高速紫金长安二手房:八年级英语素质测查(十) Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park?

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Unit9   Have you ever been to an amusementpark?

                                    班级:        姓名:         


一、根据首字母完成单词使句子意思完整, 通顺 (10分)

1. Have you everb______________________ to a museum?

2. They havep_________________________ seen the movie. It’s so interesting.

3. I hope that theywill have a w____________________ time in the amusement park.

4. In the lasttwenty years great c_____________________ have taken place in Chongqing.

5. Id________________________ that the most exciting thing in the holiday istraveling.

6. After sheg________________ from the university, she became a flight a______________.

7. He has been atour g________________________for a lot of years.

8. Chinese studentsare interested in European c_______________________.

9. Many people ,e_____________________ young people like American movies.

二、用所给的正确形式填空 (10分)

1. He ___----_________ever ______________ (be) to the History Museum several times.

2. ---_______________ you ever _______________ (be) to the zoo?

--- Yes. I ________(go) there lastsummer. I __________ (see) many kinds of animals there.

3. --- Where is Mr.Wang?

--- He _______________(go) to thelibrary. He wants to borrow some library books.

4. Rodgers _____________(plant)those trees. He __________ (do) it the day before yesterday.

5. We _________________(learn)English for more than two years.

6. When he___________________(finish) his work, he ________________(ring) me up.


1.They have ever been to an English-speaking country.  (一般疑问句) 

 ______________ they ever______________ to an English-speaking country .

2. She has been a flight attendant for two years.      (对划线部分提问)

_______________________ she ________________ a flight attendant.

3. His father has been to America twice.         (对划线部分提问)

_______________________ has his father __________________ to America?

4. Linda is taller than any other girl in her class.      ( 同义句)

Linda is __________________________ girl in her class.

5. improve , why , you , do , English , want , to , your   (连词成句)



(  ) 1. --- I can sing the song in English.   

--- ________.

A. So I can                       B. So can I

C. I can so                        D. Too can I

(  ) 2. --- Why don’t you buy one of the scarfsfor your mum? 

--- They are not ______.

A. beautifulenough                B. enough beautiful

C. too beautiful                    D. beautifully enough

(  ) 3.The food in the restaurant is good ______the price is too ______.

      A. and ; high                      B. but ; high

      C. but ; expensive                  D. because ; low

 (  ) 4.I think a dog is a good pet for _________ child.

      A. a 6-year-old                     B. an 6-years-old

      C. a 6-year old                     D. a 6 years-old

(  ) 5. --- I have never been to a waterpark.  

--- ________ I.

      A. So have                        B. Neither have

      C. So do                          D. So am

(  ) 6. Maybe when I graduate, I’ll think about________ an English teacher.

      A. become                        B. becoming

      C. became                        D. to become

(  ) 7. There are about six ________ students inour school.

      A. thousand                      B. thousands

      C. thousands of                   D. thousand of

(  ) 8. --- Have a wonderful time!         

--- ___________.

      A. Have a wonderful time, too.         B. Thank you

      C. Certainly                        D. You are welcome

(  ) 9. Neither of the two boys ________ fromthe USA.

      A. come                            B. don’t come

      C. comes                           D. doesn’t come

(  ) 10. Have you ever seen him ________?

       A. ago                             B. two days ago

       C. before                           D. just know

(  ) 11. He made some new _________ in science.

       A. discovers                          B. dicovered

       C. discoverys                         D. dicoveries

(  ) 12. Neither the students nor the teacher________ the answer to the question.

       A. know                             B. knows

       C. don’t know                        D. doesn’t know

(  ) 13. Mr. Jack ________ China forseveral years.

       A. has been to                        B. has come to

       C. has been in                        D. came to

(  ) 14. --- Would you like some tea orcoffe?    

--- ______ is OK.

       A. Neither          B. Either          C. Both          D. Any

(  ) 15. His brother ________ for three months.

       A. has joined the army                 B. has been in the army

       C. has bacome a soldier                D. joined the army


Modern life is   1  withouttravelling. The   2   way of travelling is by air. With a modernairline you can travel in one day to places. But it   3   a month or more to get to theseplaces a hundred years ago.

Travelling by trainis   4  than by air , but it has itsadvantages(便利). You can see the country you aretravelling through. Modern trains have comfortable seats and diningcars. Theymake even the longest journey(旅程)  5  .

Some people   6  travelby sea if it is possible. There are large liners and river boats. You can visitmany other countries and different places. Travelling by sea is a very   7   way to   8   a holiday.

Many people like totravel by   9  . You can make your  10   timetable. You can travel three or fourhundres miles or only fifty or one hundred miles a day, just   11   you like. You can stop   12   you wish--- where there is somethinginteresting to see, at a good restaurant where you can    13    a good meal, or at a hotel tospend the night. That is    14    travelling by car is popular for pleasuretrips, while people usually take a train or a plane when they are travelling   15  


     (  )1.  A. impossible         B. possible         C. good          D. bad

     (  )2.  A. fastest             B. faster           C. slowest        D. slower

     (  )3.  A. spend             B. took            C. cost           D. worth

     (  )4.  A. faster             B. fast             C. slower         D. slow

     (  )5.  A. enjoy             B. harmful         C.enjoyable       D. tired

     (  )6.  A. prefer to           B. prefer           C. prefers        D. prefers to

     (  )7.  A. pleased           B. pleasure          C. pleasant       D. please

     (  )8.  A. take              B. spend            C. cost          D. visit

     (  )9.  A. jeep              B. truck            C. car           D. bike

     (  )10. A. owns              B. own’s           C. owns’         D. own

     (  )11. A. to                B. from             C. as            D. with

     (  )12. A. whatever          B. wherever          C. however      D. whichever

     (  )13. A. enjoy             B. like              C. love          D. eat

     (  )14. A. what              B. why             C. where         D. which

     (  )15. A. in                B. with             C. for            D. on

六、阅读理解(30分)               A

In the 13thcentury, the famous Italian traveller, Marco Polo,travelled a long way to China. Duringhis stay in China,he saw many wonderful things. One of the things he dicovered was that theChinese used paper money. In western countries, people didn’t use paper moneyuntil 15th century. However, people in China began to use paper money inthe 7th.

