
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/15 13:29:17

this book is dedicated to
the 9 to 5'ers
and everybody else



a collection of epigrams
about the problem
of living
and the freedom
to be gained
through meditation

人生問題 與 禪修解脫



Translator's Introduction 譯者前言






much suffering                                                  不滿當下現實, 
comes into the                                                      只顧依戀過去、
life of one who                                                           追求未來的人,
tries to be anywhere                                                       苦惱自然眾多。
but here                                                                                  
in the present





are you                                                 你對當下現實滿意嗎?
with where you                          
are right now?                          


because "right nows" are all you have



there is nothing                                                      人事滄桑,世態無常。
in this life that we can                                                 依戀執著,難免悲傷。
have for very long.

things and people come ...
                then leave us ...

and we are left
sad and aching
because of
our attachment

because we are only                                                只要快樂,不要痛苦,
accepting of pleasure                                                   趨吉避凶,人心惶惶。
in our lives ...                                                                     【惶惶:驚惶失措】


an immense                趨吉避凶,

amount of fear                人心惶惶。

is created as               趨吉避凶,

we spend our                  人心惶惶。

lives dodging              趨吉避凶,

pain                                  人心惶惶。

an immense amount                            趨吉避凶,
of fear is created                                     人心惶惶。
as we spend our lives                          趨吉避凶,
dodging pain                                           人心惶惶。


an immense amount                趨吉避凶,

of fear is created                         人心惶惶。

as we spend our                       趨吉避凶,

lives dodging pain                       人心惶惶。


the world continually                    身外世界,五彩繽紛,
demands that we                            扣人心弦,引人入勝,
direct our attention                              令人應接不暇。
outside ourselves                     

meditation teaches                 禪修教我們
us to revolt                        要掉轉方向,

and turn that                       引導意識向內,
awareness toward           覺察我們
our neglected              忽略已久的
dimly-lit                    昏暗之處。
insides ...       【昏暗之處:指身心之內】


Painful feelings *  in the mind                               痛苦的感受*
indicate wrong attitudes                                       顯示錯誤的
about life                                                         人生態度。

a meditation retreat                                   一次密集禪修
can show us what we're                                  可顯示
doing wrong                                                      我們做錯了什麼。

* jealousy, envy, hatred, loneliness, frustration, depression

嫉妒、羨慕、瞋恨、孤獨、挫折、沮喪 … 等。


we live our                                                     我們惶惶不可終日,
lives fearfully                                                      甚至自欺欺人。

to such an extent
that we live dishonestly



there is dishonesty                                      人心多不切實際,
in any mind                                                     經常  異想天開。
which demands                                                      
that reality                                 【異想天開:形容想法離奇,不切實際。】                                 
occur in a                                                                

yaw cificeps                                                 


we progress in this                                  人生成長
life according to our                                     有賴如實智慧。
honest wisdom.                                           

honest wisdom is                                    如實智慧是
realizing what you feel,                                了知自己當下的感受和思想,
knowing what you think,                                 

and opening                                           以及開放自己,
your attention                                              客觀地
to everything                                                    注意眼前
which comes                                                         發生的一切。
before you.

we should take                                      我們每天
time each day to                                        應抽點時間
understand  ourselves                                     來了解自己,

to watch exactly                           在坐禪和行禪中
what we experience                          如實觀察自己的
in walking and sitting                            當下感受。




how to

start a                             如何開始美好的一天?

good day ...


every day you are           每一天,
responsible                  你都要為自己的感受
for how you feel             負責。

no one can make you        因為,誰也不能
unhappy                           令你不快
or nervous                        或不安。





choices in a                                   禪修者的
meditator's life are                          生活選擇
very simple :                                  很簡單:

he does those                        他做
things which contribute           有助覺知的事情,
to his awareness

he refrains from                    他不做
things which do not              有損覺知的事情。



the first step in                                         修行的第一步是要:
spiritual growth is to                                做自己喜歡做的事情,
do what we love to do                             同時,要覺知自己正在做著它。
and to become aware
of doing it



in what direction
are you taking yourself?                      你正往那裡走?

(is it worth your effort?                      值得你為此費力用功嗎?
is it exactly where
you want to go?)                                      那裡確是你嚮往之處嗎?



insight meditation                   內觀禪
systematically trains us           有系統地訓練我們
to be aware of everything          覺知當下
 "we're up to"                                   從事的一切。


the mind is only a                                                 心好比一面
sophisticated                                                   非常複雜的鏡子,

it is what it sees                   它能如實反映一切。
ti si tahw ti sees

be careful what                                                     因此,
you show it                                                                 小心你的表現;
because                                                                            因為,
you can be                                                                            你可以是任何東西。



ego                                                  「自 我」

is but a worrisome product                            不過是覺察不到的
of unmindful, wandering thoughts.                     散亂思想的惱人產物,
when powerful awareness is cultivated,                 當培養到強勁的覺知力時,
we gladly learn that there is                                           我們會樂於發現,實際上:
no one who thinks ...                                    

