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新目标英语九年级第三单元Section A 1a—4 教学设计与解析

 Section A 1a—4 教学设计与解析



    1.学会运用should be allowed谈论准许做的事情




Teacher: Can you choose your own clothes?Are you allowed to choose your own clothes?

    Student A: _______________________________________________________________

    Student B: _______________________________________________________________


    1a Read the statements below.“A”(for agree)or“D”(for disagree).读下面这些叙述,同意的圈上A,不同意的圈上B

    知识点1  I think teenagers should be allowed to go out with their friends every night


    【讲解】allow动词,“允许,准许”之意。allow sb.to do sth.“允许某人做某事”是主动语态。

    be allowed to do sth.“被允许做某事”,是被动语态。

    should be allowed to do sth.表示“应当被允许做某事”。如:

    Smoking is not allowed here.此地禁止吸烟。

    My parents won’t allow me to stay out late.我的父母不允许我深夜不回家。

    You should allow your son to spend time with his friends on weekends.你应该准许你的儿子周末时同他的朋友们在一起。

    We should be allowed to sing popular songs in school.学校应该允许我们唱流行歌曲。

    Teenagers should not be allowed to drive.不应允许青少年驾车。


    ①They allow us to have part—time jobs.

    We ________ ________ to have part—time jobs.

    ②We should allow children to spend time with their friends.

    Children______ ______ ______to spend time with their friends.

    【解答】①are allowed②should be allowed


    “be+动词过去分词”是被动语态的基本结构。如:be allowed 被允许。

    知识点2   I don’t think twelve—year—olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced.




    (2)get their ears pierced“将他们的耳朵穿孔”,pierced是过去分词。如:

    A five—year—old boy was lost.一位五岁的男孩走失了。

    Eighteen—year—olds are allowed to have jobs.准许十八岁的青年从事工作。

    When are you going to get your hair cut? 你打算什么时候去剪头发?


    ① My new friend is a______boy.





    ②My dad took me to______ in the hospital.

A.get my eyes examine

B.get my eyes examined

C.get my eyes to examine

D.get my eyes examing


    get sth.done 使某事……,请人做某事

    get sb. to do sth.让某人做某事

    【解答】①boy前应是作定语的修饰词,因此用复合形容词,答案C正确。②题意表示“请医生检查我的眼睛”可使用get sth.done,故B正确。







    1b Listen and “T”(for true)or“F”(for false).听录音,并将对的圈出“T,错的圈出“F


    Woman:So, what are you doing this afternoon, Anna?

    Girl:I’m going to the mall with John. He just got his driver’s license.

    Woman:I’m sorry. You can’t go with John. I don’t think sixteen—year—olds should be allowed to drive. They aren’t serious enough at that age.

    Girl: But I have to go to the mall. Gaby’s getting her ears pierced and I want to watch.

    Woman:I don’t think sixteen—year—olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced. They might be sorry later.

    Girl :I agree, but it’s fun to watch. Is it OK if we take the bus?Woman:Well, I guess so.

    Girl: Great! I want to buy a new blouse at the mall, too.Woman: What kind are you going to buy? Maybe I should go with you.

    Girl: Aw, Mom. I’m not a child. I think teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.

    Woman: Well, I just want to be sure you get something nice.


    1.T 2.F 3.T

    1c  PAIRWORK

    Look at the statements in activity la and make conversations. Use the phrases in  the box below.看活动1a中的叙述并对话,请使用下面方框中的词组。

    知识点3  too silly太愚蠢

    not serious enough不够认真

    【讲解】(1)too+adj./adv.表示“太……”暗示,“以致不能……”too+adj./adv.+to do表示“太……而不能……”

    (2)not+adj./adv.+enough.表示“不够……”,暗示“以致不能……”not+adj./adv.+enough+to do sth.表示“太……而不能”。如:

    The girl is too young to go to school.

    = The girl is not old enough to go to school.这个女孩年龄太小而不能上学。

    The light is too dim for me to read a book.

    = The lightis not bright enough for me to read a book.光线太暗,以致我不能看书。


    ①He is too short to reach the top of the cupboard.

    He______ ______ ______to reach the top of the cupboard.

    ②The ice is not thick enough to skate on.

    The ice is______ ______to skate on.

    【解答】①isn’ttall enough②too thin



    2a Listen and check(√)what Kathy thinks. “Agrees“Disagrees,or “Doesn’t know”to show what Molly thinks.听录音并将凯西的看法标上(√。圈出“Agrees“Disagrees“Doesn’t know来说明莫利的看法。


    Molly: Larry is working late again tonight, Kathy.

    Kathy: I know, Molly. I don’t think sixteen—year—olds should be allowed to work at night. Young people need to sleep.

    Molly: I disagree with you. Teenage boys never get tired.

