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Classical Studies
1, 世界古代史综合性参考书目
1.1, 通史断代部分或大学教材
1.2, 当代中国专家专著及其汇编:
1.3, 世界历史地图集
1.4,《剑桥古代史》The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol.1-14,1970–2001
2, 西方古典学书目
3, 西方史学史参考书目
4, 1949以前的西洋史译著书目
5, 西方古典学14家网站
1, 世界(西洋)古代史综合性参考书目
1.1, 通史断代部分或大学教材:
1.1.1, 羅漁:《西洋上古史》2冊,臺北:華岡出版公司,1976;中國文化大學出版部(華岡)2002重印。上册写近东、希腊史,下册写罗马史。北京国家图书馆有藏。
1.1.2, 林志纯主编《世界上古史纲》2册,北京:人民出版社,1979-81;天津教育出版社2007重印。
1.1.3, 刘家和主编《世界上古史》(修订本),长春:吉林文史出版社,1979初版,1987修订版。
1.1.4, 崔连仲主编《世界通史》古代卷,北京:人民出版社,1983初版,1997修订版。
1.1.5, 陈隆波罗静兰 合编《从分散到整体的世界史上古部分》,长沙:湖南人民出版社,1989。
1.1.6, 朱龙华:《世界历史上古部分》,北京:北京大学出版社,1991。
1.1.7, 刘家和王敦书 合编《世界史古代史编》,北京:高等教育出版社,1994。
1.1.8, 刘家和廖学盛 合编《世界古代文明史研究导论》,北京:高等教育出版社,2001。
1.1.9, 米辰峰主编《世界古代史》,北京,中国人民大学出版社,2001。
1.1.10, 黄洋,赵立行,金寿福:《世界古代中世纪史》,上海:复旦大学出版社,2005。
1.1.11, 齐世荣总编; 杨共乐,彭小瑜卷主编《世界史古代卷》,北京: 高等教育出版社, 2006。
1.1.12, 刘增泉:《西洋上古史》,长春:吉林出版集团有限责任公司,2008。
1.1.13, 晏绍祥:《世界上古史》,北京:中国人民大学出版社,2009。
1.1.14, 林志纯主编《世界通史资料选辑古代部分》,北京:商务印书馆,1985。
1.1.15, 北师大历史系世界古代史教研室编《世界古代及中古史资料选集》,北京:北京师范大学出版社,1991。
1.1.16, 吴于廑主编:《外国史学名著选》2册,北京,商务印书馆,1986-87。每种译著前都有作者小传,每册书后都有译名对照表
其中上册内容有:, 希罗多德《历史》第7-8卷,王敦书译。, 修昔底德《伯罗奔尼撒战争史》第7卷,吴于廑译。, 李维《罗马史》第5卷19-55章,王敦书译。, 塔西陀《编史》第1卷1-81章、第16卷第33-46章,李雅书译。, 普鲁塔克《传记集》节选:梭伦传,阿基斯传,提比略·格拉古传,阿基斯、克利奥米尼、格拉古兄弟合传,共4个传记,吴于廑译。, 格雷戈里《法兰克人史》第2卷,397-511,寿纪瑜、戚国淦译。, 艾因哈德《查理大帝传》引言第1-4节,第1部分5-17节,第2部分18-33节,戚国淦译。
其中下册内容有:, 马基雅维里《佛罗伦萨史》第3卷1-7章,1350-1420,李活译。, 吉本《罗马帝国衰亡史》第15-16章,王绳祖、蒋梦引、李澍泖、徐式谷译。, 格鲁特《希腊史》第46章,伯里克利时代雅典宪政和司法制度的变革,郭圣铭译。, 朗克《教皇史》第1-6章,席克斯特第五,施子愉译。, 普莱斯苛特《墨西哥征服史》第4-5卷,朱龙华译。, 布克哈特《意大利文艺复兴时期的文化》第1、4、7-11章,何新译。
1.1.17, 朱庭光主编:《外国历史名人传》古代部分,重庆,中国社会科学出版社,重庆出版社联合出版。
其中上册“上古部分”由廖学盛、施治生 主编,1982。
其中下册“中古部分”由戚国淦、张椿年、马克尧 主编,1983。
1.1.18, 第一卷Ю.П. 弗兰采夫主编;文运,王瓘等16位署名译者加北京编译社合译;北京,生活·读书·新知三联书店,1959。
1.1.19, 第二卷上下册,С.Л.乌特琴科 主编;北京编译社译;北京,三联书店,1960。
(Consulente editoriale: Rodolfo Mosca, Storia Universale, Rizzoli Editore, Milano. )
1.1.20, 第一卷《古文明的起源与发展》,台北:光复书局,1991。
1.1.21, 第二卷《希腊罗马的盛衰》,台北:光复书局,1991。
(Will Durant, The Story of Civilization, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1939)
威尔 杜兰著11卷《世界文明史》之第1-3卷汉译本10册——
1.1.22, 第一卷4册,《东方的遗产》,台北:幼狮文化事业公司,1992。
1.1.23, 第二卷3册,《希腊的生活 》,台北:幼狮文化事业公司,1992。
1.1.24, 第二卷3册,《凯撒与基督 》,台北:幼狮文化事业公司,1992。
1.1.25, 阿甫基耶夫:《古代东方史》,王以铸译,三联书店1956初版,上海书店出版社2007修订版。
1.1.26, 邢义田译著:《西洋古代史参考资料》之一,台北:联经出版事业公司,1987。
1.1.27, 雷立柏 (Leopold Leeb):《西方经典英汉提要.卷一》古希腊罗马经典100部(800BC-AD150)English-Chinese summaries of western classics. Volume I, 北京:世界图书出版公司北京公司, 2010。
雷立柏 (Leopold Leeb):《西方经典英汉提要.卷二》,古代晚期100部(150-650AD)English-Chinese summaries of western classics. Volume II, 北京:世界图书出版公司北京公司, 2010。
1.1.28, 戈岱司(G. Coedès, 1886-1969)编《希腊拉丁作家远东古文献辑录》Textes d’ auteurs grecs et latins relatifs a L’extreme-orient; 耿昇译, 北京:中华书局, 1987。本书包括公元前4世纪-公元14世纪90多部希腊拉丁文著作中关于远东(主要是中国, 还包括印度,南海和中亚地区)的记载。
1.1.29, Alberto Siliotti (1950-),《古埃及—庙·人·神》Egypt: Temples, Men and Gods,2000; 彭琦, 陈甜, 郑振清等译;北京:中国水利水电出版社,2006。
1.1.30, Marilia Albanese,《古印度—从起源至公元13世纪》Ancient India : From the Origins to the XIII Century AD, Vercelli: White Star Publishers, 2001; 刘青,张洁译,北京:中国水利水电出版社,2006。国图有英文版
1.1.31, Furio Durando (1960-),《古希腊—西方世界的曙光》,Antica Grecia: l'alba dell' occidente,1999. 马铭,卢永真译,北京:中国水利水电出版社,2006; Ancient Greece, the dawn of the Western world, New York: Stewart, Tabori & Chang, 1997. 国图有英文、中文版
1.1.32, Anna Maria Liberati (1951-), Fabio Bourbon (1961-),《古罗马一个曾经统治世界的文明》, Roma antica: storia di una civilta che conqnistò il mondo, Vercelli: White Star Publishers, 1999;方春晖,张文译,北京:中国水利水电出版社,2006。其英文本可能最早出版:Rome: Splendours of an Ancient Civilization, 1996国图有意大利文、中文版
1.2, 当代中国名家名著及其汇编:
1.2.1, 顾准:《希腊城邦制度》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,1982。
1.2.2, 中国世界古代史研究会(周怡天)主编《世界古代史研究》,北京:北京大学出版社,1982。
1.2.3, 日知主编《古代城邦史研究》,北京,人民出版社,1989。
1.2.4, 李天祜:《古代希腊史》,兰州:兰州大学出版社,1991。
1.2.5, 刘家和:《古代中国与世界》,湖北:武汉出版社,1995。
1.2.6, 吴于廑:《吴于廑学术论著自选集》北京:首都师范大学出版社, 1995。
1.2.7, 胡庆均、廖学盛主编《早期奴隶制社会比较研究》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,1996。
1.2.8, 胡钟达:《胡钟达史学论文集》,呼和浩特:内蒙古大学出版社,1997。
1.2.9, 阎守诚编《阎宗临史学文集》,太原: 山西古籍出版社, 1998。
1.2.10, 施治生、郭方主编《古代民主与共和制度》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,1998。
1.2.11, 刘文鹏:《古代埃及史》,北京:商务印书馆,2000。
1.2.12, 雷海宗:《伯伦史学集》,北京:中华书局,2002。
1.2.13, 王敦书:《贻书堂史集》,北京:中华书局,2003。
1.2.14, 朱龙华:《罗马文化》,上海:上海社会科学院出版社,2003。
1.2.15, 廖学盛:《廖学盛文集》,上海:上海辞书出版社,2005。
1.2.16, 刘家和:《史学经学与思想在世界史背景下对于中国古代历史文化的思考》,北京:北京师范大学出版社,2005。
1.2.17, 刘家和:《刘家和学术论文集》,台北:唐山出版社,2006。
1.2.18, 阎宗临:《欧洲文化史论》,桂林: 广西师范大学出版社, 2007。
1.2.19, 阎宗临:《世界古代中世纪史》,桂林: 广西师范大学出版社, 2007。
1.2.20, 张广智:《超越时空的对话一位东方学者关于西方史学的思考》,北京:北京师范大学出版社,2008。
1.2.21, 黄洋晏绍祥:《希腊史研究入门》,北京:北京大学出版社,2009。
1.3, 世界历史地图集:
1.3.1,《钱伯斯世界历史地图》(Chambers Atlas of World History, 1975),杨慧玫译,北京,生活·读书·新知三联书店,1981。北大有英文版。本书是近百年来中国出版的10来种翻译版和自编版《世界历史地图集》之中西学信息最详、体例最好、最方便查考的汉语地图集,可惜三联没有版权不能再版。米辰峰著《罗马史》第1卷2010年稿本附录有《钱伯斯世界历史地图》1981版校勘439个错误列表。
1.3.2,《泰晤士世界历史地图集》(The Times Atlas of World History,1979),毛昭晰、刘家和等译,北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,1982。
1.3.3, 吴于廑主编:《大学世界历史地图》,北京:人民出版社,1988。
1.3.4, 巴玛(R.R.Palmer)等著; 王曾才编译《西洋历史地图》,台北:桂冠图书公司, 1981版.161页: 彩色; 34x26cm。国图“善本书舆图室”有藏。每页单面彩图,地图上仅有英文标注没有汉语,对面白纸上有简单的题解是英汉双语的。全书地名的英汉双语索引列在书后附录。此外,附录还有10来个西方各大国的古今王表。彩图印刷不清晰。
1.3.5, 张芝联等编《世界历史地图集》,北京:中国地图出版社,2002。
1.3.6, Richard J.A. Talbert (1947-), Barrington atlas of the Greek and Roman world,Princeton Univ. 2000.北大,人大有。《巴灵顿希腊罗马世界地图集》(简称《巴灵顿地图集》Barrington Atlas,附光盘)是目前世界上专业水平最高规模最大的上古历史地图集,它囊括了20世纪末西方学界对横跨亚非欧西方古典世界的最新最详史地知识;初读《出版周刊》“后人很难超越”之评语,觉得鼓吹太过有悖常理顿生反感;等我看到其书开本之大制图之精注解之详,方知其言虽大并不虚妄。它确实远超前辈同侪,世所罕见,叹为观止。特此摘引原书说明如下以飨同行:《巴灵顿希腊罗马世界地图集》共有175页99幅彩色地图,单页幅面为33 x 48 cm。该地图集涵盖了英伦三岛直至印度次大陆和北非全部希腊罗马古代世界、75个当代国家和地区。本书由世界著名的地图制作公司 MapQuest.com, Inc.制作,在资料注解详细程度和地图清晰度方面史无前例无与伦比。共有70多位专家参与工作,图上标注的各种山川湖海等古代地名及其地貌特征兼容了卫星照相、最新史地考证、考古发现等综合成果。时代跨度从远古直至晚期罗马帝国。制图比例范围1:500,000 -1:1,000,000。2000年出版,定价:$375.00 / ?265.00。随书附有光盘《地图集详解》(CD-ROM Map-by-Map Directory )。http://www.unc.edu/depts/cl_atlas
1.4,《剑桥古代史》The Cambridge Ancient History, 1-14 Vol., Cambridge University Press, 1970–2001:
《剑桥古代史》是英国剑桥出版社邀请世界一流学者撰写的世界古代史权威系列著作。它的第一版12卷在1924–36出齐。1970以前第1-3卷出过修订第二版;1970决定12卷全部重写,所有的文字、地图、插图和参考书目都要彻底修订。第三版的第1-2卷扩充为每卷2册,第3卷扩充为3册;第4-11卷第二版的修订出版于2000完成; 虽然1939出版的第12卷第一版至今没有修订,但是1997和2001却先后出版了第13、14卷,第14卷的论述一直延伸至公元600。第1-3卷的第三版、第4-11卷的第二版和第12-14卷的第一版就是现行《剑桥古代史》的混成系列,共计14卷19册。原计划为各卷论著配套的图片集,现在只出版了第1-7卷的5册。
The Cambridge Ancient History
Volume 1, Part 1, (3rd edition), Prolegomena and Prehistory, 1970;《第一卷第一分册,导论和史前史,第三版,1970》,Edited by I. E. S. Edwards, C. J. Gadd, N. G. L. Hammond
