莫纳什大学专业介绍:七年级英语(上)Unit 7 教案

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/30 13:16:56

Unit  7


Section A

1.  How much is this         ?

2. It’s                 dollars.

Bag                   hat               T-shirt

skirt                  sweater                  

注意:1)这个句型只适合 单数名词, 基数词 1—-9

2)美国超市里商品上的价签price tag 的写法:$ 7 , 读法:seven dollars.  你知道 我们当地超市里 如何写价格标签吗?

3)  It’s…=It is … 

4)  可以写成:It’s  7  dollars.

5 one dollar  不用复数dollarsEg: It’s only one dollar.


3.  How much are these          ?

4. They’re        dollars.

Short         spants        socks         shoes

注意: 1)有些东西常以复数出现。

2 ) sock, shoe 是可以用单数的。

3They’re… = They are …  

3)引入 only P29】这个副词。

4) 学习这个句型,需要熟悉 基数词(1----100),你又会多少呢?

Section A ---1b

A:  How much is the hat?

B:  The hat is six dollars.

A:  And how much are the shorts?

B:  Oh, they’re eight dollars,

A:  And the sweater?

How much is the sweater?

B:  Let’s see. The sweater is nine dollars.



5. What color is  the big hat ?

6. It’s red.


black      white      red      green

blue       yellow      blue and yellow             

big                            small

long                           short

注意: 准备多种颜色的物品,便于教学。

1)知道  big,  long的反义词。

2)  变化为复数形式,反复操练。

3)在遇到几个东西时,询问某一个,就要说出具有某种特征的那一个,必要引入 形容词。如:big, red, your….. 

4)引入 also  [P40],  too  [P57]  这两个副词了解一下。

5) 操练:How much is the blue hat?  P42---2a


Section A---2a  2b

Conversation 1

A: How much is the green T-shirt?

B:     It’s eight dollars.


Conversation 2

A: How much is the black bag?

B: It’s  two  dollars.


Conversation 3

A:  How much are the red shorts?

B:  They’re nine dollars.


Conversation 4

A: I like this green sweater. How much is it?

B: It’s seven dollars.


Conversation 5

A:  I like big blue hats. Do you have one?

B:  Yes. I have this one here.

A:  How much is it?

B:  It’s 5 dollars.


Conversation 6

A:  I like those long, blue and yellow socks.

      How much are they?

B: They’re only 2 dollars.



7.   Can I  help  you?

8.   Yes,  please.   I  want              .



1) 店员 clerk 常问你

Can I help you?    或:  What can I do for you?

2) 你不买东西时,你该礼貌的回答:

Oh, I just have a look. (P46)



9.   What color do you want?

10.  Here you are.

注意: 店员要热情地招待顾客,问问他们要什么样的。

颜色: What color do you want?

型号;  What size do you want?

交给顾客看看是否满意。说: Here you are.  (给你)


11.  I’ll  take  it / them.

12.  You’re welcome.

注意:顾客 还可以问问店员 价格 ( price ),  满意后说:

I’ll take it / them.(我买下了。) Thank you. / thanks.

店员说:You’re welcome. (不客气)



Clerk:  Can I help you?


Clerk:  What color do you want?


Clerk:  Here you are.


Clerk:                 dollars .


Clerk:  You’re welcome.



Section B


学习基数词  10---31

1—9 你能说出来吗?)1.      ten,  eleven,  twelve,

2.      thirteen,  fourteen,  fifteen,  sixteen, seventeen, eighteen,  nineteen.

3.     twenty,  thirty, … …

4.     twenty-one,  thirty-two … … .



Section B ---1a

10,  11, …  …  31


Section B ---2a, 2b

Mom: Oh, look. I like that blue sweater. How much is it?

Lisa:   Fifteen dollars. Oh, look. I like these socks.

Mom:  Oh, no. I don’t like red.

Lisa:    Do you like this?

Mom:  Mmm, yes, I do, but it’s 11 dollars.

Lisa:    Oh, how much is the green sweater?

Mom:  It’s 20 dollars. But you have a green sweater.

Lisa:   Mmm.

Mom:  Oh, look at these shorts.

Lisa:   Oh, yes, I like those. How much are they?

Mom: Only 16 dollars.

Lisa:   OK, I’ll take those.






Huaxing Clothes Store       Sale  !


Come and buy your clothes at Huaxing’s great


sale! Do you like sweaters? We have sweaters at


a very good price--- only  ¥ 25  ! Do you need


bags for sports ? We have great bags for only   


¥12!   For girls, we have T-shirt in red, green


and white for only   ¥8   ! For boys, you can


buy socks for only ¥ 5    each !   


Anybody can afford    our  prices! 


     Come and see   for yourself


at        Huaxing  Clothes  Store !

 1. 为什么广告 ad )要在价格前 only 这个词呢? 是的,东西是很便宜( very cheap )的。 2. 介词 at, for, in 的习惯用法。
Exercise:   Read the ad. Then read the sentences and wirte T for true or F for false

      1. The name of the store is Huaxing.    (     )

      2.You can buy T-shirts, bags, socks and TV at the store.   (     )

      3.You want to buy two T-shirts. You need pay 18 yuan.    (     )

      4.You can buy socks and T-shirts in all colors.           (      )


   参考词汇:  pay 付款; all 所有的。


Self check


how much,    pants,    sock,   shirt,   T-shirt,   shorts,    sweater,  

shoe,   skirt,    sale,   dollar,   colo(u)r,   black,  white,   red,   green,  

blue,   yellow,   big,   small,   short,   long,   clerk,   help,   want,  

Here you are.   welcome,   You're welcome.   example,    ten,   eleven,  
twelve,   thirteen,  
fourteen,   fifteen,   sixteen,   seventeen,   eighteen,  
nineteen,   twenty,   
thirty,   clothes,   store,   come,   buy,   very,  

price,   each,   anybody,    afford,   our,  see,   youself,   Mr,   sell,  

from,   Zig Zag,   have a look,

on sale,   sorry.



Mr   用于男子‘姓’(family name)之前,也可以用在‘姓名’之xuesheng前。  但不能用在 ‘名’( given name )之前。 常见的姓氏:

      Green  Miller  Smith  Brown Hand Hall  Clark  Jackson  Jones  Cooper   Scott   Martin


sell  卖【与to 搭配】  

    Eg:  My father sells apples to the students学生P.55 .

buy  买【与 from 搭配】

    Eg: The students buy apples from my father.

from  介词。习惯上与动词搭配。

Be from…  … 

Come from …

Buy sth. From…

have a look  看一看【=look

Eg: Let me have a look  at your new pen.

on sale  廉价出售;上市。

   Eg: The green shorts are on sale for 25.  P.46

sorry  adj. 对不起【道歉使用】

Eg:  I’m sorry.     对不起。

     That’s all right.  ( 没什么。 )

仅供参考 联系研讨 2011.02 27