only thinking                                      沒有思考的人 ... 只有思考的事。

no one who walks ...                                    沒有走路的人 ... 只有走路的事。

only walking                                      沒有看見的人 ... 只有看見的事。

no one who sees ...                                     最後,如釋重負,輕安自在。

only seeing                                        

and finally the great burden
is dissolved



detached                                                            超脫並非死亡,
does not mean
dead                                                                   它充滿慈、悲、喜、捨。

rather, it is made of
Sympathetic joy


one of the
highest blessings is                                有一坦誠相交的朋友,
a friend with whom
we can respond                                      乃人生最大的福氣。
openly and freely



it is hard
to be constantly loving

but it is harder
to be unloving



this living is                              生活那麼困苦,
so hard
how can we                              不慈悲還可怎樣?
be anything
but loving?

besides teaching insight meditation the buddha also taught a meditation to develop loving kindness for all creatures - he instructed that we sit in a quiet place and reflect first on the dangers of hatred, anger and resentment, and the benefits of loving-kindness - these reflections remind us of the importance of maintaining a loving attitude in all circumstances and give us energy for the meditation.

because only when there is love for oneself can there be love for others, we first practice loving-kindness towards ourselves by thinking of our own good qualities and kind actions - warmth for ourselves grows as we repeat over and over the loving thought : 'may I be free from my troubles (anger, fear, tension, anxiety, hatred, etc.) may I live happily.'

when we first begin the practice of loving-kindness, we may be surprised to find that we have difficulty in reflecting on our good qualities - we may feel shy or guilty in thinking of ourselves in such a positive way, or there may be self-hatred conditioned in our minds by years of comparing ourselves with others or with some ideal to which we might cling.

when we begin practice, it may be helpful to start each period of practice by writing down a few reflections to help us focus our attention.

for example, one day our reflections might be :

dangers of hatred and resentment
1- makes me fearful
2- creates restlessness and agitation
3- makes me feel miserable
4- makes me critical and hard on myself

advantages of loving-kindness
1- makes my mind clear
2- frees my body of tension
3- makes me feel good about myself
4- makes it easier to be with others

my own good qualities
1- I try to be patient
2- I am willing to change and grow
3- I want to be more loving
4- I have pretty toes

spend some time each day writing and reflecting this way - then spend the last ten minutes of the meditation time specifically cultivating that warm and open space which thoughts of loving-kindness produce by gently and silently repeating your own wish for yourself : 'may I be loving' or 'may I be free from restlessness' or 'may I be free from anxiety,' in whatever way feels appropriate for you.

if we work ardently at this meditation we will begin to see a healthy change happening within ourselves.

in time, when loving thoughts flow freely for ourselves, the loving-kindness may be extended to all beings everywhere without distinction -

may all beings be happy.


念著念著,溫暖的感覺將會油然而生。        【苦惱:指憤怒,恐懼,緊張,焦慮,憎恨等】



                              1- 令自己恐懼
                              2- 令自己激動不安
                              3- 令自己悲痛難受
                              4- 令自己苛責自己

                              1- 令自己清晰
                              2- 令自己解壓
                              3- 令自己感覺美好
                              4- 令自己人緣好

                              1- 我會忍耐
                              2- 我願意轉變和成長
                              3- 我會更加慈悲
                              4- 我有漂亮的腳趾

每天就花些時間這麼寫和這麼想 -- 然後利用靜坐時間的最後十分鐘,
或者「願我無憂無慮」 等,善願內容盡可適隨己意。


將可無分別心地擴展至所有地方的眾生 –





anger is most                            瞋心(生氣、憤怒等)
dangerous                                     非常危險。

it destroys you,                         它可毀滅你、
the person next                             你周圍的人、
to you,                                              以及你居住的地方。
and the place where                                 
you live

when aversion arises in                    當瞋心生起時,
our minds,                                          應立即覺察地捨棄它,
we must either mindfully                          或開始溝通。
drop it                                                 【例如:表達自己的不滿感受,尋求和解等。】
or start communicating




is a crime                                           任何形式的瞋心
in any of its forms --                                都是惡性的,

resentment, aversion,                          不管它是生氣、怨恨、憎恨、反感、
jealousy, anger, harshness,                      妒忌、憤怒、粗暴、
disgust --                                                     或是厭惡 …

if we watch carefully                            若能仔細觀察,
what it does to our                                   便知瞋心如何重創自他感受,
feelings and what we do                                在受它衝擊時,
to other peoples feelings                                    除了捨棄它外,
when motivated by it, we                                         別無選擇。
have no choice but to
give it up




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we are very empty inside              我們內心非常空虛。
just watch us work to fill              只要看看我們在空閒時
up the vacant hours _      如何不甘寂寞就知。

(*&(*&)(*&) (*&#@()*@&#(*).....................................................4&&$#&#$%&#$& 3457 *&
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time on our                                  對大多數人來說,
hands is very                                     空閒並非好處。

we might stop long                                  也許我們要停下來
enough to notice that                                   花多些時間去留意,
we are very unhappy                                        才可察覺:
people                                                                我們實在非常不快樂,不知何去何從。

going nowhere

special ...