Part 1 of volume I deals with the history of the Near East from about 3000 to 1750 B.C. In Egypt, a long period of political unification and stability enabled the kings of the Old Kingdom to develop and exploit natural resources, to mobilize both the manpower and the technical skill to build the pyramids, and to encourage sculptors in the production of works of superlative quality. After a period of anarchy and civil war at the end of the Sixth Dynasty the local rulers of Thebes established the so-called Middle Kingdom, restoring an age of political calm in which the arts could again flourish. In Western Asia, Babylonia was the main centre and source of civilisation, and her moral, though not always her military, hegemony was recognized and accepted by the surrounding countries of Anatolia, Syria, Palestine, Assyria and Elam. The history of the region is traced from the late Uruk and Jamdat Nasr periods up to the rise of Hammurabi, the most significant developments being the invention of writing in the Uruk period, the emergence of the Semites as a political factor under Sargon, and the success of the centralized bureaucracy under the Third Dynasty of Ur.
Volume 1, Part 2, (3rd edition), Early History of the Middle East,1971;《第一卷第二分册,中东早期历史,第三版,1971》,Edited by I. E. S. Edwards, C. J. Gadd, N. G. L. Hammond
Part 2 of volume I deals with the history of the Near East from about 3000 to 1750 B.C. In Egypt, a long period of political unification and stability enabled the kings of the Old Kingdom to develop and exploit natural resources, to mobilize both the manpower and the technical skill to build the pyramids, and to encourage sculptors in the production of works of superlative quality. After a period of anarchy and civil war at the end of the Sixth Dynasty the local rulers of Thebes established the so-called Middle Kingdom, restoring an age of political calm in which the arts could again flourish. In Western Asia, Babylonia was the main centre and source of civilisation, and her moral, though not always her military, hegemony was recognized and accepted by the surrounding countries of Anatolia, Syria, Palestine, Assyria and Elam. The history of the region is traced from the late Uruk and Jamdat Nasr periods up to the rise of Hammurabi, the most significant developments being the invention of writing in the Uruk period, the emergence of the Semites as a political factor under Sargon, and the success of the centralized bureaucracy under the Third Dynasty of Ur.
Volume 2, Part 1, (3rd edition), The Middle East and the Aegean Region, c.1800-1380 BC,1973;《第二卷第一分册,中东和爱琴海地区,约公元前1800-1380,第三版,1973》,Edited by I. E. S. Edwards, C. J. Gadd, N. G. L. Hammond, E. Sollberger
Volumes I and II of The Cambridge Ancient History have had to be entirely rewritten as a result of the very considerable additions to knowledge which have accrued in the past forty-five years. For the same reason it has also been necessary to increase the size of the volumes and to divide each of them into two separately published parts. The individual chapters have already appeared as fascicles, but without maps, indexes and
chronological tables which, for practical reasons, have been reserved for these volumes. Some additions and corrections have also been made in order to bring the text, as far as possible, up to date. Together the new volumes provide a history of Egypt and the Ancient Orient (including Greece and the Aegean region) down to 1000 BC in a form suitable for both specialist and student. Volume II, Part I, deals with the history of the region from about 1800 to 1380 BC. This was the era of Hammurabi in Western Asia, the Hyksos and warrior-kings of the Eighteenth Dynasty in Egypt, and the Minoan and early Mycenaean civilizations in Crete and mainland Greece.
Volume 2, Part 2, (3rd edition), The Middle East and the Aegean Region, c.1380-1000 BC,1975;《第二卷第二分册,中东和爱琴海地区,约公元前1380-1000,第三版,1975》,Edited by I. E. S. Edwards, C. J. Gadd, N. G. L. Hammond, E. Sollberger
Volume II Part 2 deals with the history of the region from about 1380 to 1000 B.C., and includes accounts of Akhenaten and the Amarna ‘revolution’ in Egypt, the expansion and final decline of the Mycenaean civilization in Greece, the exodus and wanderings of the Israelites, and the Asstrian and Hittite empires.
Volume 3, Part 1, (2nd edition), The Prehistory of the Balkans, the Middle East and the Aegean World, Tenth to Eighth Centuries BC,1982;《第三卷第一分册,巴尔干、中东和爱琴海地区,公元前10 - 8世纪,第二版,1982》,Edited by John Boardman, I. E. S. Edwards, N. G. L. Hammond, E. Sollberger
Volume III of The Cambridge Ancient History was first published in 1925 in one volume. The new edition has expanded to such an extent, owing to the immense amount of new information now available, that it has had to be divided into three parts. Volume III Part 1 opens with a survey of the Balkans north of Greece in the Prehistoric period. This is the first time such a survey has been published of this area which besides its intrinsic interest is important for its influence on the cultures of the Aegean and Anatolia. The rest of the book is devoted to the tenth to the eigth centuries B. C. In Greece and the Aegean the main theme is the gradual regeneration from the Dark Age and the emergence of a society in which can be seen the beginnings of the city-state. During the same period in Western Asia and the Middle East the Kingdoms of Assyria and Babylonia rise to power, the Urartians appear, and in Palestine the kingdoms of Israel and Judah flourish. In Egypt the country’s fortunes revive briefly under Shoshenq I. The final chapter in this part deals with the languages of Greece and the Balkans and with the invention and spread of alphabetic writing.
Volume 3, Part 2, (2nd edition), The Assyrian and Babylonian Empires and Other States of the Near East, from the Eighth to the Sixth Centuries BC,1992;《第三卷第二分册,亚述和巴比伦帝国以及近东的其他国家,公元前8 - 6世纪,第二版,1992》,Edited by I. E. S. Edwards, N. G. L. Hammond, E. Sollberger
The Cambridge Ancient History Volume III Part 2 carries on the history of the Near East from the close of Volume III Part 1 and covers roughly the same chronological period as Volume III Part 3. During this period the dominant powers in the East were Assyria and then Babylonia. Each established an extensive empire which was based on Mesopotamia, and each in turn fell largely through internal strife. Assyrian might was reflected in the imposing palaces, libraries and sculptures of the Assyrian kings. Babylonian culture was outstanding in literature, mathematics and astronomy, and the great buildings of Nebuchadnezzar II surpassed even those of the Assyrian kings. Israel and Judah suffered at the hands of both imperial powers, Jerusalem being destroyed and part of the population deported to Babylon; and Egypt was weakened by an Assyrian invasion. The Phoenicians found a new outlet in colonising and founded Carthage. A number of small, vigorous kingdoms developed in Asia Minor, while from the north and north east the Scythian nomadic tribes pressed down upon Turkey and the Danube valley, but found their match in the Thracian tribes which held south-eastern Europe and parts of western Turkey. The burials of the chieftains of both peoples were remarkable for the great wealth
of offerings.
