超级军火商txt爱奇下载:第一章 思嘉的妒忌

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/15 11:50:05
              第一章 思嘉的妒忌           
              (德园,思嘉美丽的家园,她正与一对孪生兄弟在台阶上交谈。)            布伦特:思嘉,把我们赶出学校又能怎样呢?战争迟早要爆发,我们早晚要退学。            斯图:战争,那不是很刺激吗,思嘉?你知道那些北佬是实的想打一仗?            布伦特:我们给他们点厉害瞧瞧!            思嘉:全是废话!战争,战争,战争。这个话题让这个春天的每次聚会都索然无味。我要闷死了,真想大叫一声。而且根本也设战争这回事。            布伦特:根本没这事?            斯图:噢,哥们,当然会有战争。            思嘉:如果你们两个家伙再说一个关于战争的字,我就回家关上门不出来了。            布伦特:但是.思嘉,亲爱的……            斯图:你难道不想有战争吗?            布伦特:等等,思嘉……            斯图:我们再谈谈……            布伦特:别,我们都依你……            思嘉:好吧……但是记住,我警告过你们。            布伦特:我有个好主意。我们说说明天威尔克斯家在十二橡树举行的烧烤聚会吧。            斯图:好主意,到时候你跟我们一起烧烤,好吗,思嘉? 思嘉:我还没想过呢。我,我明天会考虑的。            斯图:你要和我们跳所有的华尔兹,先是布伦特,再我,再            布伦特:再我,再索尔。说定了?            思嘉:我很乐意。            斯图:哟嗬!            思嘉:如果,如果不是每曲都有别人请我的话。            布伦特:亲爱的,你可不能这样对我们。            斯图:那么我们告诉你一个秘密怎么样?            思嘉:秘密?谁的?            布伦特:你认识媚兰·汉密尔顿小姐吗?亚特兰大那个。            斯图:就是希礼·威尔克斯的表妹。她要来十二橡树拜访威尔克斯家。            思嘉:媚兰·汉密尔顿,那个造作的女孩,没人想知道她的秘密。            布伦特:好吧,反正我们听说……            斯图:他们说……            布伦特:希礼威尔克斯要和她结婚。            斯图:你知道威尔克斯家总是和表亲结婚的。            布伦特:怎样,跟我们跳所有的华尔兹吧?            思嘉:当然。            布伦特:哟嗬!            思嘉:不可能的,希礼爱的人是我。            斯图:思嘉!(思嘉不能接受希礼结婚的事实,她跑去找父亲。奥哈拉先生刚刚骑马回来。)             奥哈拉:全国,全州都没人敢碰你。            思嘉:爸爸,你很骄傲。            奥哈拉:原来是思嘉·奥哈拉。你在监视我,你是不是要象你妹妹苏爱伦那样向你妈告我的状呢?说我又跳栏栅了?            思嘉:爸爸,你知道我不象苏·爱伦那样爱搬弄是非。但是你去年跳栏弄伤了膝盖,从那后我就觉得这栏……            奥哈拉:我不用我的女儿告诉我是跳还是不跳。这是我自己的事。            思嘉:好吧,爸,随你喜欢吧。十二橡树那边怎么样?            奥哈拉:威尔克斯家?还能有什么呢?明天的烧烤会,谈来谈去不过是战争。            思嘉:烦人的战争,还有其他人吗?·            奥哈拉:还会有他们的表亲,亚特兰大来的媚兰·汉密尔顿。还有她弟弟查尔斯。            思嘉:媚兰·威尔克斯,那个面青唇白的傻瓜,我讨厌她!            奥哈拉:希礼·威尔克斯可不这么想。            思嘉:希礼·威尔克斯可不会喜欢她这种人。            奥哈拉:你怎么对希礼和媚兰小姐这么感兴趣。            思嘉:晤,没什么,我们进屋吧,爸。 奥哈拉:他缠你了?他向你求婚了?            思嘉:没有。            奥哈拉:想也没有,他也不会。今天下午约翰·威尔克斯报确定地告诉我,希礼要和媚兰小姐结婚。