can

I hear you say it
But I don’t think you understand
I can be trusted now, I swear to you I can


一头清爽的短发形象,总是挂着如阳光般灿烂的笑容,一个充满活力的女生。在本土她是家传户晓的国民歌手,踏入歌坛超过十年。曾于挪威的诺贝尔颁奖典礼上表演。与Josh Groban 合唱The Prayer,以及在英国王储查尔斯王子面前演唱,还有跟其它知名巨星共同表演,例如Celine Dion、Sting、法国巨星Charles Aznavour等,此外,她还与著名男高音Jose Carreras(卡列拉斯)同共在丹麦女王座前合唱。与全球驰名男高音Placido Domingo(多明哥)也有合作的经验,还参与过维也纳传统的圣诞节演唱会,当时收看转播的欧洲观众估许达数百万人,令她广为人知。更曾灌录卖座电影「铁达尼号」Titanic的原声大碟,演唱片中所有没有歌词的Vocal. 

Sissel Kyrkjebo,挪威著名的女歌手,以其空灵清澈的音色踏入歌坛超过10年。《All Good Things》是Sissel首张唱流行曲的唱片,十一首歌曲虽然还可发现不少令人联想到Enya一类的音乐元素,但歌曲编排都渗入了具备时代感的流行曲节奏。唯一真正保留Sissel原来风格的,或许就只有用挪威语演绎的“Laer Meg A Kjenne”。

这个总是低调经营着自己的美丽女人, 每一次的出击都会让那些热恋中的人们欢呼。 那声线如空谷中的风,轻柔、不羁, 令人着迷的天籁之声, 神秘的北欧气质,唯美的旋律, 炽热、深情地唱着关于爱情的点点滴滴, 一瞬间里就会让你怀想起那些甜蜜和浪漫的画面……尤其不可思议的是,她的音乐融合古典、福音、爵士与流行。当这清亮却不乏柔情的声音渐渐盛满小小房间的时候,似乎那掀起帘角的微风都带着属于大海的咸腥潮湿的气息。恍惚中,看见一位身着黑纱的女子,立于海边的礁石之上,轻声吟唱着。黑纱飞扬,浪花四溅,歌声穿过海浪,伴着海风,飘向远方……