Volume 3, Part 3, (2nd edition), The Expansion of the Greek World, Eighth to Sixth Centuries BC,1982;《第三卷第三分册,希腊世界的扩张,公元前8 - 6世纪,第二版,1982》,Edited by John Boardman, N. G. L. Hammond
The emergence of the Greek world from the Dark Ages to the height of its Geometric civilization was described in The Cambridge Ancient History Volume III Part 1. Volume III Part 3 explores the new prosperity and growth of the young city-states in the eighth to the sixth centuries B.C. This was the great period of expansion and colonization which saw the establishment of Greek city-states from the Western Mediterranean to the Black Sea. This volume describes the East and Egypt, the importance of West Greece and the Aegean islands in trading and exploration, the special characteristics of the societies which were established by colonization. While societies outside the mainstream of expansion and trade retained their old institutions, those at the centre changed rapidly and the period was a time of warfare in mainland Greece. Athens is seen developing into a leading state under the influence of the reforms of Solon and assessment of the social, economic and material history of Greece during these years.
Volume 4, (2nd edition), Persia, Greece and the Western Mediterranean, c.525 to 479 BC,1988;《第四卷,波斯、希腊和西地中海地区,约公元前525 - 479,第二版,1988》,Edited by John Boardman, N. G. L. Hammond, D. M. Lewis, M. Ostwald
The years covered by this volume saw events and developments of major significance in the Mediterranean world. The first section of the book examines the Persian empire, the regions it comprised and its expansion during the reigns of Cyrus, Darius and Xerxes. In Greece, Sparta was attending maturity as the leader of a military coalition and Athens passed through a period of enlightened tyranny to a moderate democracy of dynamic energy and clear-sighted intelligence. Given the contrast between Greek ideas and Persian absolutism a clash between Greece and Persia became inevitable, and important chapters deal with the revolt of the Ionian Greeks against the Persians, and the two Persian invasions of Greece including the epic battles of Marathon, Thermopylae and Salamis. The third part of the volume turns to the Western Mediterranean. Italy now becomes a significant factor in the history of the area and this section covers the Italic peoples and their languages from the Bronze to the Iron age, and examines the Etruscans and their culture. Sicily is the subject of the final chapter. There the Greek city-states under Gelon of Syracuse and Theron ruler of Acragas repelled a Carthaginian onslaught at the battle of Himera. This new edition has been completely replanned and rewritten in order to reflect the advances in scholarship and changes in perspective which have been taking place in the sixty years since the publication of its predecessor.
Volume 5, (2nd edition), The Fifth Century BC,1992;《第五卷,公元前五世纪,第二版,1992》,Edited by David M. Lewis, John Boardman, J. K. Davies, M. Ostwald
The fifth century BC was not only the first Classic age of European civilisation. It was the first and last period before the Romans in which great political and military power was located in the same place as cultural importance. This volume therefore is more narrowly focused geographically than its predecessors and successors, and hardly strays beyond Greece. Athens is at the centre of the picture, both politically and culturally, but events and achievements elsewhere are assessed as carefully as the nature of our sources allows. Two series of narrative chapters, one on the growth of the Athenian empire and the development of Athenian democracy, the other on the Peloponnesian War which brought them down, are divided by a series of studies in which the artistic and literary achievements of the fifth century are described. This new edition has been completely replanned and rewritten in order to reflect the advances in scholarship and changes in perspective which have been taking place in the sixty years since the publication of its predecessor.
Volume 6, (2nd edition), The Fourth Century BC,1994;《第六卷,公元前五世纪,第二版,1994》,Edited by David M. Lewis, John Boardman, Simon Hornblower, M. Ostwald
Volume VI of the new edition of The Cambridge Ancient History begins with Sparta attempting to consolidate its leadership of mainland Greece and ends with the death of Alexander the Great after he had conquered the Persian Empire and marched far into India. It is correspondingly wide-ranging in its treatment of the politics and economy, not only of old Greece, but of the Near East and the western Mediterranean. The century also saw the continued development of Classical Greek art and the moulding of Greek prose as an uniquely flexible means of expression. The formation of the great philosophical schools assured to Athens in her political decline a long future as a cultural centre, and established patterns of thought which dominated western civilization for two thousand years.
Volume 7, Part 1, (2nd edition), The Hellenistic World,1984;《第七卷第一分册,希腊化世界,第二版,1984》,Edited by F. W. Walbank, A. E. Astin, M. W. Frederiksen, R. M. Ogilvie
Published in 1928, Volume VII of the Cambridge Ancient History orginally covered both the history of the Hellenistic world from the battle of Ipsus in 301 BC down to the Peace of Naupactus and the battle of Raphia in 217 BC and the history of Rome from its foundation down to the same date. In the new edition the Greek and Roman sections have been assigned to two separate volumes. Of these, VII part I opens after the death of Alexander, in 323 BC, as being a more logical starting-point for Hellenistic history; but 217 has been retained as the terminal date since, as Polybius noted, it is from then onwards that Rome begins to play a substantial role in Greek affairs. The volume has been completely rewritten by specialists from Great Britain, France, Italy, Germany and Canada, and takes full account of the vast amount of new material that has become available in the last fifty years. Separate chapters deal with the main kingdoms - Ptolemaic Egypt, Seleucid Asia and Macedonia - and with mainland Greece, Sicily and the smaller states including Pergamum. Political events are fully described and assessed, but there is less emphasis on military detail than in the first edition. The space thus saved has been given over to chapters on the historical sources, on the institution of monarchy and the ideology surrounding it, on the main cultural, social and economic aspects of the Hellenistic world and on the development of Hellenistic science, especially in relation to its application in peace and war. This up-to-date and authoritative account of the early Hellenistic world is designed to serve both the student and the general reader of this and subsequent generations as the first edition has served those of the last fifty years.
Volume 7, Part 2, (2nd edition), The Rise of Rome to 220 BC,1990;《第七卷第二分册,罗马的崛起直到公元前220,第二版,1990》,Edited by F. W. Walbank, A. E. Astin, M. W. Frederiksen, R. M. Ogilvie, A. Drummond
This volume of the second edition of the Cambridge Ancient History traces the history of Rome from its origins to the eve of the Second Punic War. Although the period covered is essentially the same as in the undivided Volume VII of the first edition, the treatment of the material is completely fresh and is much more extensive. Account is taken of new scholarly insights and of the considerable amount of new evidence, much of it archaeological, which has become available since the first edition was published. After a survey of the sources of our information the origins of Rome are discussed, beginning with the first discernible traces of the bronze Age settlement and going on to an assessment of the regal period. The complex and often controversial history of the early Republic is examined with reference to its internal development, the evolution of its relationships with the Latins, and the remorseless, if occasionally erratic, advance of Roman power in parts of Italy less immediately adjacent to the city. These developments are traced further in relation to the intervention of Pyrrhus and its aftermath, leading to consideration of Rome’s relationships with Carthage, the First Punic War, and the beginnings of overseas empire. Rome is considered from a different perspective in a chapter on
society and religion.
Volume 8, (2nd edition), Rome and the Mediterranean to 133 BC,1990;《第八卷,罗马和地中海世界直到公元前133,第二版,1990》,Edited by A. E. Astin, F. W. Walbank, M. W. Frederiksen, R. M. Ogilvie
Volume VIII of the second edition of The Cambridge Ancient History, like its counterpart in the first edition, deals with the comparatively short but eventful period in which Rome acquired effective political mastery of the Mediterranean lands. From the Carthaginians in Spain, the Second Punic War and the first Roman involvement across the Adriatic, the advance of Roman power is traced through the conquests in Cisalpine Gaul, Spain and Africa in the west and through the conflicts in the east with Macedonia, the Seleucid empire, and finally the Greeks. Interspersed with these themes are chapters on the Seleucids and their rivals and on the Greeks of Batria and India, on the internal political life of Rome, and on developments in Rome’s relationship with her allies and neighbours in Italy. In conclusion, two chapters explore the interaction between the Roman and Italian tradition and the Greek world, the first dealing mainly with intellectual and literary developments, the Second Punic War and the first Roman involvement across the Adriatic, the advance of Roman power is traced through the conflicts in the east with Macedonia, the Seleuid empire, and finally the Greeks. Interspersed with these themes are chapters on the Seleucids and their rivals and on the Greeks of Bactria and India, on developments in Rome’s relationships with her allies and neighbours in Italy. In conclusion, two chapters explore the interaction between the Roman and Italian tradition and the Greek world, the first dealing mainly with intellectual and literary developments, the second with the material evidence for such interaction at many levels ranging from the basis of economic production to architecture and major works of art. This new edition has been completely replanned and rewritten in order to reflect the advances in scholarship and changes in perspective which have been achieved in the half-century since the publication of its predecessor.
Volume 9, (2nd edition), The Last Age of the Roman Republic, 146 - 43 BC,1994;《第九卷,罗马共和国最后的岁月,公元前146 - 43, 第二版,1994》,Edited by J. A. Crook, Andrew Lintott, Elizabeth Rawson
Volume IX of the second edition of The Cambridge Ancient History has for its main theme the process commonly known as the ‘Fall of the Roman Republic’. Chapters 1-12 supply a narrative of the period from 133 BC to the death of Cicero in 43 BC, with a prelude analysing the situation and problems of the Republic from the turning-point year 146 BC. Chapters 13-19 offer analysis of aspects of Roman society, institutions, and ideas during the period. The chapters treat public and private law, the beginnings of imperial administration, the economy of Rome and Italy, and the growth of the city of Rome, and finally intellectual life and religion. The portrait is of a society not in decay or decline but, rather, outstripping its strength and attracting the administrations of men who rescued it at the price of transforming it politically.
Volume 10, (2nd edition), The Augustan Empire, 43 BC-AD 69,1996;《第十卷,奥古斯都的帝国,公元前43 – 公元69,第二版,1996》,Edited by Alan K. Bowman, Edward Champlin, Andrew Lintott
The period described in Volume 10 of the second edition of The Cambridge Ancient History begins in the year after the death of Julius Caesar and ends in the year after the fall of Nero, the last of the Julio-Claudian emperors. Its main theme is the transformation of the political configuration of the state and the establishment of the Roman Empire. Chapters 1-6 supply a political narrative history of the period. In chapters 7-12 the institutions of government are described and analysed. Chapters 13–14 offer a survey of the Roman world in this period region by region, and chapters 15–21 deal with the most important social and cultural developments of the era (the city of Rome, the structure of society, art, literature, and law). Central to the period is the achievement of the first emperor, Augustus.