明天晚上在舞会上他们要宣布这个消息。            思嘉:我不相信!            奥哈拉:喂,喂,你想问什么,思嘉?你怎么了?你是不是在追求一个不爱你的人,招人耻笑?这个国家的男人你可以随便挑呀。            思嘉:我没追求他,我只不过是有些惊奇,仅此而已。            奥哈拉:别躲开我,如果希礼想娶你,那我才担心呢,我希望我的女儿快活。你和他不会幸福的。            思嘉:我会的,我会的。            奥哈拉:嫁给谁又有什么区别呢?只要他是个南方人,跟你想法差不多就行。而我死了以后,德园就是你的了。            思嘉:我不要,种植园有什么意思,如果……            奥哈拉:思嘉,你想告诉我德园对你毫无意义吗?要知道,土 地是这个世界上唯一值得你为它去工作,去战斗,去牺牲的东西,因为它是唯一永恒的东西。            思嘉:爸!你说话象个爱尔兰人!            奥哈拉:我正为我是爱尔兰人而光荣呢,而且别忘了,小姐,你也有一半爱尔兰血统,而且任何人只要身上有一滴爱尔兰人血液,他就会爱土地如同爱自己的母亲。不过,你还太小。将来会有一天你会感受到这种爱。只要是爱尔兰人就不会有例外。            (第二天,奥哈拉一家驱车前往十二橡树参加烧烤聚会。)奥哈拉:噢,约翰·威尔克斯,今天的天气搞烧烤真是太好了。            约翰·威尔克斯:是啊,吉洛德。怎么,奥哈拉太太没来?            奥哈拉:她要和工头结帐。不过她会来参加今晚的舞会的。            英迪亚:欢迎您来十二橡树,奥哈拉先生。            奥哈拉:太感谢您了,英迪亚。约翰,你的女儿一天比一天漂亮了呀。            约翰·威尔克斯:英迪亚,奥哈拉先生的女儿们来了。欢迎一下。            英迪亚:我受不了那个思嘉,你看她向希礼投怀送抱的样。 约翰·威尔克斯:那是你哥哥的事,别忘了你是女主人。早 上好,女孩子们,真漂亮。你好,思嘉。               思嘉:英迪亚·威尔克斯,多漂亮的衣服。真让人看不够。(思嘉与家人走进大厅。)            男1:早上好,思嘉小姐。            思嘉:早上好。            男2:思嘉小姐,今早上可真漂亮。            思嘉:谢谢。            男3:早上好,思嘉小姐。            思嘉:早上好。            男4:很高兴见到你,思嘉小姐。            男5:您好,思嘉小姐。            思嘉:希礼!            希礼:思嘉!亲爱的。            思嘉:我到处找你,有件事我必须告诉你,我们找个安静点的地方好吗?            希礼:好啊,但是…··我也要告诉你一件事,一件你很乐意听的事。来,见一下我的表妹,媚兰·威尔克斯。            思嘉:噢,一定要这样吗?            希礼:她一直希望再见到你。媚兰!这是思嘉。            媚兰:思嘉,很高兴再见到你。            思嘉:媚兰·汉密尔顿,在这儿碰上你真让人意外。这次你至少要多呆几日。            媚兰:我也希望多留几日让我们彼此成为真正的朋友,思嘉。我真的希望如此。 希礼:我们把她留住,好吗,思嘉?            思嘉:我们这下可真要拿她小题大做了,是吗,希礼?希礼最懂逗女孩开心了,不过你这么正经,让我们高兴的事在你看来一定蠢得要命。            媚兰:噢,思嘉,你真有生气,我一直羡慕你这样。我要象你一些就好了。            思嘉:不要奉承我,媚兰。别口不对心的。            希礼:没有人会指责媚兰,说她不诚恳,是吗,亲爱的?            思嘉:那她可不象你了,是吗,希礼。希礼对女孩子从来都是口不对心。噢,查尔斯·汉密尔顿,你还是那么英俊。            查尔斯:奥哈拉小姐……            思嘉:你觉得你带这么个英俊小伙子来伤我这可怜纯朴乡村姑娘的心好吗?(英迪亚和苏·爱伦从远处看着思嘉。)            爱伦:看思嘉,她以前从不多看查尔斯一眼。现在查尔斯是你的男友,她就缠着他。            思嘉:查尔斯·汉密尔顿,我想和你一起烧烤。不要再逗别的女孩子,要不我会很妒忌的。            查尔斯:我不会,奥哈拉小姐。我不会的。 思嘉:说真的,弗兰克·凯利,你的小胡子让你看上去可真帅。            