胡歌霍建华雪地写真mv:谁在香港一掷千金? Wealthy Chinese feast on HK’s luxury goods

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/14 00:46:08
2011年01月05日 07:18 AM

谁在香港一掷千金?Wealthy Chinese feast on HK’s luxury goods

英国《金融时报》 拉胡尔•雅各布 香港报道 评论[20条] 中文 

As a dealer in Hong Kong for Lamborghini and an array of luxury yacht manufacturers, Leo Wong is in the right place at the right time. In 2010 an influx of wealthy buyers from mainland China pushed up sales in Hong Kong, where conspicuous consumption has long been a spectator sport, of everything from luxury cars and expensive apartments to fine art and fine wine.

作为兰博基尼(Lamborghini)和一批豪华游艇品牌在香港的经销商,黄锦培(Leo Wong)可谓占尽天时地利。在香港,“炫耀性消费”早已成为一种吸引眼球的活动。2010年,中国内地的有钱人大举涌入香港,推高了香港奢侈品——从豪华汽车和高档公寓,到古玩艺术品和名酒——的销售额。

Mr Wong’s twin dealerships in Hong Kong and the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou last year sold 65 Lamborghinis priced between HK$3m (US$385,000) and HK$12m. This year will be even better, he predicts.


The impact on the fine wine market in the city has been even more dramatic. Last year Sotheby’s Hong Kong wine sales totalled US$52.5m, up from US$14.3m in 2009 and accounting for 59 per cent of the wine sold by the auction house worldwide, surpassing its sales in New York and London put together.


On January 22, Andrew Lloyd Webber, the British composer and theatre director, will be selling part of his collection of Bordeaux and Burgundy wines, valued at between US$2.8m and US$4.1m through the auction house in Hong Kong.

1月22日,英国作曲家兼戏剧导演安德鲁•劳埃德•韦伯(Andrew Lloyd Webber)将通过苏富比在香港拍卖自己收藏的部分波尔多和勃艮第葡萄酒,价值介于280万美元到410万美元之间。

The flood of money from across the border is creating problems for Hong Kong, where the economy grew 6.8 per cent in the third quarter.


Donna Kwok, an economist with HSBC, predicts that asset prices will continue to be “doused in gasoline”.

汇丰(HSBC)经济学家郭浩庄(Donna Kwok)预计,香港资产价格仍将“淋满汽油”。

A third of buyers of luxury flats in the city in 2010 were wealthy mainland Chinese, many of whom left their flats unoccupied, contributing to a rental spiral at the top of the market.


The Hong Kong government faces a quandary: property prices have risen by about 50 per cent across the board since the end of 2008, pricing middle-class first-time buyers out of the market. In October the government began taking steps to cool the market, announcing that property purchases would no longer be taken into account in determining eligibility for permanent residency.


The following month the government dramatically raised the stamp duty on short-term sales of properties held for less than 12 months.


Academics in Hong Kong and mainland China say they are surprised by the volume of money crossing the border into Hong Kong, given that the mainland has capital controls. “There are huge amounts of money flowing into Hong Kong from China, but it’s not legal,” says Chen Guanghan, a professor of economics at Zhongshan University in Guangzhou.


Individuals in China are not allowed to transfer more than US$50,000 annually out of the country, which suggests that mainland buyers of expensive apartments in Hong Kong are using offshore accounts to finance their purchases and alternative routes such as channelling money through units of mainland companies with operations in Hong Kong.


A top private banker likens the transferring of money from the mainland to Hong Kong to the hawala trade in Dubai, whereby money bypasses the conventional banking system using trusted intermediaries.


But Hong Kong’s underground financial market is bigger today than that of Dubai’s, adds Thomas Chan, head of the China Business Centre at Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

但香港理工大学(Hong Kong Polytechnic University)中国商业中心主任陈文鸿认为,目前香港地下金融市场的规模比迪拜更大。

“It is capital flight, but it can go back in again,” says Prof Chan. “Mainland Chinese are using [Hong Kong’s capitalist system] for investment and diversification. Hong Kong is a Casablanca: all kinds of people from different countries are dealing with each other informally here.”


The city’s residents have increased their holding of renminbi deposits by more than 200 per cent in the past year from a low base, but their mainland cousins’ appetite for assets in Hong Kong’s free economy continues unabated. An art industry insider estimates that a good portion of high-priced art and ceramics bought in the city by mainland Chinese – contributing to record sales for auction houses in 2010 – sits in empty flats.