Volume 11, (2nd edition), The High Empire, AD 70-192,2000;《第十一卷,罗马帝国的鼎盛时代,公元70 – 192,第二版,2000》,Edited by Alan Bowman, Peter Garnsey, Dominic Rathbone
Volume XI of the second edition of The Cambridge Ancient History covers the history of the Roman empire in the period from AD 70 to 192, from Vespasian to the Antonines. The volume begins with the political and military history of the period. Developments in the structure of the empire are then examined, including the organisation and personnel of the central government and province-based institutions and practices. A series of provincial studies follows, and the society, economy and culture of the empire as a whole are reviewed in a group of thematic chapters. This edition is entirely rewritten from the 1936 edition. There is much more extensive discussion of social, economic and cultural issues, reflecting trends in modern scholarship, and the increase of archaeological evidence and development of new approaches to it. New documentary evidence, from texts on stone, wood and papyrus, has advanced knowledge in every chapter.
Volume 12, The Imperial Crisis and Recovery AD 193-324,1939;《第十二卷,罗马帝国的危机和恢复,公元193 – 324,第一版,1939》,Edited by S. A. Cook, F. E. Adcock, M. P. Charlesworth, H. Baynes
This volume covers the history of the Roman Empire from the accession of Septimius Severus in AD 193 to the death of Constantine in AD 337. This period was one of the most critical in the history of the Mediterranean world. It begins with the establishment of the Severan dynasty as a result of civil war. From AD 235 this period of relative stability was followed by half a century of short reigns of short-lived emperors and a number of military attacks on the eastern and northern frontiers of the empire. This was followed by the First Tetrarchy (AD 284–305), a period of collegial rule in which Diocletian, with his colleague Maximian and two junior Caesars (Constantius and Galerius), restabilised the empire. The period ends with the reign of the first Christian emperor, Constantine, who defeated Licinius and established a dynasty which lasted for thirty-five years.
Volume 13, The Late Empire, AD 337-425,1997;《第十三卷,晚期罗马帝国,公元337 – 425,第一版,1997》,Edited by Averil Cameron, Peter Garnsey
With the publication of Volume 13 The Cambridge Ancient History moves into fresh territory. The first edition was completed by Volume 12 which closed in AD 324. The editors of the new edition have enlarged the scope of Volume 12 to include the foundation of Constantinople and the death of Constantine, and extended the series with two new volumes taking the history down to AD 600. Volume 13 covers the years 337–425, from the death of Constantine to the reign of Theodosius II. It begins with a series of narrative chapters, followed by a part on government and institutions. The economy and society of the Empire are grouped together, as are chapters on foreign relations and the barbarian world. A part on religion marks the importance of Christianity in the Roman Empire by this period. The volume concludes with chapters on the various literary cultures of the Empire, and on art.
Volume 14, Late Antiquity: Empire and Successors, AD 425-600,2001;《第十四卷,晚期古代:罗马帝国及其后继者,公元425 – 600,第一版,2001》,Edited by Averil Cameron, Bryan Ward-Perkins, Michael Whitby
With Volume 14 The Cambridge Ancient History concludes its story. This latest volume embraces the wide range of approaches and scholarship which have in recent decades transformed our view of Late Antiquity. In particular, traditional political and social history has been enormously enhanced by integrating the rich evidence of Christian writing, and the constantly expanding results of archaeological research. A picture emerges of a period of considerable military and political disruption, but also of vibrant intellectual and cultural activity. The volume begins with a series of narrative chapters. These are followed by sections on government and institutions, economy and society, and religion and culture. A section on the provinces and the non-Roman
world marks the rise of new and distinct political and cultural entities. This volume, and the CAH, ends in around AD 600, before the Arab conquests shattered for ever what remained of the unity of the Roman world.
1.4.20, The Cambridge Ancient History , Volume of Plates: Illustrating Vols. 1-2 , 1977;《第1-2卷图片集,1977》Edwards, I.E.S. (ed.)
1.4.21, The Cambridge Ancient History , Volume of Plates: Illustrating Vol. 3 , 1984;《第3卷图片集,1984》Boardman, John (ed.)
1.4.22, The Cambridge Ancient History , Volume of Plates: Illustrating Vol. 4 , 1988;《第4卷图片集,1988》Boardman, John (ed.)
1.4.23, The Cambridge Ancient History , Volume of Plates: Illustrating Vols. 5-6 , 1995;《第5-6卷图片集,1995》Boardman, John (ed.)
1.4.24, The Cambridge Ancient History , Volume of Plates: Illustrating Vol. 7: Part 1 , 1984;《第7卷第1分册图片集,1984》,Ling, Roger (ed.)
2, 西方古典学书目
2.1, 希腊罗马综合书目:
2.1.1, 荷马史诗:《伊利亚特》,罗念生、王焕生译,北京:人民文学出版社,1994。
2.1.2, 荷马史诗:《奥德赛》,王焕生译,北京:人民文学出版社,1997。
2.1.3, 荷马史诗:《伊利亚特奥德赛》,陈中梅译,上海:上海译文出版社, 1998。
2.1.4, 荷马史诗:《奥德修纪》,杨宪益 译,上海:上海译文出版社,1979。
2.1.5, 希罗多德:《历史》,王以铸译,北京:商务印书馆,1978修订本。
2.1.6, 柏拉图:《文艺对话集》,朱光潜译,北京:人民文学出版社, 1963。
2.1.7, 柏拉图:《理想国》,郭斌和、张竹明译,北京:商务印书馆,1986。
2.1.10, 亚里斯多德:《雅典政制》,日知、力野译,北京:三联书店,1957;商务印书馆1999重印。
2.1.11, 亚里斯多德:《政治学》,吴寿彭译,北京:商务印书馆,1965。
2.1.13, 普鲁塔克《希腊罗马名人传》节译本2册,吴奚真译,台北国立编译馆, 1963-71初版;台北中华书局,1977-81再版。北大有。
蒲鲁塔克:《希腊罗马英豪列传》:I-III, Plutarch's lives. 1-3; 席代岳译. 台北:联经出版事业股份有限公司, 2009,1959页; 23cm。同年吉林出版集团有限责任公司出版简体字版本。
2.1.14, 北京大学哲学系外国哲学史教研室编译《古希腊罗马哲学》,北京:商务印书馆,1961。
2.1.15, 古朗士:《希腊罗马古代社会研究》,李玄伯译,长沙:商务印书馆,1938。
2.1.16, 梅因:《古代法》,沈景一译,北京:商务印书馆,1959。
2.1.17, 布林顿(Brinton,C.)等著《西洋文化史》第一卷, 上古; 刘景辉译,修订再版(学再版). 台北:台湾学生书局, 1980
2.1.18, 伍蠡甫:《欧洲文论简史;古希腊罗马至十九世纪末》,北京:人民文学出版社, 1985。
2.1.19, 刘景辉译著《古代希腊史与罗马共和史》,台北:台湾学生书局,1989。
2.1.20, 郭小凌、厉以平:《古代希腊罗马经济思想资料选辑》,北京:商务印书馆,1990。
2.1.21, 郑振铎编著《希腊罗马的神话传说》,上海:上海书店出版社,2000。
2.1.22, 杨巨平:《古希腊罗马犬儒现象研究》,北京:人民出版社,2002。
2.1.23, 吴于廑:《古代的希腊和罗马》,北京:中国青出版社,1957, 1996重印;2008吴于廑的儿子在三联书店为此书出版插图本第1版。
2.2, 英文版古希腊罗马史综合参考书
2.2.1, John Boardman, Jasper Griffin, and Oswyn Murray (eds.), The Oxford History of the Classical World《牛津古典世界史》,1986. 国图,人大有
2.2.2, Michael Grant and Rachel Kitzinger (eds.), Civilization of the Ancient Mediterranean, Greece and Rome《古代地中海的文明希腊罗马卷》,3 vol. Price Stern Sloan Publishing, 1988. 国图,北大有
2.2.3, Fred W. Jenkins, Classical Studies: A Guide to the Reference Literature《参考文献指南》,Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 1996; 263 p.
2.2.4, N.G.L. Hammond and H.H. Scullard (eds.), The Oxford Classical Dictionary, 《牛津古典辞典》第二版,2nd ed. (1970, reprinted 1984).
Simon Hornblower and Antony Spawforth, The Oxford Classical Dictionary, 3rd ed.
《牛津古典辞典》第三版, Oxford University Press, New York, 1996; 1640 p.; Revised Ed. 2003, 1696p.
2.2.5, Nicholas G.L. Hammond (ed.), Atlas of the Greek and Roman World in Antiquity《古希腊罗马地图集》,1981.
2.2.6, M. I. Finley (ed.), Atlas of Classical Archaeology, 《古典考古地图集》London, Chatto and Windus, 1977. 256P国图,北大有
2.2.7, Tim Cornell and John Matthews (ed.), Atlas of the Roman World《古代罗马地图集》, Oxford:Phaidon, 1982, 240P. 有54幅彩色地图国图,北大有
2.2.8, M. Cary, The Geographic Background of Greek and Roman History《希腊罗马史的地理背景》,Oxford,1949.
2.2.9, Peter Connolly, and Hazel Dodge. The Ancient City: Life in Classical Athens & Rome《古代城市·雅典和罗马的生活》, New York: Oxford University Press, 1998; 256 p.
2.2.10, John Warry, Warfare in the Classical World: An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Weapons, Warriors, and Warfare in the Ancient Civilizations of Greece and Rome《古典世界的战争,关于古希腊罗马的武器、战士和战争的插图本百科全书》, Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1995; 224 p.
2.2.11, Richard J. Talbert, Atlas of Classical History《古典历史地图集》. New York: Routledge, 1989; 224 p. 国图,人大有
2.2.12, M.I.Finley, ed., Slavery in Classical Antiquity《古典时代的奴隶制》,Cambridge, 1960. 国图有
2.2.13, M.I.Finley, The Ancient Econemy《古代经济》,Berkeley, 1973
2.2.14, M.I.Finley, Ancient Slavery and Modern Ideology《古代奴隶制和现代意识形态》,London, 1980. 人大,北大有
2.2.15, M.I.Finley, Politics in the Ancient World《古代世界政治学》,Cambridge University Press, 1983. 国图,北大有
2.2.16, Many ancient historical sources are available in The Loeb Classical Library series, with original text and parallel English translation, in the series Translated Documents of Greece and Rome. 《罗依伯古典丛书,英文与希腊拉丁文对照读本》
2.2.17, Readings in ancient history, thought and experience from Gilgamesh to St. Augustine,《世界古代史阅读参考资料》edited with introduction by Nels M. Bailkey, 3rd ed., Lexington Mass., D.C. Heath, 1987. 454P北大有
2.2.18, G.M. Lee: Oxford Latin Dictionary《牛津拉丁语词典》, Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1968.
