跨界歌王白百何刘海:新目标英语七年级(下)Unit 6 Section A教学案例--中国期刊网

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新目标英语七年级(下)Unit 6 Section A教学案例

发表时间:2011-4-25   来源:中教版英语周报11年31期   作者:项小凤 [导读] 一、教学目标 1. 知识目标 文 / 项小凤
    1. 知识目标
    ①描写天气的词:rain, windy, cloudy, sunny, snow, cool, cold, warm, humid
    ②表示情感的词:pretty, bad, terrible, surprised, relaxed
    ③名词:weather, beach, vacation, group, heat, winter, scarf, Moscow, Boston
    ④动词:rain, snow, cook, study, lying
    ①— Hows the weather in Beijing?
      — Its sunny / raining.
    ②— Hows it going?
      — Great.
    ③— What are you / they doing?
      — We / They are studying. / Im studying.
      — Whats he / she doing?
      — He / She is cooking.
    2. 能力目标
    3. 情感态度和文化意识
    1. 兴趣活动策略:采用游戏、唱歌、竞赛、合作等多种活动方式。
    2. 开放性教学策略:开发课程资源,拓展学习渠道。
    3. 采用“任务型”教学方法。
    4. 注重评价方式和鼓励措施,创建学生成果展示平台。
    Section A 1a, 1b and 1c
    Step I Pre-tasks
    1. Introduction.
    2. Warming-up: Sing an English song.
    Are you sleeping? Are you sleep-ing? No, Im not. No, Im not. What are you doing? What are you doing? Im singing. Im singing. / Is he sleeping? Is he sleeping? No, hes not. No, hes not. Whats he doing? Whats he doing? He is watching. He is watching.
    Step II While-tasks
    1. Show a weather report and a section of pictures about weather. Let the students listen and watch them. After that, show the word “weather” on screen and read it several times.
    2.  Present the new languages.
    T: Hows the weather? (showing a picture about “cloudy”) Its cloudy.   (asking the students to read “cloudy” several times)
    Repeat with other words: windy, raining, snowing, sunny.
    3. Task 1: Ask and answer “How is the weather ...? Its ...”in groups. Let the students answer correctly and quickly.
    4. Task 2: Ask the students to match the words with the pictures. (showing the picture on page 31). Then check the answers.
    课堂实录:通过展示五种不同天气的动态与静态图片,学习词汇cloudy, windy, raining, snowing, sunny。学生根据自身的生活经验很快就能明白这几个词的含意,能够区别raining, snowing与cloudy, windy, sunny的不同。教师通过引导学生进行两项任务活动,学生很快就能掌握并运用Hows the weather?句型。在这一活动中,教师安排了学生竟猜的游戏活动,为整个学习过程增添了色彩,学生个个跃跃欲试,课堂气氛活跃起来。
    Step III Pre-tasks
    1. Present the names of the cities. (looking at the picture on page 31.) Beijing, Toronto, Shanghai, Moscow and Boston. (showing the names on screen, students read them several times)
    2. Task 1: Introduce the following cities (Beijing, Toronto, Shanghai, Moscow, Boston) by the pictures.
    3. Task 2: Ask and answer: The teacher asks “Hows the weather in ...?” before all the students answer together. (teacher points to the cities)
    课堂实录:通过展示五座不同城市的图片学习新词Moscow和Boston,为学习Hows the weather in Moscow?和完成1b的任务作好了进一步的准备。通过任务1培养学生的观察能力,学生能迅速辨认五座城市名称;根据不同的天气图标进行任务2的活动,了解世界各地的不同天气,渗透不同的文化意识。
    Step IV While-tasks
    Task 1: Find out which picture is Beijing / Toronto / Shanghai / Moscow /Boston. (First, listen to the tape. Second, fill the cities names in the boxes.)
    Task 2: Pairwork
    First: The teacher has a model.
    T: Hows the weather in Beijing?
    S: Its sunny.
    Second: Students practice in pairs.
    Third: Some pairs act them out in chain.
    Task 3: Sing the song “How's the weather?”
    How's the weather? It's a sunny day. How's the weather? It's a cloudy day. How's the weather? It's raining. How's the weather? It's snowing.
    课堂实录:如运用不同的演唱形式,教师示唱、学生跟唱、齐唱、分角色唱,在欢快的节奏中,学生感受着不同的天气,轻松、愉快地学习和运用Hows the weather?
    Task 4: Talk about the weather in China and complete the chart. Then ask some students to retell the weather in those cities.
    Task 5: Enjoy the music and find out how the weather is in the movie.
    Step V Homework
    Make a survey about the weather in our country and draw a map of it.
   教学反思:这节课充分利用多媒体的优势,展示了本节课的学习目标。通过大量的教师与学生的双边活动,努力完成并运用所学语言进行实践。教师在整个教学过程中起着导演的作用,指导学生去观察、去活动;学生在完成各项任务的活动中表现出极强的学习热情,有强烈的成就感。优美动听的音乐营造了欢快的学习气氛,陶冶了学生的情操,培养了学生的审美观,学生在声与景的环境中充分利用所学的语言进行各项活动,达到了教学的预期目的。但是,这节课也存在一些欠缺。如在学习Hows the weather in Moscow?时,出现了学生对Moscow 和Boston不熟的情况;在进行分角色演唱时,学生跟不上音乐节奏。教师对任务活动的设计类型是今后应重点考虑的,要勇于创新。
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