
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/19 16:09:49
BEIJING: China on Thursday assured its neighbours including India and Japan that the building of the country's aircraft carrier is not meant to target them. But it is getting ready for a new naval exercise in western Pacific Ocean in the midst of rising tensions between China and its sea neighbours, Japan and Vietnam. 北京——周四,中国向包括印度和日本在内的邻国保证,中国建造航母并非针对某国,但是中国海军6月下旬将在西太平洋国际海域进行演习的消息进一步激化中国与海上邻国日本和越南的紧张关系。 ====================


Richard Ren Ren (Australia)
3 hrs ago (06:07 PM)

All this speculative talk about war over and over- Fact is, if there is a conflict it would be because of something big and out of the ordinary. Right now, the border issue is a stagmire and everyone is keeping the status quo. I don't think there will be another war like in 1962 unless one party decides to go nuts or the entire region becomes un-stabilized first- By then everyone would know. The only reasonable guess for a potential (although unlikely) skirmish would be in the South China Sea and that does not directly involve India.


Dhairya (Mumbai)
3 hrs ago (05:31 PM)

China might be developed than India, but India is ahead of time than China. It took 10 years for China to spread mobile/ Cellphone technology throughout the country... but India took just 6 years..
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Bal (Fra)
5 hrs ago (03:58 PM)
India must just be ready for any type of attacks. That is from everybody. India must now show China,Pakistan and the West that they are not afraid of any one. The one that tries to attack India will never see their country again. Our politician should wisely show them that what ever they try, they will go direct into the ditch. That is enough to keep away from the tiger (India).

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little india (Pak) replies to Bal
4 hrs ago (04:59 PM)

if this makes u happy then yeah i agree with u.



jollyrodders (Little India) replies to Bal
4 hrs ago (04:57 PM)

India is such a Tiger that you have to find a life in Europe. Don't make us laugh. India dosn't have what it takes, and never will have the mental stature to be a tough world power like the US or China. Even a tiny country like Britain, miniscule in size compared to India was able to throw it's weight around. Indians talk tough but they'll always be the pawns of other 'real' world powers.

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Tanmay (Andamans)
12 hrs ago (09:07 AM)

It is good of China to reassure its neighbours. It marks a good friendly gesture of them to reassure. In the meantime, INDIA and JAPAN should jointly put up funds and get a joint aircraft carrier managed by both their navies based on mutual trust. They are afterall ALSO Asia's superpowers of sorts.

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印度网民炸锅:中国保证,建造航母并非针对它们! 印度时刻牢记中国,年末试射烈五:印度网民炸锅 印度外长还没到河内,中国已发出警告!印度网民炸锅 瓦良格号航母并非针对台湾问题而建 中国,倾尽全力建造航母 中国,倾尽全力建造航母 日报:针对中国航母试水 印度加快扩充航母队伍 美网民炸锅:中国为何从来没有被塔利班袭击过? 中国又创世界纪录:美国网民炸锅了! 胶州湾跨海大桥---中国又创世界纪录:美国网民炸锅了! 日本与中国的贸易退居第四:日本网民炸锅! 美网民炸锅:塔利班为何从来都不袭击中国? 联合国世界陆军排名:中国世界第二!外国网民炸锅 联合国世界陆军排名中国处第二:外国网民炸锅 印度网民竟然这样评价中国军事力量 美致巴基斯坦:中国不会取代美国的援助!美网民炸锅 中国太空起航,目标直指月球火星和金星:美网民炸锅 中国感叹普京火力之猛无人望其项背:美国网民炸锅 外国网民炸锅:中国是世界第二大军事强国吗? 中国将于九月末发射“天宫一号”:俄网民炸锅了 联合国世界陆军排名:中国排第二让外国网民又炸锅 印度称“我们已经得到保证,缅甸的领土不允许用来从事针对印度的武装行动.” 军事新闻 印度是中国针对的目标之一 日本记者潜入,曝光中国建造航母实况