2.2.19, P. G. W. Glare, ed., Oxford Latin Dictionary《牛津拉丁语词典》, 1st Edition, Copyright 1982, reprinted with corrections 1996, 2150 pages. 人大有
2.2.20, Henry G. Liddell and Robert Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon《牛津希腊语词典》, 9th ed., 1940; Revised
Supplement, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1996.
2.2.21, Mark P.O. Morford & Robert J. Lenaroon: Classical Mythology《牛津古典神话词典》,详细论述希腊罗马神话的产生与发展, 7th ed., Oxford, 2003.
2.2.22, Naphtali Lewis and Meyer Reinhold (eds.): Roman Civilization: Selected Readings《罗马史资料选编》, Columbia University Press; 3rd edition, 1990. 邢义田编译《古罗马的荣光: 罗马史资料选译》2册(台北: 远流出版事业股份有限公司, 1998)大多翻译自这本书。北大有1966第一版
2.2.23, Robert B. Kebric: Roman People《罗马人》,Third Ed., Mayfield Publishing Company, CA.2001,该书最值得注意的是第312-320页的附录“罗马史常见专业名词及其读音辅导”(Glosssry And Pronunciation Guide),每个常见名称术语后面都有拼音、音节划分和重音标注。人大有
2.3, 英文版古典学期刊:
2.3.1, American Journal of Philology (AJP)《美国古文献学期刊》国图,北大有
2.3.2, Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome (MAAR) 《美国驻罗马古典研究院报告》国图有
2.3.3, Papers of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (PASCSA) 《美国驻雅典古典研究院刊》
2.3.4, Annual of the British School at Athens (ABSA)《英国驻雅典研究院鉴》国图有
2.3.5, Annual of the British School at Rome (ABSR)《英国驻罗马研究院鉴》
2.3.6, Papers of the British School at Rome (PBSR)《英国驻罗马研究院刊》
2.3.7, Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies (BICS) 《古典研究所通讯》国图有
2.3.8, Classical Quarterly (CQ)《古典研究季刊》国图,人大,北大有
2.3.9, Classical Review (CR)《古典学评论》国图,人大,北大有
2.3.10, Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies (GRBS)《希腊罗马和拜占廷研究》
2.3.11, Harvard Studies in Classical Philology (HSCP)《哈佛大学古典文献学研究》国图,北大有
2.3.12, Journal of Hellenic Studies (JHS) 《希腊研究》国图,人大,北大有
2.3.13, Journal of Roman Studies (JRS) 《罗马研究》国图,北大有
2.4, 古希腊作家的著作,历史、哲学、传记:
2.4.1, 赫西俄德:《工作与时日·神谱》,张竹明、蒋平译,北京:商务印书馆,1996。
2.4.2, 修昔底德:《伯罗奔尼撒战争史》,谢德风译,北京:商务印书馆1960,1977修订版。
2.4.3, 色诺芬:《经济论·雅典的收入》,张伯健译,北京:商务印书馆,1961。
2.4.4, 色诺芬:《回忆苏格拉底》,吴永泉译,北京:商务印书馆,1984。
2.4.5, 色诺芬:《长征记》,崔金戎译,北京:商务印书馆,1985。
2.4.6, 阿里安:《亚历山大远征记》,李活译,北京:商务印书馆,1979。
2.4.7, 第欧根尼拉尔修:《名哲言行录》2册,马永翔等译,长春:吉林人民出版社, 2003。
2.5, 古希腊作家的著作,文学艺术:
2.5.1, 埃斯库罗斯:《奥瑞斯提亚三部曲》,附:普罗米修斯被囚,灵珠译,上海:上海译文出版社, 1983。
2.5.2, 欧里庇得斯:《欧里庇得斯悲剧二种》,罗念生译,北京:人民文学出版社,1979。
2.5.3, 欧里庇得斯:《欧里庇得斯悲剧集》3册,周作人译,北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2003。
2.5.4, 索福克勒斯:《索福克勒斯悲剧两种》,罗念生译,长沙:湖南人民出版社,1983。
2.5.5, 索福克勒斯:《奥狄浦斯王》,罗念生译,北京:人民文学出版社,2002。
2.5.6, 阿里斯托芬:《财神》;海罗达思:《希腊拟曲》,周作人译,北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,1999。
2.5.7, 阿波罗多洛斯:《希腊神话》,周作人译,北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,1999。
2.5.8, 童道明、王焕生编《世界经典戏剧全集》16,古希腊罗马悲剧卷,杭州:浙江文艺出版社, 1999。
2.5.9, 童道明、王焕生编《世界经典戏剧全集》17,古希腊罗马喜剧卷,杭州:浙江文艺出版社, 1999。
2.5.10, 伊索:《伊索寓言》,罗念生译,北京:人民文学出版社,1981。
2.5.11, 伊索:《伊索寓言全集》,李汝仪译,英汉对照,南京:译林出版社,2002。
2.5.12, 伊索:《全本伊索寓言》,英汉对照插图本,李长山等译,北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2003。
2.5.13,《古希腊抒情诗选》,水建馥译,北京:人民文学出版社, 1988。
2.6, 当代西方学者有关古希腊的论著:
2.6.1, B.C.塞尔格叶夫《古希腊史》(俄文1939版1948修订),缪灵珠译,北京:高等教育出版社,1955。
2.6.2, 斯威布:《希腊的神话和传说》,2册,楚图南译,北京:人民文学出版社,1958。
2.6.3, 以迪丝 汉密尔顿:《希腊方式,通向西方文明的源流》,徐齐平译,杭州:浙江人民出版社,1988。
2.6.4, 列昂纳德 科特勒尔:《爱琴文明探源》,卢剑波译,成都:四川人民出版社,1985。
2.6.5, A.安德鲁斯:《希腊僭主》,钟嵩译,北京:商务印书馆,1997。
2.6.6, 莱韦克:《希腊的诞生》,王鹏、陈祚敏译,台北:时报文化出版企业公司,1994。
2.6.7, 保罗·麦克金德里克(Paul MacKendrick):《会说话的希腊石头》,晏绍祥译,杭州:浙江人民出版社, 2000。
2.6.8, F.I.芬利主编《希腊的遗产》,张强唐均等 译,上海:上海人民出版社,2004。
2.6.9, Paul Cartledge ed.,《剑桥插图古希腊史》,The Cambridge Illustrated History of Ancient Greece, 1998. 郭小凌等译,济南:山东画报出版社,2005. 国图、人大有英文、中文版
2.6.10, 威廉·弗格森:《希腊帝国主义》Greek imperialism; 晏绍祥译,上海:上海三联书店, 2005。
2.6.11, Harry Sidebottom:《古代战争与西方战争文化》Ancient warfare,晏绍祥译,北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2007。
2.6.12, E. H. 卡尔(E. H. Carr):《历史是什么?》,陈恒译,北京:商务印书馆, 2007。
2.6.13, 奥斯温·默里(Oswyn Murray):《早期希腊》Early Greece,晏绍祥译,上海:上海人民出版社, 2008。
2.6.14, 维拉莫威兹(Wilamowitz-Moellendorff):《古典学的历史》,陈恒译,北京:三联书店, 2008。
2.6.15, 弗兰克·威廉·沃尔班克:《希腊化世界》The Hellenistic world,陈恒,茹倩译,上海:上海人民出版社, 2009
2.6.16, 莱斯莉·阿德金斯( Lesley Adkins),罗伊·阿德金斯(Roy A. Adkins):《探寻古希腊文明》,张强译, 北京:商务印书馆, 2010。
2.7, 当代中国学者有关古希腊的论著:
2.7.1, 朱龙华:《希腊艺术》,上海:上海人民美术出版社,1962。
2.7.2, 朱龙华:《希腊古典雕刻》,北京:商务印书馆,1981。
2.7.4, 罗念生:《论古希腊戏剧》,北京:中国戏剧出版社,1985。
2.7.5, 陈洪文,水建馥选编《古希腊三大悲剧家研究》,北京:中国社会科学出版社, 1986。
2.7.6, 李天祜:《古代希腊史》,兰州:兰州大学出版社,1991。
2.7.7, 郝际陶:《古代希腊研究》,长春:东北师范大学出版社,1994。
2.7.8, 黄洋:《古代希腊土地制度研究》,上海:复旦大学出版社,1995。
2.7.9, 刘红星:《先秦与古希腊》,上海:上海古籍出版社,1999。
2.7.10, 吴晓群:《古代希腊仪式文化研究》,上海:上海社会科学院出版社,2000。
2.7.11, 杜平:《古希腊政体与官制史》,长沙:湖南师范大学出版社,2001。
2.7.12, 裔昭印:《古希腊的妇女:文化视域中的研究》,北京:商务印书馆,2001。
2.7.13, 杨亦军:《老庄学说与古希腊神话》,成都:巴蜀书社,2001。
2.7.14, 晏绍祥:《古代希腊历史与学术史初学集》,武汉:湖北人民出版社,2003。
2.7.15, 刘增泉:《希腊文化史》Cultural history of Greek.长春:吉林出版集团有限责任公司, 2008。
2.7.16, 吴晓群:《希腊思想与文化》,上海:上海社会科学院出版社,2009。
2.8, 国家图书馆“博士论文库”有关古希腊的论著:(国图的著录可能有错,请注意查核)
2.8.1, 周巩固:《“人本”与“民本” = Individual and people:西方古典人文主义与儒家人道主义比较研究》,王敦书教授指导,117页,1998。
2.8.2, 郭长刚:《古代希腊城邦起源研究》,张广智教授指导,97页,1999。
2.8.3, 吴少梅:《论古希腊史学的两种范型:以希罗多德和修昔底德为讨论中心》,张广智教授指导,180页,1999。
2.8.4, 吴晓群:《古代希腊仪式文化研究》,张广智教授指导,102页,1999。
2.8.5, 徐跃勤:《雅典海上帝国研究》,王敦书教授指导,163页,1999。
2.8.6, 晏绍祥:《荷马史诗中的王与王权》,王敦书教授指导,226页,2000。
2.8.7, 陈新:《历史叙述的历史与理论:以西方史学为讨论中心》,张广智教授指导,92页,2000。
2.8.8, 王大庆:《古代中国经济思想中的“本”、“末”观:与古代希腊相关经济思想的比较研究》,刘家和教授指导,138页,2001。
2.8.9, 毕会成:《论希腊社会的商业性》,王敦书教授指导,134页,2001。
2.8.10, 徐晓旭:《腓利二世的霸权与泛希腊主义》,王敦书教授指导,193页,2001。
2.8.11, 热依汗古丽:《雅典、斯巴达政制改革研究》,王敦书教授指导,145页,2002。
2.8.12, 陈恒:《论亚历山大里亚科学学派:一项历史学的研究》,张广智教授指导,175页,2002。
2.8.13, 陈德正:《西方古典学在中国,迄1911》,郭小凌指导,197页,2004。
2.8.14, 王以欣:《英雄神话与上古希腊历史》,王敦书指导,227页,2004。
2.8.15, 解光云:《古典时期的雅典城市研究,作为城邦中心的雅典城市》,王敦书指导,150页,2004。
2.8.16, 魏凤莲:《狄奥尼索斯崇拜研究》,黄洋指导,116页,2004。
2.8.17, 赵沛林:《古希腊戏剧与雅典政制》,王敦书指导,145页,2004。
2.9, 英文版古希腊史专著:
2.9.1, George Grote(1794-1871), A History of Greece《古希腊史》,12 Vol.,
The first edition, London, 1846-56, rev. ed., 1906–38, 国图,人大,北大有
2.9.2, John B. Bury (1861-1927) and Russell Meiggs, A History of Greece to the Death of Alexander
《古希腊史,截止到亚历山大去世》,4th ed., Macmillan Press, 1975. 国图,人大,北大有
2.9.3, Nicholas G.L. Hammond, A History of Greece to 322 B.C.
