长葛环保关停的企业:把心的敲碎了的歌[Almost Here]

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/30 13:01:14
 把心的敲碎了的歌[Almost Here]
与野人花园、凯莉米洛同样系出澳洲的Delta Goodrem,年仅18岁便以单曲《Born To Try》、《Lost Without You》拿下澳洲排行冠军,被传媒誉为下个明日之星。首支单曲《Born To Try》在全英金榜拿下 Top3,第2支抒情单曲《Lost Without You》也来势汹汹大有作为,专辑《Innocent Eyes》网罗到前接招合唱团主唱盖瑞巴洛为其写歌,还有 Ric Wake (Celine Dion、Jennifer Lopez、Mariah Carey),Matthew Gerrard (Mandy Moore、BB Mak),David Nicholas (Elton John)等坚强制作与词曲幕后工作人员,以青春热情、活力纯真的音乐面貌出现。
Delta7岁就开始在演艺圈里打滚儿,先是在广告里扮可爱,接着又在电视剧里装天真。12岁那年,她用上电视赚来的钱租了个录音室,把自己创作的五首歌曲外加一首她演唱的澳大利亚国歌录成了一张DEMO,寄给了她最喜爱的足球队——Sydney Swans,希望有朝一日能为球队在主场演唱国歌,结果球队转手把DEMO CD交给了他们的铁杆球迷兼著名经纪人Glenn Wheatley,就这样,三年后,在Glenn Wheatley的精心调教下,SONY唱片签下了Delta Goodrem。Delta与团队制作了一张专辑,但由于单曲i don't care只排到澳洲榜第64,他们没有让这张同名专辑面世,而是先让Delta参加了澳洲常青电视剧《Neighbors》的演出,积累了一定的人气。18岁那年,一曲《I Can Sing A Rainbow》成为当年澳洲旅游业的宣传歌。美国有The Mickey Mouse Club/米老鼠俱乐部,打造红遍全球的偶像大本营,澳洲则是最长寿的电视剧《Neighbours》,成为培养国际巨星的最大基地。
继澳洲出产的Kylie Minogue、Natalie Imbruglia后,第三位兼具美丽智慧、扎实演唱功力、毫不吹嘘的创作才情,融合抒情、舞曲、摇滚等风格的黛儿塔,声音直逼席琳狄翁的高亢厚实与饱满。仅靠两张专辑,便在澳洲缔造19张白金唱片、全球高达三百二十余万的傲人销售纪录,连创10白金+1金唱片的七首澳洲排行冠军单曲风光佳绩,抱走八座澳洲音乐大奖+三座MTV音乐奖。
有人说她是“澳洲新生代天后,堪比Celine Dion的嗓音。

     注:Brian McFadden是西城男孩Westlife的前成员(已离队),同时也是Delta Goodrem的男朋友,他们两个已经订婚,此歌是他们两口子含情脉脉的真情对唱。
Did I hear you right?
Cause I thought you said
Let’s think it over
You have been my life
And I never planned
Growing old without you
Shadows bleeding through the light
Where the love once shined so bright
Came without a reason
Don’t let go on us tonight
Love’s not always black and white
Haven’t I always loved you?
But when I need you
You’re almost here
And I know that’s not enough
And when I’m with you
I’m close to tears
’cause your only almost here
I would change the world
If I had a chance
Oh won’t you let me
Treat me like a child
Throw your arms around me
Oh please protect me
Brian & Delta:
Bruise and battered by your words
Days are shattered, how it hurts
Oh, haven’t I always loved you?
But when I need you
You’re almost here
And I know that’s not enough
And when I’m with you
I’m close to tears
’cause your only almost here
Brian & Delta:
Bruise and battered by your words
Days are shattered, now it hurts
Haven’t I always loved you?
But when I need you
You’re almost here
Well I never knew how far behind I’d left you
And when I hold you
You’re almost here
Well I’m sorry that I took our love for granted
Brian & Delta:
And now I’m with you
I’m close to tears
Cause I know I’m almost here
Brian & Delta:
Only almost here