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READING 1            Frida Kahlo


Chapter 1  Artists
第一段:Independence, rebelliousness, self-assurance---- these are traits shared by many famous people. They are found particularlyamong artists, and certainly in Frida Kahlo, who belonged to the firstgeneration of famous North American women artists.
【1.   rebelliousness造反; 难以控制, 叛逆性 2. self-assurance自信 3. trait特征,特点,特性4.independence独立;自主;自立】
【第一段分析:(3个方面)Independence, rebelliousness,self-assurance ----(宽) these are traits shared by many famouspeople. (窄)They are found particularly among artists, and certainlyin (更窄, 结论)FridaKahlo, who belonged to the first generation of famous North American womenartists. 从题目到第一段我们可以看出,1.这是一篇名人传记。2.作者要对表示人物性格特征的三个关键词进行扩展Independence, rebelliousness,self-assurance。 3.作者会把Frida Kahlo怎样成为艺术家的过程交代清楚,并且可能会写清楚Frida Kahio的成功与她的性格特征有何联系。 4.作者会用叙述文的手法来完成这篇文章。 (叙述文的六要素是: 时间,地点,人物,起因,过程和结果。叙述文往往在第一段对人物或事件进行概述。在叙述事件的时候,往往要遵循“由远到近,由宽到窄,由笼统到具体, 由浅入深, 由简单到复杂”的原则。  )】
第二段: Even as a child, Mexico's best-known woman painter exhibited an independent,rebellious spirit and lack of restraint that often got her into trouble. Shepreferred to run, jump, and skip instead of walk, and she found it difficult tocontrol herself even in church, where she giggled and teased her youngersister.
【1.   exhibit表示,显出(同义词有reveal, show等) 2. rebellious造反的, 难控制的 3. restraint控制,克制,约束 4.giggle咯咯地笑;傻笑 5. tease戏弄;取笑】
【第二段分析:(时间)  Even as a child, (人物,承上启下)Mexico's best-known woman painter exhibited an (第一段的两个关键词)independent, rebellious spirit and lack of restraint that often gother into trouble. (具体描写)She preferredto run, jump, and skip instead of walk, and shefound it difficult to control herself even in church, where she giggled andteased her younger sister.     1.作者是按时间先后顺序来写的这篇文章 2.这一段写FridaKahio的性格特征(特别是缺少自控能力的性格特征)给她带来不少麻烦】、、、、、
第三段: At theage of six, however, Frida's life changed dramatically. She got polio and wasconfined to her bed for nine months. The disease left Frida's right leg shorterand thinner than her left, and when she had recovered enough to return toschool, she walked with a limp. She was often teased by her playmates, andalthough that was emotionally painful for her, she compensated by beingoutgoing and gained a reputation as a "character." Her fatherencouraged her to play sports to strengthen her leg, and eventually she wasable to walk quite well. Frida's father, Guillermo, a professional photographerand amateur painter, was a great influence in her life.
【1. dramatically戏剧性地;引人注目地 2. polio小儿麻痹症;脊髓灰质炎
3.confine . 限制;使卧床*He was confined to bed by illness.他因病卧床。4. limp一瘸一拐地走,跛行 5. playmate 游伴,玩伴 6.  emotionally感情上;情绪上;冲动地  7. compensate补偿,抵消 8. outgoing直率的,开朗的,外向的
9. character 好品质, 骨气; 10. amateur业余的 11.】
【第三段分析:(为突出Frida的性格特征做铺垫) At the age of six, however, Frida's life changeddramatically. She got polio and was confined to her bed for nine months. Thedisease left Frida's right leg shorter and thinner than her left, and when shehad recovered enough to return to school, she walked with a limp. She was oftenteased by her playmates, and (让步法强调Frida的性格特征)although that was emotionally painful forher, she compensated by being outgoing andgained a reputation as a "character." (父亲对她成为画家的影响)Her father encouraged her to play sports tostrengthen her leg, and eventually she was able to walk quite well. Frida's father, Guillermo, a professional photographer and amateur painter,was a great influence in her life.】
【第三段分析: 在这一段中作者使用了让步的方法(although)突出体现了Frida性格特征的另一方面“outgoing直率的,开朗的,外向的” 和“character好品质;有骨气”。这两个词是“Independence,rebelliousness, self-assurance”的扩充。
另外作者提到了她的父亲a professional photographer and amateur painter。这些都和她最后成为著名的画家有密切的联系。】

第四段: In 1922, at the age of 15, Frida wasenrolled at the National Preparatory School in Mexico City, which was near herhometown of Coyoacan. This was the beginning of the postrevolutionary period inMexico,and the country was experiencing a time of cultural rebirth as well as reform.There was a strong spirit of nationalism and pride in Mexico's heritage. Frida identifiedwith the revolution intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually.
【1. be enrolled  被录取  2. the National Preparatory School国家预备学校3. Coyoacan墨西哥的一个城市4. postrevolutionary= postrevolutionary革命后 5. rebirth再生,复活 6. reform 改革 7. nationalism民族主义 8. heritage  遗产, 传统
9. identify with参与(与...)认同;一致10.intellectually  智力上 11. emotionally感情上 12. spiritually 精神上】
【第四段分析:(时间) In 1922, at theage of 15, Frida was enrolled at the National Preparatory School in MexicoCity, (地点)which was near her hometown of Coyoacan.This was the beginning of the postrevolutionary period in Mexico, and the country was experiencing a time of cultural rebirth as well as reform.There was a strong spirit of nationalism and pride in Mexico's heritage. Frida identifiedwith the revolution intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually.
本段前半部分是背景,后面划线部分表明Frida是个关心政治和国家命运的人。这个描述应该和她的艺术生涯有关系。 】
第五段: After a few months at the school,Frida adopted a radical new look. Although her father, whom she adored, wasEuropean, Frida rejected her European clothes in favor of overalls. She cut herthick, black hair short like a boy's and rode around Coyoacan on a bicycle-shocking everyone. She evenchanged her birth date from 1907 to 1910 to show her sympathy with the MexicanRevolution and to identify herself with the beginnings of modern Mexico.
【1. radical激进地2.adopt采取;采纳 3. adore  崇拜,爱慕4. reject 抵制,排斥5. overall工作裤; 工作服 (妇女,小孩,医师,实验室用的)罩衫  6. sympathy  同情,同情心 7. beginning刚开始出现的事物;萌芽阶段  8. ride on骑在…上 9 .look外表,样子,面容,面貌 10.identify….with…支持,参与  11.the Mexican Revolution 墨西哥革命指的是1910年墨西哥总统波费里奥·迪亚斯被推翻到革命制度党在1928年开始在墨西哥长达72年的统治为止的时期。
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005年11月21日11:14 新华网


【第五段分析:After a few months at the school, Frida adopted a radical new look. Although herfather, whom she adored, was European, Frida rejected her European clothes infavor of overalls. She cut her thick, blackhair short like a boy's and rode around Coyoacan on a bicycle-shocking everyone. Sheeven changed her birth date from 1907 to 1910 to show her sympathy with theMexican Revolution and to identify herself with the beginnings of modern Mexico.第五段 与第四段关系紧密,都是在描述Frida关心政治,关心国家的命运。同时是对Frida性格特征中rebelliousness 一词的展开。】

第六段:  Frida thrived on intellectual, social, and cultural stimulation at school.She made friends easily and quickly became part of the notorious Cachuchas, agroup of seven boys and two girls ---- intelligent yet rebellious students whonamed themselves after the caps worn at the school. Their keen minds were matched only by their contempt for authorityand capacity for trouble. Fridays natural independence and mischievous naturefit right in. She cut classes and joined in their escapades.
【1. stimulation 刺激;兴奋;激励;鼓舞 2. thrive兴旺,成功[(+on) , 茁壮成长 3. notorious恶名昭彰的,声名狼藉的 4. Cachuchas安达鲁西快速舞蹈 5.contempt for authority对管理机构(权威)的蔑视6. cut classes逃学 7. escapade越轨行为;恶作剧 8. mischievous恶作剧的;调皮的,淘气的, 有害的;恶意伤人的 9. name after..以 …命名 10. natural天生的,天赋的11.nature本性  12.match 和…相一致  13.social社交的,交际的】
【第六段分析:继续对rebelliousness一词扩展; 描写手法:从笼统到具体。】
第七段:   One day, the Cachuchas let a donkey loose ina classroom. Another time, one of theCachuchas set off fireworks next to a dog, who ran wildly through the school,creating chaos. Frida was even expelled from school once but managed toregain entrance by boldly appealing to the minister of education.
【1. donkey 驴 2. set off fireworks 放烟火 3.chaos混乱 4. expel 把...除名,开除 5. regain entrance 恢复学籍 5.appeal to恳求 6. minister部长】
【第七段分析:与第六段的作用一样, 更加具体的扩展了rebelliousness 一词】
第八段:   Meanwhile Frida was developing a strongsense of self-assurance and belief in herself. She showed an aptitude forscience and intended to go on to medical school and become a doctor. Althoughshe didn't become a physician, her studies in biology and physiology later influencedher work. In many of her paintings, hearts, glands, and other organs aredisplayed, both inside and outside the body.
【1. develop逐渐产生2.self-assurance自信 3. aptitude . 倾向,天资,才能 4. physiology生理学 5. gland【解】腺 6. physician内科医生 7. biology生物学 8.】
【第八段:对于首段self-assurance一词的扩展。 本段开始谈到Frida曾经想学医学的想法与作品之间的联系。】

第九段: A turning point occurred in Frida's lifein September 1925, when she was involved in a near-fatal accident. The bus inwhich she was riding home after school collided with a trolley car. The impactcaused a metal rail to break loose, piercing Frida's entire body with the steelrod. The Red Cross doctors who arrived and examined the victims separated theinjured from the dying, giving the injured first priority. They took one lookat Frida and put her with the hopeless cases.
【1.   collide碰撞;相撞 2. impact冲击力,撞击力 3. pierce刺穿,刺破 4. steel rod钢棒5.trolleycar有轨电车  6. dying死亡 7. a near-fatal accident一次几乎致命的事故8. break loose挣脱束缚或限制  9. victim 遇难者, 受害者   10. priority优先,重点;优先权】
【第九段分析:这一段的描述应该和画家的成长过程或作品有关, 并为后面的某个段落或结论做好了铺垫。 】

第十段: The doctors eventually treated Frida, andmiraculously she survived. She suffered a broken spine, collarbone, and pelvisand two broken ribs. Her right leg was broken in eleven places, and her right footwas crushed. Her left shoulder was dislocated. From that point on, Frida Kahlowould never live a day without pain.
【1. miraculously神奇地;非凡地;出乎意料地 2. spine脊柱,脊椎 3. collarbone【解】锁骨4. pelvis【解】骨盆 5. rib肋,肋骨 6. crush压碎 7. dislocate使移动位置;使脱臼 】
第十一段: Although Frida recovered enough to lead a fairlynormal life, the accident had severe psychological and physical consequences.She had to abandon her plans to become a doctor, and she had to recognize thatshe would be a near-invalid for the rest of her life. Her slowly healing bodykept her in bed for months, and it was during this time that Frida began topaint. She read every book on art she could get her hands on. Exactly one yearafter her accident, she produced her first painting, a self-portrait dedicatedto her school boyfriend, the leader of the Cachuchas.
【1. psychological心理的,精神的 2. physical身体的,肉体的 3. abandon放弃,中止 4. invalid残疾者 5. self-portrait自画像 6. dedicate奉献 7. healing康复中的】
【第十一段分析:看完这一段我们明白了作者为什么提到这次车祸。车祸与Frida学习绘画有这密切的联系。另外,前面第三段有这样一句话:Frida's father, Guillermo, aprofessional photographer and amateur painter, was a great influence in herlife。为Frida学习绘画做好了铺垫。】