    Kathy: Well, maybe. But Larry shouldn’t work every night.

    Molly: Oh, I agree. He needs time to do homework.

    Kathy: You know, Molly... he should really cut his hair.

    Molly: Oh, I don’t know. Do you think it’s too long?

    Kathy: Yes, I do. It doesn’t look clean. And I think he should stop wearing that silly earring.

    Molly: Oh, I disagree. I kind of like it. It looks cool!

    Kathy: You know what worries me—Larry doesn’t seem to have many friends.

    Molly: Really? I didn’t know that.

    Kathy: Yes, Molly. He needs to spend time with friends.

    Molly: Like you and me?

    Kathy: Maybe.


    Kathy The following sentences should be checked :1 2 3 4 5

    Molly 1.Disagrees  2.Agrees  3.Doesn’t know  4.Disagrees  5.doesn’t know

    知识点4  He should stop wearing that silly earring.他应该停止戴那只可笑的耳环。

    【讲解】stop doing sth.“停止做某事”,表示将所做的事停下来。

    stop to do sth.“停下来去做某事”表示停止原来做的事,而开始做另一件事。

    The girl soon stopped crying.那女孩很快就停止了哭泣。

    It stopped raining.雨停了。

    They stopped to have a look at the map.他们停下来看了看那幅地图。


    ①You look so tired, why not ______ a rest?

A.to stop to have

B.to stop having

C.stop to have

D.stop having

    ②When Miss Green began to ______ something, the two boys stopped ______ and became quiet.

A.speak; telling

B.talk; speaking

C.say; talking

D.tell; saying

    【解答】①根据题意,建议对方休息,应为stop to have a rest,并且why not后接动词原形,因此C项正确。②从句表示“开始说事情”,用动词say;主句表示“停止交谈,不说话”,应为stop talking。故正确答案是C项。

    2b  Listen again.What are Kathy’s and Molly’s reasons? Number their reasons in the correct order.重新听录音,凯西和莫利的理由是什么?请将她们的理由按正确顺序排列。



    知识点5  Young people need to sleep.年轻人需要睡眠。


    Our school needs English teachers.我们学校需要英语老师。

    You need to take some food.你需要带上一些食物。


    ①You needn’t _______(finish) the work today.

    ② He needs ________ (finish) the work today.

    【解答】①need此处是情态动词,后面跟动词原形finish。②needs此处是实义动词,后接不定式to finish。


    sb.need to do sth.某人需要做某事

    sth.need doing 某事需要做


    need作情态动词时,无人称、数和时态的变化,后接动词原形,多用于疑问句和否定句。must开头的疑问句否定回答可用needn’t,表示“不必,没必要”,相当于don’t have to。如:

    Need I wait here? 我需要在这里等着吗?

    You needn’t tell him about it.你不必把那件事告诉他。

    —Must I pay for it? 我必须为此付款吗?

    —No,you needn’t.不,没有必要。

    2c  PAIRWORK

    Make alist of things teenagers should and should not be allowed to do.Discuss your list with your partner. 列举出青少年应该做和不应该做的事情,然后与同伴一起讨论所列举的事情。

    Grammar Focus语法重点

I think students should be allowed to do homework with friends. 我认为应当允许学生和朋友们一起做作业。

I disagree. They talk instead of doing homework. 我不同意,他们不会做作业,却会去聊天。

Sixteen—year—olds should not be allowed to drive. 不应当允许十六岁的孩子驾车。

I agree. They aren’t serious enough at that age. 我同意。他们那个年龄的人做事不认真。

Do you think sixteen—year—olds should be allowed to work at night? 你认为应当允许十六岁的孩子晚上工作吗?

No, I don’t. 不,我不这么认为。

    3a Read the conversation.Then write Sun Fei’s and Wu Yu’s rules in the chart.Use “Don’t”and“You can”.读对话,然后把孙菲和吴玉的准则填写在表格里,使用“Don’t“You can


    Sun Fei: You can go to the movies with friends on Friday nights, but you have to be home by 10:00 pm.

    Wu Yu:You can go to the movies with friends on Friday nights. You can go shopping with friends on Saturday afternoon. You can choose your own clothes. Don’t get your ears pierced.


   We have a lot of rules at my house.在我的家里有很多的规矩。

   So do we.我的家也是如此。




    ①They went there by bus, so______I.





    ②—I have seen the film on TV. What about you? —_____.

A.So did I

B.So I did

C.So I did

D.So have I



    So do I属于倒装句,意思是承上文的肯定陈述表示“我也一样”。

    So I do表示说话人对前面或对方所说情况的赞同或证实,意思是“我确实如此”。

    3b  PAIRWORK

    Role play.Cover the conversation in activity 3a and practice.Use the information in the chart.表演。利用表格中的信息,遮盖上活动3a的对话并进行练习。


    Talk to other students in the class and find three people who have to follow these rules.Write their names in the chart.与班上其他同学谈话并找出三位遵守这些规则的人,将他们的名字写在表格里。



    A: When do you have to get up every morning?