A Chinese mancalled Cai Lun invented paper almost 2000 years ago. He put these pieces ofpaper together and made them in a book.

Now paper comesfrom trees. We use a lot of paper every day. If we keep on wasting so muchpaper, there will not be any trees left on the earth. If there are no trees,there will be no paper.

So how can we savepaper? We can use both of every piece of paper, especially when we are makingnotes. We can choose drinks in bottles instead of those in paper packets(小包). We can also use handkerchiefs(手帕) and not paper ones. When we go shopping, wecan use fewer paper bags. If the shop assistant does give you a paper bag. wecan save it and reuse it later.

Everyone can helpto save paper. If we all think carefully, we can help protect trees. We shoulddo it now, before is is too late.

(  ) 1. When Marco Polo was in China, he_________.

      A. discoved Cai Lun invented paper        

B. learned to make paper

      C. discovered Chinese people used papermoney      

D. learned to use paper money

(  ) 2. People in Western countries first usedpaper money in the ________ century.

      A. 17th            B. 15th            C. 13th         D. 7th

(  ) 3. Which of the following is NOT the way ofsaving paper?

      A. To use both sides of every piece ofpaper

      B. To use the paper bags from shops morethan once.

      C. To use cotton hankerchiefs instead ofpaper ones.

      D. To grow more trees.

(  ) 4. Which of the following is not true?

     A. If we keep on wasting paper, we willhave no paper to use.

     B. The Chinese people used paper money earlierthan the people in Western countries.

     C. A Chinese man called Cai Lun inventedpaper money about two thousand years ago.

     D. We can use the paper bags from theshops again.

(  ) 5. Which is the best tittle of the passage?

     A. Saving Paper                      

B. The History of Paper

     C. Cotton Handkerchiefs Back Again     

D. Cai Lun Invented Paper


Napoleon Was Ill

Jack had gone to the university to study history, but at the end of hisfirst year, his history professor(教授)failed him in his exams, and Jack would have to leave the university. However,his father decided that he would go to see the professor to urge(强烈要求) him to let Jack go on his studies thefollowing year.

“He’s a good boy,”said his father, “and if you let him pass this time, I’m sure he’ll improve alot next year and pass the exam at the end of it really well”

“No,no, that’squite impossible.” Said the professor at once, “Do you know, lastmonth I asked him when Napoleon had died, and he didn’t know!”

“Please, sir, give him another chance(机会).”Said Jack’s father. “You see, I’m afraid we don’t take any newspapers in ourhouse, so none of us even know that Napoleon was ill.”

   (  ) 6. Jack would have to leavethe university because _________.

          A. he didn’t like history              B. he didn’t pass the exam

          C. he was a good boy                D. he didn’t know Napoleon was ill

   (  ) 7. Jack’s father wanted theprofessor _______.

          A. to tell him a story                B. to give Jack a lesson

          C. to let Jack pass his exams that time  D. to let Jack leave the university

   (  ) 8. In “at the end of it” theword “it” means _______.

          A. Jack’s exams                  B. the university

          C. Jack’s first year                D. Jack’s second year

   (  ) 9. “Impossible” means_______.

          A. possible      B. notpossible      C. untrue      D. not true

   (  ) 10. Jack didn’t know whenNapoleon had died because________.

          A. he didn’t do well in his history   B. he didn’t take any newspaper

          C. he didn’t know Napoleon       D. he didn’t know Napoleon left the university              


1.      ---我从来没有去过游乐场。你呢? 


--- I have _____________________to an amusement park. _____________________ you? 

---_____________________________ I.

2. 以前我从来没读过象这么好笑的故事。

I _____________never ______________ a funny story like _______________________.

3. 你曾经和你的同桌争吵过吗?

_________________you ever ____________________________ your deskmate?

4. 你为什么想去讲英语的国家打工?

____________ do youwant to __________ in an _______________________ country?

5. 我们每天花一个小时做作业。

It _________ us anhour ________________ our ______________.

(十)Unit 9

. 1. been     2. probably    3. wonderful   4.changes  5. discover

   6. graduated ; attendant    7. guide        8. culture   9. especially

二. 1. has been     2. have been ; went ; saw      3. has gone      4. planted ; did

   5. have been learning     6. finishes ; will ring

三. 1. Havebeen            2. How long has been      3. How many times been

   4. the tallest            5. Why do you want to improve yourEnglish?

四. 1--5 BABAB         6--10 BABCC    11--15 DBCBB

五. 1--5 AABCC         6--10 ACBCD    11—15 CBABC

六. 1--5 CBDCA          6--10 BCDBA

七. 1. never been ;What about ; Neither/Nor have       2. have read this before

   3. have argued with     4.Why work English-speaking     5. takes to do homework