
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/27 13:40:39

“有一条不容置疑的定律┅┅当我们深深受伤害时,除非我们饶恕,否则我们永远无法康复。”──南非著名小说家艾伦·沛顿(Alan Paton)。在电影《阿米什的恩典》里,一位记者问:只是不明白,你是怎么去原谅一个没有表现出任何忏悔和遗憾的人,我不觉得这是种真正意义上的宽恕。阿米什长者:宽恕来自开放的胸怀,它的产生不需要条件,不然就不是真正的宽恕。阿米什人在美国当代社会中难得的守旧,引发了人类自身走向的话题,让我们共同了解在地球上生活着的一个”另类”——持另一种生活理念的人。-Psytopic.com









阿米什人遍布美国各地,主要集中在宾夕法尼亚州、俄亥俄州、印第安那州,还有加拿大安大略省的那些富庶辽阔的平原上。在美国大约有 35 万阿米什人,在加拿大安大略省约有 1,500 人,他们的人口还在不断地增加。


他们家门口的柏油马路直达高速公路。嘈杂,多变而生气勃勃的现代生活近在咫尺。但三百年来,他们默默继续着自己安详、简朴的生活。坚守”索取有度” ,坚守着因信仰而致的平淡、谦卑的生活态度。


阿米什人来自瑞士和德国南部,是”再洗礼派”的一个分支。 十六世纪欧洲宗教改革,在瑞士苏黎世产生了一个人数不多的激进派——”再洗礼派”。 1730年迁移到北美定居。



今天,生活在北美的阿米什人建立了许多自治社区,每个社区有一名主教、两名传教士、一名执事人以及一名德高望重的族长,任何阿米什人的行为都必须遵守 ORDNUNG 规范。阿米什人相信社区的力量,他们十分热心社区事务,关心邻居生活。他们相信社区的协作比政府更可靠。



对于教育,阿米什人有自己的见解:人性需要感悟,太多的教育对人的成长无益。他们沿袭着”ONE ROOM SCHOOL”的教学模式,即一至八年级的学生被安排在一间教室上课,大约30 名学生。只学习德文版的《圣经》、英语和简单的算术。
教室黑板上写着:”不管你比别人学得好或坏,重要的是你尽了自己最大的努力。”他们启发孩子们发挥自己最大的潜能,在这一点上,阿米什人比我们有智慧。目前全美共有 1,200 家这样的学校,在校学生总数 23,000 人。

阿米什人依法纳税。他们和政府达成协议,不享受美国的老年福利金,不交税收中用于社会养老的社会安全基金。他们以传统方式颐养天年,从没出现老无所养的问题。他们也不承担美国公民的一项义务 :法庭陪审员。因为在他们的宗教信仰里,只有上帝有权判定人们的罪孽或清白。




在现代化潮流的冲击下,焦虑抑郁成为通病,犯罪率在上升,传统家庭在瓦解,我们失去了精神的支撑点,随波逐流。而阿米什人则在我们身边平静地生活、缓慢地发展。他们恪守:谦卑、诚实、勤劳、不奢侈,说到做到。 他们保存了在大自然中生存的技术细节,他们与自然和谐相处,成为自然生态中合理的一环。


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The inner world of the Amish

"There is an undeniable law of ┅ ┅ when we deeply hurt, unless we forgive, or we never recover." ─ ─ South African novelist Yi Lunpei Dayton (Alan Paton). In the movie, "Amish Grace" where a reporter asked: just do not understand, how do you forgive a did not show any remorse and regret, I do not think this is the kind of real forgiveness. Amish elders: forgiveness from the open mind, it does not require the production conditions, or is not real forgiveness. Amish in the United States a rare conservative in contemporary society, causing human beings to the topic, let us work together to understand life on Earth with an "alternative" - had a different philosophy of life of people. -Psytopic.com

An Amish explained the difference between us: "You are materialistic, you 'should', just because you 'want'; we are pragmatists, if is a necessity, even if it is new, we will adopt. "

If the technology is a commodity, then they accept the concept of technology and their concept of buying the same: they buy necessities, do not buy luxury goods, not because money can not afford, but for spiritual self-discipline and refused to buy. They (the Amish) have to give up what we have been unable to give up everything again, we have to give up what they have, they do not want to give up everything. So, between us and the Amish, gradually have different emotions.

Let us give up the idea of living and way of life has been very difficult or impossible, but we can at least from the Amish attitude toward life, dedication to the faith of the temptation, learn respect for nature anything.

Happiness is a group of Amish farmers. They are living in North America "re-baptism sect" members.

Amish way of life is very special, refused to use we take for granted, essential household items, electrical equipment; they refused to electricity. They seem to live in the 18th century.

They never use the car, the carriage is their transport. When the black carriage slowly walking on the road, the vehicle followed by a long team time will be kind of confused feelings.

Amish dress is also distinctive. Adult males are mainly black clothing, black hat black white shirt. Unmarried men must shave every day, not allowed a beard, and married men have to stay long beard.

Women dress style uniform, differing only slightly change the color, married and unmarried women differ in the dress. Women wear the uniform color of the hat for life, not allowed to wear any jewelry.

Amish across the United States, mainly in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, and Ontario, Canada, the vast plains are rich. In the U.S. there are about 350,000 Amish in Ontario, Canada, about 1,500 people, and their population is still increasing.

They do not gather neighbors, all of the Amish people live together and mixed with ordinary Americans. Tall barn and stopped in the backyard of the small black Amish carriage is to identify the best home mark.