    B: ①____________________________________________________________

    A: You are allowed to meet friends after school,aren’t you?

    B: ②____________________________________________________________

    A: Can you watch TV on school nights?

    B: ③____________________________________________________________

    A: What can you do on weekends?

    B: ④____________________________________________________________

    A: Can you choose your own clothes?

    B: ⑤____________________________________________________________


    ①I have to get up at 6 o’clock.

    ②No. I’m not allowed to meet friends because I have to go back home.

    ③No. I’m not allowed to watch TV because I have to do my homework.

    ④I’m allowed to go shopping, go to the movies or play sports.

    ⑤No. But I think we should be allowed to choose our own clothes, because we’ re not children any more.



    1.He needs to s________time with friends.

    2.I’m not allowed to get my ears p________.

    3.There are so many new books. I don’t know which one to c________.

    4.You are too s________ to answer an easy question.

    5.Has your father got his driver’s l_______?


(    )1.I don’t agree______ you______ that matter.

A.with; on

B.with; to

C.to; on

D.to; to

(    )2.He went to college______.

A.in the age of fourteen

B.at the age of fourteen

C.for the age of fourteen

D.at the fourteen age

(    )3.I have to finish my work______.

A.instead going out

B.instead to go out

C.instead of going out

D.instead of go out

(    )4.You should stop______and have a drink.



C.to dance


(    )5.—Do you watch TV______night?

    —No. I have to do my homework______school nights.

A.at; at

B.on; on

C.at; on

D.on; at


    1.He is too young to look after himself.

    He is not______ ______to look after himself.

    2.The problem isn’t easy for me to work out.

    The problem is______ ______for me to work out.

    3.He doesn’t seem to have many friends.

    It______that he______ ______many friends.

    4.They stayed at home. They didn’t go shopping.

    They stayed at home______ ______going shopping.

    5.My parents allow me to stay up until 9:30 pm

    I______ ______to stay up until 9:30 pm.

    6.The teacher allowed Peter to come in.

    Peter______ ______to come in.

    7.Parents should allow children to have free time.

    Children______ ______ ______ to have free time.

    8.Teachers should not allow students to play computer games.

    Students_____ ______ ______ to play computer games.

    9.Bill passed the exam. John passed the exam, too.

    Bill passed the exam and______ ______John.

    10.I’ll have the doctor to pull out one of my teeth.

    I’ll get one of my teeth______ ______.


    Ⅰ.1~5 spend,pierced, choose, silly, license

    Ⅱ.1.A(agree with sb.on sth.在某方面同意某人意见)

    2.B(at the age of在……岁的时候)

    3.C(instead of代替,而不……)

    4.B(stop doing sth.停止做某事)

    5.C(at night固定结构,如果特指在某个晚上,则用介词on)

    Ⅲ.1.old enough 2.too hard / difficult 3.seems, doesn’t have 4.instead of 5.am allowed 6.was allowed 7.should be allowed 8.shouldn’t be allowed 9.so did 10.pulled out




新目标英语九年级第三单元Section?A?1a—4?教学设计与解析 新目标九年级英语第三单元Section?B?1a—2c?教学设计与解析 新目标九年级英语第三单元Section?B?3a—4?教学设计及解析 新目标九年级英语第二单元Section?A?1a—4?教学设计及解析 新目标九年级英语第一单元Section?A?1a—4?教学设计及解析 新目标英语九年级第四单元Section?A?1a—4?教学设计及解析 新目标九年级英语第二单元Section?A?1a—4?教学设计及解析 新目标九年级英语第二单元Section?B?1a—2c?教学设计及解析 新目标九年级英语第一单元Section?B?1a—2c?教学设计及解析 新目标英语九年级第三单元?Section?A?and?B?教案 新目标九年级英语第四单元Sections?B?1a—2c?教学设计及解析 新目标英语九年级第六单元SECTION?A、B、SELF?CHECK教案 新目标英语九年级第五单元SECTION?A、B?and?SELF?CHECK教案 教材解析九年级英语第二单元Section?B?3a及reading译文 新目标英语九年级第三单元?第?1 新目标英语九年级第一单元?Section?B?教案 教材解析九年级英语第三单元?Section?B?3aslf2及reading 译文 新目标英语七年级(下)Unit 6 Section A教学案例--中国期刊网 九年级第五单元SECTION?A、B?and?SELF?CHECK教案 新目标英语九年级第五单元1 新目标英语九年级第五单元第1 新目标英语九年级第三单元?SELF?CHECK?教案 新目标英语九年级第一单元?说课设计 教材解析九年级英语第一单元Section?B?and?Self?Check?解析及拓展