第十二段: Some artists look to nature or society for their inspiration, but Frida Kahiolooked inward. After her crippling accident, Frida depicted her pain inhaunting, dreamlike self-portraits. Most of her 200 paintings explore hervision of herself. In The Broken Column (1944), her body is open to reveal acracked column in place of her spine. In The Wounded
Deer (1946), asmall deer with Frida's head and a body pierced with arrows runs through thewoods.
【1.   inspiration灵感 2. cripple . 损坏;严重削弱;使陷入瘫痪 3. depict描画 4. haunting 萦绕于心头的,不易忘怀的;给人以强烈感受的 5. dreamlike梦一般的;朦胧的 6. vision 洞察力,眼光;所见事物7. cracked破裂的;碎的 8. in place of代替 9. arrow 箭 10. column圆柱状物】
【第十二段分析:  Some artists look to nature or society for theirinspiration, but Frida Kahio looked inward.After her crippling accident, Frida depicted her painin haunting, dreamlike self-portraits. Most of her 200 paintings exploreher vision of herself. (车祸)(医学)In The Broken Column (1944), her body is open toreveal a cracked column in place of her spine.In The Wounded Deer (1946), a small deer with Frida's head and a body piercedwith arrows runs through the woods.
作者在这一段中暗示了三个方面与Frida的艺术作品有关系,1.医学 2. 车祸her body is open to reveal a cracked columnin place of her spine.3.性格特征(character)In The Wounded Deer (1946), a small deerwith Frida's head and a body pierced with arrowsruns through the woods.】

...达.卡罗 frida?kahlo - 艺术...

第十三段:   In1929, Frida married the celebrated Mexican artist Diego Rivera. It would be anemotionally turbulent marriage, however, with a divorce in 1939 and remarriagein 1940. Diego made no secret of his infidelities and caused Frida much pain,although his devotion and admiration for her as an artist never diminished. Diego's betrayal of Fridays devotion inflicted greatinjury on her, as is revealed in a series of paintings depicting theirrelationship. "I have suffered two accidents in my life," shewrote, "one in which a streetcar ran over me. The other is Diego."
【1. celebrated著名的 2. turbulent汹涌的;狂暴的 3. divorce 离婚 4. infidelity 不忠实 不贞 5. devotion虔诚,祈祷6. admiration 钦佩,赞美,羡慕 7. diminish变小,缩小8. betrayal背叛;泄密 9. make no secret of …..毫不掩饰….  10. inflict给予(打击);使遭受(损伤等);强加 11. streetcar【美】(市内)有轨电车 12.】

第十四段:  Frida's condition required many operations totry to straighten her spine and repair her foot, but with each one, hercondition seemed to worsen. Often she painted in bed with an easel her motherhad designed for her. Her health seriously declined when she was in her forties,but Frida always kept her lively spirit. By then she was internationally known.When a Mexican gallery wanted to have a major exhibition of her work, shearranged to have her elaborately decorated, four-poster bed carried into thegallery so that she could receive people.
【1. straighten把...弄直 2. easel画架 3. decline下降,下跌;减少;衰退,衰落 4. elaborately精心地;精巧地 5. decorate装饰,修饰 6. four-poster bed有四根帷柱的床 7. gallery画廊,美术馆】
【第十四段分析:(背景描述)Frida'scondition required many operations to try to straighten her spine and repairher foot, but with each one, her condition seemed to worsen. Often she paintedin bed with an easel her mother had designed for her. Her health seriouslydeclined when she was in her forties, (性格特征)but Fridaalways kept her lively spirit. By then she was internationally known. (具体描写)When a Mexican gallery wanted to have a majorexhibition of her work, she arranged to have herelaborately decorated, four-poster bed carriedinto the gallery so that she could receive people.
作者描写Frida病情加重,更加突出地描写了她的性格特征“lively spirit” 前面的铺垫: tease   giggle    self-assurance ….】

第十五段:Frida died in July 1954, in the same roomof the bright blue house in which she had been born. She left her work as herlegacy, to be sure. But equally inspirational isher life story and the fact that, by transforming pain into brilliant art,Frida Kahlo triumphed over misfortune.
【1. inspirational  鼓舞人心的 2. transform使改变 3.brilliant杰出的,优秀的;辉煌的;出色的 4. triumph获得胜利 5.misfortune不幸;恶运 6. legacy遗产;遗赠, 留给后人的东西 7. inspirational鼓舞人心的】
【第十五段分析:(结尾叙述)Fridadied in July 1954, in the same room of the bright blue house in which she hadbeen born. She left her work as her legacy, to be sure. (高度总结和概括,思想上的升华)But equally inspirational is her life storyand the fact that, by transforming pain intobrilliant art, Frida Kahio triumphed over misfortune.】
全文总结:1. 叙述文的首段:概述全文  2. 从第二段到最后一段作者按时间先后顺序写完。 3. 结尾段对全文进行高度的总结和概括,并且有思想上的升华。 给读者留下回味的余地。
我们能从本文中学到什么?本文是叙述文,是一个人的生平,作者对他所掌握的素材进行了精心地挑选和编排做到了 【1】“前有铺垫,后有呼应。”如:(1)前面的铺垫Even as a child, Mexico's best-known woman painter exhibited an independent,rebellious spirit and lack of restraint that often got her into trouble.
后面的呼应:Frida was even expelled from school oncebut managed to regain entrance by boldly appealing to the minister ofeducation.
(2)前面的铺垫Frida'sfather, Guillermo, a professional photographerand amateur painter, was a great influence inher life.
后面的呼应:she had to recognize that she would be anear-invalid for the rest of her life. Her slowly healing body kept her in bedfor months, and it was during this time that Frida began to paint.
(3) 前面的铺垫The disease left Frida's right leg shorter and thinner than her left,and when she had recovered enough to return to school, she walked with a limp.She was often teased by her playmates, and although that was emotionally painfulfor her, she compensated by being outgoing andgained a reputation as a "character."
后面的呼应Butequally inspirational is her life story and the fact that, by transforming paininto brilliant art, Frida Kahlo triumphed over misfortune.
4. 前面的铺垫 Even as a child, Mexico's best-known womanpainter exhibited an independent, rebelliousspirit and lack of restraint that often got her into trouble.
后面的呼应After a few months at the school, Fridaadopted a radical new look. Although her father, whom she adored, was European,Frida rejected her European clothes in favor of overalls. She cut her thick, blackhair short like a boy's and rode around Coyoacan on a bicycle-shocking everyone. She even changed her birth date from1907 to 1910 to show her sympathy with the Mexican Revolution and to identify herselfwith the beginnings of modern Mexico.
5. 前面的铺垫She showed an aptitude for science andintended to go on to medical school and become a doctor. Although she didn't become a physician, herstudies in biology and physiology later influenced herwork. In many of her paintings, hearts, glands, and other organs aredisplayed, both inside and outside the body.
后面的呼应In The Broken Column (1944), her body is opento reveal a cracked column in place of her spine.
好的叙述文的结尾往往会使读者感到 1.出乎意料,却又顺理成章2.给人以启迪和足够的思考空间以及回味的余地。3…….
思考题:为什么作者在文章最后一段说:….But equally inspirational is her lifestory and the fact that, by transforming pain into brilliant art, Frida Kahlotriumphed over misfortune.
2. Frida Kahlo的痛苦来自两方面:1)小儿麻痹症,车祸以及车祸后的一系列的手术治疗;2)婚姻的失败
痛苦——这也许是二十世纪墨西哥伟大女艺术家弗里达·卡洛(Frida Kahlo,1907——1954)在其充满传奇色彩的一生中最为不可或缺的部分。她与新生的墨西哥同时诞生,却在自己的生命历程中波折多难。6岁时小儿麻痹的罹患,揭开了她一生与伤痛抗争的序幕。而18岁时的交通意外,则使九死一生的卡洛脊椎受伤,失去了生育能力,后遗症则更是为她后续的人生带来了32次之多的手术经历。而与迭戈·里维拉(Diego Rivera,1886——1957)的浪漫情感悲剧,也成为了她特异个性的促因。然而,生理与心理的双重创伤,非但没有抑制她绘画的天才,反倒赋予了她以超越于常人的敏感心智。在卡洛一生所绘制的200余幅作品中,有三分之二成为了记载着她容颜历时而变的自画像。这种自白式的绘画,直接向人们展示着她与死亡的搏杀,与生命的敬仰。这种近乎于驱魔之术的绘画形式,将卡洛身心的痛苦转移到了另一个弗里达身上,使她与痛苦相离,而坚定于对现实生活的把握。卡洛这些充满了精神分析色彩的作品,于个人痛苦表现的同时,又不失对于祖国与人民的忠诚。她的艺术交织着内心情感世界与墨西哥的政治生活。卡洛的绘画一生,在自己寻根的同时,也关注了墨西哥争取自身文化身份的奋斗历程.
READING 2      1,24
Digital Photo Illustration
Chapter 1  Artists

Thefollowing passage is from the introduction to the book Digital Photo Illustration by Jeremy Gardiner, professor of DigitalArts at the London College of Music andMedia. This book was published by Van Nostrand Reinhold in 1994.
【1. Digital Photo Illustration数码照片插图2.introduction序言 3. Media(medium的复数) 新闻媒介,传播媒介】
第一段:Painting has reclaimed the territory itlost in 1839 when the invention of photography made Paul Delaroche declare"From today painting is dead." Today the marriage of electronicpaint systems and digital photography is bridging the gap between paintingand photography. In the last ten years digitalimages have turned the history of image making on its head by making aphotograph as plastic and changeable as painting.
【1.   reclaim收回,取回 2. photography照相术,摄影术3. marriage紧密结合 4. bridgethe gap 缩小差距 5. image making图像制作 6. turn sth on its head: to change somethingcompletely 7. plastic可塑的 8. changeable易变的;不定的

Paul Delaroche(1797~1859)
【第一段分析:(背景:绘画收复了它的领土….)Painting has reclaimed the territory itlost in 1839 when the invention of photography made Paul Delaroche declare"From today painting is dead." (观点)Today the marriage of electronic paint systems and digital photographyis bridging the gap between painting and photography.(直陈,具体的解释观点) In the last ten years digital images haveturned the history of image making on its headby making a photograph as plastic and changeable as painting.
本段结构:背景+ 观点 + 解释  ////  对于下面段落的期待: 1.数码摄影的发展过程 2.数码摄影怎样逐渐地和绘画融为一体的】
第二段:Thehistory of photography has always followed the path of technological developments.When photogravure was introduced in the middle of the nineteenth century itenabled periodicals and books to use pictures. Then push button cameras andfast printing papers made the technology available to everyone. Industrial andcommercial applications have even influenced the size and shape of photographs.Business and industry today also drive the evolution of new technology; asprices of software and hardware drop and performance, user interface, andoutput get better, the old preconceived boundaries between art and technologywill fade away.
【1. photogravure凹版印刷;凹版照相2. periodical期刊 3. drive驱动,迫使,逼迫 4. performance (机器等的)性能 5. user interface【电脑】用户界面 6. output【电脑】输出;输出信息 7. fade away逐渐消失 8. preconceive  vt.预想  9. commercial商业的 10. application应用】
【第二段分析:(承上启下,开始讲摄影术发展的历史 / 段落分主题:摄影的历史一直遵循着技术发展的道路前进)
(承上启下)The history of photography has alwaysfollowed the path of technological developments. (由远到近, 按时间顺序)(1)When photogravure was introduced in the middle ofthe nineteenth century it enabled periodicals and books to use pictures. (2)Then push button cameras and fast printing papers madethe technology available to everyone. (3)Industrialand commercial applicationshave even influenced the size and shape of photographs. Business and industry today also drive the evolution of newtechnology;(因果句 回到主题)(4) as prices of software and hardware drop and performance, user interface,and output get better, the old preconceived boundaries between art andtechnology will fade away. 】
【回忆首段主题1. Today the marriage of electronic paint systems anddigital photography is bridging the gap between painting and photography. 提示:段落与段落之间要有紧密的逻辑关系  / 在第二段中作者概述了摄影术发展的历史(由远到近)。1. 凹版照相的诞生; 2.相机的诞生; 3.工业和商业对于相机的使用; 4. 价格的下降等因素为打破绘画与摄影之间的界限奠定了基础。】