Asphalt road in front of their home directly to the highway. Noisy, varied and vibrant modern life close at hand. But three years, they quietly went on with his quiet, simple life. Adhere to "obtain a degree," adhere to the due faith caused the plain, humble attitude towards life.

Amish industrious, rich. They use traditional agricultural technologies to the small family farm is a business unit of the nation's most productive farms, and no chemical pollution, soil degradation, a common problem of modern agriculture. U.S. government's preferential policies have prompted them rich. But the Amish people "rich" Another explained: "to achieve affluence with his own hands, to maintain health, pension Boys."?
Amish people live in harmony with the land. They believe that: When people work with nature, land, weather, harmony, and when the plants and animals are protected, God be satisfied, so they called the "land of the people." They will most of the land used for farming, but not to cultivate as wealth, but as a work for God.

Amish believe that work can learn discipline, hard working and other things the basic criteria. More importantly, many of the natural factors in their recognition of man's limitations; the fear of nature; to cherish and respect the natural environment. ?
Amish from Switzerland and southern Germany, is the "Anabaptist" of a branch. Sixteenth-century Reformation in Europe, in Zurich, Switzerland produced a small number of radicals - "Anabaptist." 1730 moved to the North American settlement.

"Anabaptist" is not judged against the ability of infant baptism, they think that after receiving a baptism of adults, is the real choice that people of faith. They think that religious practice in daily life, can not say one thing and doing another. They seriously all the teachings of the Bible for the whole story, practicing with the letter.

Anabaptist organization and teaching without strict rules, relying on the heart of faith, so they are very persistent faith. Today, the Amish people who still have not fixed the church, all religious activities carried out alternately in each family. Prayer is not the time and place restrictions, anytime, anywhere.

Today, the Amish living in North America established a number of autonomous communities, each community has a bishop, two preachers, a deacon as well as the patriarch of a respected, any act of Amish must comply ORDNUNG specification. Amish people believe that the strength of the community, they are very enthusiastic about community affairs, concern for neighbors living. They believe that community collaboration is more reliable than the government. ?
Amish religious beliefs to maintain the warmth of the family. With grandparents and parents in the warmth of home, childhood was happy. Amish young men and women working together in the field, hands-on building his own house. Vegetables from home gardens, Amish housewife in the harvest season, the traditional way to save extra vegetables. Amish family life, the most important principle is this: everyone including children, must bear a family responsibility.

For education, the Amish have their own ideas: human needs sentiment, too much education on the growth of human good. They followed the "ONE ROOM SCHOOL" teaching model, that is one to eight grade students are placed in a school classroom, about 30 students. Only learn the German version of the "Bible" in English and simple arithmetic. ?
Written on the classroom blackboard: "Whether you learn better or worse than others, it is important that you done your best efforts." They inspire children to play to their maximum potential, at this point, the Amish than we wisdom. Currently the nation's total of 1,200 such schools, 23,000 students in total. ?
After graduating from the age of fourteen, with his father farm boys and girls the housework with their mothers, making female red. Amish do so contrary to the U.S. Education Act, for which the Amish and the Government conducted a protracted battle, and ultimately the government made a concession. ?
18-year-old Amish man to officially baptized. Young people to make a choice: to stay or go. Choose to leave the Amish people will give up the rights and obligations, but he can maintain the relationship with the family and parents, even if in the future to marry outside, you can go home to visit parents. Amish youth leave their parents at the university studies by working for tuition.

Amish pay taxes according to law. They and the government agreed not to enjoy the benefits the U.S. elderly, do not pay taxes for social old-age social security fund. Their traditional way of enjoying their later years, had never been raised the old no problems. They do not assume an obligation of U.S. citizens: Court jury. Because in their religious beliefs, only God have the right to determine the people's sins, or innocence. ?
The laws of the United States there are some conflicts with the Amish belief that they can not compromise provisions, such as the conscription law. Amish absolute pacifist, religious beliefs so that they adhere to the fixed bayonet. They oppose any kind of war, regardless of their belligerent who is also the reason, regardless of their war.

After decades of efforts, the law made concessions. Their absolute pacifist position was recognized religions: Church of Amish people can manage their own farm, engaged in agricultural work without pay for two years as an alternative to military service.

Three hundred years, society's tolerance is also an important reason for the continuation of the Amish, the ruling Justice Warren became a classic: "Let us not forget that in the Middle Ages, many important Western civilization and values are under by those suffering from the huge secular effects of religious preserved. there is no reason to suppose that the majority of today is the 'right', while the Amish and others like them are 'wrong' is. a distinctive way of life even if different secluded not interfere with the rights of others or interests, not just because it is different from others on the condemned. "

For centuries, the Amish people's lives have changed. But they accept change is a "degree". Each small step, they are very serious discussion, study this step is a "must" step. And we were pushed by their own technology created, non-stop.

Under the impact of the modern trend, a common problem of anxiety and depression, crime on the rise, the collapse of the traditional family, we lost the spirit of the anchor, drift. The Amish people are living peacefully in our midst, slow development. They abide by: humble, honest, hardworking, not a luxury, says it will do. They live in the nature preserve the technical details, they are in harmony with nature, a natural ecosystem in the reasonable part.

Amish Let us see: different levels, moderate affluent societies, not only after human potential through the concept of reflection is also likely to practice life. What we lack is the Amish inner guidance - faith and belief in the implementation of daily life. Amish not only lag behind the idea, and even quite advanced. Amish have taught us: the wisdom of life is not just a few of the gift, it can be a tough cultural heritage. ?