
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/27 07:14:33


This particular article will summarize some of the topics that we’ve gone over in the past few days as well as give us some deeper insights into those topics.


A Quick Story


There was a boy in Eastern Russia, many, many years ago who actually thought he was a chicken.  He had no family, and was found one day living among the chickens.  He walked liked the chickens, clucked liked the chickens, and to some degree, he even looked like the chickens.


He had been raised by these chickens!  In other words, he had downloaded the mental program “Chicken 4.0,” and his mind ran on that program…

他是被这些鸡养大的!换句话来说,他下载了一种思维模式“鸡 4.0”到自己的大脑中,并且在不断地如此运行。

…We’ve been discussing how your life is a result of the programming that you’ve received up until this point in your life.  We’ve concluded that the results that you have in your life today are solely based on the programs that are running in your “head’s computer.”


So what’s your story?  Do you think you’re a chicken?  Are you living like a chicken, walking like a chicken, talking like a chicken, and hanging out with chickens, or are you living like an eagle?


Hardware and Software “Re-cap”


…Your brain is like the “hardware” of a computer, and in order to succeed in a “particular area” you need the proper “software” uploaded into your mind. 


That “software” can be obtained by learning from an expert via books, training, or audiobooks; any material that can be reviewed over-and-over-again has the power to change your thinking.


Put it another way…“Software” is programmed into your mind through repetition.  Once a new file is fully uploaded into your mind, be it a success program or a failure program, you will run on that new “software” like clock-work.


The reason you know how to walk is because you have the “Walk 4.0” software installed into your head’s computer, and the reason you know how to speak English is because you have the “English 4.0” software installed into your head’s computer.


The “programs” determine your life…


It’s all in the programming!


Changing Your Life


I can tell you how to succeed…that’s the easy part, but if you don’t “download” my words into your “head’s computer” through repetition it won’t matter.  I can tell you that in order to be thin you have to limit your calories and workout frequently, but if you never upload this information into your head’s computer it won’t do you any good.  It would be the same as software sitting on top of a computer; it’s of no benefit, the software actually has to be inside the computer, and the computer has to run the software in order to get results.


The Head’s Computer


If you have a computer and it’s missing certain software, all you do is add the software and it will work without a problem.  If you’re currently missing certain success software such as: how to be great sales person, or how to be great doctor, lawyer, or CEO, all you have to do is to add that programming through repetition and learning.  …When you change the program, your thoughts will change, and so will your life.


Wouldn’t It Be Nice


Wouldn’t it be nice if you could go to a Web site and see the programming that someone else is running on (e.g. other-people-programming.net)?  That would really come in handy if you were about to hire someone, or get married, or if your child was about to get married.


You could go to the site, type in their name, and it would say: John Doe is running on English 4.0, Chinese 1.2, Health 2.0, Cigarettes 7.0, Failure 1.2, Poverty 3.0, Good Spouse 4.0.

你可以到这网页上,输入他们的名字,然后就会显示:John Doe正在运行英语4.0 中文1.2 健康2.0 香烟7.0 失败1.2 贫困3.0 优秀的配偶4.0 。

That would be nice…but I digress…


In Closing


I wrote this article as a reminder that repetition is critical to your success; it’s critical to your programming.  If you like a particular article on this site, don’t just read it once, print it out and read it over-and-over-again until it changes your thinking.


This is why I’m creating audiobooks for this site, so that you have a way to easily upload success programs into your mind.  The mini-audiobooks will be specifically designed to reprogram your mind, when you listen to them over-and-over-again.  You can play them in your car, while you jog, or while you’re getting dressed in the morning.  …Soon your thoughts will change, and then your life will change…
