里约奥运女子400米决赛:柏林旅馆:Hütten Palast(组图)

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/16 03:13:48

When we talk about in what hotel to stay at night we hardly imagine something different than ordinary suits with ordinary furniture. Ok, sometimes with very interesting interiors and creative furniture. But definetly we don’t mean staying at camping. But wonderful little hotel in Berlin called Hütten Palast offers us an unique opportunity to stay in camping but with hotel’s comfort. Suits are decorated in such way that you’ll get the feeling you’re actually camping outside. And at the same time this unusual hotel isn’t expensive. 

当谈及“住在什么酒店”这样的话题时我们脑海中通常会浮现出那些普通的套间和普通的家具……好吧,有时会有些非常有趣的室内设计和有想象力的家具。但这总比露宿好些。但这个坐落在柏林的奇妙小酒店,Hütten Palast ,让我们在露营的同时享受到酒店般的舒适。套间的设计会让你恍若真的在室外露营。与此同时,这个不同寻常的小酒店却并不是那么不同寻常地高昂。