《古希腊史,截止到公元前322》, 3rd ed., 1986. 人大,北大有
2.9.4, W. G. Forrest, The Emergence of Greek Democracy, 800–400 B.C.《希腊民主的出现》,1967.北大有
2.9.5, G. E. M.de Ste Croix, The Origins of the Peloponnesian War《伯罗奔尼撒战争的起源》,London, 1972.
2.9.6, G. E. M.de Ste Croix, The Class Struggle in the Ancient Greek World《古代希腊世界的阶级斗争》, London,1981国图,人大,北大有
2.9.7, L.H. Jeffery, Archaic Greece《古风时代的希腊》,London, 1976. 国图有
2.9.8, A.H.M. Jones, Athenian Democracy《雅典的民主》,Oxford, 1978. 国图,人大,北大有
2.9.9, M. I. Rostovtzeff, Social and Economic History of the Hellenistic World《希腊化世界的社会经济史》,3 vol., 1941, repr. 1986. 国图,北大有
2.9.10, V. Ehrenberg, From Solon to Socrates《从梭伦到苏格拉底》,London, 1973. 北大有
2.9.11, M. M. Austin, The Hellenistic World from Alexander to the Roman Conquest《从亚历山大到罗马征服的希腊化世界》,1981. 国图,人大
2.9.12, M. I. Finley, The Legacy of Greece《希腊的遗产》,Oxford, 1981. 国图,人大,北大有
2.9.13, Oswyn Murry, Early Greece《早期希腊》,1982. 国图,北大有
2.9.14, J. V. Fine, The Ancient Greeks《古代希腊》,1983. 国图,北大有
2.9.15, E. S. Gruen, The Hellenistic World and the Coming of Rome《从希腊化世界到罗马的出现》,2 vol., 1984.
2.9.16, D. Kagan, The Fall of the Athenian Empire《雅典帝国的崩溃》,1987. 国图,北大有
2.9.17, J.-P. Descoendres, Greek Colonists and Native Populations《希腊殖民者和本地的人口》,1989.
2.9.18, Paul Cartledge,ed., The Cambridge Illustrated History of Ancient Greece《剑桥古希腊图鉴》,1997. 国图,人大,北大有
2.9.19, J.Burckhardt, The Greeks and Greek Civilization《希腊人和希腊文明》,New York 1998. 国图,北大有
2.9.20, S. Pomeroy, S. Burstein, W. Donlan, and J. Tolbert, Ancient Greece: A Political, Social and Cultural History《古希腊政治社会文化史》,Oxford, 1998. 人大有
2.9.21, The Greek City States:A Source Book, 《希腊城邦史料集》 Edited and Translated by P. J. Rhodes, London:Croom Helm, 1986, XX, 266P,
2.9.22, The Hellenistic Age from the Battle of Ipsos to the Death of Kleopatra VII, 《从伊普索斯战役到克里奥帕特拉七世之死的希腊化时代》,Edited and Translated by Stanley M. Burstein, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1985, XX, 173P国图有
2.9.23, The Hellenistic World from Alexander to the Roman Conquest; A Selection of Ancient Sources in Translation. 《从亚历山大到罗马征服的史料选》 Edited and Translated by M. M. Austin, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981. 488P国图,人大有
2.10, 古罗马作家的著作,历史、传记:
2.10.1, 阿庇安:《罗马史》,谢德风译,北京:商务印书馆,上卷1979修订版;下卷1976第一版。
2.10.2, 塔西佗:《编史》,王以铸,崔妙因译,北京:商务印书馆,1981,1997重印。
2.10.3, 塔西佗:《罗马帝国编史》3册(1155页),英汉对照全译本,贺严,高书文译,北京:中国社会科学出版社, 2007。
2.10.4, 塔西佗:《历史》,王以铸,崔妙因译,北京:商务印书馆,1981。
2.10.5, 塔西佗:《阿古利可拉传,日耳曼尼亚志》,马雍,傅正元译,北京:商务印书馆,1959,1977重印。
2.10.6, 李维:《建城以来史》卷一,穆启乐Fritz-Heiner Mutschler、傅永东、张强、王丽英译,长春:吉林文史出版社1992初版署名如此;上海人民出版社2005重印时局部调整了译者署名。
2.10.7, 提图斯·李维著:《自建城以来》:第一至十卷选段: [中意文对照] Ab urbe condita libri: librorum I-X fragmenta selecta; (意) Sandro Schipani(1940-)选编; 王焕生(1939-)译,北京:中国政法大学出版社, 2009。
2.10.8, 恺撒:《高卢战记》,任炳湘译,北京:商务印书馆,1979。
2.10.9, 恺撒等著:《恺撒战记》,席代岳译,桂林:广西师范大学出版社, 2003。
2.10.10, 恺撒:《内战记》,任炳湘,王士俊译,北京:商务印书馆,1986。
2.10.11, 撒路斯特乌斯:《喀提林阴谋,朱古达战争》,王以铸,崔妙因译,北京:商务印书馆,1995。
2.10.12, 苏维托尼乌斯:《罗马十二帝王传》,张竹明,王乃新,蒋平等译,北京:商务印书馆,1995。
2.10.13, 苏维托尼乌斯:《罗马十二帝王传》The twelve caesars,田丽娟,邹恺莉译, 上海:上海三联书店, 2010。
2.10.14, 西塞罗:《国家篇法律篇》,沈叔平,苏力译,北京:商务印书馆,1999。
2.10.15, 西塞罗:《论神性》,石敏敏译,香港:汉语基督教文化研究所,2001。
2.10.16, 西塞罗:《论灵魂》,王焕生译,西安:西安出版社,1998。
2.10.17, 西塞罗:《论义务》,王焕生译,北京:中国政法大学出版社,1999。
2.10.18, 西塞罗:《西塞罗三论:老·友谊·责任》,徐奕春译,北京:商务印书馆,1998;北京:团结出版社2007又出版中拉双语对照本。
2.10.19,《西塞罗全集, 演说词卷》上下册,王晓朝译,北京:人民出版社, 2008。
2.10.20,《西塞罗全集, 修辞学卷》王晓朝译,北京:人民出版社, 2007。
2.10.21, 西塞罗:《论友谊》,徐学庸译注,台北:联经出版事业股份有限公司, 2007。
2.10.22, 西塞罗:《论共和国》,王焕生译,上海:上海人民出版社, 2006。
2.10.23, 西塞罗:《西塞罗论法律》,王焕生译,上海:上海人民出版社, 2006。
2.10.24, 西塞罗:《论演说家》[中意文对照],王焕生译,北京:中国政法大学出版社, 2003。
2.11, 古罗马作家的著作,法学、法典:
2.11.1, 朱赛佩格罗索:《罗马法史》,黄风译,北京:中国政法大学出版社,1994。
2.11.2, 查士丁尼:《法学总论》,张企泰译,北京:商务印书馆,1996。
2.11.3, 桑德罗斯奇巴尼:《民法大全选译正义与法》,黄风译,北京:中国政法大学出版社,1992。
2.11.4, 桑德罗斯奇巴尼:《民法大全选译人法》,黄风译,北京:中国政法大学出版社,1995。
2.11.5, 盖尤斯:《法学阶梯》,黄风译,北京:中国政法大学出版社,1996。
2.11.6, 优士丁尼《法学阶梯》,徐国栋译,北京:中国政法大学出版社,2005第二版。
2.11.7, 优士丁尼:《买卖契约》[拉汉对照],刘家安译,北京:中国政法大学出版社, 2001。
2.12, 古罗马作家的著作,哲学、神学、教育:
2.12.1, 琉善:《琉善哲学文选》,罗念生等译,北京:商务印书馆,1980。
2.12.2, 卢奇安(琉善):《卢奇安对话集》,一部喜剧性讽刺作品,周作人译,北京:人民文学出版社, 1991。
2.12.3, 卢克莱修:《物性论》,方书春译,北京:商务印书馆,1959。
2.12.4, 昆体良著:《昆体良教育论著选》,任钟印选译,北京:人民教育出版社,1989。
2.12.5, 塞涅卡:《幸福而短促的人生》,赵又春、张建军译,上海:三联书店,1989。
2.12.6, 塞内加:《特洛亚妇女》,杨周翰译,北京:人民文学出版社,1958。
2.12.7, 马可 奥勒留:《沉思录》,朱汝庆译,北京:中国社会科学出版社,1998。
2.12.8, 马可 奥勒留:《马上沉思录》,何怀宏译,西安:陕西师范大学出版社,2003。
2.12.9, 玛克斯·奥勒留Marcus Aurelius《沉思录》The meditations: 英汉对照,梁实秋译,南京:译林出版社, 2009。
2.12.10, 马尔库斯·奥勒利乌斯:《沉思录》,王焕生 译,天津:天津社会科学院出版社, 2010。
2.12.11, 奥古斯丁:《忏悔录》,周士良 译,北京:商务印书馆,1963。
2.12.12, 奥古斯丁:《独语录》, 成官泯译,上海:上海社会科学院出版社,1997。
2.12.13, 德尔图良:《论灵魂和身体的复活》,王晓朝译,香港:道风书社,2001。
2.12.14, 优西比乌著; Paul L. Maier英译/评注《教会史》Church history; 瞿旭彤译,北京:三联书店, 2009。
2.13, 古罗马作家的著作,工农业、兵法、建筑:
2.13.1, M.P. 加图:《农业志》,马香雪,王阁森译,北京:商务印书馆,1986;1997重印。
2.13.2, M.T. 瓦罗:《论农业》,王家绶译,北京:商务印书馆,1986。