弗兰克:谢谢,谢谢,思嘉小姐。            思嘉:查尔斯·汉密尔顿和雷·凯尔沃特都想和我一块烧烤,可我对他们说不行,因为我已经答应作了。            英迪亚:你快别得意。看她,又在追你男友了。            弗兰克:您太过奖了,思嘉小姐。让我想想能做什么,思嘉小姐。            凯瑟琳:你妹妹怎么那么生气,思嘉小姐。你勾引她男友了?            思嘉:好象我找不到一个比那穿裤子的老处女的男友更好的似的。布伦特,斯图,说话呀。你们真英俊。噢,不是,我并不是说你们让我发疯。            布伦特:为什么.思嘉,亲爱的……            思嘉:整天看不见你们。我穿这件衣服就是因为你们喜欢它。我还想跟你们一块烧烤呢。            布伦特:那来吧,思嘉。            斯图:当然好,亲爱的。            思嘉:我怎么也想不出你们俩谁更英俊一些。昨天晚上我想了一整夜。凯瑟琳,那是谁?            凯瑟琳:谁?            思嘉:那个笑着朝我们看的人。那个丑八怪。 凯瑟琳:你不知道?那是瑞德·巴特勒.查尔斯顿来的,名声坏透了。            思嘉:他看起来好象,好象知道我没穿内裙会是什么样子似的。            凯瑟琳:怎么会?亲爱的,他是不受欢迎的。他在查尔斯顿的亲人不理他,所以他多在北部。他是被西点军校开除的。他很不检点。而且还有他和他不愿意娶的女人的事……            思嘉:讲啊,讲啊……            凯瑟琳:傍晚,他坐四轮车带她外出。连个女伴都没有。但他却不肯娶她。            思嘉:(耳语)…            凯瑟琳:不,那个女的名声也一样糟糕。(希礼和媚兰站在朝向花园的阳台上。)            媚兰:希礼。            希礼:高兴吗?            媚兰:很高兴。            希礼:你好象属于这里,一切都象为你而存在的。            姆兰:我很高兴我能属于你爱的东西。            希礼:你象我一样爱十二橡树园。            媚兰:是的,希礼。我爱它,它不仅是一栋房子,它是一个盼望优美典雅的完整的世界。 希礼:人们还没有意识到这一切不会长久了。            媚兰:你害怕战争会带来的一切,是吗?我们不用怕。对我们来讲,希礼,没有战争会进入我们的世界。无论发生什么事,我都会象现在一样爱你,直到永远。                                                                     
              Chapter 1 Scarlett's Jealousy           
              (Tara is the beautiful homeland of Scarlett, who is now talking               with the twins, Brent and Stew, at the door step.)
              BRENT: What do we care if we were expelled from college,
              Scarlett The war is going to start anyday now so we would have left               college anyhow.
              STEW: Oh, isn't it exciting, Scarlett? You know those poor Yankees              
              actually want a war?
              BRENT: We'll show 'em.
              SCARLETT: Fiddle-dee-dee. War, war, war. This war talk is
              spoiling all the fun at every party this spring. I get so bored               I could
              scream. Besides, there isn't going to be any war.
