
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/28 19:58:18
"继发性甲亢"相关例句(156)1.1 Compound iodine solution is used to treat hyperthyroidism. 复方碘溶液用于治疗甲亢。收藏指正 2.Compared with ATD, ~(131)I has more therapeutic effect. 结论:迅速控制甲亢是治疗甲亢合并重型肝炎的关键,~(131)碘治疗甲亢合并重型肝炎较ATD更为有效。收藏指正 3.Efficacy of ~(131)I Therapy Hyperthyroidism in Adolescent ~(131)I治疗青少年甲亢的疗效观察收藏指正 4.the heritability of graves is 68.6±3.8% in the shantou region; 此外,本地区甲亢h2为68.6±3.8%;收藏指正 5.Management of Hyperthyroidism with Iopanoic Acid before  ̄(131)I Treatment 碘番酸配合~(131)I疗治甲亢收藏指正 6.Antibiotics and some oral bandages can reduce secondary infection. 抗生素和一些口腔绷带能减少继发性感染。收藏指正 7.Chemical factors were the most common reason for secondary aplastic anemia. 化学因素是继发性再障最常见的病因。收藏指正 8.Thus, the diagnosis of multiple myeloma in remission and secondary AML-M4 was established. 2继发性急性粒单核细胞白血病(AML-M4)。收藏指正 9.The diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis depended primarily upon the signs and symptoms of the patient with the evaluation of BMR before being controlled by drugs. 本文强调用药前甲亢的症状,体征及基础代谢率的测定是诊断甲亢的主要依据。收藏指正 10.Conclusions Rapid control hy- perthyroidism is the key point in the treatment of hyperthyroidism complicated with severe hepatitis,and comparing with ATD,~(131)I is more effective. 结论迅速控制甲亢是治疗甲亢合并重型肝炎的关键; ~(131)I 治疗较 ATD 更为有效;收藏指正 11.The Significance of the Levels of Serum HA, C-Ⅳ and CG in Hyperthyroid Patients 甲亢患者血清HA、C- Ⅳ、CG的临床意义收藏指正 12.She had no personal or family history of hypertension or hyperthyroidism. 她没有高血压和甲亢的个人或家庭病史。收藏指正 13.A level determination of MDA in serum with hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism patients 甲亢与甲减患者血清MDA水平的测定收藏指正 14.Effect of Treatment with Radioiodine(~(131)I)in Hyperthyroidism on TPO-Ab ~(131)碘治疗自身免疫性甲亢对TPO-Ab的影响收藏指正 15.Arrhythmias (86.8%),is the first complication of HHD,the second,heart enlargement (51.3%),the third is heart failure (26.3%) maldiagnostic rate of HHD is 14.4%,on aged patients. 甲亢性心脏病误诊率14.4%,多发生于老年患者。收藏指正 16.Changes of Serum PTH and CT levels in Hyperthyroidism and Hhypothyroidism 甲亢和甲减患者血清PTH、CT水平的变化收藏指正 17.CLINICAL RESESCH OF THE ART TO HYPERTHYROIDISM(Clinical Analysis of the 100 Cases) ART对甲亢的临床研究(附100例临床分析)收藏指正 18.Studies on the Metabolism of Glucose and Function of Pancreatic lslet Beta Cells in Hyperthyroidism 甲亢患者糖代谢和胰岛β-细胞功能的探讨收藏指正 19.COMPARISON OF ~(131) I.ATD AND SURGICAL TREATMENT IN THE GRAVES HYPERTHYROIDISM PATIENTS ~(131)碘、抗甲状腺药物及手术治疗Graves甲亢的比较收藏指正 20.138 cases has ben followed up and 5 was found to be recurrence of hyperthyroidism(recur-rence rate 3.6%). 随访138例,术后甲亢复发5例,复发率3.6%。收藏指正