
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/30 02:56:17



And that's the problem. Fruit and veg arrives in great big perishable waves, and even if you're buying it, the best deals often require you to buy far more than you can handle. What to do with the surplus? Sure, you can freeze it, but if you do that too often you'll have no room for Goodfellas pizzas. Here are some of the options.




You wouldn't think so from the price, but sun-dried tomatoes are a doddle to make. Take some ripe tomatoes (well, what else?) and cut them into four wedges (eight if they're very big). Remove the seeds and sprinkle with salt and herbs if you're feeling fancy; otherwise just spread them on baking trays. If it's a really hot and sunny day, cover them with muslin and leave them to dry in the fresh air. Better still, put them in a parked car, closing all the windows. Either way, drying may take two or three days, which will give you time to turn the pieces and make sure there are no soggy patches. Bring the trays in before it gets dark, or the wedges will start to reabsorb moisture. If the weather's dodgy, put the trays in an oven at 60-70C for 12 to 24 hours. If mould appears, chuck everything out and start again. Store the finished product in something airtight.




They freeze well and make good chutney (see Rhubarb). But for a change, make a pickle. Get yourself a few screw-top or Kilner-type jars, making sure the tops don't have any exposed metal that will react with the vinegar (plastic tops are perfect – provided they seal properly). Sterilise the jars in the oven and the lids and/or seals in boiling water, let them cool and fill them with veg, then top up with vinegar and whatever spices tickle your fancy. If you can't get hold of pickling vinegar – and you don't really need to – cider or white wine vinegar will work with most ingredients. Avoid balsamic unless you want to overpower everything and bankrupt yourself. That's pretty much all there is to it, except that many vegetables should be brined first – soaked in a salt solution, probably overnight.


For pickled courgettes, slice your raw courgettes thin, layer them with thinly sliced onion and cover the lot with a hot mixture of cider vinegar, dried chilli, garlic, sugar (plenty of it), salt, mustard grains, dill and tarragon.




You can't freeze them – they'll turn to mush. Nor can you dry them. But again you can pickle them. Slice them thin and pour over a hot mixture of white wine vinegar, dill, peppercorns and salt. As with all pickles, if at any point you find yourself with more jars than vegetables, this is a good excuse to make pickled eggs. Hardboil half a dozen, let them cool, shell them, and cover them with cold cider vinegar, plus dried chillis, peppercorns and any other spices you fancy. Leave a month before sampling.




Make chutney. In fact, that's a good way to tackle almost any glut, from green tomatoes to pumpkins. Simmer your raw produce for a long time with salt, vinegar, spices and sugar, all of which are preservatives; once everything's nice and tender, bottle it in the same sort of jars as you use for pickles. For rhubarb chutney, Pamela Westland's Food For Keeps recommends onions, ginger and mixed spice, as well as currants and sultanas.

制作酸辣酱。其实,不管是青番茄还是南瓜都可以做成美味的酸辣酱。把你的原材料和盐、醋、香料、糖等防腐的材料一起炖一段时间。炖好后装入放泡菜用的罐子里即可。关于制作大黄酸辣酱,Pamela Westland撰写的《食物贮存(Food for Keeps)》一书中推荐使用洋葱、姜、混合香料或者红醋栗和小葡萄干。



Drying's an option, but freezing gets much better results – and look how much space we've already saved in your freezer. Like most veg, peas first need blanching, which slows deterioration and preserves vitamin C. Plunge them into plenty of boiling water for one or two minutes – definitely no longer – then bring the temperature down as fast as possible by dropping them into ice-cold water. Drain and freeze as quickly as you can.




This is your chance to try the ancient art of salting. Take your french or runner beans, top and tail them, slice them if they're chunky and mix them with three times their weight in salt. Pack this into sterilised jars with saltproof tops. After a week or so the beans should have shrunk, making room for more of the mixture. You'll need to rinse them well before use, and rehydrate them.


Berries, currants and other soft fruit


Some of it belongs in the freezer, either in ice creams, frozen yoghurts and sorbets, or au naturel as ingredients for other desserts. The rest? Jam it. The hardest thing is getting hold of proper thick-walled jam jars; new, they can be more expensive than some cheap jams. Ask your friends to save them for you. The fruit needs to be in perfect condition and not too ripe. You boil this with sugar, then pour the mixture immediately into sterilised jars. Some fruits will set by themselves; others need extra helpings of pectin. You can usually provide this by including high-pectin fruits such as apples, redcurrants or lemon juice in your recipe.


If this sounds like hard work, make yourself a drink. A few handfuls of raspberries or blackberries will transform the cheapest vodka. Leave the fruit to infuse for a few months, then either strain it and recycle it in a very boozy dessert or leave it for the full rustic effect. If the drink turns horribly sour – it will with bilberries, for example, – don't be afraid to add sugar.




Useful in jams, sauces and leathers etc (see Grapes, figs, apricots). They also dry well. Peel and core the fruit, then cut them into rings, which can either be dried flat or strung on cords. If you're bothered by browning, dip them in diluted lemon juice first.


Plums, peaches, nectarines, pears, cherries


They make lovely jam, or they can be bottled. This is more complicated than anything else on these pages, and more likely to make you sick if something goes wrong (bottling vegetables, meanwhile, is potentially lethal.) If that hasn't put you off, the technique involves heating a jar, fruit and some sort of liquid, all at the same time in almost boiling water, then tightening the lid before everything cools down - assuming it hasn't already blown up in your face. It's perfectly doable but not for beginners, especially as there's no salt or vinegar to help preservation.


Grapes, figs, apricots


You can dry them, of course – or use them to make fruit leather, which is a great way to finish up almost any surplus fruit. Bob Flowerdew, author of the inspirational Grow Your Own, Eat Your Own, describes it as a "much neglected art", but this is not because it's difficult. He recommends combining a plentiful fruit such as apples or pears with a smaller amount of something stronger-flavoured, like plums or blackberries, then slowly simmering this down to a paste. You then sift out the pips, skins, stalks etc and further reduce the puree, before pouring it into well-oiled trays for drying. The result is a kind of fruit jerky that can be eaten as a sweet or used in all sorts of desserts. Because the fruit is now so concentrated, there's no need to add sugar.

这些水果可以晒干,当然,也可以用来制作柑果皮(译者注:大概是类似橙皮的东西)。几乎所有多余的水果都可以制成柑果皮。《自己动手,丰衣足食(Grow Your Own, Eat Your Own)》的作者Bob Flowerdew把制作柑果皮称作一种“被人忽视的艺术”,但这并不是因为它很难。他建议用大量的淡味水果(如苹果或梨)和少量的重味水果(如梅子或黑莓)混合,然后慢慢地炖成糊状。滤出果核、果皮、茎干等,进一步提炼糊糊,然后倒入光滑的托盘里等待干燥。最后形成的东西可以用来当糖果或者放在各种甜点中。因为经过高度浓缩,不需要再放糖。

For more information and recipes, try Bob Flowerdew's Grow Your Own, Eat Your Own (Kyle Cathie), Pamela Westland's Food for Keeps or Pam Corbin's Preserves: River Cottage Handbook No 2(Bloomsbury). For blanching times and instructions, go to allotment.org.uk

更多的信息和食谱,参阅Bob Flowerdew的《自己动手,丰衣足食(Grow Your Own, Eat Your Own)》,Pamela Westland的《食物贮存(Food for Keeps)》和Pam Corbin的《蜜饯:河边村舍手册2(River Cottage Handbook No 2)》。更多的饮食指南,请点击allotment.org.uk。