              BRENT: Not going to be any war?
              STEW: Ah, buddy, of course there's going to be a war.
              SCARLETT: If either of you boys says
              "war" just once again, I'll go in the house and slam the               door.
              BRENT: But Scarlett honey..
              STEW: Don't you want us to have a war?
              BRENT: Wait a minute, Scarlett...
              STEW: We'll talk about this...
              BRENT: No please, we'll do anything you say...
              SCARLETT: Well-but remember I warned you. BRENT: I've got an idea.               We'll talk
              about the barbecue the Wilkes are giving over at Twelve Oaks tomorrow.              
              STEW: That's a good idea. You're eating barbecue with us, aren't               you, Scarlett?
              SCARLETT: Well, I hadn't thought about that yet, I'll...I'll think               about
              that tomorrow.
              STEW: And we want all your waltzes, there's first Brent, then me,              
              then Brent, then me again, then Saul. Promise?
              SCARLETTT:I'just love to.
              STEW: Yahoo!
              SCARLETT: If only ..if only I didn't have every one of them taken              
              BRENT: Honey, you can't do that to us.
              STEW: How about if we tell you a secret?
              SCARLETT: Secret? Who by?
              BRENT: Well, you know Miss Melanie Hamilton, from Atlanta?
              STEW: Ashley Wilkes' cousin? Well she's visiting the Wilkes at
              Twelve Oaks.
              SCARLETT: Melanie Hamilton, that goody-goody. Who wants no
              secret about her. BRENT: Well, anyway we heard...
              STEW:That is, they say..
              BRENT: Ashley Wilkes is going to marry her.
              STEW: You know the Wilkes always marry their cousins.
              BRENT: Now do we get those waltzes?
              SCARLETT: Of course.
              BRENT: Yahoo!
              SCARLETT: It can't be true...Ashley loves me.
              STEW: Scarlett!
              (Scarlett couldn't accept the fact ofAshley's marriage, she rushes               to
              find her father. Mr.O'Hara is just back from a ride.)
              16            Mr. O'HARA: (To his horse) There's none in the county can touch               you,
              and none in the state. SCARLETT: Paw? How proud of yourself you              
              are! Mr. O'HARA: Well, it is Scarlett O'Hara. So, you've been spying              
              on me. And like your sister Sue Ellen, you'll be telling your mother               on
              me, that I was jumping again.
              SCARLETT: Oh, Paw, you know I'm no 'tattle like Sue Ellen. But it              
              does seem to me that after you broke your knee last year jumping               that
              same fence......
              Mr. O'HARA: I'll not have me own daughter telling me what I shall              
              jump and not jump. It's my own neck, so it is.
              SCARLETT: All right Paw, you jump what you please. How are they               all
              over at Twelve Oaks?
              Mr. O'HARA: The Wilkes? Oh, what you expect, with the barbecue
              tomorrow and talking, nothing but war...
              SCARLETT: Oh bother the war....was there, was there
              anyone else there?
              Mr. O'HARA: Oh, their cousin Melanie Hamilton from Atlanta. And              
              her brother Charles. SCARLETT: Melanie Hamilton. She's a pale-
              faced mealy-mouthed ninny and I hate her.
              Mr. O'HARA: Ashley Wilkes doesn't think so.
              SCARLETT: Ashley Wilkes couldn't like anyone like her.
              Mr. O'HARA: What's your interest in Ashley and
              Miss Melanie?
              SCARLETT: It's...it's nothing. Let's go into the house,
              Mr. O'HARA: Has he been trifling with you? Has he asked
              you to marry him?
              SCARLETT No.
              Mr. O'HARA: No, nor will he. I have it in strictest
              confidence from John Wilkes this afternoon, Ashley is
              going to marry Miss Melanie. It'll be announced tomorrow
              night at the ball.
              SCARLETT: I don't believe it!
              Mr. O'HARA: Here, here what are you after? Scarlett!