the buddha did not
come in the 6th                                    佛陀於西元前六世紀出現世間,
century b.c.                                              決非為安撫我們:
to reassure us                                     
that                                                          而是提醒我們:
the world was                                        世界正走錯方向。
moving in the                                       



Once a king who was                             從前,
marching to war came near                         有位國王率領大軍奔赴沙場,
the place where an enlightened                        當他來到覺者居住的地方時,
teacher was living.                                                    雖風塵僕僕,
the king was in a great                                       仍不忘向聖者請教。
hurry but he wanted to learn                        他恭敬地走向聖者,禮拜後,
something from the saint.                        問道:
respectfully the king approached,
paid homage, and asked the
holy one :

"will you tell me the buddha's                        「我時間無多,朝不保夕,
teachings, for I have little time and                        請覺者給我開示。」
may even be killed this
very day"

the sage looked upon the                              覺者望著威風凜凜的國王,
man in the royal cloak and answered                 精簡地回答:
with but one word :

"awareness"                                     「覺察當下!」


meditation is
for those who are
born without having
it all together


mindfully attending to the sensation                      留意觀察呼吸時的感覺
of the breath -                                                          是一種止觀練習,
a tranquility and                                                          
insight exercise -


is politically, economically            它無論在政治上、經濟上
and spiritually                                  與心靈修養上來說,
the practice                                         都是令你心安理得的好方法。



meditation is not straining
or striving

it is a relaxation





the back should be straight
not tense


an insight
meditation exercise

for the development of clear, mindful awareness, the buddha taught us to observe closely the movements of the body and the mind. a good way to develop your attentiveness, concentration and insight is to watch carefully the rising and falling of the abdomen. in this meditation exercise we begin by observing these obvious bodily movements. when these become clear we will also be able to be aware of the more subtle movements of the mind.

go to a quiet place and sit in a comfortable position with eyes closed and back straight but not rigid. the movement of the abdomen is always present : place your attention on its natural in and out movement, making a mental note of each part of the process as it is occurring. it is not necessary to verbally repeat the words, "rising" and "falling," or even to think of "rising" and "falling" in the form of words. instead, only be aware of the actual process of rising and falling. as you become more and more alert and can follow the movements more carefully, you will become aware that the breathing is sometimes shallow, sometimes deep, sometimes rapid, sometimes slow and calm. these variations should be noted, however there should be no effort to control or to interfere with the breathing in any way. just choicelessly watch the movements as they appear when you are breathing normally.

while you are watching the rise and fall of the abdomen, the mind may, by itself, go towards other objects, such as thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations. these new objects should be noted as soon as they arise. if a thought comes to your mind, be aware of "thinking". if a sound comes to your attention, make a mental note of "hearing". after each such note, firmly and calmly return your attention to the primary objects of meditation, the movements of the abdomen.

as you develop more concentration on the primary objects, you will quickly notice any other object as it arises. however, until the mind is alert enough to notice these objects as soon as they arise, it will tend to wander unmindfully after these thoughts, feelings and emotions. sometime later, the meditator becomes aware that he has been day dreaming. as soon as one is aware that his attention has drifted away from the present moment, he should patiently note that his mind has been "wandering" and that he is now "remembering to be mindful". then one should lovingly return the attention to watching the rising and falling.

mindfulness can also be practiced during walking meditation, with the lifting, placing and putting of the foot as the primary objects of awareness. with head upright, keeping your eyes on the ground about six feet ahead, walk at a moderately slow pace, with steps small enough so that, without losing your balance, you can place one foot firmly on the ground before moving the next foot. remember to note each part of the movement as it occurs. it is a good idea to spend equal amounts of time in walking and in sitting meditation -- for example, thirty minutes of walking, then thirty of sitting, later, one hour of walking, then one hour of sitting.

during all movements and activities of the day --- eating, washing, moving from place to place, job to job --- one should be aware of the movements of the body necessary for each activity, or of any thought, feeling or physical sensation which arises predominately.

one who persists in noting all objects as they come to his attention will develop increasingly clear awareness. noting should be done neither too fast nor too slowly. it should be immediate, firm and clear, but not harsh. one is not to be lazy and sit day dreaming, but rather to develop an awareness of the objects which is accepting and alert. at a certain point when the mindfulness is well developed, awareness will be automatic, and there will be less and less need for making mental notes. however, whenever attention weakens, one should return to making clear notes.

it would be convenient if one could simply "decide" to be aware. however, we are conditioned not to be aware. our minds are trained to be complicated, and as it is necessary to re-train ourselves in order to be simply aware. the most skillful way for a beginning meditator to develop mindful awareness is to place himself under the guidance of a qualified meditation teacher for a period of intense practice. during a meditation retreat one leaves behind for a time the rush and trouble of his daily life, and in an atmosphere of quiet mindfulness and loving-kindness, devotes his energy entirely to the development of awareness. the minimum length of time usually needed for beginning westerners is one month. after completing such a period of intensive meditation, one is better able to continue the development and practice of mindfulness in daily life.