第三段:  Conventional photography is a linear processthat involves exposure, development, and printing. Digital images have specificadvantages over material ones. They can be transmitted, manipulated, and storedeasily. . . .
【1. conventional普通的,传统的 2. linear线性的 3. exposure曝光 4. development【摄】显影 5. transmit传输,传送 6. manipulate (熟练地)操作,运用 7. store贮存 8. printing【摄】印相 】
【第三段分析Conventional photography is a linearprocess that involves exposure, development, and printing. (对照)Digital images have specific advantages over materialones. They can be transmitted, manipulated, and stored easily. . . .
第三段和第二段的分主题是一样的 -----摄影的历史一直遵循着技术发展的道路前进。在本段中作者用对照的手法向读者介绍了数码照片优于传统摄影的几个方面。10323
第四段: Photography has never told the truthanyway --- it has always been the photographer who framed the picture and chosethe viewpoint. This is an evolutionary process not a revolutionary one. Artistsand photographers have been collaging, . . . retouching, . . . for over a hundredyears. Many definable qualities of digital photo illustration were anticipatedby artists. Photomontage emerged in the nineteenth century and became apowerful tool in the hands of artists like Heartfield,  Rodchenko, and Moholy Nagy.
【1. frame vt.制定;设计;构想出 2. viewpoint视角, 观点,见解 3. evolutionary发展的;进化的 4. revolutionary革命的, 完全创新的 5. collage  把...创作成拼贴画 6. retouch补染, 修片,修版7. definable 可下定义的 8. Photomontage集成照相;蒙太奇照相 9. emerge浮现;出现 10. quality 特性,品质 11. anticipate预先考虑到
在第四段中,主题是什么? 作者是怎样写支撑句的?下一段可能会写什么?
【第四段分析:(观点: ) Photography has never told the truth anyway ---  (破折号解释) it has always been the photographer who framed the picture and chosethe viewpoint. This is an evolutionary process not a revolutionary one.(更加具体的解释) Artists and photographers have beencollaging, . . . retouching, . . . for over a hundred years. Many definablequalities of digital photo illustration were anticipated by artists. (结果)Photomontage emerged in the nineteenth century and became apowerful tool in the hands of artists like Heartfield,  Rodchenko, and Moholy Nagy.    对下一个段落的期待:Photomontage一词的扩展 】
【作者继续讲摄影术发展的历史,在本段中作者对摄影术开始进行具体的分析:摄影并没有客观地反应现实,主观的色彩比较浓重,一百多年来艺术家和摄影师门一直在对图像进行拼贴,修版,结果蒙太奇诞生 回忆主题:Today the marriage of electronicpaint systems and digital photography is bridging the gap between painting andphotography. 所以我们说绘画与摄影逐渐溶为一体,蒙太奇照相在发展过程中是关键的一步。     本段结构:  观点 + 说明 + 结果】
【摄影师:john heartfield德国摄影家约翰 哈特菲尔德 出生于一个作家的家庭,16岁时考进慕尼黑艺术学校,他从事过广告画家、美术教员、封面装帧设计和舞台美术设计职业,并在绘画、雕刻和美术设计方面有很深的造诣,但使他真成名的则是摄影剪辑。同许多柏林的达达主义者一样,约翰哈特菲尔德 在超现实主义照片中注入明显的政治动机,被人们称为虚无主义政治题材照片剪辑家。他把照片的报纸加以剪辑,创作了用于反纳粹的宣传标语牌和杂志插图,特别是对于希特勒的讽刺竭尽手段,使纳粹分子胆战心惊,因此遭到疯狂的迫害,作品被烧毁,国籍被取消,被迫逃亡捷克。】

2. 自动电梯

3. 教堂走廊

6. 时光

10. 鹰

[Today] two generations of artists anddesigners have soaked in the glare of television. Images on a screen form ourknowledge of the world today. As a result much digital photo illustrationpresents us with work that is conceptual and secondhand, and like many imagesfrom the mass media this genre already has a powerful hold on human perceptions.
【1.soak浸泡,浸渍   2. glare刺眼的强光 3. conceptual概念上的 4 secondhand非原始的,间接的 3. mass media大众媒体4. genre【法】文艺作品的类型, 风俗画,世态画5. hold支撑点6.perception观念;看法】
【第五段分析:(背景)([Today]two generations of artists and designers have soaked in the glare of television. Images on a screen form our knowledge ofthe world today. (观点)Asa result much digital photo illustration presents us with work that is conceptual and secondhand,and (结果)like many images from the mass media thisgenre already has a powerful hold on human perceptions.  数码摄影在电视上的应用,以及对于整个人类观念的影响。Conceptual概念上的, secondhand非原始的,间接的】

第六段:Working with a computer enables theindividual to interact with the raw material of our culture directly. Digitalphoto illustration is an attempt to secure the freedom of artistic expressionin an effort to overcome what is in danger of becoming an everyday electronicstyle.
【1. interact互相作用;互相影响,互动 2. secure 获得,保证,争取 3.everyday司空见惯的 4. attempt 企图,尝试】
【第六段分析:(背景)Workingwith a computer enables the individual to interact with the raw material of ourculture directly. (观点)Digital photoillustration is an attempt to secure the freedom ofartistic expression (目的)in an effort toovercome what is in danger of becoming an everyday electronic style. 承接上文。使用电脑,数码摄影可以使人们获得自由的艺术表达形式。】


第七段:   All image processing systems are founded onthe same idea. Any picture, whether it is a drawing, a painting, or aphotograph, can be turned into the binary data understood by a computer. Withenough computer power this data can be manipulated easily. It is obvious that allgraphic production is quickly becoming part of a big electronic chain. Whenartists put down their pencils and storyboards and begin working with thecomputer, physical production will no longer be managed by productioncraftspeople. The physical production process will have begun the moment theimage is created. However, digital image processing still remains apost-creative production process. Even though the computer opens up a wealth ofcreative potential, few people have come to grips with approaching it in thisway. Digital photo illustration looks at the processes and methods that can beused to exploit this potential.
【1.imageprocessing systems图像处理系统 2. drawing素描 3. binarydata二进制数据
4.storyboard 安排电影拍摄程序的记事板 5. craftspeople工匠;手艺人6.graphic图解的; 绘画的 7. physical自然的,物质的8.potential可能性;潜力 9. grip理解,掌握;控制 10. approach着手处理,开始对付 11. exploit利用, 开发 12. a wealth of大量,许多】
【第七段分析: (承接上文,继续讲使用电脑制作图像)  All imageprocessing systems are founded on the same idea. Any picture, whether it is adrawing, a painting, or a photograph, can be turned into the binary dataunderstood by a computer. (使用电脑制作图像的好处)With enough computer power this data can bemanipulated easily. (对于电脑制作图像的分析)It is obvious thatall graphic production is quickly becoming part of a big electronic chain. (举例说明前一句的分析)When artists put down their pencils andstoryboards and begin working with the computer, physicalproduction will no longer be managed by production craftspeople. (使用电脑制作图像的缺陷)The physical production process will havebegun the moment the image is created. (数码照相弥补了这一缺陷) However, digital image processing stillremains a post-creative production process. (用让步句从另一个方面说明数码照相弥补了电脑制作图像的缺陷Even though the computer opens up a wealthof creative potential, few people have come to grips with approaching it inthis way. Digital photo illustration looks at the processes and methods thatcan be used to exploit this potential.休息
第七段分析:承接上文,运用电脑制作图片的过程有两个缺陷 1. 在自然制图过程中不再受人的控制 2.尽管电脑为我们提供了大量的创作潜能,但很少有人能够用这种方法来处理图像。而数码照相可以弥补这两点不足。1.它是仍然是后期的创意制作过程2.它可以开发利用电脑制图的潜力      整个段落的目的: 说明数码照相的优点】
第八段:   The ease with which image processing systemscan change existing images challenges ideasabout what constitutes an "original" art work. Digital photoillustrations are rapidly destroying our concept of what an original is. Once acollection of picture elements are in the database of an image processingsystem, they can be manipulated without the loss of image quality known as"generation loss." With a digital image processing system, a copy isno longer inferior to the image it was based upon or copied from. The systemalso automatically retains a copy when the image is output, and so it ispossible to archive these copies. An image can be output again at a later date,and that image will be identical to the one approved the first time, months oreven years earlier. What remains in storage is actually less fugitive than a conventionalphotographic duplicate. . . .
【1.   ease容易;不费力 2. constitute构成 3.database【电脑】资料库,数据库 4. retain保留,保持5.archive把...存档 6. identical完全相同的 7. fugitive难以捉摸的;易变的, 短暂的8. duplicate ;复制品;副本 10 original原著;原画;原版11. output  输出 12. storage【电脑】存储,记忆;存储器 13. a collection of 大量的】

【第八段分析:(观点:图像处理系统能够轻而易举地改变现存的图像挑战了构成原版艺术作品的观念)The ease with which image processingsystems can change existing images challenges ideas about what constitutes an"original" art work. (直陈说明)Digitalphoto illustrations are rapidly destroying our concept of what an original is. (具体说明优点1)Once a collection ofpicture elements are in the database of an image processing system, they can bemanipulated without the loss of image quality known as "generationloss." (进一步具体解释)With a digital image processing system, acopy is no longer inferior to the image it was based upon or copied from. (直陈说明 优点2)The system also automatically retains a copy when theimage is output, and so it is possible to archive these copies. (直陈说明 优点3)An image can be output again at a later date, and thatimage will be identical to the one approved the first time, months or evenyears earlier. (对于优点3的说明)Whatremains in storage is actually less fugitive than a conventional photographicduplicate. . . .
承接上文,数码照相已彻底地改变了人们原版艺术作品的概念。它有很多优点1.图像被巧妙地处理而图像的质量丝毫没有损失, 2. 当图像被输出时,系统会自动保存图像; 3 图像可以以后再次被输出并且和第一张图像一样;】
【全文结构总结: 从第一段到第四段,作者主要讲绘画与摄影逐渐密切结合的过程并产生了蒙太奇照相。从第五段到第八段,作者分析了这种艺术形式的实质并阐明了它对于人类观念上的影响以及优缺点。 】
荷风侠    发表于:2008-7-25 20:47:55
+1 标  题:揭密:教你如何鉴定数字图像真伪(图)