2.13.3, 弗拉维乌斯·韦格蒂乌斯·雷纳图斯:《兵法简述》,袁坚译,北京:解放军出版社,1998。
2.13.4, 弗龙蒂努斯:《谋略》,袁坚译,北京:解放军出版社,1991。
2.13.5, 维特鲁威:《建筑十书》,高履泰译,北京:知识产权出版社, 2001。4
2.14, 古罗马作家的著作,文学艺术:
2.14.1, 普劳图斯等著:《古罗马喜剧三种》,杨宪益等译,北京:中国戏剧出版社,1985。
2.14.2, 普劳图斯等著:《古罗马戏剧选》,杨宪益等译,北京:人民文学出版社, 1991。
2.14.3, 普罗佩提乌斯:《哀歌集》,[拉汉对照] ,王焕生译,北京:中国戏剧出版社,,2000。
2.14.4, 维吉尔:《埃涅阿斯纪》, 杨周翰 译,北京:人民文学出版社,1984。
2.14.5, 维吉尔:《牧歌》, 杨宪益 译,北京:人民文学出版社,1957;上海人民出版社2009改成“中拉文对照文本”。
2.14.6, 奥维德:《爱经》,戴望舒 译,北京:光明日报出版社,1996。
2.14.7, 奥维德:《女杰书简》,南星 译,北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店, 1992。
2.14.8, 奥维德:《变形记》,杨周翰 译,北京:人民文学出版社,1984。
2.14.9, 阿普列乌斯:《金驴记》(变形记),刘黎亭译,上海:上海译文出版社,1988。
2.14.10, 阿普列乌斯:《金驴记》(变形记),谷启珍等译,哈尔滨:北方文艺出版社,2000。
2.14.11, 塞涅卡:《幸福而短促的人生:塞涅卡道德书简》,赵义春译,上海:三联书店,1989。
2.14.12, 昆体良:《昆体良教育论著选》,任钟印译,北京:人民教育出版社,1989。
2.15, 罗马史综合参考资料译著:
2.15.1, 李雅书编译《罗马帝国时期》上册,北京:商务印书馆,1985。
2.15.2, 杨共乐编译《罗马共和国时期资料选》上下册,北京:商务印书馆,1997-98。
2.15.3, 邢义田编译《古罗马的荣光Ⅰ: 罗马史资料选译》台北:远流出版事业股份有限公司, 1998
2.15.4, 邢义田编译《古罗马的荣光II: 罗马史资料选译》台北:远流出版事业股份有限公司, 1998
2.16, 近现代西方学者的罗马史论著:
2.16.1, 爱德华吉本:《罗马帝国衰亡史》(简编本)2册,黄宜思,黄雨石译,北京:商务印书馆,1997。
2.16.2, 愛德華.吉朋:《羅馬帝國衰亡史》6卷全譯本,席代岳譯,[台湾]聯經出版公司,2004-06;2008年吉林出版集团出版其简体字删改版。
2.16.3, 孟德斯鸠:《罗马盛衰原因论》,婉玲译,北京:商务印书馆,1962。
2.16.4, 特奥多尔蒙森:《罗马史》现有德文版5卷(volumes)8册(books),汉译仅有第1-3卷/册,李稼年译,北京:商务印书馆,1994-2005。单册选译本最早由孟祥森(孟东篱1937-)译出,台湾远东出版事业公司1982第1版535页30万字,其中第一章“罗马的肇始”,第二章“迦太基战争”和第三章“凯撒时代”分别抽译自英译本的第1、2、5册(注意:英译本把德文版最初的3 volumes拆分为5个);孟祥森译本收入台湾陈映真主编《诺贝尔文学奖全集》第2卷,是后来江湖上多种“诺贝尔文学奖文集”炒作“蒙森卷”的滥觞,例如《罗马史》李斯等译,长春:时代文艺出版社, 2006就是上述孟祥森译本的改头换面而已。
2.16.5, 雷蒙布洛克:《罗马的起源》,张泽乾译,北京:商务印书馆,1998。
2.16.6, 科瓦略夫:《古代罗马史》,王以铸译,北京:三联书店1958初版,上海书店出版社2007 修订版。
2.16.7, 谢 勒 乌特琴柯:《凯撒评传》,王以铸译,北京:中国社会科学出版社,1986。
2.16.8, 勒博埃克:《恺撒》,吴模信译,北京:商务印书馆,1995。
2.16.9, 特维兹穆尔:《奥古斯都》,王以铸译,北京:中国社会科学出版社,1988。
2.16.10, 戴维肖特:《奥古斯都》,杨俊峰译,上海:上海译文出版社,2001。
2.16.11, 基弗:《古罗马风化史》,姜瑞璋译,沈阳:辽宁教育出版社,2000。
2.16.12, 波尔桑德尔:《君士坦丁大帝》,许绶南译,上海:上海译文出版社,2001。
2.16.13, 布克哈特雅各布:《君士坦丁大帝》,宋立宏译,上海:上海三联书店,2006。
2.16.14, 雷蒙布洛克:《罗马的起源》,张泽乾等译,北京:商务印书馆,1998。
2.16.15, 戴维肖特:《罗马共和的衰亡》,许绶南译,上海:上海译文出版社,2001
2.16.16, 珀金斯:《罗马建筑》,吴葱等译,北京:中国建筑工业出版社, 1999。
2.16.17, 奥托泽曼:《希腊罗马神话》,周惠译,上海:上海人民出版社, 2005。
2.16.18, 费里埃:《圣奥古斯丁》,户思社译,北京:商务印书馆,1998。
2.16.19, 戴维肖特:《提比留》,许绶南译,上海:上海译文出版社,2001。
2.16.20, 戴尔布朗 主编:《伊特鲁里亚人》,南京:华夏出版社,2002。
2.16.21, 戴尔布朗 主编:《庞贝:倏然消失了的城市》,南京:华夏出版社,2002。
2.16.22, 戴尔布朗 主编:《罗马:帝国荣耀的回声》,南京:华夏出版社,2002。
2.16.23, 让-皮埃尔马丁:《中欧西欧的罗马行省》,刘增泉译,台北:国立编译馆,1995。
2.16.24, 尼古拉斯:《罗马法概论》,黄风译,北京:法律出版社,2000。
2.16.25, 理查德詹金斯 主编:《罗马的遗产》,晏绍祥吴舒屏 译,上海:上海人民出版社,2002。
2.16.26, M. 罗斯托夫采夫著:《罗马帝国社会经济史》上下册,马雍,厉以宁译,北京:商务印书馆, 2005。
2.16.27, Jean-Noel Robert,《古罗马人的欢娱》Les plaisirs a Rome ,王长明,田禾,李变香译, 桂林:广西师范大学出版社, 2005。国图有中文版
2.16.28, 罗马帝国编史 The annals of imperial Rome : 英汉对照全译本 / (古罗马)塔西佗著,贺严高书文译,北京:中国社会科学出版社, 2007。
2.16.29, 内战记 De bello civili / (古罗马)凯撒(Caesar)著,顾今远译, 上海:学林出版社, 2007。
2.16.30, Peter Ackroyd,《古代罗马》 Ancient Rome,冷杉杨立新译.北京:三联书店, 2007。国图有中文版
2.16.31, 格雷格?沃尔夫(Greg Woolf)主编:《剑桥插图罗马史》 The Cambridge illustrated history of Roman world, 2003,郭小凌等译, 济南: 山东画报出版社,2008。
2.16.32, 克里斯托弗凯利(Christopher Kelly:《罗马帝国简史》罗马帝国简史 The Roman empire: a very short introduction,黄洋译,北京:外语与教学出版社,2008。
2.16.33, 腾尼·弗兰克著:《罗马帝国主义》Roman imperialism; 宫秀华译. 上海:上海三联书店, 2008。
2.16.34, 弗雷德里克·J. 梯加特著《罗马与中国》Rome and China:历史事件的关系研究; 丘进译. 郑州:大象出版社, 2009。
2.16.35, 苏珊·伍德福德(Susan Woodford)著:《剑桥艺术史, 古希腊罗马艺术》,钱乘旦 译,南京:译林出版社,2009。
2.16.36, 弗朗切斯科·德·马尔蒂诺(Francesco De Martino):《罗马政制史》第一卷Storia della costituzione Romana. Vol. 1 ; 薛军译,北京:北京大学出版社,2009。
2.17, 当代中国学者的罗马史论著:
2.17.1, 郑振铎:《希腊神话与英雄传说》,北京:人民文学出版社,1958。
2.17.2, 朱龙华:《罗马文化与古典传统》,杭州:浙江人民出版社,1993。
2.17.3, 李雅书,杨共乐:《古代罗马史》,北京:北京师范大学出版社,1994。
2.17.4, 杨共乐:《罗马史纲要》,北京:东方出版社,1994;商务印书馆2007修订版。
2.17.5, 粱作檊:《罗马帝国与汉晋帝国衰亡史》,广州:广东高等教育出版社,1997。
2.17.6, 杨共乐:《罗马社会经济研究》,北京:北京师范大学出版社,1998。
2.17.7, 杨俊明:《古罗马政体与官制史》,长沙:湖南师范大学出版社,1998。
2.17.8, 王焕生:《古罗马文艺批评史纲》,南京:译林出版社,1998。
2.17.9, 胡玉娟:《迦太基战神汉尼拔》,哈尔滨:黑龙江人民出版社, 1999。
2.17.10, 胡玉娟:《古罗马早期平民问题研究》,北京:北京师范大学出版社,2002。
2.17.11, 陈可风:《罗马共和宪政研究》,北京:法律出版社, 2004。
2.17.12, 叶民:《最后的古典:阿米安和他笔下的晚期罗马帝国》,天津:天津人民出版社,2004。
2.17.13, 丘进:《中国与罗马: 汉代中西关系研究》,合肥:黄山书社, 2008。
2.17.14, 杨益诚:《古雅典民主与罗马共和宪政体制之发展暨其组织运作功能》(Demokratía and res publica )台北:冠唐国际图书股份有限公司, 2008。
2.17.15, 叶民:《罗马帝国衰亡史》导读,吉本原著,天津:天津人民出版社, 2009。
2.17.16, 魏凤莲:《罗马军团》.北京:北京大学出版社, 2010。
2.18, 国家图书馆“博士论文库”有关古罗马的论著:(原著录可能有错,请注意查核)
2.18.1, 傅永东:《西塞罗论共和国》,林志纯教授指导,130页,1991。
2.18.2, 郑殿华:《论古代中国郡县制与罗马行省制的形成》,刘家和教授指导,97页,1994。
2.18.3, 王丽英:《萨鲁斯特的“卡特林那战争”》,王敦书教授指导,84页,1995。
2.18.4, 刘文明:《基督教与罗马女性》,庄锡昌教授指导,114页,1999。
2.18.5, 刘君玲:《李维及其《建城以来史·卷二、三、四》的价值》,林志纯教授指导,210页,1999。
2.18.6, 叶民:《马塞里、那马提安及其笔下的晚期罗马帝国》,王敦书教授指导,177页,1999。
2.18.7, 宫秀华:《罗马行省制研究》,朱寰教授指导,163页,1999。
2.18.8, 孙厚生:《前资本主义生产的原型与基质-公社所有制研究》,朱寰教授指导,243页,1999。
2.18.9, 吴延歌:《提比略的统治,从社会关系角度的观察》,林志纯教授指导,136页,2001。
2.18.10, 张晓校:《罗马军队与帝位嬗递,从奥古斯都到君士坦丁》,朱寰教授指导,238页,2002。