當觀察腹部的起伏時,你的心會自動奔向其它對象(目標) – 例如思想,情緒感受,身體感覺等,屆時,應在它們生起時立即就要注意到它們。若心生一念(思想),你要馬上知道內心正在「思想著」。若注意到某一聲音時,內心亦要馬上知道正在「聽著」。…


行禪也可以訓練專注,這時要專注腳的提起、移動和放下等主要覺知對象(目標)。頭要平正,眼要垂視約六呎前的地面,步伐宜細慢,以保持平衡;穩定地踏下第一隻腳後,才可移動第二隻腳,記住要如實注意到當下的活動。交替練習行禪和坐禪是個好主意 --  例如,開始時,可行禪三十分鐘,然後坐禪三十分鐘,熟練後,可行禪一小時,然後坐禪一小時。








what could be         既然我們可隨時隨地禪修,

better than a           還有甚麼比它更方便的呢?

meditation you

can take


a saint is a very simple                      聖者是個非常單純的人。

when he walks, he walks         他走路時只走路。
when he talks, he talks                  他說話時只說話。
and that's all                                         如此而已!

he doesn't think while                        他正在聽時,不會想;


daydream while walking                     他正在走路時,不會做白日夢;

see while touching                  他正在接觸時,不會東張西望。

that is very hard                                 那很難辦得到,
that is why he is a saint                      那正是他成為聖者的原因,
that is why there is                             那正是人生苦惱的原因。
trouble in our lives



is the first noble truth:

life is suffering



the price of                     智慧的代價是苦,


is pain:


but it is this wisdom      但斷苦的正是智慧。

that cuts off

the suffering


finally, there is               最後,別無選擇, 

no choice but                     隨它痛苦吧!

to bleed freely                       接受它,停止抗拒吧!



your pain can be                                   你的痛苦也許是:
the breaking                                               要打破那愚痴外殼,
of the shell
which                                                               它封閉著你的理解力。



only simple                                  只有單純的心,
minds can
understand                                  才能破解

complex           這複雜的
called             「生命」問題。



if we accept everything                         若能以生命中的一切為師,
in life as our
teacher                                                  我們很快就可解除

we will soon                                               無謂的抗拒與慾望之苦了。


from the
pain of
unnecessary resistance
unnecessary desire

we run here and there                          在人生中,
all our lives                                                 我們東奔西跑,
trying to be successful,                   追求成功;
correct and right

when the                                   如果
goal                                          目標是學習,
of life                                         那是正當不過的。



meditation does not necessarily make us feel good

but it does awaken us to the many things we do feel




a meditation retreat                           一次密集禪修
brings great relief because                      可帶來重大解脫,
for a time we don't have                                 因為,於此期間,
to take our mind and its'                                      我們不必太顧慮
problems seriously,                                                   自心及其它問題,

we don't have to act                               我們不必跟著
upon its thousand                                        萬千紛飛的妄念轉,
wandering thoughts,                             【妄念:魯莽的、胡亂的、不顧一切的、荒謬的思想。】

we just note them                                  我們只須專注著它們,
mindfully and they pass                              然後讓它們自動消失。…
away . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

the untrained
mind is so
vulnerable to



something good                            遇順境則喜 …
happens and it
is happy ...

something bad                               遇逆境則悲 …
happens and it
is in pain ...


one who has sufficiently                           深受執著與瞋恨所苦的人,
suffered the attachments
and aversions of his mind's                          在禪修中,
uncontrolled wanderings
quickly becomes                                             很快就學會觀察心的去向。
watchful of
any direction
in which
the mind



your mind has                你心內有心。

a mind of its



(where                       (你自己在那裡?)



fit in?)





thoughts are not
necessarily connected                          思想未必如實反映客觀實際。
with reality

that is why the                                     所以,佛陀教導我們,
buddha taught us                                     必須預先察覺它們,
to be aware                                                以免受其影響。
of them                                              
before we are
by them




what happens between
the time we awake
and the time we
go to bed                                                     無論醒著或睡著,其間所發生的事情,

is out
of our control



bittersweet goes the life of him -                        無明所蔽、妄念紛飛的人,
that clouded and distracted                                     生命嚐盡甜酸苦辣。
stranger to reality
without awareness, he                                      由於不知不覺,
stumbles and falls                                                    在人生路上東歪西倒,
he hurts himself to death                                          自己傷害自己,直至老死。



if living were an easy                        若生活無難,事事順利,
thing to do
there would be no need                    就無須禪修、培育心智了。
for mental training
but because life often                       正因為人生困苦非常,
becomes very,
very hard                                         所以我們必須奮力禪修,

we often have                                   精進不懈。
to meditate
very, very


the mind is the                    依靠自心是走出困境的唯一途徑,
only means we have
of getting out of
this mess
careful                                      小心留意它啊!
with it

immorality                         道德敗壞、自私自利、
selfishness,                          瞋恨仇怨、以及濫用藥物等
anger and                                 都會令此唯一鑰匙變得不靈光。
dull this single key             【不靈光:指失去效用】



everyone needs
a period of mental
and physical
seclusion every day







meditating is

the kindest

thing we can

do for





our mind is a


by selecting what it thinks upon,

we can grow either thorny weeds
or beautiful tender flowers




(but even a                            (可別疏忽!因為,

little weed                                   即使一株幼小雜草,

can learn                                        亦可學會開花啊!)