荷风侠    发表于:2008-7-25 20:48:53
+2 标  题:揭密:教你如何鉴定数字图像真伪
几乎每个月都会有一张伪造的图片曝光。今年2月,一张显示濒危动物藏羚羊(Tibetan antelope)在青藏铁路桥下穿过的照片被揪了出来。在这张获奖照片上,崭新的高速列车呼啸而过,而藏羚羊似乎没有受到任何影响。为庆祝举世瞩目的青藏铁路建成通车,2006 年,数百家中国媒体转载了这张照片。但很快就有人注意到照片中的古怪:部分藏羚羊是怀孕的母羊,却不见小羊,而在青藏铁路通车的那个季节,照理是应该有小羊的。今年,这张照片在北京地铁公开展出之后,更多的破绽被揪了出来,比如两张照片的拼接线清晰可见。于是,人们公开提出了质疑。事发后,这张照片的炮制者刘为强被他所在的大庆晚报社解聘,而该报总编亦引咎辞职。中国官方新闻机构公开致歉,并保证从数据库中删除刘为强拍摄的所有照片。
常有新闻媒体、执法部门、法院及公民个人委托我鉴别图片的真伪。每张待鉴定的照片都向我提出了新的、不同以往的挑战,需要采用不同的办法来解决。我曾通过检测光线来寻找破绽,最终发现一张两人合影是由他们各自的照片拼合而成;拿到一张别人上传到网上参加钓鱼竞赛的照片,我就会查找照片是否存在因缩放操作而产生的像素伪迹;对于一幅在软件所有权争议中作为证据的屏幕截图,由于发现JPEG 压缩(一种标准的数据格式)存在不一致的漏洞,我断定有人在其中做了手脚。
照片真实与否,可以决定一个人会不会遭受牢狱之灾,或者鉴定出最新宣布的科学发现究竟是革命性进展、还是一场让整个领域蒙羞的骗局。伪造的照片还可以左右选举结果:在1950 年美国大选期间,一张米勒德·E· 泰丁斯(Millard E. Tydings) 参议员与美国共产党(American Communist Party)领导人厄尔·白劳德(Earl Browder)交谈的照片被曝光,泰丁斯因此在竞选中落败,后来人们怀疑这张照片是被修改过的。近几年的政治宣传广告中,作伪照片的案例更是层出不穷。2004 年初,有人在互联网上发布了一幅伪造的剪报,刻意显示民主党总统候选人约翰·克里(John Kerry)在20 世纪70 年代一次反越战活动中同美国著名女星简·方达(Jane Fonda)站在同一台上。因此,现在我们比以往更加有必要知道,什么时候才能够“眼见为实”。
荷风侠    发表于:2008-7-25 20:49:39
+3 标  题:揭密:教你如何鉴定数字图像真伪

荷风侠    发表于:2008-7-25 20:50:27
+4 标  题:教你如何鉴定数字图像真伪

荷风侠    发表于:2008-7-25 20:51:28
+5 标  题:教你如何鉴定数字图像真伪

荷风侠    发表于:2008-7-25 20:52:36
+6 标  题:教你如何鉴定数字图像真伪

READING 1            Spell It in English    Chapter 2  language
English spelling is confusing and chaotic,as any student of English knows all too well. "How can the letters oughspell so many different sounding words," they ask, "like dough,bough, rough, and through?" And what about a word like colonel, whichclearly contains
no r yet pretendsit does, and ache, with its k sound instead of the chuh sound of arch? And whydoes four have a u while forty doesn't? There are no simple rules for Englishspelling, but there is an explanation behind its complexity. We have only tolook back in history.
Over the centuries, the English languagehas been like a magnet, attracting words from numerous other languages. It allstarted with the Britons, an ancient people living in a part of western Europethat eventually became the British Isles. The Britonsspoke a language called Celtic, which was a combination of the early forms ofIrish, Scottish, and Welsh. When the Britons were conquered by the Romans andlater the Germanic tribes, their language was also invaded. The merging of thelanguages gave birth to Old English (an early form of the Modern English weknow), and a Latin alphabet replaced, with a few exceptions, the ancientGermanic alphabet. In the ninth century, the conquering Norsemen from Scandinavia added their pinch of language spice, as didthe French in the 11th century.
By the 14th century, English, with its mixof at least five languages, had evolved into what is called Middle English andhad become Britain'sofficial language. At that time, however, its spellings were far fromconsistent or rational. Many dialects had developed over the centuries, andsometimes people adopted the spelling used in one part of the country and thepronunciation used in another. For instance, today we use the western Englishspellings for busy and bury, but we give the first the London pronunciation bizzy and the second theKentish pronunciation berry. Of course, this all happened when English was
primarily a spokenlanguage, and only scholars knew how to read and write. Even they appear tohave been quite indifferent to matters of consistency in spelling and wereknown to spell the same word several different ways in a single sentence.
Even after William Caxton set up England'sfirst printing press in the late 15th century and the written word becameavailable to everyone, standard spelling wasn't considered very important. As amatter of fact, the typesetters in the 1500s made things even worse by beingvery careless about spelling. If a blank space needed to be filled in or a linewas too long, they simply changed the spellings of words to make them fit.Moreover, many of the early printers in Englandwere from Germany or Holland and didn't knowEnglish very well. If they didn't know the spelling of a word, they made upone! Different printers each had their favorite spellings, so one word might bespelled five or six different ways, depending on who printed the passage.
Throughout this period, names and wordsappear in many different forms. For instance, where can be found as wher,whair, wair, wheare, were, and so on. People were even very liberal about theirnames. More than 80 spellings of Shakespeare's name have been found, among themShagsspeare, Shakspeare, and even Shakestaffe. Shakespeare himself didn't spellhis name the same way in any two of his six known signatures he even spelledhis name two different ways in his will.
By the late 16th century and early 17thcentury, some progress had been made in standardizing spelling due to the workof various scholars. By then, however, English spelling was far from a simple phoneticsystem. For one thing, word pronunciations had changed too rapidly for a trulyphonetic spelling to keep up. Also, English had borrowed from many languagesand ended up having far too many sounds (more than 40) for the 26 letters inits Roman alphabet. By the time printing houses finally began to agree onstandard spellings, many of these written forms were only a shadow of theirspoken selves. In other words, spelling and pronunciation sometimes had littlein common.
Finally, in 1755, Samuel Johnson gaveEnglish its first great dictionary. His choice of spellings may not have alwaysbeen the best or the easiest, but the book helped to make the spellings of mostEnglish words uniform. Eventually, people became aware of the need for
"correct"spelling. Meanwhile, on the other side of the Atlantic,Noah Webster was standardizing American English in his American Dictionary ofthe English Language and American Spelling Book. Although the British had beencomplaining about the messiness of English spelling for some time, it was theAmericans, with their fanaticism for efficiency, who screamed the loudest.Webster not only favored a simplified, more phonetic spelling system, but alsotried to persuade Congress to pass a law making the use of nonstandard spellinga punishable offense.
Mark Twain was of the same mind butlaziness figured into his opinion. He wasn't concerned so much with thedifficulty of spelling words as with the trouble in writing them. He became afan of the "phonographic alphabet, created by Isaac Pitman, the inventorof
Shorthand a systemin which symbols represent words, phrases, and letters. "To write the wordlaugh,' " Twain wrote in A Simplified Alphabet, "the pen has to makefourteen strokes no labor is saved to penman." But to write the same wordin the phonographic alphabet. Twain continued, the pen had to make just threestrokes. As much as Twain would have loved it, Pitman's phonographic alphabetnever caught on.
Interest in reforming English spellingcontinued to gain momentum on both sides of the Atlantic.For a while, it seemed as if every famous writer and scholar had jumped on thespelling bandwagon. Spelling reform associations began to pop up everywhere. In1876, the American Philological Association called for the "urgent"adoption of II new spellings: liv, tho, thru, wisht, catalog, definit, gard,giv, hv, infinit, and ar. In the same year, the Spelling Reform Association wasformed, followed three years later by a British version.
In 1906, the philanthropist AndrewCarnegie gave $250,000 to help establish the Simplified Spelling Board. Theboard quickly issued a list of 300 words that were commonly spelled two ways,such as ax and axe, and called for using the simpler of the two. The boardhelped to gain acceptance for quite a few American spellings, includingcatalog,
demagog, andprogram.
Eventually the Simplified Spelling Boardgot carried away with its work, calling for such spellings as tuff, def,treble, and yu. The call for simplified spelling quickly went out of fashion,particularly with the onset of World War I and the death of Andrew Carnegie.The
movement neverdied out completely, however. Spelling reform continued to be an ongoing, ifless dramatic, process, as it had been for centuries. Without the benefit oflarge donations or outside agencies, many words have shed useless letters.Deposite has lost its e, as have
fossile andsecretariate. Musick and physick have dropped their needless k's, and catalogueand dialogue have shed their last two vowels.
As long as the world goes around, languagewill continue to change. New words will be added to English; spellings will bealtered. But because people are most comfortable with the familiar, it's not likelythat we'll ever see a major change in the way most words are spelled. Anyway,what would we do without the challenge of English spelling?
READING 2    Coconut and Satellite        Chapter 2  Language
The following extracts are taken from the book Great Expressions by Marvin Vanoni (William Morrow & Co., New York, 1989). Theyillustrate the historical development of the words coconut and satellite.
【1. extract摘录,选用(例子,章节等) 2. coconut椰子;椰子肉3.
Portuguese parentsof the sixteenth century threatened their children with the bogeyman if theydidn't behave. They called the bogeyman coco, from a Latin expression meaning"skull. " No child had ever actually seen a coco, but they knew ithad an ugly face.
The Portuguese traders who first arrived at the Pacific Islands found a variety of palm treesthat bore a large brown nut about the same size as a man's head. They wereshocked to see three black marks on the nut ---- two eyes and a mouth. Itresembled a bogeyman so much that they called it coconut. The word was soonadopted by the English and is still with us today.
【1.  bogeyman(吓唬儿童时声称的)鬼怪 2. behave听话,表现好 3. palm trees 棕榈树4. nut坚果 5. resemble像,类似6.Portuguese葡萄牙的7.skull (象征死亡的)骷髅画】


No other city,ancient or modern, can be compared with Romein terms of world domination. For a period of more than a thousand years themetropolis was the hub of Western civilization. Eventually, however, the verylife of the Empire was threatened by economic unrest and a series of rapidchanges in government.
【1. domination支配,统治,控制;优势 2. metropolis大都市;首都;首府 3. hub . (兴趣、活动的)中心 4. unrest动乱;动荡  5.】
Matters reached such a state that no person ofimportance dared to walk the streets of the capital without an escort. Manynotables were literally surrounded by armed bodyguards; members of such a guardwere known as satellites, from an old name for an "attendant."
【1. state状况,状态,情况;形势 2. escort护卫队,护卫者 3. notable名人;显要人物
4. literally实在地,不加夸张地 5. bodyguard ,保镖;护卫队 6. guard哨兵;卫兵;警备员
7. satellite卫星,人造卫星, 随从,追随者 8. attendant陪从,】
Despite their satellites, one aristocrat after anotherwas murdered. External difficulties multiplied, the Empire crashed, and classicalLatin ceased to be the language of commerce and science. But learned menrevived the ancient tongue ten centuries later and used it for most formalspeech. Among the resurrected terms was satellite, which medieval rulersapplied to their personal guards.
【1.aristocrat贵族(指个人) 2. external外部的3. multiply增加 4. cease停止,结束 5. revive使重新流行,使再生效6. tongue语言;方言;口语 7. resurrect使再活跃;使再流行
8. medieval 老式的;守旧的 9. ruler统治者;管理者】
Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) thought of the king'ssatellites when he heard about the strange bodies revolving about Jupiter. Discoveredby Galileo, the secondary planets hovered about the planet like guards andcourtiers encircling a prince. So in 1611 Kepler named them satellites; soonthe term was applied to all heavenly bodies that revolve about primary masses.
【1. Jupiter【天】木星 2. revolve旋转,以...为中心,绕着转 3.body天体 4. Galileo伽利略(1564-1642,意大利的天文学家)5. secondary次要的,从属的6.hover盘旋,停留7. courtier奉承者,谄媚者8. encircle环绕;包围】