2.18.11, 祝志伟:《古罗马兵学研究》,王敦书指导,143页,2003。
2.18.12, 陈可风:《罗马共和时期的国家制度》,吴宇虹教授指导,201页,2004。
2.18.13, 陈德正:《西方古典学在中国》,郭小凌教授指导,197页,2004。
2.18.14, 孟宪勇:《古罗马元老院研究》,王敦书教授指导,103页,2005。
2.18.15, 王桂玲:《论朱理亚·克劳狄时期的元首政治》,杨共乐教授指导,110页,2005。
2.18.16, 蔡丽娟:《李维史学探微》,黄洋教授指导,114页,2005。
2.19, 英文版古罗马史专著:
2.19.1, M. Cary and H.H. Scullard, A History of Rome Down to the Reign of Constantine《古罗马史,截止到君士坦丁统治时代》,3rd ed. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1975; xxvii+694=721p., 国图,人大,北大有
2.19.2, Lesley Adkins and Roy A. Adkins,Handbook to Life in Ancient Rome《古罗马生活手册》,New York: Oxford University Press, 1998; 416 p. 国图,人大有
2.19.3, Jo-Ann Shelton, As the Romans Did: A Sourcebook in Roman Social History《古罗马社会史资料集》,2nd ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998; 483 p.
2.19.4, Naphtali Lewisand and Meyer Reinhold, (eds.), Roman Civilization: Selected Readings《罗马文明资料选集》, 3rd ed., 2 vol., 1990. 北大有
2.19.5, Alan Watson: Roman Slave Law《罗马奴隶法》,The Johns Hopkins University Press, London, 1987国图,人大,北大有
2.19.6, G. AlfoXYS Blog Sina Blog BMJ Groups Blogs eblogger 举报
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1994 World Wide Web Increases Internet Use
The World Wide Web, a computer network that allows users to utilize graphical interfaces through Web browsers, makes the Internet much more accessible to general users and permits a freedom of information distribution that was not previously possible.
October 30, 1995 Survey Shows Internet Usage
A survey finds that 17 percent of adults in the United States and Canada have access to the Internet, and that 11 percent have used the Internet in the previous three months. The survey also finds that two-thirds of Internet users are men.
1996 Study Shows Household Internet Access
A study shows that 9.4 percent of households in the United States have access to the Internet.
1997 More Than 100 Million Web Sites Exist
Between 100 and 150 million Web pages exist on the World Wide Web.
1997 Internet Legislation Rejected
An attempt in the United States to introduce legislation to control the Internet by preventing access to sexual material is rejected as unconstitutional.

门户网站(portal website)指通向某类综合性互联网信息资源并提供有关信息服务的应用系统,通俗地说,就是专门对某类信息提供分类导航服务的网站。作为一种功能强大的网上搜索工具,门户网站为用户提供一系列的网上资源与服务。世界史类门户网站都会提供分类目录和链接,即在每一个主题之中包含若干个相关主题的子目录,研究者可根据自己的需要点击相关主题,逐层进入,缩小范围,直至找到搜索目标。另外,很多网站设有搜索引擎,可在对话框内输入作者、题名、主题或关键词,直接查找所需内容。
1.“万维网虚拟图书馆”The World Wide Web Virtual Library (http://vlib.iue.it/history/index.html) 这是一个包罗万象的门户网站,其历史中心目录网(WWW-VL History Central Catalogue)最初是由美国堪萨斯大学的林恩·纳尔逊教授(Lynn H. Nelson)于1993年9月首创,现在属于意大利佛罗伦萨的欧洲大学研究所,由该所的瑟奇·诺里特(Serge Noiret) 和英内克·马丁(Inake L. Martin)维护,并且有越来越多的各国志愿者加盟参与维护。目前该网站定期更新,已经成为一个国际性的权威门户网站。
在这四大类里,无论点击进入哪一个主题,首先印入眼帘的是“研究工具”(Research Tools),这是该门户网站最具特色也最有实用价值的栏目。它提供了地图、参考书目、在线资源与期刊、档案、图书馆、数据库、研究团体、研究机构以及博物馆等资源的链接,为从事该专题的研究提供了极大的便利。随后是按照年代与专题提供不同的链接。

2. “最佳历史网” Best of History Web Sites(http://www.besthistorysites.net
由美国技术教育专家托马斯·达科德(Thmas Caccord)创建,由贾斯廷·赖克(Justin Reich)负责维护。该网站在Google网站里查询“历史网站”时名列第一,平均每月超过11万访问者。

3.“美国、英国史研究指南”网站American and British History Research Guides http://www.libraries.rutgers.edu/rul/rr_gateway/research_guides/history/history.shtml 。该网站由美国拉特格斯大学斯坦?纳什博士(Stan Nash)于1995年1月创建并维护,隶属于拉特格斯大学图书馆,现由该馆的汤姆·格林(Tom Glynn负责维护。主要栏目包括参考资源、档案和手稿指南、通史门户、按专题和时间断限分类的网址、各个时期的全文文献、历史研究机构等。

1.“国际性世界历史工程网”International World History Project (http://history-world.org / )所涉及的时空范围极广,从史前(苏美尔以前)史直到当代,收集了与世界史相关的论文、文献、地图、演讲、音乐、视频等资源,是从事世界史研究与教学的学者的丰富网上宝藏。
Free Downloadable E-Books“电子书免费下载”栏目,列出了百余部西方经典,供访问者免费下载,如《荷马史诗》、李维的《罗马史》、普罗柯比的《密史》、吉本的《罗马帝国衰亡史》、托马斯·莫尔的《乌托邦》等。

2.“欧洲历史在线资源网” EruoDocs:Online Sources for European History
设立在美国犹他州杨伯翰大学哈罗德·李图书馆的“欧洲历史在线资源网”汇集了欧洲史研究所需的丰富文献资源,由欧洲研究的目录学家Richard Hacken创建。网站把欧洲历史的资源按年代和国别分为两大类。年代类则分为史前和古典时代欧洲、中世纪及文艺复兴时期欧洲、作为超国家地区的欧洲三个栏目,每一栏目里又细分了数十个主题,提供不同历史时期欧洲史的原始文献、条约、著作的全文链接,包括珍贵的抄本、摹本、译文,还有一些在线图书馆的相关馆藏文献链接。国别史栏目则列出36个国家和地区政治、经济、社会和文化史的相关链接。欧洲史研究涉及多种欧洲文字,为方便读者使用,该网站提供的资源里大部分是英文的原版或译稿,同时也提供法语、拉丁语、西班牙语、希腊语等不同语种的文献资源。

可以检索到美国外交文件全部目录,从1861年直到1976年,按总统任期排序,并且能够查找到杜鲁门任内的1945年到最新解密的1972年,Nixon-Ford Administrations的已经出版的文件。
6、日本外交文件网 http://gaikokiroku.mofa.go.jp/,可以查询已经解密的日本外交文件。

1.“互联网档案网”Internet Archive ( http://www.archive.org/index.php )

2.“在线图书网”The Online Books Page (http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/ )
该网站是由约翰·马克·奥克布卢姆(John Mark Ockerbloom)创立于1993年的公益性的门户网站,提供了3万部在线阅读的图书目录,每日更新。可以根据作者、书名、主题和系列来进行查询。

3.“古腾堡工程网”Project Gutenberg ( http://www.gutenberg.org )
此项工程肇始于1971年,最初是由美国伊利诺伊大学的学生Michael Hart创建,是最早的数字图书馆,经过30多年的变迁与建设,越来越多的志愿者加盟,现在已经发展成为一个公益的大型数字图书馆,由北卡罗来纳大学的Ibiblio负责维护。到2007年8月为止,该工程已经收录了22000部书籍,平均每周将新增50部。其中主要是西方文化传统中的文学作品,如小说、诗歌、戏剧、期刊等,另外还包括一些非文本内容,如音频文件、乐谱文件等,都可以免费下载。但遗憾的是,目前在中国大陆无法进入该网站。