              What are you about? Have you been making a ^spectacle
              of yourself running about after a man who's not in love
              with you? When you might have any of the bucks in the
              SCARLETT: I haven't been running after him, it's...it's
              just a surprise that's all.
              Mr. O'HARA: Now, don't be jerking your chin at me. If
              Ashley wanted to marry you, it would be with misgivings,
              I'd say yes. I want my girl to be happy. You'd not be happy
              with him.
              SCARLETT: I would, I would.
              Mr. O'HARA: What difference does it make whom you
              marry? So long as he's a Southerner and thinks like you.
              And when I'm gone, I leave Tara to you.
              SCARLETT: I don't want Tara, plantations don't mean
              anything when...
              Mr. O'Hara: Do you mean to toll me Katie Scarlett O'Hara
              that Tara, that land doesn't mean anything to you? Why,           
              land is the only thing in the world worth working for.
              Worth fighting for, worth dying for. Because it's the only
              thing that lasts.
              SCARLETT: Oh, Paw, you talk like an Irishman.
              Mr. O'HARA: It's proud I am that I'm Irish. And don't you
              be forgetting, Missy, that you're half-Irish too. And to
              anyone with a drop of Irish blood in them, why the land
              they live on is like their mother. Oh, but there, there, now,
              you're just a child. It'll come to you, this love of the land.
              There's no getting away from it if you're Irish.
              (Next day, the O'Haras drive to Twelve Oaks for the
              barbeque there.)
              Mr. O'HARA:: Well, John Wilkes. It's a grand day you'll
              be having for the barbecue.
              JOHN WILKES: So it seems, Gerald. Why isn't Mrs. 0'
              Hara with you?
              Mr. O'HARA: She's after settling accounts with the
              overseer, but she'll be along for the ball tonight.
              INDIA: Welcome to Twelve Oaks, Mr. O'Hara.
              Mr.O'HARA: : Thank you kindly, India. Your daughter is
              getting prettier everyday, John.
              JOHN WILKES: Oh, India, here are the O'Hara girls, we
              must greet them.
              INDIA: Can't stand that Scarlett. If you'd see the way
              she throws herself at Ashley.
              JOHN WILKES: Now, now, that's your brother's business.
              You must remember your duties as hostess. Good morning,
              girls! You look lovely. Good morning, Scarlett.            SCARLETT: India Wilkes. What a lovely dress. I just can't
              take my eyes off it.
              (Scarlett enters the hall with her family.)
              MAN1: Good morning, Miss Scarlett.
              SCARLETT: Morning.
              MAN2: Look mighty fine this morning, Miss Scarlett.
              SCARLETT: Thank you.
              MANS: Morning Miss Scarlett.
              SCARLETT: Good Morning.
              MAN4: Pleasure to see you, Miss Scarlett.
              MANS: Howdy, Miss Scarlett.
              SCARLETT: Ashley!
              ASHLEY: Scarlett! My dear!
              SCARLETT: I've been looking for you everywhere. I've
              got something I must tell you. Can't we go some place
              where it's quiet?
              ASHLEY: Yes I'd like to, but... I've something to tell you,
              too. Something I...I hope you'll be glad to hear. Now come
              and say hello to my cousin, Melanie Wilkes.
              SCARLETT: Oh, do we have to?
              ASHLEY: She's been looking forward to seeing you again.
              Melanie! Here's Scarlett.
              MELANIE: Scarlett. I'm so glad to see you again.
              SCARLETT: Melanie Hamilton, what a surprise to run
              into you here. I hope you're going to stay with us a few
              days at least.
              MELANIE: I hope I shall stay long enough for us to become
              real friends, Scarlett. I do so want us to be.            ASHLEY: We'll keep her here, won't we, Scarlett?
              SCARLETT: Oh, we'll just have to make the biggest fuss
              over her, won't we, Ashley? And if there's anybody who
              knows how to give a girl a good time, it's Ashley. Though
              I expect our good times must seem terribly silly to you
              because you're so serious.