READING 1              Cleanliness                            Chapter 2
第一段:Cleanlinessis considered a virtue, but just what does it mean to be clean? As most of ushave had the unpleasant occasion to discover, one person's definition can bequite different from another's. From Istanbul toIndianapolis,people have their own ways of keeping clean and their own reasons for doing so.
【1.   Cleanliness洁净;爱好清洁 2. virtue美德 3.Istanbul伊斯坦布尔(土耳其港市) 4. Indianapolis 印第安纳波利斯(美国印第安纳州首府)5. definition定义】
【第一段分析:(背景:以提问开篇)Cleanliness is considered a virtue, but just what does it mean to be clean?As most of us have had the unpleasant occasion to discover, one person's definition can be quitedifferent from another's. From Istanbul to Indianapolis, (为下面的段落做铺垫)people havetheir own ways of keeping clean and their own reasons for doing so. 主旨句 后面的段落肯定会说明人们讲卫生的各种方式和讲卫生的理由】
【结构: 背景 + 主旨句】
【我们还可以根据这一段写出自己的模板段落:A is considered B, but just what does itmean to be A? ……….  one person's definition can be quite different from another's. …………….peoplehave their own ways of keeping A and their own reasons for doing so.    A 被看做是B。但A到底是什么意思? 一个人的定义与另一个人的定义大不相同。…….. 人们有自己的方式做A并且有自己的理由去做A。】
第二段:  Cleanliness has had a long and varied historywith mixed reviews. Sometimes it's popular; sometimes it's not. Throughout theages, personal cleanliness has been greatly influenced by religion, culture, andtechnology. Moreover, bathing has served many functions in addition to hygiene.Baths are also places for social gathering, mental and physical relaxation, andmedicinal treatment. Archaeological evidence suggests that bathing is as old asthe first civilizations. Soaplike material has been found in clay jars ofBabylonian origin, dating back to about 2800 B.C.E. One of the first knownbathtubs came from Minoan Crete, and a pretty sophisticated plumbing system ofclay pipes is known to have existed in the great palace of King Minos,built in 1700 B.C.E. The ancient Egyptians didn't have such plumbing expertisebut are known to have had a positive attitude toward hygiene. They washed withsoapy material made of animal and vegetable oils and salts and sat in a shallowkind of bath while attendants poured water over them.
【1.Throughout the ages古往今来 2. bathing沐浴 3. hygiene卫生学 4. medicinal药的;药用的;有药效的 5. review批评,评论 < mixed reviews>  人们褒贬不一的评论 6. bath  浴室 7. archaeological考古学的8. Babylonian巴比伦人 9.  B.C.E.=before common era 公元前 10.bathtub浴缸 11. plumbing卫生管道工程 12 expertise专门知识;专门技术 13. soapy肥皂质的, 沾满肥皂的 14. shallow浅的,  n.浅水处15. origin出身;门第;血统16.Minoan弥诺斯文明的,克里特文明的 17. Crete克里特岛(希腊领土)】

第二段分析:(从古到今,承上启下    洁净有着漫长的人们褒贬不一的历史  )  Cleanliness hashad a long and varied historywith mixed reviews. [回忆主旨句:people have their own ways of keeping clean and their own reasons for doing so.]
Sometimes it'spopular; sometimes it's not. ( 分主题和主旨句的支撑句 reason 一词的扩展 :讲卫生的原因) (笼统)Throughout the ages, personal cleanliness has been greatlyinfluenced by religion, culture, and technology.(具体)Moreover, bathing has served many functions in additionto hygiene. 1.Baths are also places for socialgathering, 2.mental and physical relaxation, and3.medicinal treatment. (关键词history 扩展) Archaeological evidence suggests thatbathing is as old as thefirst civilizations. Soaplike material has been found in clay jars ofBabylonian origin, dating back to about 2800B.C.E. One of the first known bathtubs came from Minoan Crete, and a prettysophisticated plumbing system of clay pipes is known to have existed in thegreat palace of King Minos, built in 1700 B.C.E. The ancient Egyptians didn't havesuch plumbing expertise but are known to have had a positive attitude towardhygiene.(主旨句中 people have their own ways ofkeeping clean的支撑句) Theywashed with soapy material made of animal and vegetable oils and salts and satin a shallow kind of bath while attendants poured water over them.
第三段:  The Greeks prized cleanliness, although theydidn't use soap. Instead, they rubbed oil and ashes on their bodies, scrubbedwith blocks of rocks or sand, and scraped themselves clean with a curved metalinstrument. A dip in the water and anointment with olive oil followed. Theywere no doubt clean, but how would they smell if we followed them down thestreet today?
【1. prize vt.重视,珍视 2. rub擦 3. scrub用力擦洗 4. scrape括(或擦)干净 5. dip浸泡6. anointment  涂油 7. curved弯曲的,成曲线的】
【第三段分析: (承上启下,(主旨句中 people have their own ways of keeping clean的支撑句  希腊人保持清洁的方式 )  The Greeksprized cleanliness, although they didn't use soap. Instead, they rubbed oiland ashes on their bodies, scrubbed with blocks of rocks or sand, and scrapedthemselves clean with a curved metal instrument. A dip in the water andanointment with olive oil followed. They were no doubt clean, but how wouldthey smell if we followed them down the street today?】
第四段: Therewere public Grecian baths as well as private ones, but they didn't serve thesocial purpose of the Roman baths. It seems that no one in history has indulgedin bathing the way the Romans did. Nearly a dozen large and magnificent publicbathhouses dotted the city, and many hundreds of private baths were found inhomes. Emperor Caracalla's bath could accommodate 1,600 bathers at a time.Emperor Diocletian entertained crowds of more than 3,000 in the marble splendor of his bath, finished in 305 C.E. Apparently the Romans had lotsof time on their hands, because bathing was not just an exercise; it was anevent. First, a bather entered a warm room to sweat and to engage in lengthyconversations. Fine oils and sand were used to cleanse the body. Next came ahot room where the bather would be treated to even more sweating, splashingwith water, more oils and scraping, and yet more talk. Finally, the Romansconcluded the process by plunging into a cool and refreshing pool. In the earlyyears of the baths, men and women had separate areas, but eventually the sexes mixedand the baths lost their virtuous purpose.
【1. Grecian希腊的 2. indulge沉迷;放纵自己 3. bathhouse公共浴室,澡堂 4. dot  vt.布满;点缀5. accommodate能容纳 6. bather 洗澡者 7. splendor壮丽;壮观; 8. C.E. =Christian Era 基督纪元,公元 9. marble大理石的 10. event大事11. sweat出汗 12. engage in参加 13. lengthy长的;冗长的;罗嗦的 14. cleanse 使清洁 15. splash溅,泼;激起水花 16. conclude  vt.结束 17.plunge into投(入);跳(入) 18. refreshing提神的;清凉的 19. virtuous有道德的,贞洁的 20 and yet  可是,然而】