to grow




is just a matter                                    開悟只是不斷修行的結果 …
of continuous
practice . . . . . .




you can





our characters are                                         我們的性格
developed by persistent practice              是由不斷的修習培養出來的。

if we practice love                                            如果我們修習慈悲,
we become more loving                              我們就會變得更加慈悲。

if we practice patience                                     如果我們修習忍辱,
we become more patient                            我們就會變得更能忍辱。

if we practice generosity                                如果我們修習布施,
we become more generous                      我們就會變得更加慷慨。

- communication -                                                  溝通、

- loving-kindness - insight into reality -                      慈悲、洞悉實相等三者,

form an interdependent                              構成一個 相互依存的三角形:
triangle :

neglect one and we                        忽視其中之一,
diminish the other two                         其它兩個就會減弱;

practice one and all                        修習其中之一,
are increased                                       三者就會同時增強。


basically                                   基本上,
life is unsatisfactory                     人生是苦的、不適意的,因為:

1. it is not perfect                                                           1. 人生有缺陷,它並不完美
2. we only get two weeks of vacation each year               2. 我們每年只有兩週假期
3. our joys are impermanent                                                    3. 我們的歡樂短暫無常
4. no one gets out alive                                                      4. 沒有人能長生不死
5. our bodies have to be washed over and over again        5. 我們為了清潔要不斷重複洗澡
6. the freeway is crowded                                                6. 高速公路時常擁塞不通
7. we must be taught by pain as well as by pleasure     7. 我們必須從苦與樂中取得教訓
8. our name sounds dumb                                             8. 我們的名字不好聽
9. we must argue that life is not unsatisfactory               9. 我們要爭論,反對人生是苦
10. most of our happiness depends on mere                    10. 我們往往要沉緬過去、
thoughts of the past and the future                                              幻想未來才會覺得快樂。


mindfulness is
the cure for the
disease of



take delight in mindfulness,              要樂於專注覺察,
control your mind,                               調控你的心,
pull yourself
out of the mire of passions                       把自己從七情六慾的泥沼中拉出來,

as would an elephant                                像陷於泥沼的大象,
sunk in mud                                                奮力抽身而出。
come out of it



nothing is gained without effort
to train your mind, you have to work
every minute, every day, every year

from one life to another





be kind and merciful                  務必慈悲關懷,
let no one ever come to you           讓每個接觸你的人,
without going away                    離開你時變得更加美好和快樂。
better and happier





mercy is the highest





one day a mother lost her only child. she went to the buddha in search of a remedy for her dead son, carrying the corpse. the buddha agreed to help her if she could bring him a bag of white mustard seeds. however, she had to obtain these mustard seeds from a house where no member had ever died.

the distraught mother went from one house to another asking if anyone had ever died in the house. the answer was always positive ... here the grandfather died 3 years ago, - there the mother died by giving birth to her last child, etc ...

in every house she was told : "the living are few, but the dead are many".

after a while she understood the nature of life. she returned to the buddha without the mustard seeds. the buddha comforted her explaining that death is common to all living beings.

she understood that the life of human beings flickers like the light of the lamp and she finally stopped weeping and accepted the death of her only son.


這位傷心的媽媽,就挨家挨戶地問,是否有人曾經死過。答案都是肯定的 -- 這家三年前死了祖父,那家的母親死於難產 -- 。每一家都這麼告訴她:「這裡去世的人比活著的人還多啊!」





womb to tomb
womb to tomb womb
to tomb womb to tomb
womb to tomb womb to tomb
womb to tomb womb to tomb
womb to tomb womb to tomb
womb to tomb womb to tomb
womb to tomb womb to tomb
womb to tomb womb to tomb
womb to tomb womb to tomb
womb to tomb womb to tomb
womb to tomb womb to tomb
womb to tomb womb to tomb
womb to tomb womb to tomb

從生到死、從死到生、從生到死、從死到生、 …



enlightenment is an        開悟可以

alternative                     是人生的

to life,                         另一選擇,


after life,           除了生死輪迴,生死輪迴,

after life,                  生死輪迴,生死輪迴,

after life,                  生死輪迴,生死輪迴  …

after life,


after life,                             生死輪迴,生死輪迴

after life,                             生死輪迴,生死輪迴

after life,                             生死輪迴,生死輪迴

after life,                                                   生死輪迴,生死輪迴
after life,                                                   生死輪迴,生死輪迴
after life,                                                   生死輪迴,生死輪迴


after life,                                                生死輪迴,生死輪迴

after life,                                                生死輪迴,生死輪迴


after life,                                                  生死輪迴,生死輪迴

after life,                                                  生死輪迴,生死輪迴

after life                                                   生死輪迴,生死輪迴 …




during the time of the buddha, there was a young monk called nanda who did not understand the necessity for mindfulness. one day, nanda began to cherish the idea of giving his best robe to the enlightened teacher sangara. nanda was most infatuated with the idea, thinking that it would be an act of great merit to show such generosity towards a spiritually developed being.