              MELANIE: Oh, Scarlett. You have so much life. I've always
              admired you so, I wish I could be more like you.
              SCARLETT: You mustn't flatter me, Melanie, and say
              things you don't mean.
              ASHLEY: Nobody could accuse Melanie of being insincere.
              Could they, my dear?
              SCARLETT: Oh, well then, she's not like you. Is she,
              Ashley? Ashley never means a word he says to any girl.
              Oh, why Charles Hamilton, you handsome old thing, you.
              CHARLES HAMILTON: But, oh. Miss O'Hara...
              SCARLETT: Do you think that was kind to bring your
              good-looking brother down here just to break my poor,
              simple country-girl's heart?
              (India and Sue Ellen are watching Scarlett in distance)
              ELLEN: Look at Scarlett, she's never even noticed Charles
              before, now just because he's your beau, she's after him
              like a ^hornet!
              SCARLETT: Charles Hamilton, I want to eat barbecue
              with you. And mind you don't go ^philandering with any
              other girl because I'm mighty jealous.           
              CHARLES HAMILTON: I won't, Miss O'Hara. I couldn't!
              SCARLETT: I do declare, Frank Kelly, you don't look dashing with              
              that new set of whiskers. FRANK: Oh, thank you, thank you, Miss              
              Scarlett. SCARLETT: You know Charles Hamilton and Ray Kelvert
              asked me to eat barbecue with them, but I told them I couldn't
              because I'd promised you. INDIA:You needn't be so amused, look at              
              her. She's after your beau now.
              Frank: Oh, that's mighty flattering of you, Miss Scarlett. I'll               see what
              I can do, Miss Scarlett. KATHLEEN: What's your sister so mad
              about, Scarlett, you sparking her beau?
              SCARLETT: As if I couldn't get a better beau than that old maid               in
              britches. Brent and Stew, do talk, you handsome old thing, you...oh,              
              no, you're not, I don't mean to say that I'm mad at you. BRENT:               Why
              Scarlett honey...
              SCARLETT: You haven't been near me all day and I wore this old
              dress just because I thought you liked it. I was counting on eating              
              barbecue with you two. BRENT: Well, you are, Scarlett... STEW: Of              
              course you are, honey. SCARLETT: Oh, I never can make up my
              mind which of you two's handsomer. I was awake all last night trying              
              to figure it out. Kathleen, who's that? KATHLEEN: Who?
              SCARLETT: That man looking at us and smiling. A nasty dog.            KATHLEEN: My dear, don't you know? That's Rhett
              Butler. He's from Charleston. He has the most terrible
              SCARLETT: He looks as if, as if he knows what I looked
              like without my shimmy.
              KATHLEEN: How? But my dear, he isn't received. He's
              had to spend most of his time up North because his folks
              in Charleston won't even speak to him. He was expelled
              from West Point, he's so fast. And then there's that
              business about that girl he wouldn't marry...
              SCARLETT:Tell, tell...
              KATHLEEN: Well, he took her out in a buggy riding in
              the late afternoon without a chaperone and then, and then
              he refused to marry her!
              SCARLETT: (whisper)...
              KATHLEEN: No, but she was ruined just the same.
              (Ashley and Melanie, on the balcony open to the garden.)
              MELANIE: Ashley..
              ASHLEY: Happy?
              MELANIE: So happy
              ASHLEY: You seem to belong here. As if it had all been
              imagined for you.
              MELANIE: I like to feel that I belong to the things you
              ASHLEY: You love Twelve Oaks as I do.
              MELANIE: Yes, Ashley. I love it as, as more than a house.
              It's a whole world that wants only to be graceful and
              beautiful.            ASHLEY: And so unaware that it may not last, forever. MELANIE:              
              You're afraid of what may happen when the war conies, aren't you?              
              Well, we don't have to be afraid. For us. No war can come into our              
              world Ashley. Whatever comes, I'll love you, just as I do now. Until               I die.