
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/26 19:13:10
英语中有一些词的拼写、甚至发音相同,但却表示完全不同的意思,这对于母语非英语的人极易混淆。 下面介绍我们选择的一些易混淆的词语,可能会对您有所帮助:


  • effect(名词)= 结果: 全球经济形势对全球市场产了巨大影响。(The world economic situation has had an enormous effect on world markets.)
  • to effect(动词)= 实现/完成/达到: 新公司打算从新财年伊始实现变革。(The new company is going to effect the changes from the beginning of the new financial year.)
  • to affect(动词)= 产生影响: 合同中的变更将仅影响新员工。(The changes in the contract will only affect new employees.)

  • except =除了: 除了管理主管,其他人都在那里。(Everyone was there except the managing director.)
  • to accept = 收到提供的某些东西: 我恐怕不能接受您的好意。(I’m afraid we can’t accept your offer.)

  • allusion = 引用: 她引用了我们去年糟糕的销售数据。(She made an allusion to the disastrous sales figures we had last year.)
  • illusion = 对现实的错误认识: 那不是真实的,只是一种假象。(It’s not real, it’s just an illusion.)

  • compliment(名词)= 赞扬: 她因为高质量的演讲而大受赞扬。(She received a lot of compliments for the high quality of her presentation.)
  • to compliment(动词)= 给予赞扬: 这顿饭非常好吃,我们赞扬了厨师。(The meal was delicious and we complimented the chef.)
  • complement(名词)= 完成某事: 红酒是对食物的补充。(The wine is a complement to the meal.)
  • to complement(动词)= 完成: 红酒补充了食物。(The wine complements the meal.)

  • complimentary = 免费: 我们得到一杯免费香槟酒。(We got a complimentary glass of champagne.)
  • complementary = 相互补充: 这些颜色搭配得很好,它们相互补充。(The colours go well together - they are complementary.)

  • formerly = 之前/在以前的时间: 以前,君主是英国的绝对统治者。(Formerly, monarchs were absolute rulers in Britain.)
  • formally = 正式: 会议举行得非常正式,由主席邀请参加者发言。(The meeting was held quite formally, with participants being invited to speak by the chairman.)

  • imminent =将要发生: 将要发生变革,请做好准备!(Changes are imminent - be prepared!)
  • eminent = 著名的: 一位著名的科学家致开幕辞。(The opening speech was given by an eminent scientist.)

  • its = 属于它: 猫在舔它的爪子。(The cat licked its paws.)
  • it`s = 它是: 我认为它是你的责任。(I think it’s your responsibility.)

  • to lose= 未找到某物/失败: 我们的电脑崩溃了,可能会丢失重要数据。(Our computers crashed so it is possible we will lose important data.) / 如果我们不改善分销,我们将失去市场份额。(We will lose market share if we don’t improve our distribution.)
  • loose = 分隔(项目)/不紧密: 我们将发送在包装中松开的零件。(We will send the spare parts loose in a package.) / 您的安全带太松了,请系紧它!(Your seatbelt is too loose - please tighten it!)

  • precede =之前(时间): 会议进行之前先由 CEO 进行简短发言。(The meeting was preceded by a short speech given by the CEO.)
  • proceed = 前进(更正式): 代表团进入餐厅。(The delegation proceeded into the dining hall.)

  • principle =一般的事实或主张: 我拒绝对事实撒谎,这是我的原则。(I refuse to lie about the facts - it’s a matter of principle.)
  • principal = 最重要的,主要的: 衰退的主要原因是经济失控。(The principal reason for the recession is that the economy has spiralled out of control.)

  • stationary =不移动: 车辆是静止的,停止在路边上。(The car was stationary, parked at the side of the road.)
  • stationery = 纸张、信封、笔等: 我们从事文具生意,出口到全世界。(We have a stationery business, exporting all over the world.)

  • than = 用于比较: 我们在本财年末的数据比去年好很多。(Our figures at the end of this financial year are much healthier than last year’s.)
  • then = 那时/下一个,之后: 让我们与 2006 年进行比较:那时,我们有 100 名员工...(Let’s compare it to 2006: then, we had 100 employees ...)/ 我们去吃了午饭,然后回到办公室。(We went to lunch and then returned to the office.)

  • there = 表示位置: 他去那里与新员工见面。(He went there to meet the new employees.)
  • their = “they”的所有格形式: 他们拿了自己的包就离开了。(They took their bags, and left.)

  • to = 以不同的方式使用,例如: 我们希望您接管生产...(We would like you to take over production ...) 他去了伦敦...(He has gone to London ...)
  • too = 也/过于: 她也希望参加演讲。(She would like to attend the presentation, too.) / 这太复杂了,请重写一下。(It’s much too complicated - please rewrite it.)
  • two = 2: 请给我两份。(I’d like two copies of this, please.)