评书杨怀玉征西 小说:山城夜色也很美

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/27 22:40:38
《山城夜色也很美》图/文:林生库"Night is also very beautiful mountain city" map / text: Forest Health Lihengku

彭阳八三年建县,县属宁夏,位在宁夏之南,与甘肃环县、镇原、平凉接壤,革命老区。因彭阳人的艰苦创业精神,名声走出宁夏,走向全国,全国生态建设先进县、园林县城,宁夏首批文明县城、卫生县城、生态建设模范县。近年来,也因煤炭和石油的开发为众人所青睐,也因“彭阳山珍”辣椒、杏子、乌鸡、菌草而商贾云集。周末饭后,登临栖凤山,俯瞰县城夜色,选几瞥,按动相机快门,聊以记之。Pengyang in 2083 built the county, county-Ningxia, located in south Ningxia, and Gansu, Central County, the original town, Pingliang border, old revolutionary base areas. People due to the hard Pengyang entrepreneurship, reputation out of Ningxia, the country, the national ecological construction advanced counties, Garden County, Ningxia first civilized county, county health, ecological model counties. In recent years, also due to the development of coal and oil favor to all people, but also for "Pengyang delicacies" peppers, apricots, black-bone chicken, grass and merchants gathered in bacteria. Weekend dinner, board the Xifeng Hill, overlooking the town the night a few glance selection, press the camera shutter to record the conversation.

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