【第四段分析:(承上启下, 用对照的方式引出罗马人保持清洁的方式people have their own ways of keeping clean的支撑句) There were public Grecian baths as well as privateones, but they didn't serve the social purpose of the Roman baths.(分论点) It seems that no one in history hasindulged in bathing the way the Romans did. (说明,由远到近,由宽到窄,由笼统到具体)Nearly a dozen large and magnificent publicbathhouses dotted the city, and many hundreds of private baths were found inhomes. Emperor Caracalla's bath could accommodate 1,600 bathers at a time.Emperor Diocletian entertained crowds of more than 3,000 in the marble splendor of his bath, finished in 305 C.E. Apparently the Romans had lotsof time on their hands, because bathing was not just an exercise; it was anevent. First, a bather entered a warm room to sweat and to engage in lengthyconversations. Fine oils and sand were used to cleanse the body. Next came ahot room where the bather would be treated to even more sweating, splashingwith water, more oils and scraping, and yet more talk. Finally, the Romansconcluded the process by plunging into a cool and refreshing pool. In the earlyyears of the baths, men and women had separate areas, but eventually the sexes mixedand the baths lost their virtuous purpose.】
第五段: Socorrupt were Roman society and its baths that the fathers of the earlyChristian church discouraged bathing. The hygienic practices of the Greeks andRomans were repressed to such an extent that Europeduring the Middle Ages has been said to have gone a thousand years without abath. Queen Isabella of Castille boasted that she had bathed only twice in herlife ---- at birth and before her marriage. Religion wasn't the only reason whyEuropeans didn't bathe. Although the royal and wealthy sometimes indulged, commonersfound bathing virtually impossible. With no running water, polluted rivers, andsoap taxed as a luxury item, the ordinary citizen had little opportunity tobathe. As a result, people lived in filth, clothing was infested with vermin,and disease was rampant.
【1. corrupt腐败的, 堕落的,邪恶的 2. Christian基督教的 3. father祖先;前辈; (大写)神父 4. repressed受压抑的,受抑制的 5. boast自吹自擂;夸耀 6. royal王的,女王的;王室的, (大写)(英国)皇家的;英国的 7. indulge沉迷;放纵自己 8. commoner平民 9. tax 向...课税 10. filth肮脏;污物 11. vermin害虫(指鼠、虱等);寄生虫 12. rampant蔓延的;猖獗的 13. Castille卡斯蒂利亚(西班牙中部和北部一地区)  14. infest大批出没于;侵扰;骚扰Gnats andmosquitoes infested the field by the river.小昆虫和蚊子群集于河边的田野里。】
【第五段分析:(承上启下  由于腐败导致不洗澡,不洗澡的两个原因 ,不洗澡的后果) Socorrupt were Roman society and its baths that the fathers of the earlyChristian church discouraged bathing. Thehygienic practices of the Greeks and Romans were repressed to such an extentthat Europe during the Middle Ages has beensaid to have gone a thousand years without a bath. Queen Isabella of Castilleboasted that she had bathed only twice in her life ---- at birth and before hermarriage. (原因)1. Religion wasn'tthe only reason why Europeans didn't bathe. Although the royal and wealthysometimes indulged, (原因)2.commoners found bathing virtually impossible.With no running water, polluted rivers, and soap taxed as a luxury item, theordinary citizen had little opportunity to bathe. (后果)As a result, people lived in filth, clothing was infested with vermin,and disease was rampant.】
第六段: EarlyAmericans, being of European origin, brought their dirty habits with them. Bythe 1800s, however, both Europeans and Americans were reforming their ways. Asit became known that filth led to disease, governments began to improvesanitation standards. Wash houses were built, and bathing became a good thingagain. In the United States,tubs, water heaters, and good indoor plumbing put bathing within the reach ofordinary citizens. They like it so much that today the average American claimsto shower or bathe more than seven times a week.
【1.   sanitation公共卫生,环境卫生 2. tub浴缸 】
【第六段分析: (承上启下) EarlyAmericans, being of European origin, brought their dirty habits with them. (本段主题:人们又开始讲卫生了)By the 1800s, however, both Europeans and Americanswere reforming their ways. (原因)As it became known that filth led to disease,governments began to improve sanitation standards. Wash houses were built, andbathing became a good thing again. In the United States, tubs, water heaters,and good indoor plumbing put bathing within the reach of ordinary citizens.They like it so much that today the average American claims to shower or bathemore than seven times a week.
第七段:   In America, clean means not only free of dirtbut free of odor as well--- or, rather, human odors, because millions ofdollars are spent each year on powders and perfumes that cover up any naturalsmells that might slip by. As any deodorant ad will tell you, to have body odor(B.O.) is a grave social offense.
【1. odor气味,臭气 2. freeof…无 3. powder扑粉,化妆用粉 4. perfume香水;香料
5. cover up 掩盖 6. deodorant防臭剂 7. gravesocial offense严重的社会犯罪 8. or, rather,更确切地说 *He left late last night, or rather early thismorning.
【第七段分析:(承上启下)说明干净的标准  无污物,无臭味  InAmerica, clean means not only free of dirt but free of odor as well--- or,rather, human odors, 解释because millionsof dollars are spent each year on powders and perfumes that cover up anynatural smells that might slip by. As anydeodorant ad will tell you, to have body odor (B.O.) is a grave social offense.】
第八段: Inmany Middle Eastern countries, cleanliness has religious overtones that linkspiritual and physical purification. The Jewish people have many religious lawsrelating to hygiene, both personal and in the preparation of food. Muslims,too, live by some very strict rules related to cleanliness. For example, theyare required to wash certain parts of their bodies, such as their feet andhands, before they pray. Since the time of Mohammed, sweat baths, or hammams,have been recommended. They serve not only as places for cleansing but also as retreatsand opportunities for socializing. As a matter of fact, the Crusaders, whoenjoyed hammams, brought the idea of the public bath back to Europewith them and introduced the use of thermal baths as therapy for a variety ofills.
【1. overtone言外之意,弦外之音 2. purification 洗净,净化3. Jewish犹太人的, 犹太教的 4. hygiene卫生学;保健法 5. Muslim穆斯林(即伊斯兰教徒) 6. pray祈祷 7. Mohammed 穆罕默德 8. sweat baths 汗水浴, 汗浴场 9. retreat . 隐退处;休养所 10. socialize参与社交 11. Crusader【史】十字军战士 12 thermal baths温泉浴 13.therapy治疗,疗法 14. hammam澡堂】
【第八段分析: (清洁具有宗教色彩并与精神和肉体的净化有关)In many MiddleEastern countries, cleanliness has religious overtones that link spiritual and physicalpurification. 1.The Jewish people havemany religious laws relating to hygiene, bothpersonal and in the preparation of food. 2.Muslims,too, live by some very strict rules related to cleanliness. For example, theyare required to wash certain parts of their bodies,such as their feet and hands, before they pray.Since the time of Mohammed, sweat baths, or hammams, have been recommended.They serve not only as places for cleansing but also as retreats and opportunities for socializing. As a matter of fact,the Crusaders, who enjoyed hammams, brought the idea of the public bath back toEurope with them and introduced the use ofthermal baths as therapy for a variety of ills.
第九段:  For many Middle Easterners, baths are a sortof ritual, a major affair that takes longer than an hour. Bathing begins with asteam, followed by rubbing the body with a hard towel, then soaping and rinsing.People usually want to lie down after a bath. Since it takes so long and is soexhausting, they indulge in these baths once a week.
【1.ritual仪式,典礼 2. towel毛巾布 3. soap  v.用肥皂擦洗 4. rinse冲洗 5.】
【第九段分析:(洗澡的具体过程)  For many Middle Easterners, baths are a sortof ritual, a major affair that takes longer thanan hour. Bathing begins with a steam, followed by rubbing the body with a hardtowel, then soaping and rinsing. People usually want to lie down after a bath.Since it takes so long and is so exhausting, they indulge in these baths once aweek.】
第十段: Asian cultures are very strict and ritualistic about their cleanliness. TheJapanese in particular are known for their personal hygiene, which extends fromremoving their shoes and putting on special slippers before entering any houseor building to extensive washing before meals.
【1.ritualistic仪式的; 惯例的 2. slippers拖鞋 3.
【第十段分析: (亚洲人洗澡的惯例) Asian culturesare very strict and ritualistic about their cleanliness. The Japanese inparticular are known for their personal hygiene, which extends from removingtheir shoes and putting on special slippers before entering any house orbuilding to extensive washing before meals.
第十一段:  It is logical to conclude that cleanlinesshas many different meanings and is judged by a variety of standards. Clean manspure, in a religious sense, as well as clean of body. For some it means being "squeakyclean" and smelling like roses. For others, a more "natural" stateis acceptable. Whether it means washing one's hands and face or a head-to-toescrubbing, cleanliness is a cultural practice, with enough stories and emotionsbehind it to make a real soap opera.
【1.   logical符合逻辑地 2. pure纯净的;洁净的 3. squeaky吱吱响的;发短促尖声的squeaky clean【口】纯洁的;无瑕疵的4. soap opera肥皂剧(以家庭问题为题材的广播或电视连续剧) 5.sense 意义】
【第十一段分析: (总结全文, 将前面的分主题简单的提一下) It is logical to conclude that cleanlinesshas many different meanings and is judged by a variety of standards. Clean mans pure, in a religious sense,as well as clean of body. For some it meansbeing "squeaky clean" and smelling likeroses. For others, a more "natural"state is acceptable. Whether it means washing one's hands and face or ahead-to-toe scrubbing, cleanliness is a cultural practice, with enough storiesand emotions behind it to make a real soap opera.】

READING  2           Cleaner Fish
The followingpassage is from the book Symbiosis by Nicolette Perry (Blandford Press,Dorsett, Poole, England, 1983). It describes the cleaning habits of fish.
Cleaning symbiosesare found in the sea, in freshwater, on land and in the air, but the greatest
number of examplesconcern marine species. It is essential for all creatures to have some methodof keeping themselves clean and free from parasites. If they do not, they willprobably fall ill from infected wounds or the effects of disease and blood lossfrom parasites. For those species that are unable to clean themselves it is obviouslyvital to find some other animal to perform this cleaning function. This chapteris concerned with describing some typical examples of cleaning symbioses aswell as the more extraordinary ones.
The vast majority of cleaners are fish; atleast 45 species are known cleaners and there may well be more. Fish that arehabitually cleaned often have to modify their usual behavior to allow thecleaners to do their work. It is not normal for aggressive species like shark,barracuda and moray eels to allow small fish to swim safely near them. Withknown cleaner species, however, these and other fish change their attitudecompletely and allow the cleaners all over their bodies without displaying anyferocity towards them. The clients will slow down or stop completely (unusualbehavior for most fish, as they usually move all the time), open and closetheir mouths and gill covers and assume awkward-looking postures to help thecleaners. It is quite possible that some species have become extinctbecause of an
inability toestablish a cleaning symbiosis. So many individuals could have fallen foul ofectoparasites, fungi and bacteria that the population was made inviable.
Some fishes change color while beingcleaned. Black Surgeon Fish go from black to blue when they are being cleanedby Labroides dimidiatus. The Goatfish changes from pale brown to pink while thesame cleaner picks it over for parasites.
Fishes being groomed guard their cleanersagainst danger by warning them of the approach of predators. The Nassau Grouperwhen cleaned by gobies' warns its cleaner by suddenly closing its mouth, leavingonly a small gap to allow the goby to escape. Even if the
grouper is inimminent danger itself it takes time to warn the goby. This shows the regardthat the client feels for its cleaner and the service that it performs.
Several species of cleaner set up cleaning stations inone particular place. The local fish soon realize where the cleaner is locatedand will visit it whenever they require cleaning.             Quite astonishing numbers of fishare cleaned in this way: not only territorial species that would normally befound in the area but also migratory ones which have gone out of their way tovisit these stations. Client fish will patiently wait their turn to be cleaned,and even form orderly queues.
Quite a considerable amount ofobservational and experimental work has been done on these cleaning stations.Limbaugh, for example, discovered that over three hundred fish can be cleanedby a single Senorita Fish in a six-hour period. These fish go back to the same
cleaner every fewdays for another session and this enables them to remain in peak condition. Limbaughalso did some experiments in waters off the Bahamas. He removed all the cleanerfish from one locality and observed the effects on the species normally foundthere. Within two days the numbers of fish were severely reduced and within twoweeks almost all
the territorialfish had disappeared. Those that remained had developed the fuzzy marks thatare an indication of fungal infection. It had been shown in previousexperiments that the introduction of cleaners into an aquarium infected byfungi can restore its inhabitants to health.
From the above the value of cleaningsymbiosis in the marine habitat can easily be seen. Without the work of all thecleaners of the ocean, the effects of parasites, fungi and injury would killmany more species than they do already. The Senorita Fish is an example of a typicalcleaner. It is of the wrasse family and lives off the coast of California. It is anactive, small, cigar-shaped fish that the local people call the Senoritabecause of its cleaning habits. Its client fishes include the Topsmelt, BlackSea Bass, Opaleye, Blacksmith Fish and many more. These fish are almost allmuch larger than the cleaner and would normally prey on wrasses of theSenorita's size. They do not attack the Senorita, however, but wait patientlyuntil it is their turn to be cleaned, hold themselves still and often in themost peculiar postures while being attended to. The fish in the area of thecoast that the Senorita Fish inhabits are especially troubled by fungalinfection, and removal of the white growths caused by the fungi is thecleaner's most important function. The cleaning phenomenon has been observedfor many years to the extent that one species is popularly called the CleanerFish or
Wrasse. It is asmall, slim fish with cyan-colored body, striped with darker blue or black. Thecleaner fish goes onstage further than the Senorita in that it actively attractsclients by "dancing." It swims in a vertical position, headdownwards, and undulates its body from side to side. This is a most unusualposture for fish, as they usually swim horizontally to the sea bed. This"dancing" makes the cleaner noticeable to even the most myopic fish,and it has become the cleaner's trade mark.
Clients line up, as for the Senorita,until it is their turn to be cleaned, and also allow the little fish to entertheir mouths and gill cavities unharmed. The contents of various species'stomachs have been examined to assess the quantity of cleaner fish that areeaten, both by fish that are known clients and others. It has been found that veryfew cleaners are consumed by any species, although fish of similar size make upthe bulk of the diet. So few cleaner fish are eaten that it seems probable thatthe small number that are are taken accidentally by absent-minded clientsrather than actively predated upon.
READING 1    Chapter 4  P 91
Doctors Without Borders
【无国界医生组织(DoctorsWithout Borders, Medecins Sans Frontiers——简称MSF),于1971年12月20日在巴黎成立,是一个由各国专业医学人员组成的国际性的志愿者组织,专门从事医疗援助的人道主义非政府组织,是全球最大的独立人道医疗救援组织。1999年获得诺贝尔和平奖。】
第一段:Even in wealthy countries with technologicallyadvanced health care systems, obtaining medical care can sometimes bedifficult. Imagine being in a developing country where there is a war going on.There are no hospitals. There are no doctors. There is no medicine. You areinjured and very sick. How can you get medical help?
【1.   Border边界,边境,国界  2. healthcare 卫生保健;保健事业 3. medicalcare医疗保健 】
【第一段分析:(背景)Evenin wealthy countries with technologically advanced health care systems,obtaining medical care can sometimes be difficult. Imagine being in a developingcountry where there is a war going on. There are no hospitals. There are nodoctors. There is no medicine. You are injured and very sick. How can you getmedical help? 以提问的方式引出下文 (主题)】【背景 + 提问引出主题】
第二段: In1971, a group of doctors got together in France and created an organizationcalled Medecins Sans Frontieres, or MSF, which translates to Doctors WithoutBorders. These doctors believed that all people have the right to medical care,whatever their race, religion, or political affiliation, and that meeting theirneeds is more important than respecting national borders. The doctors wanted togive emergency aid to victims of war, epidemics, and disasters, whether naturalor human in origin. To do this they organized volunteer teams of health care workersto go to often dangerous and remote areas.
【1. political affiliation政治背景,政治立场 2. emergency aid紧急援助 3. epidemic流行病 4.remote遥远的;偏僻的 5. origin起源;由来;起因】