he thought to himself, "by this noble deed, surely I will soon attain enlightenment". because he was not yet well trained to mindfully watch the nature of his thoughts, nanda did not recognize the selfish desire and attachment which made his intentions impure.

the next day, the young monk waited until sangara left the monastery. in his absence, nanda swept his room, brought water for drinking and washing, prepared a seat for him of cushions and flowers, and laid out the gift of the robe. then nanda sat down and waited. when he saw sangara returning, he quickly went out to the road, greeted him respectfully, and brought him to his quarters. seeing the room, the teacher was pleased with the young monks energy and kindness. nanda invited him to be seated on the prepared seat, gave him water to drink, bathed his feet. then nanda took a palm leaf and began to fan the holy one. he began the presentation of the gift, saying that he wanted with all his heart to five this, his best robe, to sangara.

the teacher detected that the young monk had not been mindful of his desires and had allowed himself to become attached to the idea of giving this gift. seeing this as an opportunity to teach nanda the danger of unmindfulness, the holy one replied that he already had a complete set of robes and as he had no need for the gift, instructed nanda to give the robe to some needy monk. at this nanda repeated his request several times, only to have the teacher thank him for offering the gift, but instruct him to give it elsewhere.

this polite refusal hurt nanda's feelings and resentment arose in his mind. in this clouded state of mind, he stood fanning the teacher. rather than practicing mindfulness by dismissing his resentment and attending to the fanning, nanda permitted his mind to dwell on the incident. as his mind wandered concerning the declined gift, his resentment grew, and he thought,

"if sangara is not willing to receive my gift, why should I remain a monk? I will become a householder once more". then his thoughts began to wander restlessly, taking his attention farther and farther from the present moment in which he stood fanning the teacher.

"suppose I become a householder once more", he thought, "how shall I earn a living? I will sell this robe and buy myself a she-goat. as the she-goat brings forth young, I will sell them and in this way make a profit. when I have accumulated a profit, I will take a wife, and my wife will bear me a son. I will put my son in a little cart, and taking my son and wife along with me, I will make the journey back here to pay respects to the elder sangara. as we travel, I will say to my wife, "wife, bring my son, for I wish to carry him". she will reply, "why should you carry the boy? you push the cart". saying this, she will take the boy in her arms, thinking to carry him herself ; but lacking the necessary strength, she will let him fall in the road and he will land in the path of the wheels and the cart will run over him. then I will say to her, "wife, you have ruined me". so saying I will bring down my stick upon her head".

so pondered nanda as he stood fanning the elder. consumed by his reflections, he swung his palm-leaf fan and brought it down on the head of the elder. sangara considered within himself "why has nanda struck me on the head?" immediately becoming aware of every though which had passed through the mind of his attendant, he said to him, "nanda, you did not succeed in hitting the woman, but what has an old teacher done to deserve a beating?" the young monk thought to himself, "I am a disgrace! the elder knows the foolish thoughts which have passed through my mind."

the teacher told nanda that if he sought forgiveness he should come and sit before him. trembling, nanda sat down, his eyes cast upon the floor he had so proudly swept a short time before.

sangara spoke quietly and patiently, "nanda, do you see that you have made no effort to mindfully watch you thoughts, and do you see how needlessly you have suffered because of your mind's unwatched wanderings.

"your gift was not freely given because you demanded that it be received in a specific way. when your demands were unfulfilled you suffered resentment. the resentment was allowed to grow unwatched until it had made you completely unmindful. as you stood fanning me, you negligently became absorbed in wandering thoughts which had nothing to do with the present moment.

"do you see now the danger of unmindful thinking? do you see that if the mind is not carefully watched, one will become painfully absorbed in unwholesome states of mind? one unwholesome mental state weakens the mind so that it becomes susceptible to another and another. in this way, your mind, weakened by selfish desires, became caught in attachment, which led to disappointment, resentment, delusion and now regret.

"nanda, work gently and persistently to develop the mindfulness. as you have seen, one who does not live each moment in mindful awareness is bound for one painful experience after another. he who learns to watch the restless cravings and painful attachments of the mind will soon give up the suffering".








他心想:「還俗後,我怎樣維生呢?唔 … 我可以賣掉那些袈裟,然後買一隻母羊,母羊會生小羊,我把小羊賣掉,就可以發財了。賺夠錢後,我要娶妻生子,然後,我把孩子放在手拉車內,帶著妻兒回來這裡,向僧伽羅長者致敬。在途中,我對妻子說:「太太,把孩子給我,我想抱他。」太太回答:「為什麼要給你抱?你只顧推車好了!」說著說著,她就伸手想抱起孩子,可是,她氣力不足,手一軟,孩子就掉落地上,身子被手拉車輾過。那時候,我就對她說:「太太,你令我好夢成空,我要打死你!」一怒之下,我拿起手杖就扑她的頭。」










the innocent mind is willing to try anything... just because of its innocence




To be free we
must be comfortable
in being someone, anyone
or no one at any time
in any place

