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God Wants You To Know #  351 7-24

On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know...

....that your hearts know in silence the secrets of the days and the nights.


Kahlil Gibran said that, and he was right. Listen, therefore, to your heart. Cultivate the ability to do this. Practice it. Produce it. Perfect it.


It is not that difficult. Just be quiet with yourself. And for heaven's sake, stop listening to your mind. You will not find the truth there. You may find the answer, but it will not be the truth unless it coincides with the answer in your heart.


You think there is more to know about life than this, but there is not. Your heart holds the key. Your heart holds the wisdom. Your heart holds the future. Your mind knows nothing but the past. It imagines the future will be just like yesterday, so it makes it decisions based on that. Only your heart can see beyond memory's horizon.

Love, Your Friend....




上帝想要你知道#  351
















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God Wants You To Know #  352 7-27

On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know...

...that there is something 'wrong' with everything.


No matter what you are looking at, you can find something wrong with it, something imperfect, something that is not okay with you. Don't worry, if you look hard enough you'll find it.


There is also something 'right' with everything. No matter what you are looking at, you can find something right with it, something perfect.


There remains, then, only one question: What are you going to look at? What are you choosing to notice? What is your perspective?  (I'll bet you already know what God's perspective is...)

Love, Your Friend....




上帝想要你知道#  352















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God Wants You To Know #  352

On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know...

....that strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an
indomitable will.


Mahatma Gandhi said that, and he was right. Boy, was he right! My father put this to me in another way. Often during my childhood he would say, "Never take 'no' for an answer." And he made it clear to me that by this he meant, not just from people, but from life.


Life is bendable to our will more than we know. Every single time? Every single instant? No. (Well, actually, yes...but that will probably not be our experience, unless we have reached Mastery.) But more than we know. In fact, that's the deal. If we don't know that life bends to our will, it will not. So the trick is to know that life is on our side -- and but awaits our command. Look what Gandhi did.

Love, Your Friend....




上帝想要你知道#  352














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God Wants You To Know #  353 7-30


 On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know...

....that the gifts you have to give are multitudinous and magnificent -- and your time to give those gifts has only just begun.


The life events of this moment are being placed in your experience to provide you with a perfect context within which to experience the true wonder and glory of Who You Really Are. Honestly, without a lot of fluffy talk, it is time for you to know and to express the fullness and the richness of how wonderful, of how special, you are.


These events, the occurrences of these days and times, the challenges in your life right now, are designed by you (at a very high level) to give Little You a chance to experience and express Big You...right here, right now. Take a look at what you are facing in this moment, on this very day. Do you think this is by accident?

Love, Your Friend....



上帝想要你知道#  353













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God Wants You To Know #  354 7-31

On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know...

....that love is stronger than justice.


Sting said that, and it is perfectly true. So if you feel that you have been "unjusted" and are looking for 'justice', you may be looking for the wrong thing. What would happen if you sought love instead? And what would happen if you gave love instead of seeking it?


This might require a bit of forgiveness. Yet if you start with yourself, if you begin by forgiving yourself for all the things you may have done that were not okay with another, you will find it much easier for forgive another for what was done that is not okay with you.


It's just a thought...

Love, Your Friend....




上帝想要你知道#  354















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God Wants You To Know #  355 8-3

On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know...

....that you should never be content with so little when you can reach out for something big.


Charles L. Allen asked a question about that, wondering why so many people settle for so little. You do not have to place yourself among them. The world is an abundant place. Abundant with opportunity, abundant with good fortune, abundant with ideas, and abundant with love.


Reach into that abundance and take what is rightfully yours. It is your inheritance, gifted to you by God. Let yourself have it. Do not fail to reach for it for fear that it will not come to you. How can it come to you if you do not reach for it?


Do not be content with so little. Reach, stretch, for something big.

Love, Your Friend....




上帝想要你知道#  355






Charles L. Allen提出了这样一个问题,他想知道为什么这么多人要求的这么少。你不必也与他们为伍。世界是一个丰盛的地方。充满了机会,充满了好运,充满了观念,充满了爱。










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God Wants You To Know #  356 8-4

On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know...

....that remorse is regret that one waited so long to do it.


H.L. Mencken said that, and he was right. Do not, do not, "put off until tomorrow what you can do today." And do not think that there is anything that you really want to do that you cannot do today. There is no reason to wait. None, save the reasons that your Mind gives you, none of which are valid, all of which you are just making up.


Quit it. Stop it. Stop the stopping. Start the starting. Really. I mean, really. Because you know what? Days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months, months turn into years so fast you will not know what happened. But you will know what did not happen. And you will feel true remorse. So let's avoid that, shall we? Get going.

Go for it.

Love, Your Friend....




上帝想要你知道#  356






这话是H.L. Mencken说的,他说得很对。千万不要把今天能做完的事拖到明天。没有等待的理由。除了你的头脑给你的理由之外,它们没有一个是对的,它们都是你编出来的。








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God Wants You To Know #  357 8-5

On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know...

...that fear in the face of the fearsome is what makes the fearsome fearsome.


Yet faith in the face of the fearsome removes the fear, and turns the fearsome handsome. I mean, that which is fearsome can actually be good looking, if we are good at looking at it in a new way.


This takes a change of mind. It takes a new perspective. It takes a sense of wonder in life and an awareness that life itself is working with us, not against us at any level. Or to put it in somewhat more spiritual terms, God is always on our side.


The process of Mastery, then, is one of acceptance. It is a quiet embracing of what is. It is a non-resistence. It is a gentle walking into the moment, knowing that it holds for us, always, what is best for us all ways. Do you believe this? Then it is true.

Love, Your Friend....




上帝想要你知道#  357















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God Wants You To Know #  358 8-6

On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know...

....that the worst predictions of those who say they "know" have nothing to do with Ultimate Reality.


Do not buy into what others are telling you -- even if those others are people in authority, people who seem to have all the information and all the understanding and all the answers. Embrace, instead, the desires of your heart, and make those your experience.


Love, Your Friend....




上帝想要你知道#  358











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