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英语写作精讲精练:精美英文表达25句 2008年03月06日 14:26   昂立英语

  第13讲 意思的有效、精美传输

  1.我一下船就让一个人给缠住了,他向我兜销一枚钻戒。(I had no sooner got off the ship than I was assailed by a man who wanted to sell me a diamond ring.)

  2.我无意要买钻戒,但我无法掩饰自己还是被钻石的个头给吸引住了。(I had no intention of buying one, but I could not conceal the fact that I was impressed by the size of the diamond.)

  3.我们走经一家路边的商店时,他拿起一块钻石,紧紧地按在窗户上,在玻璃上划出了一道很深的印痕。(As we were walking past a shop, he held a diamond firmly against the window and made a deep impression in the glass.)

  4.下一个走向我的人是卖贵重钢笔和手表的。(The next man to approach me was selling expensive pens and watches.)

  5.我仔细查看了其中的一支钢笔,看起来的确像是真的。在金笔帽的底部整齐地刻着“美国造”字样。(I examined one of the pens closely. It certainly looked genuine. At the base of the gold cap, the words ‘Made in USA’ were neatly inscribed.)

  6.这人讲这支笔值50英镑,但算我面子大,只需30镑便可拿走。(The man said that the pen was worth 50 pounds, but as a special favor, he would let me have it for 30 pounds.)

  7.我摇了摇头,伸出了五个手指,意思是我只愿意付5英镑。(I shook my head and held up five fingers indicating that I was willing to pay 5 pounds.)

  8.一边打着手势,嘴里面一边哇哇乱叫着,这人表现得好像感到我的出价让他发疯一般。但他最终还是把价格降到了10英镑。(Gesticulating wildly, the man acted as if he found my offer outrageous, but he eventually reduced the price to 10 pounds.)

  9.我耸了耸肩膀便迈步走开了,此时,也就是那么一会儿的功夫,他追了上来并将笔塞到了我的手里面。(Shrugging my shoulders, I began to walk away when, a moment later, he ran after me and thrust the pen into my hands.)

  10.虽然他绝望地不停地向空中甩着胳膊,然而还是很欣然地接过了我给他的那5英镑。(Though he kept throwing up his arms in despair, he readily accepted the 5 pounds that I gave him.)

  11.我为自己杀价的本领沾沾自喜、得意忘形,但回到船上后这种感觉便荡然无存了。无论我怎么摆弄,就是没办法将这支漂亮的笔灌上墨水。时至今日,它还没写出过一个字呢。(I was especially pleased with my wonderful bargain—until I got back to the ship. No matter how hard I tried, it was impossible to fill this beautiful pen with ink and to this day, it has never written a single word! )

  12.首先,沉湎于过去是无意义的。(First of all, it is futile to dwell on the past.)

  13.其次,为未来而担忧也是没有用的。(Second, it is also useless to worry about the future.)  14.第三,现在的这一刻才是我所知晓的唯一现实,而我不想错失它。(Third, the present moment is the only reality I know and I don’t want to miss it.)

  15.我信奉活在现在,因为沉湎于过去毫无意义,为未来担忧毫无意义,错失我所知晓的唯一现实中的任何东西毫无意义。(I believe in living in the present because it is futile to dwell on the past, to worry about the future, or to miss anything in the reality I know.)

  16.过去存在或发生过的事情也许是很美的,令人兴奋,可以带来无穷的珍贵回忆,但是,过去已经死掉了,活着的生灵徘徊在鬼怪居住的世界里是不健康的。(What existed or happened in the past may have been beautiful or exciting and may bring profound and precious memories. But the past is dead and it is not healthy for living spirits to linger over a world inhabited by ghosts.)

  17.必须把过去保持在属于它的地方,并且超越它。(The past must be kept in its place, outlived and outgrown.)

  18.我想每个人都需要有一种历史感,特别是对自己根源的某种感觉,但是历史有必要与之拉开一段距离才好去欣赏。(Everyone needs a sense of history, particularly a feeling of his or her own roots, but history needs to keep its distance to be appreciated.)

  19.小孩子在电脑上花费了太多的时间,而花在学习和锻炼身体方面的时间却少得可怜,这对他们的学习和健康带来了严重影响,值得我们密切关注。(Children are spending too much time on computers and too little time on study and physical exercises. This has greatly affected their study and health and is, thereby, well worth our deep concern.)

  20.我认为,经验丰富、掌握技能多的人对社会发展的贡献会更大。(I believe that those who have more experience and more skills make more contribution to social development.)

  21.日本高科技消费品得以主导世界市场是因为日本人勤奋、重技术、重创新。(Japanese consumer products are able to dominate the world market because the Japanese are hard working, technologically oriented and innovation-focused.)

  22.首先,我们知道日本人工作拼命,经常为了工作而牺牲自己的闲暇时间。(First of all, we know that the Japanese work very hard, often sacrificing their free time for work.)

  23.鉴于核电太过危险,我认为所有国家应该禁止使用,并将注意力集中到诸如水电、风力发电、太阳能等可替代能源的开发上来。(As nuclear power is far too dangerous, I hold that all countries should ban its use and concentrate, instead, on the development of such alternative sources of energy as hydroelectric power, wind power and solar energy.)

  24.每年都有成千上万的高技能、高学历人才离开中国前往发达国家工作或定居,这对我国的经济发展带来了负面影响,因为这些人才恰恰也是我们国家发展经济所需要的。(Every year thousands of highly skilled and well educated people leave China and go to work or live in a developed country. This is having a negative effect on the economic development of our country, for these are the very people China needs in developing our economy.)

  25.人的社会地位究竟该如何衡定呢?有人认为应该以财富量为准,有人认为应该以对社会的贡献为准。(How can we measure or define one’s social status? Some people hold that it should be based on the wealth an individual owns while others argue that one’s social status should be awarded according the contribution he or she has made to the society. )