安心接受何時何地的任何角色 –


attachment is                              自我折磨

our greatest                             莫過於

self-cruelty                           迷戀執著。




please remember...          請記住:

everything which             萬物有始必有終。

has a beginning

has an ending





if we do not approach the matter of diet intelligently we will constipate our minds. isn't freedom achieved when we can appreciatively accept any type of food that is offered?

attachment to any diet is spiritually poisonous. food in itself is not a means of transcendence. it only sustains the body while the mind works for its enlightenment.




we must sleep away one third of our
lives because
we wear ourselves out
liking and disliking
all day long


wise people are neither optimists              智者既不樂觀,

nor pessimists          也不悲觀。

they see things as they are ...                  他們只如實地去了解事物的真相。

each morning if we                                     每天清晨,
commit ourselves to finding                         我們若肯就每個現實情況去發現真理,
the truth of every


then miracles                    整天都會有奇蹟出現在我們面前。

come to us

all day long


when you find out who                     你能如實覺知自己到底是什麼時,
you really are

it's beautiful
beyond your





is there

anything better

to be than






when you're         當你飛翔時,


you can talk or not talk,                            你可說話或不說話、

sing or not sing                                   唱歌或不唱歌、

dance or not dance,                                            跳舞或不跳舞、

laugh or not laugh,                                         笑或不笑、

eat or not eat,                                                          吃或不吃、

play or not play,                                               玩耍或不玩耍、

be serious or not be serious,                                          認真或不認真、

draw a picture or not                                                 繪畫或不繪畫、

draw a picture

touch someone or not                           接觸某人或不接觸某人、

touch someone

go or stay live or die                                   去或留、生或死、

and it all                                                  味道全是一樣 --
tastes the same


joyful joyful joyful               愉快、愉快、真的愉快 …



karma means
intention                                              隨心意行事就是業。

then action

every time                                                   行善者必有善報。

you do a good karma
it comes back to you





the result of kind living




money is always




it is not right to not want to be successful




get your but            無謂猶豫不決


out of the way        或悔恨當初了。

i would
like to...                                          快些克服 … 「但是」… 的想法吧!

... but...                                       我很想 … 但是 …

i'd go
there...                                                        我想去那兒 … 但是 …


i could
do that...                                            我本來能夠做 … 但是 …



unbalanced reflections on the                     過分顧慮人生的負面,
negative things in life will depress you             只會使你消沉和沮喪。

at the end of the day                                         每天臨睡前
make a list of the good things                    列一張表,
which happened to you                         寫下當天




the buddhist does not :                                   佛教徒努力克制自己:

hurt things                                           不殺生、亦不傷害一切。
kill things
harm things

the buddhist does :                                        佛教徒會:

bless things with his love                           以慈心祝福一切、
bring prosperity to all                                       為大眾帶來幸福、
live happily and let live                                           讓自己和他人活得快樂。

he is loved                                        他會為朋友們所愛護和珍惜。
and cherished by his friends                 




buddhist precepts           佛教的基本五戒:

no killing                   要克制自己,不殺生

no stealing                   要克制自己,不偷盜

no lying                        要克制自己,不妄語

no intoxicants                  要克制自己,不飲酒

no wrong sexual relations      要克制自己,不邪淫



some use alcohol, cigarettes or drugs
as a medicine for their mind

but as any medicine

too much is no good




neurotics depend on                                                神經過敏者倚賴假期、週末、
holidays, weekends                                                     和其它不用上班的日子。


those who cultivate                          不忘感恩的人,
their appreciation                                  每天都在
celebrate                                                    慶祝和讚美。




control your mind

don't be under the control

of your mind ...








a human being

who controls his mind

is a saint






your closets                                                  你的衣櫥像鏡子般

are the mirror of your mind                      反映著你的心。

(are they clean and tidy?)           (它們清潔嗎?整齊嗎? …)



the only cure for



t e n s i o n



say to yourself

I can learn to relax










warts are







express your love to your children


tell them everyday                                                           每天都讓他們知道,
how much you love them                                        你是非常愛護他們的。




express your love to everybody                              經常以慈愛待人。

express what you think                         以慈心表達你的想法、你的感受。

what you feel

always   with love





our relationships
are unfree to the
extent that we
demand things of
other people







love is not possessive




impeccable means :                         純潔無瑕的意思是:

making conscious choice                        有意識地選擇
of what we eat, where we live,                       我們的飲食、居所、
our friends, our clothes,                                     朋友、衣著、

our everything                   以及其它東西。



compassionate virtuous loving intelligent

energetic untense informed



the buddha was the most


learned courageous refined respecting

prosperous well-spoken handsome







generosity is the number one prerequisite for progress on the spiritual path. without joyful and natural giving, there can be no receiving. the reason for this simple generosity is the direct expression, in action, of non-attachment. and non-attachment is the key to freedom from suffering.

like all virtues, generosity needs constant attention to flower and mature. by regularly tithing a percentage of all your income to your point of inspiration, you can practice this in the most basic level - the material. the results of this will be immediately apparent in increased prosperity on all levels - finances, meditation, relationships, emotions) - and soon the act of giving itself becomes an experience of prosperity.