【第二段分析:(承上启下,引出题目。 无国界医生组织的历史,由远到近。) In 1971, a group of doctors got togetherin Franceand created an organization called Medecins Sans Frontieres, or MSF, whichtranslates to Doctors Without Borders.(成立这一组织的两个原因) 1.These doctorsbelieved that all people have the right to medical care, whatever their race,religion, or political affiliation, and that meeting their needs is moreimportant than respecting national borders. 2.Thedoctors wanted to give emergency aid to victims of war, epidemics, anddisasters, whether natural or human in origin. (结果)To do this they organized volunteer teams of health care workers to goto often dangerous and remote areas.回答了上一个段落提出的问题。】
第三段:   Atfirst, Doctors Without Borders was a very small organization. It consisted of volunteerswho lived on money they earned from other jobs. Other internationalorganizations considered the volunteers from Doctors Without Borders to be"amateurs" or "tourists." The organization did not growvery much because the volunteers did not ask for charity from the public fortheir service.
【1. charity慈善团体 2.】
【第三段分析:  (历史,由远到近。解释为什么一开始发展不快。) Atfirst, Doctors Without Borders was a very small organization. 1.Itconsisted of volunteers who lived on money they earned from other jobs. Otherinternational organizations considered the volunteers from Doctors WithoutBorders to be "amateurs" or "tourists." 2.The organization did not growvery much because the volunteers did not ask for charity from the public fortheir service.】
第四段:  After 1978, because of world conflicts andthe growth of refugee camps everywhere, the organization's activities spreadlike the roots of a tree. Doctors Without Borders began to take a moreprofessional approach. It realized it needed funds and started to use the kindsof fund-raising techniques used in American political campaigns. This seemed towork well, and with the money it raised, Doctors Without Borders organizeditself better and got better technology for dealing with emergencies. First, itbegan to pay an administrator and to give a small amount of money to doctors whowere sent out for six months. Expanding from its origins in France, it developed sections in other countriesfirst in Belgium, Switzerland, the Netherlands,and Spain and later in othercountries such as Australiaand Canada.To encourage people to join the organization and give stability to its volunteers,it began to pay the doctors who worked in the headquarters, to give travelallowances, and to give a stipend of $700 amonth to doctors who worked on long-term missions in the field. Since the1980s, the number of doctors and nurses joining the organization has increased.In 1987, a U.S. branch ofDoctors Without Borders was established in New York to allow American doctors to becomeinvolved. Having trained and worked in an organized and advanced medical system,American doctors wanted to see how big an impact their skills could have in aless developed country.
【1. fund-raising筹款  2. administrator . 管理人;行政官员 3. Netherlands荷兰 4. stability坚定;恒心 5. headquarters总部 6. allowance津贴,补贴 7. stipend津贴;薪饷8.refugee 难民】
【第四段分析:(历史,由远到近, 由小到大。说明这一组织能逐步发展起来的原因以及发展的方法和过程)  原因1. (需求量大)After 1978, because of world conflicts and the growth of refugeecamps everywhere, the organization's activities spread like the roots of atree. Doctors Without Borders began to take a more professionalapproach. 原因2.(解决了资金的问题) It realized it needed funds and started to use the kinds of fund-raisingtechniques used in American political campaigns. This seemed to work well, andwith the money it raised, Doctors Without Borders organized itself better andgot better technology for dealing with emergencies. First, it began to pay an administrator and to give a small amount ofmoney to doctors who were sent out for six months. 3. 资金的使用使组织迅速扩大Expandingfrom its origins in France, it developed sections in other countries first inBelgium, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Spain and later in other countriessuch as Australia and Canada. To encourage people to join the organizationand give stability to its volunteers, it began to paythe doctors who worked in the headquarters, to give travel allowances, and togive a stipend of $700 amonth to doctors who worked on long-term missions in the field. Since the1980s, the number of doctors and nurses joining the organization has increased.In 1987, a U.S. branch ofDoctors Without Borders was established in New York to allow American doctors to becomeinvolved. 4.(为下一段测衔接做铺垫) Having trained and worked in an organized and advanced medical system,American doctors wanted to see how big an impact their skills could have in aless developed country.】

第五段:Doctors Without Borders is very efficient and quick tocome to the aid of people in a crisis. However, before Doctors Without Borders decidesit is needed in an area where there is a humanitarian crisis, it sends out anexperienced team. The job of the team is to evaluate the medical andnutritional needs of the people in that area. The team looks at the transportand security facilities as well as the political environment. The team thensends its information to one of the operational offices. The Operations Departmentmakes the final decision to intervene and starts the mission. People in thisdepartment decide who is going to be sent, the materials needed, and themedical priorities. Each mission is coordinated by one of the organization's sections.Then, within 24 hours, Doctors Without Borders sends emergency kits, whichinclude generators and operating rooms that are the size of a conference table.These kits were developed by Doctors Without Borders and are used as models byemergency relief organizations worldwide. The kits are so complete that theycan be used to provide medical assistance to thousands of people for severalmonths. In 1991, within ten days of the departure of hundreds of thousands of Kurdishrefugees from Iraq,Doctors Without Borders sent 75 airplanes loaded with 2,500 tons of equipmentand supplies. After the kits are sent, teams of volunteers go to the crisisarea and start their work.
【1.efficient效率高的;有能力的 2. humanitarian人道主义的;博爱的 3. evaluate对...评价;为...鉴定 4. lookat 着眼于… 5. operational 操作上的, 经营上的作战上的6.intervene干涉,干预 6. coordinate协调 7. emergencykits紧急医疗装备 8. generator发电机 9.emergency relief organizations紧急救援组织 10. departure离开11. Kurdish  库尔德人的】
【第五段分析:(上一段讲组织发展的过程,)(承上启下句)DoctorsWithout Borders is very efficient and quick tocome to the aid of people in a crisis. (这一段讲工作的程序)However,before Doctors Without Borders decides it is needed in an area where there is ahumanitarian crisis, it sends out an experienced team. The job of the team is to evaluate the medicaland nutritional needs of the people in that area. The team looks at thetransport and security facilities as well as the political environment. Theteam then sends its information to one of the operational offices. TheOperations Department makes the final decision to intervene and starts themission. People in this department decide who is going to be sent, thematerials needed, and the medical priorities. Each mission is coordinated byone of the organization's sections. Then, within 24 hours, Doctors WithoutBorders sends emergency kits, which include generators and operating rooms thatare the size of a conference table. These kits were developed by Doctors WithoutBorders and are used as models by emergency relief organizations worldwide. Thekits are so complete that they can be used to provide medical assistance tothousands of people for several months. In 1991, within ten days of thedeparture of hundreds of thousands of Kurdish refugees from Iraq, Doctors Without Borders sent75 airplanes loaded with 2,500 tons of equipment and supplies. After the kitsare sent, teams of volunteers go to the crisis area and start their work.


2009年05月14日09:32 [我来说两句][字号:大中小]

20080515 无国界医生:展开地震灾区评估工作
【第五段分析: (承上启下,回忆上一段的最后一句:Having trained and worked in anorganized and advanced medical system, American doctors wanted to see how bigan impact their skills could have in a less developed country.)
Doctors Without Borders is very efficient and quick tocome to the aid of people in a crisis. (开始具体说无国界医生组织怎样具体执行任务)However,before Doctors Without Borders decides it is needed in an area where there is ahumanitarian crisis, it sends out an experienced team. The job of the team isto evaluate the medical and nutritional needs of the people in that area. Theteam looks at the transport and security facilities as well as the political environment.The team then sends its information to one of the operational offices. TheOperations Department makes the final decision to intervene and starts themission. People in this department decide who is going to be sent, thematerials needed, and the medical priorities. Each mission is coordinated byone of the organization's sections. Then, within 24 hours, Doctors WithoutBorders sends emergency kits, which include generators and operating rooms thatare the size of a conference table. These kits were developed by Doctors WithoutBorders and are used as models by emergency relief organizations worldwide. Thekits are so complete that they can be used to provide medical assistance tothousands of people for several months. In 1991, within ten days of thedeparture of hundreds of thousands of Kurdish refugees from Iraq, Doctors Without Borders sent75 airplanes loaded with 2,500 tons of equipment and supplies. After the kitsare sent, teams of volunteers go to the crisis area and start their work.