you can tithe from your personal income. it will totally change the way you view your world. it will open you to living more fluidly and dynamically.

while we should give generously to those that need help, it is important that our first tithe regularly goes to our place of spiritual inspiration.

we must feed the fountain which nourishes our awakening wisdom.

where our tithe goes is a personal experience, something everyone must decide for himself.











tithing is putting your money where
your mouth is, about generosity





visakha was a very generous lady, daughter of a millionaire, and the chief benefactress of the buddha. she regularly gave alms and tended to the monks living in the monastery.

one day she went to visit the buddha covered in her most valuable jewels and ornaments. on the way, she decided her dress was inappropriate and gave all her adornments to her servant for safe-keeping during the trip.

after hearing the buddha's discourse, visakha returned home accompanied by the servant, who had forgotten the jewels and had left them at the gathering place in the monastery.

ananda, the buddha's disciple and attendant, found the package and put it in a safe place for return to the lady.

when visakha heard what had happened, she decided to use the opportunity to give a grand gift to the order. she thought first to give the jewels, then decided to sell them and use the money for things more suited to the use of monks. she then found that no one could afford such precious jewelry, so she decided to buy it herself, and use the money for the monks.

the buddha, pleased with her generosity, suggested she build a monastery, which she did. the buddha stayed there with his disciples for six rainy seasons.

rather than chastising her servant, visakha was appreciative for the occasion to perform this meritorious deed.










the buddha's greatest supporter was anathapindika, a wealthy businessman from savatthi. when anathapindika first heard of the buddha, a fully enlightened teacher in the world, his desire to meet him was very strong. rather than wait until the next day to visit, he traveled that night through the jungle, alone in total darkness to the place where the buddha was staying, and met him just before dawn.

upon receiving instruction from the buddha, his inspiration was so great that he invited the buddha to stay with him for the rains, along with the entire community of monks.

the buddha accepted, and anathapindika set about finding a suitable place to build a monastery. he finally came upon the pleasure park of jeta, the prince of savatti. now this park was a wonderful place, serene and peaceful and fulfilling all the requirements. a place such as this prince jeta was reluctant to lose, so he told anathapindika the price would be determined by covering the entire grounds with gold coins, thinking this would deter him.

when anathapindika started hauling in the gold in carts, jeta realized this was no ordinary purchase, and when the gold left a small spot uncovered, he gave that as his gift to the order of monks.

the monastery was constructed, and here the buddha spent the greater part of his life giving many discourses.











not only god loves


a cheerful giver








the gift of truth excels all gifts




there have been many
would-be saviours
in the world

no one
has succeeded
in saving the world.


save yourself





rather than trying to convince anybody
that meditation is the right path,
we can show by our attitude
(wisdom, mindfulness, happiness)
the benefits of meditation


believe nothing                                不可輕信傳言、
merely because you have been            不可輕信傳統、
told it, or because it is                                不可輕信自己的揣測、
traditional, or because you                    也不可只因為尊敬老師
yourself have imagined it. do           而輕信老師的話;
not believe what your teacher
tells you, merely out of respect
for the teacher.
but whatever way by                                   去徹底檢查後,
thorough examination you find               證實是可引領眾生
to be one leading to good and           至善良和快樂之境的方法,
happiness for all creatures,                     才好相信和依從,

that path follow, like the                    就像月亮
moon in the path                                     在眾星之中

of stars                                                運行一樣。




an american who began his search for understanding at an early age, sujata traveled half-way around the world where he found some very rare people who, unlike all others he had met, were not plagued by the universal human enslavements of hatred, attachment and selfishness.

using the tools of insight meditation which he practiced as a buddhist monk, sujata teaches meditators to watch carefully the ways of the mind. as resident teacher of stillpoint institute, he guides others along the buddha's path, through the difficult process of laying down the burden of self.





The English text comes from http://www.weblife.org/library.html   Thanks are due to the Site-Captain
for his kind permission to spread & translate this wonderful text - "beginning to see".



and days-off




  1. The English text comes from http://www.weblife.org/library.html   Many Thanks to the Site-Captain for his kind permission for me to translate this wonderful text to Chinese.   英文版本原刊於網頁http://www.weblife.org/library.html之內。十分感謝網主允許本人把此美妙文字翻譯為中文,以餉中文讀者群。

  2. 在【】內的文字是譯者所加的簡註或簡評。裡面所述的禪修方法似屬緬甸馬哈斯大師(Sayadaw Mahasi)所傳的內觀禪法(Vipassana Meditation)。此禪法頗為普遍,在世界很多地方都有傳授。能夠翻譯多年前譯者所喜的好書,並與大眾分享,實是一件美事。

  3. 本網頁之中文譯文版權乃屬譯者所有,可免費轉載,但不得更改任何內容或作任何牟利的商業用途。

  4. Translator's Email(譯者電郵)

  5. 本譯文原載於下述互聯網址之內:佛法小品


慧 眼 初 開