成千上万伊拉克居民逃往土耳其边界 公路堵塞[图]
2003年3月19日 18:59

第六段:Another of the missions of the organizationis to bear witness and speak out. Doctors Without Borders is neutral andimpartial as an organization and demands complete freedom in performing itsjob. However, sometimes medical help is not enough to save lives, and it is thenthat the organization will speak out to raise awareness so that some action canbe taken. The point of speaking out is to improve conditions for the populationin danger. In some situations, volunteers may give testimony at the UnitedNations, or they may openly criticize mass violations of human rights such asgenocide, forced displacement of refugees, and war crimes. In 1994, DoctorsWithout Borders volunteers were among the peacekeepers sent to Bosnia.Volunteers witnessed great suffering. One doctor testified before the U.S.Congress about what he had learned: shots were fired at random into a group of some230 people who were being kept in a small room, and then the dead and theinjured were buried together. The testimony of the doctor led the United Nationsto call these incidents crimes against humanity."
【1. bear witness作证,证明 2. neutral中立的 3.impartial 公正的,无偏见的 4. testimony【律】证词,证言,证据,证明 5. raise awareness提高意识/认识 6. point意义,目的 7. massviolations of human rights对于人权大规模的侵犯 8. genocide种族灭绝;集体屠杀 9. forced displacement of refugees被迫流离失所的难民  10. peacekeepers维护和平者 11. Bosnia 波斯尼亚 12. suffering苦难的经历;令人痛苦的事 13 testify作证
14. at random随意地 15. testimony【律】证词,证言 16.
【第六段分析: (承上启下, 无国界医生组织的另一个任务 (证明并说出)】背景Another of the missions of the organization is to bear witness and speak out. Doctors Without Bordersis neutral and impartial as an organization and demands complete freedom inperforming its job. However, (由远到近,支持关键词bear witness and speak out )【笼统说明】sometimes medical help is not enough tosave lives, and it is then that the organization will speak out to raiseawareness so that some action can be taken. The point of speaking out is toimprove conditions for the population in danger. In some situations, volunteersmay give testimony at the United Nations, or they may openly criticize massviolations of human rights such as genocide, forced displacement of refugees,and war crimes.(具体描述) In 1994, Doctors Without Borders volunteerswere among the peacekeepers sent to Bosnia. Volunteers witnessed greatsuffering. One doctor testified before the U.S.Congress about what he had learned: shots were fired at random into a group of some230 people who were being kept in a small room, and then the dead and theinjured were buried together. The testimony of the doctor led the United Nationsto call these incidents crimes against humanity." 】
第七段: Doctors Without Borders is independent and flexible in its operationbecause it is not funded by any government. Although the organization has itsorigins in France,it receives less than one percent of its total budget from the Frenchgovernment. It is a nonprofit organization that gets its funds from donationsby the public. Some corporations, agencies, and other nonprofit organizationsgive financial support, too. Because it is not tied to government funding, itcan maintain its independence and live up to its ideals.
【1.   independent  独立的 2. flexible可变通的;灵活的 3. budget预算,经费 4. nonprofit  非营利的 5. live up to实践,不辜负 6.】
【第七段分析:(对于无国界医生组织工作特点的说明)  DoctorsWithout Borders is independent and flexible inits operation (笼统说明)becauseit is not funded by any government. (具体说明)Although the organization has its originsin France, it receives less than one percent of its total budget from theFrench government. It is a nonprofit organization that gets its funds fromdonations by the public. Some corporations, agencies, and other nonprofitorganizations give financial support, too. Because it is not tied to governmentfunding,(结果) it can maintain its independence and live up to its ideals.  独立和灵活的目的是为了实现自己的理想】
第八段: In 1999, Doctors Without Borders wonthe Nobel Peace Prize for its "pioneering humanitarian work on severalcontinents," in the words of the Norwegian Nobel Committee. One of theorganization's founders, Bernard Koucher, said, "I'm deeply moved, and I'mthinking of all the people who died without aid, of all those who died waitingfor someone to knock on their door." Since the organization was founded,volunteers have worked in Nicaragua,Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Rwanda,Kosovo, Timor, and Iraq,as well as with the Kurds.
【1. founder创立者;奠基者;缔造者 2. continent大陆, 大洲3.humanitarian人道主义的
4. Norwegian挪威的 5. Nicaragua尼加拉瓜 6. Afghanistan阿富汗 7. Ethiopia埃塞俄比亚 8. Rwanda卢旺达9. Kosovo科索沃  10 Timor帝汶岛 11. Kurds库尔德人12.pioneering开创的,首创的】
【第八段分析:(结果) In 1999, DoctorsWithout Borders won the Nobel Peace Prize for its "pioneering humanitarianwork on several continents," in the words of the Norwegian NobelCommittee. (煽情) One of the organization's founders, BernardKoucher, said, "I'm deeply moved, and I'm thinking of all the people whodied without aid, of all those who died waiting for someone to knock on theirdoor." (结果)Since the organizationwas founded, volunteers have worked in Nicaragua, Afghanistan, Ethiopia,Rwanda, Kosovo, Timor, and Iraq, as well as with the Kurds.】
第九段: Today, Doctors Without Borders hasoperations in more than 80 countries. These operations are run by more than2,500 volunteer doctors, nurses, medical professionals, sanitation engineers,and administrators from 45 countries. These people work with 15,000 people whoare hired locally to provide medical aid in troubled areas. Doctors WithoutBorders continues to find and to confront some of the greatest challenges inthe world today.
【1. professional专家,内行 2. confront勇敢地面对】
第九段分析: (承上启下 总结)Today, Doctors Without Borders has operations in morethan 80 countries. These operations are run by more than 2,500 volunteer doctors,nurses, medical professionals, sanitation engineers, and administrators from 45countries. These people work with 15,000 people who are hired locally toprovide medical aid in troubled areas. Doctors Without Borders continues tofind and to confront some of the greatest challenges in the world today.
【读后感: 本文是一篇叙述文。我们在写叙述文的时候,如果处理不好就很容易写成流水账。我们学的第一篇叙述文 Frida Kahlo 的结尾就很精彩,给人在极其艰苦的条件下战胜苦难的勇气和决心-----“She left her work as her legacy, to be sure.(高度总结和概括,思想上的升华)But equally inspirational is her life storyand the fact that, by transforming pain intobrilliant art, Frida Kahio triumphed over misfortune.”相比之下本篇叙述文的结尾却有点平淡无奇,缺少让读者能一目了然看到的思想上的火花,尽管本文有着丰富精彩的内容。
1.These doctors believed that all people havethe right to medical care, whatever their race, religion, or political affiliation,and that meeting their needs is more important than respecting nationalborders. 2.The doctors wanted to give emergencyaid to victims of war, epidemics, and disasters, whether natural or human inorigin.
多名成员遇害 无国界医生组织宣布将撤出阿富汗

无国界医生组织秘书长马兰·比索尼埃(右)和该组织阿富汗负责人肯尼· 格卢克出席在阿富汗首都喀布尔举行的新闻发布会。自2003年以来,已有30多名无国界医生组织成员在阿富汗境内遇害。

READING 2      Stranglers in a Strange Land   Chapter 4   P102
Thefollowing article, “Stranglers in a Strange Land” by Janet Milhomme,appeared in Escape Magazine in 1994.
[1. Strangler扼杀者;压制者
第一段: In the annals of travel, there has neverbeen a road hazard like them. Thugs were their name. Strangulation their game.
【1. annals编年史, 历史记载 2. thug恶棍;刺客;凶汉;暴徒  3. strangulation勒杀,绞死 ,窒息 4 hazard危险;危害物;危险之源】
第二段:The Thugs, or Thugees as they were calledthen by the British, turned travel in 17th- and 18th-century India into a stateof emergency. They murdered as many as 40,000 people a year for decades whileauthorities looked the other way and counted the protection profits.
【1. look the other way装作没看见,故意朝另一边看 】
第三段:Almost without exception, the Thugs preyedon travelers making their way along dusty Indian roads. They would insinuatethemselves into the confidence of the travelers until the opportunity arose tostrangle, rob and bury them. Master con men, they were called Thags inHindustani, meaning "deceivers."
【1. prey on掠夺 2. make one’sway前往,行进,去 3. insinuate使逐渐而巧妙地取得;使迂回地渗入[(+into)] He tried to insinuate himself into theboss's favor.他设法巧妙地渐渐取得老板的欢心。4. strangle扼死;勒死;绞死 5. deceiver欺诈者,骗子 6. con欺诈的
7. Hindustani印度斯坦人 8. master主要的 9. confidence信赖,信任 10
第四段: They were the Manson family of their dayand no traveler was safe from their wiles. To carry out the supposed wishes ofthe goddess Kali, cult members, who numbered in the tens of thousands, staged elaborateproductions to ensnare unsuspecting travelers. Each gang (which mightconsist of as many as 900 men) had its leader who directed all the moves.Divided into separate parties of 10 to 20 persons, they either followed eachother at a distance or, taking different routes, rendezvoused at appointed places,presumably by accident, and without appearing to know each other.
【1. wiles诡计;花招 2. carry out实现 3. goddess女神 4. . cult (对人、思想、事物等的)狂热崇拜,迷信;狂热, (总称)崇拜者,迷信者 5. ensnare诱入圈套;陷害 6. unsuspecting  不怀疑的 7. number总数达到8 tensof thousands 成千上万9. supposed假定的;想像上的 10. stage筹划 11. production (戏剧)演出 12 gang (歹徒等的)一帮,一群 13.direct . 指挥,命令,指示14. rendezvous 约会;会面;会合 15. appointed指定的 16. presumably大概,可能;想必 17. elaborate精心制作的, 煞费苦心的,
第五段:  Thugs never acted without the strength of numbers or the element ofsurprise. Some of the gang were sent ahead to select a good killing site anddig graves while others brought up the rear to keep watch. If an advance partyneeded more assistance to kill their victims, they made certain marks on theroads, clues to the gang who followed that they were to hasten forward. Soefficient was their system of communication that if travelers began to suspectone party, another group of Thugs would infiltrate. After getting rid of thefirst group, the second then strangled them. If travelers suspected or avoidedboth parties, two or more Thugs were ordered to keep them in sight, whilesignals were sent to other members in a production that might last a week ormore before the victims were finally waylaid.
【1. element适宜的环境 2. surprise突然袭击 3. grave墓穴;埋葬处 4. .to bring up the rear = to follow in the rear 殿后 5. advance先行的 6. hasten加速 7. infiltrate使(思想、人员等)渗透 8. waylay (为抢劫等)伏击9.strangle扼死;勒死;绞死 10】
第六段:  Thugs traveled for days in the company oftheir prey, using every manner to gain their friendship and confidence, usuallyproposing that they travel together for safety reasons. The murders normallyoccurred when the party rested at an appropriate spot. The stranglers came up frombehind with accomplices at their side. Two Thugs were considered indispensableand commonly three gave a hand.
【1. accomplice 共犯,同谋,帮凶 2. indispensable必不可少的,必需的 】
第七段: Theirweapon was a strip of twisted yellow or white silk knotted at one end with asilver coin consecrated to Kali. The Thug held the opposite end in his hand,and with a flick of the wrist, threw the weighted end around the victim'sthroat, and it was over in seconds. The bodies, dumped in shallow graves, werefor Kali. Since Kali conveniently had no need for earthly treasures, the bootywent to the Thugs.
【1.strip条,带;细长片 2. knotted打结的, 3. consecrate[(+to)],  奉...为神圣,尊崇 4. flick 轻弹声,轻击声 5. wrist腕;腕关节,手腕动作, 6. dump倾倒;抛弃 7. earthly世俗的;物质的  8. booty战利品,缴获物9. silk丝绸制品 10
第八段:   Despite the mayhem, there was no outcry from the authorities. Rajahs andIndian chiefs, corrupt police and petty local authorities offered protectionfor a price. It wasn't until Lord William Bentinck (British Governor-General ofIndia, 1833-35) took steps to attack the system that the Thugees were seriouslypursued. His chief agent was Captain William Sleeman, a young Bengal Armyofficer who led a 12-year campaign that finally broke up the Thugs through massarrests and execution.
【1. mayhem有意的暴行 2. outcry强烈的抗议(或反对) 3. Rajah =raja (印度等的)王公;首领 4. petty下级的,职位低的 5. Bengal 孟加拉 6.execution 处死刑;死刑 7. break up崩溃;分离;解散 8. price悬赏;奖赏;贿赂 9. Governor-General总督 10 Captain 首领】
第九段:   From 1831 to 1837, 3,266 Thugs werecaptured, of whom 412 were hanged, 483 turned state's evidence, and the restwere transported or imprisoned for life. Ironically, many of the arrests wereachieved by exploiting the criminals' passionate devotion to family. Thugsturned themselves in after family members were captured and imprisoned, and toSleeman's astonishment, they were not the brutes he had envisioned but in manycases were otherwise upstanding citizens and family men.
【1. capture捕获;俘虏 2. state's evidence污点证人 3. passionate热情的 4. exploit利用
5. brute兽;畜生,人面兽心的人,残暴的人 6. envision想像 7. upstanding诚实的,正直的
8. family men忠于家庭的人,喜爱家庭生活的人 9. transport放逐,流放 10. ….imprisoned for life终身监禁  11. otherwise在其他方面】
第十段:  Their confessions, however, were stupefying----many Thugs proudly admitting to an unthinkable number of murders. Their diaries,mostly lacking in detail, were monotonous lists of their morbid deeds.
"Left Poona and on arrival at Saroramurdered a traveler."
"On nearly reaching Bhopal, met 3 Brahmins and murderedthem."
【1. confession  坦白,供认 2. stupefy使麻木; 使惊呆3.diary日记 4. monotonous因单一而使人厌倦的;无变化的;无聊的5.morbid病态的;可怖的;令人厌恶的 6.  Brahmin高雅人士,上层人士 】
第十一段:  One Thug claimed to have strangled 431persons during 40 years of Thuggee. He said there were many more, but he was sointent on luring them to destruction that he lost count.
【1. intent 热切的,急切的 2. lure引诱,诱惑 3. lostcount记不清了
第十二段  For all those who thought the world was getting less safe, the Thugs providea little perspective.
【1. perspective看法,观点】